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Breaking News - Brown to resign, Labour entering negotiations with the Liberals


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You are, of course, technically correct, but to suggest that the leader of the party isn't a significant influence on who people vote for is to stick one's head in the sand somewhat


That is fault of the electorate not the political party.


Having TV debates doesn't help, makes it too presidential. Most people couldn't name the candidate they voted for probably in this election and instead just the leaders(though some probably don't even know them).


I made my vote last Thursday based on which leader of the country I wanted.


I apologies profusely on behalf of the majority of the electroate.

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Osbourne is a problem but chancellor might be too much for Cable who could get Business Secretary. There would have to be something for Clegg, any ideas?


Another tricky one as it would have to be a big post but the Tories are not backing down on their manifesto in these areas. Maybe Work & Pensions...

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I thin that VFTT and Dune are a perfect example of why PR could never achieve anything.


Ha, a Lib/Green & BNP/UKIP alliance? Under which version of PR would such a thing ever occur? The alternative party they are allied against must be one truely scarey entity (perhaps the 'Jim Davidson' party? [shudder]).

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I made my vote last Thursday based on which leader of the country I wanted.


I apologies profusely on behalf of the majority of the electroate.


Well, you also didn't understand the system then either. ;)


It is one that we have used for an awfully long time and it is easy to understand.

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Hmmm I voted for the party I wanted to win, not the leader.


That's not to say I didn't support the party's leader BTW :)


I think most staunch party supporters don't care who their leader is, but the more floating voter (i.e. c.40% of the country) ARE influenced by who the leaders are, regardless of what the purists think. People are human afterall (well, mandleson excepted)

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BBC: "Labour MPs have not supported the move by Brown to offer lib dems AV without a prior referendum"


Back in Cameron's court me thinks, but as you say BTF, it's a poisioned challice


I don't know why the Libs would want AV - I don't think it would deliver what they want.


I think there should be a referendum on this (although in principle I'm against referenda) as it would be a major change to the constitution. I'd be surprised if the Cons agreed to this without a referendum first.

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I don't know why the Libs would want AV - I don't think it would deliver what they want.


I think there should be a referendum on this (although in principle I'm against referenda) as it would be a major change to the constitution. I'd be surprised if the Cons agreed to this without a referendum first.


The conservatives haven't agreed to AV without a referendum. That's the tory offer to the lib dems: referendum first. The Labour heirarchy have simply tried to trump this offer by saying they would change the system before a referendum and it's that which labour MPs are unhappy about

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The conservatives haven't agreed to AV without a referendum. That's the tory offer to the lib dems: referendum first. The Labour heirarchy have simply tried to trump this offer by saying they would change the system before a referendum and it's that which labour MPs are unhappy about


Almost right - Labour had said they would set up a switch to AV and then ratify it with a referendum.


But many Labour MPs don't like that. In the same way, I suspect, as the right wing of the Conservative Party will react. I think the Conservative 'Way Forward' group has just intimated this.

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Almost right - Labour had said they would set up a switch to AV and then ratify it with a referendum.


Yep, hence me saying labour heirarchy have offered AV before a referendum (apologies if I didn't make that bit clear)

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Don't manifestos have to be compromised in a 'balanced government' scenario though...?

Agreed, but I think there is a difference between the Tories dropping a pledge to scrap inheritance tax and Labour changing the entire electoral system on a whim, ( and then having the cheek to ask us if we want it afterwards ! ).

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Labour had said they would set up a switch to AV and then ratify it with a referendum.


Seems a very strange way to do it. Almost like they are saying to the general public 'this is what we are doing, now be a good chap and tick the box.' Would be a bit of a waste of time if they changed the law and then had to change it back if the public voted no.

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Seems a very strange way to do it. Almost like they are saying to the general public 'this is what we are doing, now be a good chap and tick the box.' Would be a bit of a waste of time if they changed the law and then had to change it back if the public voted no.


Yes I agree, it is a bit odd. My impression was that they'd set up the law and then if / when it was agreed via a referendum, they could put it in place immediately.


But I still can't see what advantage AV would give the smaller parties.

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But I still can't see what advantage AV would give the smaller parties.


Libdems might do ok out of it, but you're right it won't do the very small parties much good. I do like the idea of a system where you still have a constituency mp, but that they must have 50+ % of people behind them.

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But, if the Cons do get into bed with the Libs, and drop Inheritance Tax plans for example, they won't be breaking a manifesto pledge?

Yep, all parties break manifesto 'pledges' at the end of the day. They would be better badging them as 'aspirations' really

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Libdems might do ok out of it, but you're right it won't do the very small parties much good. I do like the idea of a system where you still have a constituency mp, but that they must have 50+ % of people behind them.


It would seem sensible that our MPs have the support of the majority of the voters.

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Home Office with Cable taking a lesser brief at Business?


With his policy on Immigration the Tories won't let Clegg anywhere near the Home Office.


If anywhere it will be environment ( or whatever that department falls into now) !

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Here's the view of Facebook users:


Hung Parliament 6002439868773_4_20340e5b.png The election has resulted in a hung Parliament. What do you want to see happen next?




Election 2010: What do you Want?


42% Labour / LibDem



24% Tory / LibDem / DUP



34% Another General Election


What was the sample and how many Tory voters didn't partake compared to the number of labour voters didn't partake? Just wondering ;-)

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