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Prime Minister Cameron


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Schools can also make savings.When i was at school (early 70's) we had the power crisis.

It was drilled into us to switch off lights when we left the classroom, to write to the bottom of the page and on both sides during the paper crisis. That may seem small savings to budgets but if teachers felt that these small inconvieniences to make savings meant they would still have a job it would focus their minds.


We do all of that already. Teachers need to be left alone to get on with their jobs, we don't need to have the threat of redundancy hanging over us 24/7. Because, I'll tell you what, if standards to start to slip in teaching, it will be us that get it in the neck from parents, not the government. If we're talking about turning lights off by the way, how about those in the City in those bloody banks/sky scrapers lol?


Hooray, at least Billy Davies is losing!

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We do all of that already. Teachers need to be left alone to get on with their jobs, we don't need to have the threat of redundancy hanging over us 24/7. Because, I'll tell you what, if standards to start to slip in teaching, it will be us that get it in the neck from parents, not the government. If we're talking about turning lights off by the way, how about those in the City in those bloody banks/sky scrapers lol?


Hooray, at least Billy Davies is losing!


What do you mean 'start', they've gone down hill for years!

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I hope Dave Cameron makes it a priority to give MP's a free vote on bringing back fox hunting. I reckon they'll get it through with 300 Tories voting in favour plus a few Labour MP's such as Kate Hoey.

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Is your ass twitching Thorpie? Might have to do some work at school soon eh without your teaching assistant.....do you think you can control a class of kids on your own? I bet you'll be off to the Unions in a hissy fit :D


Do shut your mouth. I have one teaching assistant in my bottom set Yr.9 class as the majority of the poor buggers in there can't read and write properly. "Might have to do some work", please, I'd love to compare my working day to yours.


But don't worry, I'll still enjoy my 14 weeks holiday.

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Do shut your mouth. I have one teaching assistant in my bottom set Yr.9 class as the majority of the poor buggers in there can't read and write properly. "Might have to do some work", please, I'd love to compare my working day to yours.


But don't worry, I'll still enjoy my 14 weeks holiday.



maybe they will cut the waste by taking some of the teachers holidays off them

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Do Teaching Assistants exist in Secondary Schools? Perhaps in the "special" classes, but I thought they were kept mainly for Primary Schools.


Yes, my wife is a Higher Level TA. She is the school dyslexia specialist and runs the accelerated reading courses for those kids that arrive from primary school with very low skill levels.


She also teaches ASDAN courses for kids unable to access the national curriculum.

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Do Teaching Assistants exist in Secondary Schools? Perhaps in the "special" classes, but I thought they were kept mainly for Primary Schools.


This is where they should be, not in some rose gardened Primary. BTW, got no issues with TA's at special schools, they need respite, those are worthy of the extra staff and resources. I can't see Cameron cutting resources here to be honest.

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Yes, my wife is a Higher Level TA. She is the school dyslexia specialist and runs the accelerated reading courses for those kids that arrive from primary school with very low skill levels.


She also teaches ASDAN courses for kids unable to access the national curriculum.


I guess it all depends on whether the Tories are going go back to the old fashioned '3 Rs', if not, support for P-Scales I fear might be on the hit list...

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Ah, but it is. You've jus admited that half your monsters can't read or write. The nippers who work here, struggle in that department. Never fear though, DC is coming to shake you up!;)


Yes, half of all the classes I teach can't read and write, well done ginger!


****ing bored of this **** now, good ****ing night.

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We do all of that already. Teachers need to be left alone to get on with their jobs, we don't need to have the threat of redundancy hanging over us 24/7. Because, I'll tell you what, if standards to start to slip in teaching, it will be us that get it in the neck from parents, not the government. If we're talking about turning lights off by the way, how about those in the City in those bloody banks/sky scrapers lol?


Hooray, at least Billy Davies is losing!

If the banks waste money it comes out of the shreholders profit.

Iam talking tax payers money (I know about LLoyds etc) and making schools and the public sector leaner so job cuts can be minimal.

There is no way you don't see waste at your school. If you can't see it then im afraid you have been institutionalised and are also part of bad practice.

Be honest and tell us some of the waste you come across?

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Ah, but it is. You've jus admited that half your monsters can't read or write. The nippers who work here, struggle in that department. Never fear though, DC is coming to shake you up!;)


He'd better start with the parents then and then the primaries as by the time they get to secondary it's often too late.

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Yes, half of all the classes I teach can't read and write, well done ginger!


****ing bored of this **** now, good ****ing night.



Just reading from your own post!



Do shut your mouth. I have one teaching assistant in my bottom set Yr.9 class as the majority of the poor buggers in there can't read and write properly. "Might have to do some work", please, I'd love to compare my working day to yours.


But don't worry, I'll still enjoy my 14 weeks holiday.

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...and the teacher training days, they can't be done during your ah! the childrens holidays?.


I would imagine that these can't happen during school holidays as teachers can only take leave then - they're not allowed time off during term time.


Like the rest of us, they have to be able to have some choice within that period about when they go on holiday.


And I can tell you that the teachers I know work a lot of the school holidays and weekends and weekday evenings. I regularly see my son-in-law looking grey and drained by the end of each week.

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Just reading from your own post!



Do shut your mouth. I have one teaching assistant in my bottom set Yr.9 class as the majority of the poor buggers in there can't read and write properly. "Might have to do some work", please, I'd love to compare my working day to yours.


But don't worry, I'll still enjoy my 14 weeks holiday.


Perhaps the bottom set are newly arrived immigrants hence the need for extra resources to be provided due to them not speaking fluent English.

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Just reading from your own post!



Do shut your mouth. I have one teaching assistant in my bottom set Yr.9 class as the majority of the poor buggers in there can't read and write properly. "Might have to do some work", please, I'd love to compare my working day to yours.


But don't worry, I'll still enjoy my 14 weeks holiday.


I'd imagine he'd teach more than one class...

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I was watching a segment about him on our local TV news.


It was interesting to see how he has become less 'posh' since becoming an MP - a bit of Essex boy creeping in now.


Reminds me of how Thatcher became posher. How times change.


Why are all Labour supporters so obssessed with class? It's ****ing pathetic and block-headed.

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Means nothing, as I found out in my job last year!


So a tory government is going to change primary lesgislation, set by a tory government that is deemed to be working by all sides?


No, didn't think so.


Still, you carry on about education as you clearly have a great grasp of how it all works.

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I dislike members of the NF but since they are right wing I'm guessing that you find then acceptable.


I dislike what the NF stands for - or rather what I think it stands for; can't say I've ever bothered looking into it as it is so insignificant nowadays - or rather I think it is.

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