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When the going gets tough...

Guided Missile

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It is easy to support SFC when they are beating the likes of Manchester United 6-3. It is not so easy when they are losing to Rotherham or Blackpool. But it is now that people need to get behind the club not desert it.

The last few years this site and the previous one was full of vitriol and hate directed against the Chairman and a former manager. Where did that get us exactly? People have stopped going because of the Chairman so we have less money to spend. Great.

If you think this is bad, wait until you try Division 2.

Support the club and the people who run it and get behind the players FFS.

Moaning and *****ing doesn't work, perhaps support might?

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It is easy to support SFC when they are beating the likes of Manchester United 6-3. It is not so easy when they are losing to Rotherham or Blackpool. But it is now that people need to get behind the club not desert it.

The last few years this site and the previous one was full of vitriol and hate directed against the Chairman and a former manager. Where did that get us exactly? People have stopped going because of the Chairman so we have less money to spend. Great.

If you think this is bad, wait until you try Division 2.

Support the club and the people who run it and get behind the players FFS.

Moaning and *****ing doesn't work, perhaps support might?


I understand what you are saying sadoldgit and in a perfect world we would all be supporting Saints whatever league we are in.

But we have all heard this so many times before.

Theres only so many times that Lowe can try to treat SFC like his play thing and tinker and meddle by bringing in new coaches from other sports,or Dutch coaches no ones heard of.

We didnt have much money ,even when we were relegated,but Lowe thinks its a good idea to spend hundreds of thousands on an eye dome.That got us a long way didnt it?

Now hes back here preaching to anyone who will listen that we are in dire straights and hes the answer.

No wonder fans are deciding to stay away in their thousands.

Dont even get me started on that traitor Wilde.

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It is easy to support SFC when they are beating the likes of Manchester United 6-3. It is not so easy when they are losing to Rotherham or Blackpool. But it is now that people need to get behind the club not desert it.

The last few years this site and the previous one was full of vitriol and hate directed against the Chairman and a former manager. Where did that get us exactly? People have stopped going because of the Chairman so we have less money to spend. Great.

If you think this is bad, wait until you try Division 2.

Support the club and the people who run it and get behind the players FFS.

Moaning and *****ing doesn't work, perhaps support might?


I disagree. The best way of supporting the club right now is to see off Lowe and Wilde and the best way of achieving this is depriving the club of money. I'm adament i won't spend a penny at SFC until they are gone for this reason. Lowe was smug enough to refer to fans as lunatics and clingons when SKY paid the bills, now it's the same fans he looks down his nose at that he needs to protect his investment. Now is not the time to give Lowe and Wilde a lifeline - now is the time to finnish them off for good.

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The last few years this site and the previous one was full of vitriol and hate directed against the Chairman and a former manager.


Do you think the hate and vitriol made the Chairman and manager fail?




Do you think the hate and vitriol was as a result of the Chairman and Manager failing?


I'm not saying hate and vitriol is justified (personally I think you can be against both without resorting to hate, life's too short for that), but we have to get away from this perverse idea that the fans are to blame for where we are now.


If some people want to feel they are uber fans, then feel free to donate extra monies every time you visit SMS or make a point of regularly buying some merchandise.


The simple fact is that football is no longer a sport linked to the community it serves, and our Club is merely a PLC business operating for profit, delivering value to it's shareholders. You can't have it both ways, in that you want to run a business diven by profit, yet retain some romantic notion of blind loyalty.


Ultimately you reap what you sow.


It is a business, so we should forget any romantic notion that we owe it to the Club to stand by it come what may.


Of course some will do that, and fair play to them for that, but many others will come or go depending on how the team performs and how they perceive they are valued.


On both of those criteria the Club has failed it's supporters in recent years, so maybe the onus is on the Club to deliver, as opposed to continually knocking the grass roots fans.

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Guest Hacienda
It is easy to support SFC when they are beating the likes of Manchester United 6-3. It is not so easy when they are losing to Rotherham or Blackpool. But it is now that people need to get behind the club not desert it.

The last few years this site and the previous one was full of vitriol and hate directed against the Chairman and a former manager. Where did that get us exactly? People have stopped going because of the Chairman so we have less money to spend. Great.

If you think this is bad, wait until you try Division 2.

Support the club and the people who run it and get behind the players FFS.

Moaning and *****ing doesn't work, perhaps support might?


I certainly remember a chairman stating on Sky that it was a results driven business. I also remember him referring to us as customers.


If you don't give your customers what the want, in this case results, then you will be deemed to be a failure as the customes will stay away.


He thought he could do without us with the Sky money and now he's desperate for us.

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Another ‘the demise of this cub is all the fault of the stay away fans’ thread. Have the Muppets got together and drawn up a time table of who should post when or is it simply a competition among our cloth eared friends who can mount the best prosecution of the fans of our club. They must think that if it is said enough times the people will believe it.


The Muppets have stooped low this time they are starting to make fools of themselves. A club gets less fans the lower the division they are in, the attendances held up well at St Mary’s until this season, people are fed up. Every club up and down the country experiences it, Man Citys figures were an exception (held up by cutting ticket prices and season or two of fun, if they stayed there who knows what would have happened to their attendance figures)


Guided Missile the Big Bird of forum.

Edited by Fan The Flames
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