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Libs just said they're still talking to the Labour Party


Labour saying that the talks with lib dems "never got off the ground". Lib dems said to be hacked off with the arrogance of un-elected 'bully' tactics of Mandelson and Campbell aparently

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Just saying what Sky news are saying. 1. GB has resigned. 2. No further talks between Lab and Lib Dems. 3. DC will form a minority government, but Lib Dems taking vote at 1930hrs tonight, with a view to joining the Cons.


Believe it, or don't believe it, no worry's from me either way.

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Just saying what Sky news are saying. 1. GB has resigned. 2. No further talks between Lab and Lib Dems. 3. DC will form a minority government, but Lib Dems taking vote at 1930hrs tonight, with a view to joining the Cons.


Believe it, or don't believe it, no worry's from me either way.


Sky's source is the Evening Standard, whose exact quote is:


Gordon Brown is set to resign tonight and allow David Cameron to be Britain's new prime minister.

The Labour leader's final desperate attempt to cling on to power with a Lib-Lab deal crumbled amid a rebellion on his own side and policy disagreements with Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg.

This afternoon he retreated to No 10 to discuss his situation with senior ministers, friends and wife Sarah.[/Quote]

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Look, I don't want a Lib/Lab deal but, but, but.............


Sometimes, in negotiation, you walk away in the hope of calling a bluff.



I hope your right BTF... I'd rather the Lib Dems refuse to join anyone than join the Tories.

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Yep he can go back to Corfu with George Osborne who, I bet, won't be Chancellor ;) ;)


Unfortunately Cameron and Osbourne are rather joined at the hip so can't see him not being chancellor (at least till his first major ****up).

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LOL - Nick Robinson just saying LibDems might decide to not work with DC.


Having said that, I think DC will sell his own mother rather than run a minority government.

still..how will this sit with the liberal voters in general..


this is the PR they wanted..and their party is doing deals with the enemy

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still..how will this sit with the liberal voters in general..


this is the PR they wanted..and their party is doing deals with the enemy

There are plenty of floating voters that flip-flop between the Tories and lib dems

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