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My grandfather was in wholesale fruit and veg so stayed at home with a wooden rifle for protection as he was a part of an exempt industry. He would have probably gone the flat feet/rampant homosexual/pacifist route if need be to avoid going to war and getting shot at which I am sure is a sign of great intelligence. As an intelligent man, and if he were still alive today, I do not think he would have an opinion on this topic as he preferred pigeon racing and smoking rollies.


The old dessertion thread... I think we have a problem, on which we should maybe finally all agree to differ, afterall we are all fans of the same club?


The problem is simply that for some, going to the game is everything regardless of results, and no matter how we try and twist it, the clubs biggest source of revenue - much needed in this hour is gate receipts, so its obvious that when gates dwindle the club suffers.


BUt we also need to have a reality check and get off our own high horse for a moment - football is an expensive entertainment and times are harder now for many - many folk simply cant afford teh ST this year, and many members and casual walk ups who maybe went to 10 games last year can only afford 3-5 games a season now... its not exactly cheap.


BUt we are also confusing the argument - even when relatively successful in the 2003 season, we still ahd to give tickets away for games such as Bolton and there where probably only 26k-28k for the 5-6 unfashionable games we had.


Relegation lost us about 2000 coporates + about 3000 prem only casual fans - no disrespect to them, as they were simply supporters of football who enjoyed watching quality sides - no skin of my nose... that left the 20,000 or so we had the last couple of seasons.... since then the credit crunch has hit home, and some have got fed up with the lack of success. Others are fed up with the regime and stay away as protest - TBH, both are valid really as it is a free country and we choose how to spend our money.


What complicates this is that some of the stay away's would consider if asked themselves 'hardcore' but dont go because of the regime, when the truth might be a simpler more valid reason, such as being skint or genuinely no longer considering it value for money considering teh performances v the cost... but of course it sounds much better to blame the absence on the prats in the boardroom.


I also think maybe its easier to understand a casual fan who is skint or thinks the football we are playing is not worth it than the 'hardcore' who loves the club so much they stay away out of protest, when there is the simple issue that staying away is simply damaging the club more financially - both short term and potentially long term. I think thats why this debate continues ad infinitum, because those who still go simply dont see the relevene of the clowns in the baordromm on match days when its all about the traditional values of passion and support for those 90 mins - and helping the cash strapped club they love.


I think part of this stems for the urban myths now associated with the club - the years of repeat ad infinitum of 'Lowe's back pocket overflowing with our hardearned' - because even on a good salary + pension, the amounts were simply irrelevent to the success of the club - yet in terms of the fans income seemed beyong our comprehension. It this dicotomy between what we consider 'greed' of the board v our own average income that reinforces this myth... and so we 'aint putting another penny in Lowe's pocket' strikes accord with many - the irony being that Lowe will get paid what he gets paid regardless of whether fans stay away or not until the club goes bust - at which point he may well pick the whole lot up alot cheaper!


Lets also be honest about the numbers - I would suggest that the actual number of ST holders and regular attendess who are no longer going purely as protest against Lowe and Wilde is actually very small in terms of club revenue - BUT there are lot more staying away because of the poor results - nowt wrong with that - and they should be welcomed back when/if the results pick up - the only sadness in all this is that with more cash we mioght be able to afford the central defender we so desperately need...

My Grandad was a firemen in London during the 2nd World War - he was a Petty Officer on a warship in the first world war.


So, should I support Chelsea or Arsenal?


My Granddad won the Croix De Guerre perhaps PSG should be my time.


i'm looking forward to our first game back in the premier league (if that happens) when we can spend all game singing at each other "where were you when we were ****" as we sung at other clubs over the years! ;)

Guest Hacienda
i'm looking forward to our first game back in the premier league (if that happens) when we can spend all game singing at each other "where were you when we were ****" as we sung at other clubs over the years! ;)


Maybe would should chant something along the lines of "Did your grandads run away?"


That has to be the most immature attempt at a comparison I have ever read anywhere in my life. Are you 12? My father fought in the war for imbeciles like you to have their democratic right...I suggest you grow up and use it more wisely.

With the greatest respect, my father was disabled during the war, whilst serving in the Royal Hampshire Regiment in Italy. This was about the same time that the Mayor of Southampton and many of the ARP wardens under his control deserted their posts, while the town of Southampton burned.

You obviously believe that the people that were entrusted with the safety of my fathers' family at home, while he was away fighting the enemy, had every right to run away and hide. I don't.


My father-in-law was in the same regiment at the same time! Sadly (or perhaps fortunately) he is not around to read the crass and insulting remarks that you make regarding the city where he was born and lived all his life! To compare human behaviour in war times to attendance at a football match is, to say the least, frivolous and at worst contemptible !

