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Message from NC - discuss


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A good article spoilt by having a dig at Matt Le Tissier.


If you're reading the Mr Cortese you'd do well to remember that MLT is a god as far as we're concerned so shut the **** up in future.


Apart from that welldone and thanks Nicola for everything you've done.


I think that he had every right to have a go at MLT for the comments printed but as can be seen by today's report, Simon Carter and crew can quite easily manipulate the story to suit their own agenda.

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A good article spoilt by having a dig at Matt Le Tissier.


If you're reading the Mr Cortese you'd do well to remember that MLT is a god as far as we're concerned so shut the **** up in future.


Apart from that welldone and thanks Nicola for everything you've done.


Maybe you should remember MLT was a footballer and Cortese runs this club, he doesn't need to be told how to do his job.

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Of course it did NOT cost us promotion. Not even 'arguably'.


He did not know who the other contenders were. He did not know that the club would survive even if he didn't get off his arse and try to help to do something about it.


The administrator bloke from the back street office in Southend (whose name I have thankfully forgotten) possibly, arguably cost us promotion. I suppose you also believe Barnard arguably cost us promotion - for not coming earlier.


Get a grip.


It could have cost us dearly. Pardew with a decent pre-season would have put a team out at the start of the season that would have overturned the 10 points a lot quicker. He didn't because the bullsh*tters - Fialka and Lynham, backed by Le Tiss strung the administrator along with empty promises.


Get a grip? Muppet.

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One interpretation of Cortese is that he is arrogant. It is that he lacks personal humility, that he seems petty and unable to withstand even the mildest criticism. It is that he has learned his public speaking style and demeanour from the Jose Mourinho charm school. Club statements from him can appear in one interpretation to be a thinly disguised resume on behalf of a bigger better job ahead, listing his personal greatness,brilliant decisions and strategic mastery of the sfc situation, with repeated reference to his superb role in everything that's ever been good this season. Its then interspersed at times with expressions of frustration and implied insults for the less good bits and those that "dare" to question his authority even in the most benign and well-meaning ways ( like MLT and others expressing support for Pardew in the media - was that really an offence worthy of his crushing "put-down" in the statement). That's one way of looking at it.


You might also consider that powerful and important people do not need to brag about their exploits. They are self-evident. All this "I" stuff and repetition of his brilliance as the "saviour" in bringing significant financial backing to the club, picking the manager etc might be interpreted as him having an immodest nature. An objective neutral could hypothesise from the stuff we can read in the public domain that Alan Pardew and him will never be "having fun" together no matter what Nicola has said about the relationship. On an even more flippant note one might ask " How can a divine special one have fun relations with mere mortals anyway?" for that's the impression you might get such is Nicolas' apparent personal appreciation of the role and title "saviour of the club". He's really got into character some might say. Nicola joined and saved the Saints, but does he now think and act like he's become a latter day one?


Have any of the List wondered why Nicola needs to go on about how great he is all the time, and why club statements come across as a propaganda vehicle for "Nicola is God/Big Brother". Do you know what the psychological antecedent of such behaviour comes from? Where does the need to put down dissent in the most brutal way come from. If you read Machiavellis "Prince" you'll get a pretty good answer. Why is there little or no praise bar the "obligatory" 4 lines at the bottom of his self proclamation of greatness about the rest of the SFC team from the part time cleaners upwards? To some cynical observers it might look like an obvious "tag-on" because you are supposed to thank the little people in these end of year kind of speeches aren't you...


One might predict that with an ego this size ( Southampton is his "baby" - ahem, historians may confirm that it was a baby 125 years ago and that he has been a foster daddy around 8months of its life...) that the longevity of his stay at St. Marys will be related more towards its ability to deliver further personal aggrandisement than it is to the clubs development. When, and if, the two are not in synchronicity - well that's toys out the pram time...He will need bigger and better and if he fails to get it quickly enough the toys will be thrown out and he will head to Milan or whoever else he can get to preen himself with on a bigger stage.


Of course if this force of nature can deliver the Premiership in two three or four years hence and keep us there then we should be almightily grateful. To quote another long ago philosopher we must hope that in Nicola we have a beneficial dictator, a "Philosopher King" as Plato once described. It may be the best thing we could ever hope for in this day and age of phoney financiers of football clubs. Nobody will be too worried if we are playing Champions League five years from now and he will be a genius. The thing is, he may think he is a genius already. Markhus does, obviously.


I don't at present but im open minded and am open to being convinced otherwise. All I hope is that he delivers the club up the leagues in a more humanistic "saints"way than what im seeing from him at the moment. A "Southampton style" refers to how we run the club as much as how we play football, Nicola.

