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Hants Cricketers - My Spring report

Weston Saint

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Spring term report for Hampshire Championship players:


Adams – started well but has stuttered of late. Still a useful opening bat and with the lack of any alternative he will get a continued run in the team.


Carberry – has carried on where he left off last season and no suprise he is in the Lions squad. Our best player at present


Dawson – likable and enthusiastic chap but mid to late order batsman at most. He needs to develop his bowling or he will find himself out of the first team.


Benham – Should be a good player but regularly loses focus and it is a toss up between him and Dawson to miss out when Lumb returns


McKenzie – very disappointing at present. Let’s hope he improves as the season goes on.


Vince – This lad will play for England in a few years if he develops the way he is at present. Could be in the Gower or Vaughan class in shot making. Just needs to concentrate when he has 30 or 40 and he will start making some 3 figure scores.


Pothas – Good keeper still but his batting is suffering this year from the responsibility of skippering the side. Not really captaining the side with authority. The dressing room is very down at present.


Ervine – in great form with the bat and although his bowling has not returned to it’s former effectiveness it is improving. Perhaps time to move ahead of Pothas in the batting line up.


Cork – Getting on a bit now but his enthusiasm for the game is still there and his experience is essential at this time. I would have had him as captain whist Dimi is out with injury.


Ali – Has shown he can take wickets for us but his knee injury is a worry. He expected to be back this week but on Friday he broke down warming up with the players.


Herath – engaging individual and a steady bowler in the Maru mould but not likely to take a great deal of wickets. Shame we did not decide to stick with Briggs.


Griffiths – pace and taking wickets. Bit expensive but he is taking wickets regularly


Tomlinson - Not as good as last year but more economical than Griffiths and if he can continue todays form he should stay ahead of Griffiths.


Balcolme - First outing this season so not fair to comment.


Briggs – Started well and unlucky to lose out to a late overseas import. His time will come again.



Overall, some good individual performances but when one fires 3 or 4 others do not. We lack penetration and that is a big worry at present.


Must do better.

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Totally agree with you on the captaincy issue, Pothas isn't captain material and his comments in the Echo recently suggest to me that he doesn't really care about the longer form of the game. With that attitude, it's no surprise we've struggled for inspiration and motivation so far this season.

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