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How do grass root liberals here feel


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Will he? who told you that nick? the way I see it, the country will decide via referendum, and I suspect it will be rejected by a majority vote.

Fair point, but it depends how the question is asked, there might not be a no, but a list of choices.

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As a grass roots Liberal, I was hoping for a Lib/Lab Pact. Unfortunately, Cameron sweet talked [i've no doubt] the Lib Dems with a promised referendum on Alternative Vote. That won't find popularity, and will kill off any suggestion of PR for the forseeable future.


I would feel better if Vince Cable were made Chancellor, but that won't happen.

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As a grass roots Liberal, I was hoping for a Lib/Lab Pact. Unfortunately, Cameron sweet talked [i've no doubt] the Lib Dems with a promised referendum on Alternative Vote. That won't find popularity, and will kill off any suggestion of PR for the forseeable future.


I would feel better if Vince Cable were made Chancellor, but that won't happen.


And this is the bit I don't understand about this deal. The Liberals have ensured they'll never get into power, surely :smt102

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Depressingly the English on their own probably would elect a Conservative government with a huge majority - partly due to the first past the post system we have.


However the conservatives are really the UKIP and the BNP by another name. They are a party that believe in the United Kingdom and Britain.


Clegg and Cameron, Osborne and Redwood are from the British ruling class - Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Oxford, Cambridge and St Andrews!


I bet most Scots would bite your hand-off right now if you offered them full devolution!


It's a shame we can't devolve England from the UK and the British!

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They are in power now. It's as much as they are ever going to get.


I'm VERY surprised to hear that the Libs have agreed to swingeing cuts immediately. Vince Cable argued vociferously against this recently saying it will set back the recovery.


I'm very disappointed that someone as respected as Vince Cable has been trampled on like this.

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I'm VERY surprised to hear that the Libs have agreed to swingeing cuts immediately. Vince Cable argued vociferously against this recently saying it will set back the recovery.


I'm very disappointed that someone as respected as Vince Cable has been trampled on like this.



During the election campaign he was forced to admit that the 6bn cuts would have little impact. It was the economics guru/genius that "argued vociferously against this recently saying it will set back the recovery"

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He comes across as very plausible but some of his proposals are really loopy. I guess he never thought they'd never get implemented.


What proposals are loopy that Cable puts forward Whitey? The guy is a fully fledged economist...

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God you really are a patronizing sore loser aren't you? Go an wallow in your own grief see if I care.


The Tories Are Back !!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!


I have no problems with rational political conversation. You are just being 1976 Childish. It's your option to be public with it and I don't have an issue with that.


As I repeat, good luck to the Tories and the LDs. If they prove they are good over the next 12 months, then excellent.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
Nameist! I believe he was born in London.


Correct, from a Scottish father and a family with generations of roots in the Inverness area.

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Correct, from a Scottish father and a family with generations of roots in the Inverness area.


He's also the great-great-great-great-great grandson of King William IV so has a little bit of blue Hanoverian blood in his veins too.;)


This makes him the fifth cousin twice removed of the Queen.

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He's also the great-great-great-great-great grandson of King William IV so has a little bit of blue Hanoverian blood in his veins too.;)


This makes him the fifth cousin twice removed of the Queen.


Live and learn folks, live and learn;)

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Live and learn folks, live and learn;)


To be honest mate i'm happy now that our man has won, if the lefties want to have a flap and parade their insecure class inferiority complexes then that's fine by me.:)

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How is he YOUR man? I thought you were a UKIP supporter?


Or maybe you're a flip-flap voter?


UKIP is the progressive branch of the Conservative party. We only exist to put pressure on the Conservatives to become more right wing.


If you read the comments in the Express there is a sizeable number from UKIP supporters.

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To call Labour socialist is also immature. I don't call the Tories fascist.


Many many Labour party supporters consider themselves Socialists and are happy to say so, can’t believe many Tories would happily label themselves fascists

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What I dont understand is the Relevance of the Lib Dems in national politics I can see their Relevance in local and European elections.




Will voters still support them in By elections because the policies they would be putting forward would be the same as the Tories - I wonder what is going to happen at Thirsk.



How can changes of policy work in the next few years if Vince Cable comes up with a good one will the Tories pinch it.




Who is going to oppose Trident and the Entry into the Euro if it is appropriate

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During the leaders debates Brown said that unemployment was going down.That has now been proved as another lie.

Today it was announced that the latest figures show that unemployment is the worst since 1994.

Remember this is part of the legacy he left , and no doubt it is still rising.