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But he never made a decision did he? From somewhere a 'rumour' was leaked and he was able to sit back and see what the likely public reaction would be before being able to come out and deny it if the reaction wasn't to his liking ( which it wasn't ) ... to be fair, that is good business practice, so credit where credits due.


Anyway, I am off to the pub, I am glad that Pardew is going to be incharge of us come the start of the season. :-)


leaked, or made up...we don't know.


He knew months ago that fans were strongly behind Pardew.

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A good article spoilt by having a dig at Matt Le Tissier.


If you're reading the Mr Cortese you'd do well to remember that MLT is a god as far as we're concerned so shut the **** up in future.


Apart from that welldone and thanks Nicola for everything you've done.


Funny but true.

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A good article spoilt by having a dig at Matt Le Tissier.


If you're reading the Mr Cortese you'd do well to remember that MLT is a god as far as we're concerned so shut the **** up in future.


Apart from that welldone and thanks Nicola for everything you've done.


What of this is not true?


In addition to this, various figures with past associations to the Club have been quick to voice their opinions, among them a long time former manager, and former players, one of whom was associated with a so-called consortium which delayed for an important few weeks last summer our plans to stabilise the Club.


Le Tissier shouldn't have responded to the question in the way he did. He was commenting on Pardew leaving when he had no idea what was going on. Just wild unsubstantiated press speculation and that should have been his response. Instead he added to the media circus surrounding this story.


Dune, why is it okay for Le Tissier to comment on pure rumour and increase the media hysteria, but Cortese not aloud to respond to his comments?

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Cortese is right. Frankly what do Le Tiss KK and LM know about running the club.


Granted LM was manager, but he was running team affairs, not running the club - the two are very seperate.


Yes LeTiss is a god around here - but that is due to what he did for us on the pitch. He attempted to get involved off the pitch last year and look how I worked. He should keep his involvement with Southampton to the glorious memories he gave us on the pitch.


(n.b. I am not blaming LeTiss personally for the Pinnacle debacle, I do think he was trying to help - but undoubtedly his presence blinded both us and Fry - and could have been damaging)

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Dune, why is it okay for Le Tissier to comment on pure rumour and increase the media hysteria, but Cortese not aloud to respond to his comments?


Le Tissier was in the wrong, i'm not disputing that, but that doesn't mean Cortese has to have a dig back. In his position he should rise above such comments.

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what of this is not true?




Le tissier shouldn't have responded to the question in the way he did. He was commenting on pardew leaving when he had no idea what was going on. Just wild unsubstantiated press speculation and that should have been his response. Instead he added to the media circus surrounding this story.


Dune, why is it okay for le tissier to comment on pure rumour and increase the media hysteria, but cortese not aloud to respond to his comments?


spot on!:)

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Le Tissier was in the wrong, i'm not disputing that, but that doesn't mean Cortese has to have a dig back. In his position he should rise above such comments.


to be fair, i think NC has risen above it. It could have been alot worse

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to be fair, i think NC has risen above it. It could have been alot worse


No he hasn't, he's done a Rupert.


This thread should be all about saying welldone Nicola. And that's it.


He talks about the old days and the club politics and how he's put all that to rest and then he issues a statement like this.


In future he should use his brain a bit more that's all i'm saying.

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No he hasn't, he's done a Rupert.


This thread should be all about saying welldone Nicola. And that's it.


He talks about the old days and the club politics and how he's put all that to rest and then he issues a statement like this.


In future he should use his brain a bit more that's all i'm saying.


There are a significant amount of people on here saying well done. It is the more ungrateful amongst us, who seem hell bent on clinging on to the past that are taking issue with what he said.

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There are a significant amount of people on here saying well done. It is the more ungrateful amongst us, who seem hell bent on clinging on to the past that are taking issue with what he said.


I am a massive fan of NC and have backed him to the hilt, but he was wrong to have a dig back. There was no need for it.

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There are a significant amount of people on here saying well done. It is the more ungrateful amongst us, who seem hell bent on clinging on to the past that are taking issue with what he said.




And its bizarre. Yes, MLT gave us some superb memories, but the club was going nowhere.


Under MLs support and NCs stewardship, this club could really achieve something.


I think Matty has been foolish this time, and I think it is not being treacherous to him or belitting his role in our history to point it out.

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And its bizarre. Yes, MLT gave us some superb memories, but the club was going nowhere.


Under MLs support and NCs stewardship, this club could really achieve something.


I think Matty has been foolish this time, and I think it is not being treacherous to him or belitting his role in our history to point it out.


Wow. Myself and Alpine in agreement. That must be a first. What do you say Alps, you willing to back what i have said above: forget the past, get behind the club and help us move forward? :biggrin:

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I think Matty has been foolish this time, and I think it is not being treacherous to him or belitting his role in our history to point it out.