I think that the old boy would be happy that I am supporting his beloved Saints and that would be enough for him! He saw plenty of ups and downs in watching his team over the years but never, ever talked about or made comparisons to his wartime experiences!

Next time GM please try to make your point without resorting to red top tabloid sensationalism !

Population of the City of Southampton 228,600 (2007 est) population of City of Manchester 458,100 (2007 est). On that basis our crowds Should be less than half of what City's were. and dont give it the you forgot about Utd and other clubs rubbish, as they are not in The City of Manchester, we have been supporting above the size of our city for years, feel free to do a load of comparisons, i for one would be interested to see where we stand :)


but you did forget that most of manchester still support united and not city as the media would love you to believe...


Most historians actually view "trekking" as the natural instinct of self preservation (in the same manner as Londoners going down the tube and then back to work in the morning) which then enabled the workforce to go back to work the next morning.


The population of many cities "trekked out" at night (at some points more than 50% of Coventry's population would trek out nightly).


Perversely, GM's noddy rant may actually provide some similarities with our own predicament, but not in the manner in which he first intended (that's even before we start to delve into his slur on the good people of Southampton who msut have gone through hell in those dark days).


What is also universally agreed upon is that the Administration and Civic Leadership failed during the blitz of 1940. Despite 2,000 extra firefighters being drafted in from around the country, very often their kit was not compatible, there were water shortages and a paralysis of central authority leadership.


Additionally the leadership of Mayor William Lewis was found wanting at the City's most darkest hour.


Is Rupert Lowe the modern day William Lewis and is his administration just as paralysed????

Perversely, GM's noddy rant may actually provide some similarities with our own predicament, but not in the manner in which he first intended (that's even before we start to delve into his slur on the good people of Southampton who msut have gone through hell in those dark days).


To help you "delve into my slur on the good people of Southampton", Steve, let me quote you this part of my original post:


What happened during the Southampton blitz? Many of the population "trekked" into the countryside to escape the bombing. I can understand the fear that may have led to this and the sight of tonnes of bombs raining down on our town must have been a terrible experience for the population.


The shame we never speak of, though, is that the mayor of Southampton and many of the ARP's, joined this procession, leaving the town without the leadership and emergency services that were so badly needed.


You really do have a problem with misrepresenting what people write and then hijacking their basic argument, don't you, Steve?


What is also universally agreed upon is that the Administration and Civic Leadership failed during the blitz of 1940. Despite 2,000 extra firefighters being drafted in from around the country, very often their kit was not compatible, there were water shortages and a paralysis of central authority leadership.


Additionally the leadership of Mayor William Lewis was found wanting at the City's most darkest hour.



Wow, - useless leadership by SCC and the mayor goes back a long way then..

The old dessertion thread... I think we have a problem, on which we should maybe finally all agree to differ, afterall we are all fans of the same club?


The problem is simply that for some, going to the game is everything regardless of results, and no matter how we try and twist it, the clubs biggest source of revenue - much needed in this hour is gate receipts, so its obvious that when gates dwindle the club suffers.


BUt we also need to have a reality check and get off our own high horse for a moment - football is an expensive entertainment and times are harder now for many - many folk simply cant afford teh ST this year, and many members and casual walk ups who maybe went to 10 games last year can only afford 3-5 games a season now... its not exactly cheap.


BUt we are also confusing the argument - even when relatively successful in the 2003 season, we still ahd to give tickets away for games such as Bolton and there where probably only 26k-28k for the 5-6 unfashionable games we had.


Relegation lost us about 2000 coporates + about 3000 prem only casual fans - no disrespect to them, as they were simply supporters of football who enjoyed watching quality sides - no skin of my nose... that left the 20,000 or so we had the last couple of seasons.... since then the credit crunch has hit home, and some have got fed up with the lack of success. Others are fed up with the regime and stay away as protest - TBH, both are valid really as it is a free country and we choose how to spend our money.


What complicates this is that some of the stay away's would consider if asked themselves 'hardcore' but dont go because of the regime, when the truth might be a simpler more valid reason, such as being skint or genuinely no longer considering it value for money considering teh performances v the cost... but of course it sounds much better to blame the absence on the prats in the boardroom.


I also think maybe its easier to understand a casual fan who is skint or thinks the football we are playing is not worth it than the 'hardcore' who loves the club so much they stay away out of protest, when there is the simple issue that staying away is simply damaging the club more financially - both short term and potentially long term. I think thats why this debate continues ad infinitum, because those who still go simply dont see the relevene of the clowns in the baordromm on match days when its all about the traditional values of passion and support for those 90 mins - and helping the cash strapped club they love.


