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Clegg as DPM, Clarke as Chancellor?


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Nick Robinson reckons:


2. Clarke as Chancellor (can't believe that! If true a huge coup for the LDs), Cable as deputy chancellor.




Would be happy for that. I never understood why the tories didn't ditch Osborne a long time before the election.


Clarke (the most successful chancellor in decades) supported by Cable (one of the most respected politicians from a financial/economic perspective).


You would have to say that this is the dream team in terms of dealing with the worst financial crisis since WW2.


As for a coup for the Lib Dems, there are many tory voters that would see this as a coup for the tories (Osborne is, was and will be a ****).

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Nick Robinson reckons:


1. Clegg as Deputy PM


2. Clarke as Chancellor (can't believe that! If true a huge coup for the LDs), Cable as deputy chancellor.


3. Osborne demoted to Business Secretary


Sounds good. I've never hid my dislike for George Osbourne. I reckon KC and VC would make a good team.

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What a sad person you are. I support no party but I hope the Tories do really well. Pi*ses me off when people go mental before they have even done anything. Give them a chance FFS.


Have a day off, I bet NONE of the Tory boys on here gave Blair a chance when he took over


Cameron and Clegg couldn't be more in bed with each other if they had their ****s up each others arses. Scum, both of them!

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I really really really don't see what the 'Liberal' Democrats have to gain from this?! In future elections the opposition parties can simply say "A vote for the Lib Dems is a vote for the Tories" and BOOM, bang goes their core vote. I bet there are Lib Dem members who are even more furious than I am tonight. Clegg is living in a dream world if he thinks he will have any influence over the 'I'm alright Jacks'. Cheers Clegg!


At least we can now blame EVERYTHING for the next 4 years on the Tories - If we lose on penalties in the World Cup, I will be blaming Cameron!

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Must say, i'm not a Tory fan, but I do have a lot of time for Ken Clarke. Would much prefer him to George 'rabbit-in-the-headlights' Osbourne, and with Cable thrown into the bargain as deputy chancellor, I can't see much going wrong there.

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Have a day off, I bet NONE of the Tory boys on here gave Blair a chance when he took over


Cameron and Clegg couldn't be more in bed with each other if they had their ****s up each others arses. Scum, both of them!


I am NOT a Tory boy! I LIKED Tony Blair! It's not an excuse to say "well the other sides are c*nts so we are going to be c*nts as well." Rise above it FFS.

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I really really really don't see what the 'Liberal' Democrats have to gain from this?! In future elections the opposition parties can simply say "A vote for the Lib Dems is a vote for the Tories" and BOOM, bang goes their core vote. I bet there are Lib Dem members who are even more furious than I am tonight. Clegg is living in a dream world if he thinks he will have any influence over the 'I'm alright Jacks'. Cheers Clegg!


At least we can now blame EVERYTHING for the next 4 years on the Tories - If we lose on penalties in the World Cup, I will be blaming Cameron!



they gain from this by getting some of their policies actually into practice....when was the last time they had this chance..?


stop living in the past

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Um you were the one who said 'Boo Osborne', not me.


I'm not sad - I'm laughing.


I didn't want Osbourne as chancellor but I'm not going to write him off before anything happens. I'm willing to give the Tories a chance. Will you applaud them if they do well on the whole? Or focus on every tiny thing they do wrong (as they inevitably will do)? I suspect the latter.

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I didn't want Osbourne as chancellor but I'm not going to write him off before anything happens. I'm willing to give the Tories a chance. Will you applaud them if they do well on the whole? Or focus on every tiny thing they do wrong (as they inevitably will do)? I suspect the latter.


I can't applaud them if they do well, or focus on every wrongdoing as they will have done it in cahoots with the Liberals, won't they.


I (seriously) wonder what will happen if some of the Liberals who can vote on this decide to vote against it?


I also wonder if the marriage might end in divorce before the end of this (to be fixed term) parliament.


Oh and I wonder how many LibDems will cross the floor of the House?

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I do think the fixed term parliament will mean that, instead of vote-grabbing budgets just before the PM plans to hold an election, we'll get a vote-grabbing budget just before the end of the fixed term.

would you have been this cynical had the LibDems won with a majority.?

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BBCs Nick Robinson says Osborne will be Chancellor.


Who are we to gainsay this?


Well with the sound guidance of Kenneth Clarke and with the Conservative ideologies to guide him I expect George Osborne will do a fantastic job.

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As far as i'm aware the markets wanted a conservative government that will tackle the deficit straight away.


I'm assuming that you don't listen to Moneybox or R4?


Surveys in the City and by the CBI had Osbourne rated lower than both Darling and Cable.


The same surveys had Clarke as the choice for a tory chancellor.

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I'm assuming that you don't listen to Moneybox or R4?


Surveys in the City and by the CBI had Osbourne rated lower than both Darling and Cable.


The same surveys had Clarke as the choice for a tory chancellor.


Fair enough and as it goes I think Clarke would make a better chancellor.

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Well, Osborne it is seemingly. It will be a centre of huge contention as Osborne wants to slash and burn with spending to reduce deficit and Cable wants to continue spending to help support the economy and then cut later.


Complete opposites!

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Well, Osborne it is seemingly. It will be a centre of huge contention as Osborne wants to slash and burn with spending to reduce deficit and Cable wants to continue spending to help support the economy and then cut later.


Complete opposites!


The Liberals have got their referendum on AV so I suspect they'll just be grateful for that and allow the Conservatives to do what they do best and manage the economy.

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The Liberals have got their referendum on AV so I suspect they'll just be grateful for that and allow the Conservatives to do what they do best and manage the economy.


I beg to differ. One of the main planks of coalition was to be agreement on economic policies.


IIRC Osborne's policies were ridiculed by the (non-political) experts.

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At least we can now blame EVERYTHING for the next 4 years on the Tories - If we lose on penalties in the World Cup, I will be blaming Cameron!


At least we have a PM that will support us in the World Cup, unlike Brown who would at the very least hope we lose. He's a jock and it is in his DNA.

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Do you think he knows what football is?


I rather imagine he's a Fives man.


As it happens, he's a Villa fan......(Read the last entry)



He is the nephew of a former Villa chairman, so to be fair, he probably does know what football is, but don't let your class prejudice cloud your normally "balanced" (ahem) judgement

Edited by Johnny Bognor
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