Agree, but it should be for the fans to point out, not for some jumped up Italian whipper snapper.

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It was a most peculiar statement, very revealing of the goings on in NC's soul. It surprised me greatly, and clearly came straight from NC's heart. There hadn't been a PR person involved.


What also surprises me is the amount of supporters who so strongly would like to censor the local media. Bowing without question to anybody who thinks that he is beyond even questions from the media is disturbing. Isn't this a free country with a free press? I seem to think that a generation of british people fought for their lives to ensure it staid that way.

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There are a significant amount of people on here saying well done. It is the more ungrateful amongst us, who seem hell bent on clinging on to the past that are taking issue with what he said.


No one is disputing that Cortese is doing a good job, or that his statement is good and very welcome. There is nothing wrong with taking issue over his pop at some Saints legends though.

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Wow. Myself and Alpine in agreement. That must be a first. What do you say Alps, you willing to back what i have said above: forget the past, get behind the club and help us move forward? :biggrin:


Totally behind the club and its efforts to move forward, my friend, but I am afraid I am too much of a believer in the saying "those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" to agree with the rest of your post.:)

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No he hasn't, he's done a Rupert.


This thread should be all about saying welldone Nicola. And that's it.


He talks about the old days and the club politics and how he's put all that to rest and then he issues a statement like this.


In future he should use his brain a bit more that's all i'm saying.


Pot an Kettle spring to mind! :rolleyes:

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Scotty, I don't think the statement measures up to a missive from the Desk of the Supreme Leader. Where are the references to the Bullingdon-Eton-Oxbridge-Fetter clique?

More seriously, and referring back to the comment made by Alpine Saint very early in this thread, NC is conducting a "standard business review and planning session".

This happens in any organisation worth its salt, football club or not.

He is entitled to express disappoint if the targets were not met, particularly if adjustments were made at the half year to meet those targets.

NC is making sure that no complacency sets in. He will, as any top-notch CEO does, keep his people on their toes and performing to the highest level.

Is he media savvy, some people question that if he is. I suspect that his previous employment record shows he's had to deal with the press, perhaps not the football press.

Is there anyone on this forum that does not believe the English tabloid papers to be the most rabid in Europe?

I say, good luck to the triumvirate of ML, NC and AP, long may they continue.

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Any chance of banning the t w @ts posting the "sacked on wednesday"..."No! no! sacked on Thurdfay" threads.


Total abosult WUMs. Get them to start their own forum.


NAME AND SHAME. Although we all know their names and they dont have any sense of shame. Just big themselves up with their ITK sh!t.

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And its bizarre. Yes, MLT gave us some superb memories, but the club was going nowhere.


Under MLs support and NCs stewardship, this club could really achieve something.


I think Matty has been foolish this time, and I think it is not being treacherous to him or belitting his role in our history to point it out.


So are you saying it is alright for you to make comments against the club but not alright for MLT to support Pardew and not NC.


If MLT had not stayed and kept us in the top flight for so long it is possible that we would not be in the position we are today.

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Isn't the misuse of that freedom by today's mass media the greatest insult to the trials of that generation?


And just who is it who is to decide what is misuse and what is not, and how to punish those who have strayed from the "truth"?


I thought it was one of those things we had agreed on that in a democracy we can't always approve of what is being said, but that we are prepared to stand up for that it can be said.

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And just who is it who is to decide what is misuse and what is not, and how to punish those who have strayed from the "truth"?


I thought it was one of those things we had agreed on that in a democracy we can't always approve of what is being said, but that we are prepared to stand up for that it can be said.


Fair enough put like that, still difficult for me to reconcile with some of the tripe that is often purveyed.


All just my own opinion of course.

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One interpretation of Cortese is that he is arrogant. It is that he lacks personal humility, that he seems petty and unable to withstand even the mildest criticism. It is that he has learned his public speaking style and demeanour from the Jose Mourinho charm school. Club statements from him can appear in one interpretation to be a thinly disguised resume on behalf of a bigger better job ahead, listing his personal greatness,brilliant decisions and strategic mastery of the sfc situation, with repeated reference to his superb role in everything that's ever been good this season. Its then interspersed at times with expressions of frustration and implied insults for the less good bits and those that "dare" to question his authority even in the most benign and well-meaning ways ( like MLT and others expressing support for Pardew in the media - was that really an offence worthy of his crushing "put-down" in the statement). That's one way of looking at it.


You might also consider that powerful and important people do not need to brag about their exploits. They are self-evident. All this "I" stuff and repetition of his brilliance as the "saviour" in bringing significant financial backing to the club, picking the manager etc might be interpreted as him having an immodest nature. An objective neutral could hypothesise from the stuff we can read in the public domain that Alan Pardew and him will never be "having fun" together no matter what Nicola has said about the relationship. On an even more flippant note one might ask " How can a divine special one have fun relations with mere mortals anyway?" for that's the impression you might get such is Nicolas' apparent personal appreciation of the role and title "saviour of the club". He's really got into character some might say. Nicola joined and saved the Saints, but does he now think and act like he's become a latter day one?