I think part of this stems for the urban myths now associated with the club - the years of repeat ad infinitum of 'Lowe's back pocket overflowing with our hardearned' - because even on a good salary + pension, the amounts were simply irrelevent to the success of the club - yet in terms of the fans income seemed beyong our comprehension. It this dicotomy between what we consider 'greed' of the board v our own average income that reinforces this myth... and so we 'aint putting another penny in Lowe's pocket' strikes accord with many - the irony being that Lowe will get paid what he gets paid regardless of whether fans stay away or not until the club goes bust - at which point he may well pick the whole lot up alot cheaper!


Lets also be honest about the numbers - I would suggest that the actual number of ST holders and regular attendess who are no longer going purely as protest against Lowe and Wilde is actually very small in terms of club revenue - BUT there are lot more staying away because of the poor results - nowt wrong with that - and they should be welcomed back when/if the results pick up - the only sadness in all this is that with more cash we mioght be able to afford the central defender we so desperately need...


Best post of the thread as ever from FC although I disagree that Lowe won't be bothered by the slumping attendances, I think the bank will be seeing that as a total vote of no-confidence from the fans. By the way GM, my grandfather was a POW on the Burma Railway and a lifelong Saints fan (and a steward for many years too) and he'd definately want these cvunts (Askham,Wilde,Richards,Lowe) out of SFC if he was still alive.


My grandad, who was a Vicar, walked through the ruined streets of Southampton during the blitz because he felt the clergy should be seen.


I'm not a vicar, nor sadly do I live close enough to be seen at St Mary's too often. But I will carry on being a fan as long as we have a team because Southampton is part of my family "roots" ((cue the theme tune to roots which my wife sings everytime I try to explain to my kids why I support such a "rubbish" team))


good original post. at the barnsley game the gate was only 14,300 odd. I made the trek from brighton and there were a few of us on the train on the way home. but the club's fan base IS still there. just remember the last game of the last season it was packed to the rafters and i truly believe our combined support urged Stern on to score that third goal and secure our place in the championship. So we do have the ability to fill SMS. (and I watched the Pompey european game on tele the other day and they didn't even fill farton for that!!).


That all said, it must be remembered that for a father and son to go to a game costs £40 in tickets and a minimum of a tenner worth of extras on top. And they would be the lucky ones if they lived in Southampton center. Any travelling and you are looking at a mimum of £70 total. That is a lot of cash to spend to watch crap footie played against crap oposition (and by Gad barnsley were sh!te).


What I don't understand is why Lowe hasn't done his sums, done a bit of market research and worked out that by dropping the ticket price he would get more in and actually make more money for the club and have the benifit of a fuller (no pun intended) stadium. Or how about have an open day? Choose a good fixture, advertise it in the press and radio and South Today for a couple of weeks before hand and then have let all and sundry in for a quid - paid on the turnstile. Season ticket holders could be given a free ticket to a Cup game to compensate. Not rocket science is it.

Some of your posts in the past have contained some relevance (the Askham debacle and share scandal) and some of your delving merited some interest. However, this wildly provocative post (since that seems your style) is your most ridiculous yet. It sort of amused me as I realise the intention. It is obviously intended to stir up emotions and evoke a response, in no matter what form. I don’t know why (as it’s a football forum and the content is wildly disrespectful to natives of Southampton) but I’ll treat it with the contempt it deserves as you do seem to like attention from these obscure and verbose statements. I'll dignify you a response however (sounds a bit serious, apologies - but I've a point that's close to my heart).


Were you born in Southampton?


Were your relations and ancestors from Southampton?


It’s easy to sit and judge from your chair in front of your pc but, seeing as you were never in Southampton during the war, it’s pretty arrogant to judge. To suggest some tenuous bloodline and link is, frankly, propesterous. Slow day at work? LOL Fortunately, I wasn’t around then either but, unlike you, I appreciate the suffering of thousands of our people and respect my elders and what they went through to give us the life we have today. Sadly, no-one heeded the warnings of Enoch Powell and our country and, once great and powerful nation, has gone to rack and ruin and I believe we’ve seen our best years. But that’s another issue entirely and down to politics and poor governments.


For what it’s worth, I don’t think I’d have stayed put in my home if it was in direct line of a German blitz but each to their own. I’d certainly not class myself a coward for doing what any self-respecting father would do for his family – protecting them. Your suggestion that some cowardly bloodline or inherent lack of a tough stance is wimp like is pathetic. Harsh but fair. You’ve obviously not thought things through. I know my Grandfather didn’t desert anyone when he was trekking across North Africa against the formidable forces of Rommel!