Many will point their finger at the coalition when the figures come out in the next few months. The trend is upward and will take time for that to be reversed

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During the leaders debates Brown said that unemployment was going down.That has now been proved as another lie.

Today it was announced that the latest figures show that unemployment is the worst since 1994.

Remember this is part of the legacy he left , and no doubt it is still rising.

Many will point their finger at the coalition when the figures come out in the next few months. The trend is upward and will take time for that to be reversed


I dont think he said it was going down but that it was not as bad as was expected.


He did acknowledge the recovery was fragile and that cutting should be delayed until the recovery was assurred



However, the total number of people claiming unemployment benefit fell in April by 27,100 to 1.52 million - a sharper fall than expected which you may be getting confused with.

Edited by John B
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I'm not a grass roots liberal but I have voted for them before. I've got to say the captilulation of PR is pretty unforgivable. AV is not PR and won't really change anything, besides which it's only a referendum. As Clegg said in the election build up if you're going to have a referendum then make it comprehensive (he was talking about staying in Europe but the point still stands).


They've given away a hell of a lot and got what? Some lesser cabinet seats (Secretary for Scotland! Yeah the Tories were desperate for that one) and a share of the blame when it all goes wrong. The clever thing would have been to take what was on offer and enter into a pact but they've thrown their hat in with the Tories completely and haven't really got much for it.


Oh well at least satire will be better - it's the only thing that is under the Tories.

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I dont think he said it was going down but that it was not as bad as was expected.


He did acknowledge the recovery was fragile and that cutting should be delayed until the recovery was assurred



However, the total number of people claiming unemployment benefit fell in April by 27,100 to 1.52 million - a sharper fall than expected which you may be getting confused with.

No Im not getting confused. People claiming unemployment may be reduced , but people registered unemployed has risen to the highest since 1994. Brown said that umemployment was falling.

You are not Alistair Campbell by any chance?? Lol

ps have you seen what the Governor of the BOE said about cutting?

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No Im not getting confused. People claiming unemployment may be reduced , but people registered unemployed has risen to the highest since 1994. Brown said that umemployment was falling.

You are not Alistair Campbell by any chance?? Lol

ps have you seen what the Governor of the BOE said about cutting?


What - this, you mean?


The Bank of England has said that the UK's economic growth is set to pick up, although risks to the recovery remain.

In its latest Inflation Report, it said economic conditions remained uncertain and the recovery could be hit by "substantial fiscal tightening".

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No Im not getting confused. People claiming unemployment may be reduced , but people registered unemployed has risen to the highest since 1994. Brown said that umemployment was falling.

You are not Alistair Campbell by any chance?? Lol

ps have you seen what the Governor of the BOE said about cutting?


Did you see the interview with Professor Blanchflower who completely disagreed.


I studied a little Economics at University 40 years ago and came to opinion that economists hardly ever agree.


Dont think he said that unemployment was falling because clearly it is not and will continue to rise


Yes I do think highly of Alistair Campbell

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Did you see the interview with Professor Blanchflower who completely disagreed.


I studied a little Economics at University 40 years ago and came to opinion that economists hardly ever agree.


Dont think he said that unemployment was falling because clearly it is not and will continue to rise


Yes I do think highly of Alistair Campbell

Well as the Governor is in charge of the BOE i hope he has more confidence of financiers than Blanchflower.I agree that economists hardly ever agree though.

Brown said in the last debate that it was falling.At the time i was sure he was wrong, but thought he should know....but

As for Campbell, he is a man who IMO went infront of the Iraq enquiry and lied. Just a clever and cynical user of decent people and knows how to manipulate, aka Mandelson.

I fully suspect that one of those 2 wrote Browns speech yesterday, it was os out of character for him....but that is me being cynical

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Well as the Governor is in charge of the BOE i hope he has more confidence of financiers than Blanchflower.I agree that economists hardly ever agree though.

Brown said in the last debate that it was falling.At the time i was sure he was wrong, but thought he should know....but

As for Campbell, he is a man who IMO went infront of the Iraq enquiry and lied. Just a clever and cynical user of decent people and knows how to manipulate, aka Mandelson.

I fully suspect that one of those 2 wrote Browns speech yesterday, it was os out of character for him....but that is me being cynical


You do know who Blanchflower is, don't you?

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I would be furious if I were a Liberal.

How Kennedy, Williams et al can not be angered by this I'll never know.


I wouldn't at all be suprised if some of the social democrats were preparing to 'come back home.'

They have got into power of some sort. Despite nearly three quaters of the country not voting for them


This is te closest they have got for god knows how long and actually get to put a few policies into practice


You guys wanted PR of some sort. Now you have it

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