Have any of the List wondered why Nicola needs to go on about how great he is all the time, and why club statements come across as a propaganda vehicle for "Nicola is God/Big Brother". Do you know what the psychological antecedent of such behaviour comes from? Where does the need to put down dissent in the most brutal way come from. If you read Machiavellis "Prince" you'll get a pretty good answer. Why is there little or no praise bar the "obligatory" 4 lines at the bottom of his self proclamation of greatness about the rest of the SFC team from the part time cleaners upwards? To some cynical observers it might look like an obvious "tag-on" because you are supposed to thank the little people in these end of year kind of speeches aren't you...


One might predict that with an ego this size ( Southampton is his "baby" - ahem, historians may confirm that it was a baby 125 years ago and that he has been a foster daddy around 8months of its life...) that the longevity of his stay at St. Marys will be related more towards its ability to deliver further personal aggrandisement than it is to the clubs development. When, and if, the two are not in synchronicity - well that's toys out the pram time...He will need bigger and better and if he fails to get it quickly enough the toys will be thrown out and he will head to Milan or whoever else he can get to preen himself with on a bigger stage.


Of course if this force of nature can deliver the Premiership in two three or four years hence and keep us there then we should be almightily grateful. To quote another long ago philosopher we must hope that in Nicola we have a beneficial dictator, a "Philosopher King" as Plato once described. It may be the best thing we could ever hope for in this day and age of phoney financiers of football clubs. Nobody will be too worried if we are playing Champions League five years from now and he will be a genius. The thing is, he may think he is a genius already. Markhus does, obviously.


I don't at present but im open minded and am open to being convinced otherwise. All I hope is that he delivers the club up the leagues in a more humanistic "saints"way than what im seeing from him at the moment. A "Southampton style" refers to how we run the club as much as how we play football, Nicola.


Quality post. It's obvious Cortese is an utter bastard, but that's not a problem as far as i'm concerned so long as he know's the boundaries and slagging off MLT and Lawrie MacMenemy is crossing a boundary. Some might not be put out, but some will.

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Quality post. It's obvious Cortese is an utter bastard, but that's not a problem as far as i'm concerned so long as he know's the boundaries and slagging off MLT and Lawrie MacMenemy is crossing a boundary. Some might not be put out, but some will.


Don't quite think he slagged them off!

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I've only just got in and I am so relieved to read these comments from NC. I will no longer assume the worst, which is saying something as a saints fan!


I haven't read all of the comments but I get the feeling that a few people are annoyed at what NC has said about Matty. I must say I think it slightly foolish of Nicola to criticise someone who many fans consider to be a southampton God. At then end of the day Matty was only trying to save the club he loved in the summer and he wasn't aware of the trouble it would cause.


MLT, LM and KK were only giving their opinions after being asked a question, and it was unnecessary for NC to take a dig at them.


HOWEVER this is the only negative point of a very astute and positive summing up of the season, and I would like to once again thank NC and ML for their fabulous work in saving our club.


I cannot wait for next season to begin and I will give Cortese, Pardew and the team my full backing as always.



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The "I's" have it!


Stadium enhancements? That sounds to me like more corporate boxes and less seats for fans to help increase revenue. Me and my pals could be in the brown stuff as we have prime seats in the Itchen, safe bet we won't get them next season or at least not at a reasonable price. Ever felt you're about to be disenfranchised?


I'd like to see an end to the dispute with The Echo 'though.. Come on guys on both sides, have a beer, chat, kiss and make up so we can all move on.


McMenemy, "Shut the F(ishnets) Up!"

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Show me where in his statement he slagged them off! And quote him, don't just say what you think he said!


I'm waiting! :-$


So you think he is being complimentary to LM who has been involved in running SFC for over thirty years without out the backing of a Billionaire when we were a force in the top flight of English football managing at one time some of the finest footballers in England - World Cup Winners England Captains and a European Footballer of the year

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The "I's" have it!


Stadium enhancements? That sounds to me like more corporate boxes and less seats for fans to help increase revenue. Me and my pals could be in the brown stuff as we have prime seats in the Itchen, safe bet we won't get them next season or at least not at a reasonable price. Ever felt you're about to be disenfranchised?


I'd like to see an end to the dispute with The Echo 'though.. Come on guys on both sides, have a beer, chat, kiss and make up so we can all move on.


McMenemy, "Shut the F(ishnets) Up!"


Cheers! ;)

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