Anyhow, the relevance of a community that suffered at the hands of a fascist dictator during a world war has no relevance to a…….chairman who hasn’t got a f*ckin clue and his p*ssed off half the fan base (as so many predicted). Maybe there’s some irony in the dictatorship but I’ll leave that for you to decide.


Spot on - anyone agreeing with this comparison is tapped in the head!

good original post. at the barnsley game the gate was only 14,300 odd. I made the trek from brighton and there were a few of us on the train on the way home. but the club's fan base IS still there. just remember the last game of the last season it was packed to the rafters and i truly believe our combined support urged Stern on to score that third goal and secure our place in the championship. So we do have the ability to fill SMS. (and I watched the Pompey european game on tele the other day and they didn't even fill farton for that!!).


That all said, it must be remembered that for a father and son to go to a game costs £40 in tickets and a minimum of a tenner worth of extras on top. And they would be the lucky ones if they lived in Southampton center. Any travelling and you are looking at a mimum of £70 total. That is a lot of cash to spend to watch crap footie played against crap oposition (and by Gad barnsley were sh!te).


What I don't understand is why Lowe hasn't done his sums, done a bit of market research and worked out that by dropping the ticket price he would get more in and actually make more money for the club and have the benifit of a fuller (no pun intended) stadium. Or how about have an open day? Choose a good fixture, advertise it in the press and radio and South Today for a couple of weeks before hand and then have let all and sundry in for a quid - paid on the turnstile. Season ticket holders could be given a free ticket to a Cup game to compensate. Not rocket science is it.


Better be quick, we've probably only got one left this season :(



Like the "trekkers", they will, in better times, return. How many will feel shame? Probably the same number that still believe the myth, that the population of Southampton bravely withstood the Nazi threat. The sad truth is that many, including our mayor, did not...


Well I was born just before the war, and well remember being in the air raid shelters, even at that age, and they certainly weren't empty.

Research carried out by Manchester City estimates a fan base of 886,000 in the United Kingdom and a total in excess of 2 million worldwide. They have around 846,000 UK based fans missing each week even in the top flight....;) I know exactly what he is getting at, and yes gates have fallen, but only back to our normal level. its not far off the sort of gates we had at the dell for years, and is probably about the right amount for the city of our size, Derby, Stoke, Barnsley, Wolverhampton, Oldham, Rochdale Milton Keynes, all have similar populations to ours, I bet not many of those would have a similar gate under the same circumstances that we are in. So many fans came for the glory days of the Prem and the longer we are struggling the less the kids will find us attractive to watch and the cycle will go on for years, but you can't pin the blame on the fans, if you dish up sh*t people won't eat.


Actually The Dell often filled up to nearly 30,000 before seats were compulsory.

Admission was cheaper however.

Actually The Dell often filled up to nearly 30,000 before seats were compulsory.

Admission was cheaper however.



I've been at the Dell when over 30000 were present.

The Dell's capacity was about 30000 thin people or 15000 fat people.


To me that is football, have never enjoyed sitting in the stands or anywhere else. I am a terrace fan. My ex Pa in Law lent me his ST in the Upper West a few time, the old bag next to me was actually knitting, didn't pay one Iota of attention to the game, except for ticking off anyone in her earshot (hawkeared)

for foul language for a "bugger" or "dam it".

I've been at the Dell when over 30000 were present.

The Dell's capacity was about 30000 thin people or 15000 fat people.


To me that is football, have never enjoyed sitting in the stands or anywhere else. I am a terrace fan. My ex Pa in Law lent me his ST in the Upper West a few time, the old bag next to me was actually knitting, didn't pay one Iota of attention to the game, except for ticking off anyone in her earshot (hawkeared)

for foul language for a "bugger" or "dam it".


Oi! That was my bird.

She was 75 if she was a day.Be about a 100 now, probably still knitting. Probably thought there were guillotinings at half time.


Age is just a number.

Guest Hacienda
I've been at the Dell when over 30000 were present.

The Dell's capacity was about 30000 thin people or 15000 fat people.


To me that is football, have never enjoyed sitting in the stands or anywhere else. I am a terrace fan. My ex Pa in Law lent me his ST in the Upper West a few time, the old bag next to me was actually knitting, didn't pay one Iota of attention to the game, except for ticking off anyone in her earshot (hawkeared)

for foul language for a "bugger" or "dam it".


I hope you asked her about her behaviour during the blitz.

I hope you asked her about her behaviour during the blitz.


