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Pardew and board to meet Thursday now...?

saint lard

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Blue Square now making Pardew 40-1 for West Ham job. He wasn't on it last time I looked. hmmm


guess they figure that they might as well make a bit of money from mugs.


I remember all the betting info when Burley left and then again when Gorman and Dodd got the push, local bookies must have minted it on all the money that got put on Coleman, Davies and Uncle Tom Cobley,why some bloke who eventually got the Iceland National job was about 6/1 favourite.


sorry Finland

Edited by Window Cleaner
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guess they figure that they might as well make a bit of money from mugs.


I remember all the betting info when Burley left and then again when Gorman and Dodd got the push, local bookies must have minted it on all the money that got put on Coleman, Davies and Uncle Tom Cobley,why some bloke who eventually got the Iceland National job was about 6/1 favourite.


sorry Finland

I won big stylee when Redknapp went back to that poohole down the road. Well, big-ish.

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The Echo Daily Mail Solent etc


They are suggesting he has failed by not reaching the playoffs but like you I dont know.


But they have better access than I do


Do they? i'm not sure the echo does they can't even get basic story's first or right at moment


sorry I might of looked a bit off with ya with the say's who but my point was you said he failed on this season planI have so far only seen the mail say it & the echo imply it both wildy wrong with other storys printed this month so who knows

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Do they? i'm not sure the echo does they can't even get basic story's first or right at moment


sorry I might of looked a bit off with ya with the say's who but my point was you said he failed on this season planI have so far only seen the mail say it & the echo imply it both wildy wrong with other storys printed this month so who knows


That is why I said apparently but I do wish to see a united Manager/Chairman which I am not sure is the current case

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Do they? i'm not sure the echo does they can't even get basic story's first or right at moment


sorry I might of looked a bit off with ya with the say's who but my point was you said he failed on this season planI have so far only seen the mail say it & the echo imply it both wildy wrong with other storys printed this month so who knows


Don't forget the Echo use any situation to twist supporters opinion of NC. I consider they are either the source of any negative stories or avidly repeat others(not holding back in building them up) no matter how tenuous they are.

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Dont know that is why I await with interest


Not really bothered either way as the squad should be capable of promotion


If Pardew goes you can expect the current squad to be dismantled. I know for 100% FACT that the only reason Lallana stayed on last summer is because of Pardew. He spent a lot of time with Adam and convinced him to stay because he would win something here, he has done that. The players have respect for him because of his experience and his personality.


If we got Cotterill in who has only really had any success in his career while managing in the 4th tier of english football do you think those players will want to stay? I can't see players like Lambert,Lallana,Fonte etc all wanting to hang around if Pardew goes. Especially if a guy with a worse record is brought in.

Wether your "bothered" or not Pardew is very well respected in the footballing world, that is why he is always rumoured for top jobs, the latest being Celtic and West Ham. I can't see Cotterill's name being banded around for those jobs?

The manager play's a huge part in attracting players to a club. The higher the reputation the higher the level of player.

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If Pardew goes you can expect the current squad to be dismantled. I know for 100% FACT that the only reason Lallana stayed on last summer is because of Pardew. He spent a lot of time with Adam and convinced him to stay because he would win something here, he has done that. The players have respect for him because of his experience and his personality.


If we got Cotterill in who has only really had any success in his career while managing in the 4th tier of english football do you think those players will want to stay? I can't see players like Lambert,Lallana,Fonte etc all wanting to hang around if Pardew goes. Especially if a guy with a worse record is brought in.

Wether your "bothered" or not Pardew is very well respected in the footballing world, that is why he is always rumoured for top jobs, the latest being Celtic and West Ham. I can't see Cotterill's name being banded around for those jobs?

The manager play's a huge part in attracting players to a club. The higher the reputation the higher the level of player.


We will have to see what happens but the players may leave if Pardew is here money talks


But I doubt whether NC would get rid of Pardew and then not fully support the new manager with money.

Edited by John B
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We will have to see what happens but the players may leave if Pardew is here money talks


And both Pardew and Cortese have stated it would have to be huge money for Saints to sell any of the stars.


- Teams with money problems sell cheaply to resolve money problems.

- Teams with wealthy backers can afford to turn away derogatory bids.


Yes, if a player wants to leave they will leave, but I don't see Saints letting anyone go on the cheap whilst Liebherr provides financial security.