Ah she didn't actually speak with me, after my first run in with her she informed my Pa in law (at the next match) that I was a foul and uncouth young man to whom he should not let his daughter become bethrothed. Told you I was a terrace fan (Milton).

To help you "delve into my slur on the good people of Southampton", Steve, let me quote you this part of my original post:




You really do have a problem with misrepresenting what people write and then hijacking their basic argument, don't you, Steve?


So you put up an antagonistic and attention seeking thread, but when the tables are turned on you, you start crying :smt089:smt089 and going off on one.


Boo hoo you big girls blouse.


PS Thought I was on your ignore list LMFAO.

So you put up an antagonistic and attention seeking thread, but when the tables are turned on you, you start crying :smt089:smt089 and going off on one.


Boo hoo you big girls blouse.


PS Thought I was on your ignore list LMFAO.


You're on the ignore list until such times as something you said will be trawled up two years later which was stored on Notepad and used against you, Steve, taken totally out of context, naturally.

....the tough get going.


In the case of many Saints fans, they just stop going. It's probably in their blood, to be honest.


When the East End of London was withstanding the Nazi onslaught during the War, the King and Queen decided to stay put, to show solidarity with many of the population of London, who had no way of escape. As the Queen Mother said at the time, "I am glad the Palace has been bombed - it makes me feel that I can look the East End in the face again."


What happened during the Southampton blitz? Many of the population "trekked" into the countryside to escape the bombing. I can understand the fear that may have led to this and the sight of tonnes of bombs raining down on our town must have been a terrible experience for the population.


The shame we never speak of, though, is that the mayor of Southampton and many of the ARP's, joined this procession, leaving the town without the leadership and emergency services that were so badly needed. They watched from the safety of the New Forest, while the town burnt to the ground. This shame is being revisited on our football club, during it's darkest hour, the blood of those "trekkers", coursing through the veins of the "fans" that seek to justify their desertion.


Like the "trekkers", they will, in better times, return. How many will feel shame? Probably the same number that still believe the myth, that the population of Southampton bravely withstood the Nazi threat. The sad truth is that many, including our mayor, did not...


What a bl**dy stupid analogy.


But if we are going down that idiotic road, I bet if the people found out that the King and Queen were selling all their best weaponery, leaving them with nothing to fight with, there would have been a mass revolt on their hands.


Very easy to say that they could look the east end in the eye from the relative safety of Buckingham Palace whilst the common man was hiding in his Anderson bunker or under the kitchen table, starving to boot.


Actually, the analogy gets better.

You're on the ignore list until such times as something you said will be trawled up two years later which was stored on Notepad and used against you, Steve, taken totally out of context, naturally.




He's like MI5 holding various peoples old posts on files. Can we use the Freedom of Information Act to see who has the biggest file???;)


Maybe in 30 years time they will thrown open to the public!!!!!

What a bl**dy stupid analogy.


But if we are going down that idiotic road, I bet if the people found out that the King and Queen were selling all their best weaponery, leaving them with nothing to fight with, there would have been a mass revolt on their hands.





To whom, to, not the Germans ?


Anyway Royalty don't actually do anything, except for HRH Princess Elizabeth who repaired trucks.

The statements on this thread become more and more obtuse.

To whom, to, not the Germans ?


Anyway Royalty don't actually do anything, except for HRH Princess Elizabeth who repaired trucks.

The statements on this thread become more and more obtuse.


I am not saying they did, but one thing is for sure, Lowe has!

To whom, to, not the Germans ?


Anyway Royalty don't actually do anything, except for HRH Princess Elizabeth who repaired trucks.

The statements on this thread become more and more obtuse.


You're telling me...

I am not saying they did, but one thing is for sure, Lowe has!


Oh right, got the drift,we were supposed to imagine what might have happened if the royal family had sold arms during the last war and equate it to RL trying to cut costs at an ailing football club-yep right got that, will give it my best shot. 30 mile run tomorrow, will try to get my head round it whilst I'm on auto- pilot.

To whom, to, not the Germans ?


Anyway Royalty don't actually do anything, except for HRH Princess Elizabeth who repaired trucks.

The statements on this thread become more and more obtuse.


Old Phil the Greek saw active service in the Navy, and I'm not sure Lord Louis Mountbatten would be too happy either as I'm sure he had something to do over in the other theatre of war.


But your right this thread is obtuse!!!!!!1

Oh right, got the drift,we were supposed to imagine what might have happened if the royal family had sold arms during the last war and equate it to RL trying to cut costs at an ailing football club-yep right got that, will give it my best shot. 30 mile run tomorrow, will try to get my head round it whilst I'm on auto- pilot.


And yet you accept GM´s analogy :-k.

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