Thus there aren't many clubs that would both want and afford the likes of Lambert, Schneiderlin, Fonte and Lallana. A lot of Championship sides are in huge problems. Premiership clubs would be taking a gamble on them and unlikely to be able to offer them regular football in a winning side.


Even if Pardew does go. Which I don't want and don't think will happen, I see little reason why that would mean the main players in his squad would depart as well. Any incoming manager and COrtese would be looking to keep them and would have the financial backing and ambition to do so.

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And both Pardew and Cortese have stated it would have to be huge money for Saints to sell any of the stars.


- Teams with money problems sell cheaply to resolve money problems.

- Teams with wealthy backers can afford to turn away derogatory bids.


Yes, if a player wants to leave they will leave, but I don't see Saints letting anyone go on the cheap whilst Liebherr provides financial security.


Thus there aren't many clubs that would both want and afford the likes of Lambert, Schneiderlin, Fonte and Lallana. A lot of Championship sides are in huge problems. Premiership clubs would be taking a gamble on them and unlikely to be able to offer them regular football in a winning side.


Even if Pardew does go. Which I don't want and don't think will happen, I see little reason why that would mean the main players in his squad would depart as well. Any incoming manager and COrtese would be looking to keep them and would have the financial backing and ambition to do so.


That is how I see it too

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What I'm clinging to is that this is just paper talk. No doubt Pardew and Cortese will be aware of it but I expect, if there's nothing in it, NC has told Pards he is safe. He hasn't commented publicly because if you comment on one rumour you end up having to comment on all of them. And, now and again, they might be true but premature.


There may even be a grain of truth in this one about unhappiness at not reaching play-offs and the Daily Heil has added 2&2 and made five (and blamed Labour).


Of course, it could all be true but, if you're going to sack someone, do you really leak it to the press and then leave it for several days?

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He was finally banned for backchatting a Mod, but that was simply the final straw after months of his usually brand of argumentative/confrontational for no seeming purpose behaviour.


I wish the SadoldGit Alpine spats could be stopped as well

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Alan leaving would give those who want away the 'moral' excuse to leave (ie "money is not a factor".)

Whether NC would force these types to stay is another matter.


Squad looks fine with a few summer signings to strengthen. It looks harmonised and it will get better next season IMO. Last thing we need is another reshuffle this summer...surely NC knows this. I ****ing hope he does.

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Alan leaving would give those who want away the 'moral' excuse to leave (ie "money is not a factor".)

Whether NC would force these types to stay is another matter.


Squad looks fine with a few summer signings to strengthen. It looks harmonised and it will get better next season IMO. Last thing we need is another reshuffle this summer...surely NC knows this. I ****ing hope he does.




But how much more do we need to spend (and commit)to be able to beat Brentford,Exeter and Tranmere?


That is the question, do we need another 2 million thrown at the problem or 100K or 15 million? NC and ML aren't going to throw money at the problem endlessly. I am really astonished that so few of you realise this. We have better players already than every other side in our division.We shouldn't need to sign any more players, what we have should be easily enough, if they aren't then there's a problem with our existing recruitment an tthat comes down to AP. Most said we needed cover in CM other than Wotton,James and Gilett, but we bought another striker and 2 central defenders.

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But how much more do we need to spend (and commit)to be able to beat Brentford,Exeter and Tranmere?


That is the question, do we need another 2 million thrown at the problem or 100K or 15 million? NC and ML aren't going to throw money at the problem endlessly. I am really astonished that so few of you realise this. We have better players already than every other side in our division.We shouldn't need to sign any more players, what we have should be easily enough, if they aren't then there's a problem with our existing recruitment an tthat comes down to AP. Most said we needed cover in CM other than Wotton,James and Gilett, but we bought another striker and 2 central defenders.



....plus the difficulty in persuading higher-league players to drop a division or two, regardless of the money on offer.

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IF he does go then I think it depends who we get in which will make up the minds of many players who are thinking of leaving.


If Cotterill comes in or somebody that is not up to Pardew's standard then some may head for the exit unfortunately.


I hope and think that the fact the meeting was delayed a day means that Cortese is having more time to think about things.

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Does anybody have any idea what time this meeting is supposed to be taking place tomorrow? I am out most of the day and was wondering when to check for updates regarding the meeting on the internet.


I expect the meeting will take place at some point in the morning. I agree with all the people who are stating that this meeting is just to discuss the following:


1) A review of last season

2) Transfer budget and transfer targets for next season

3) Which players will be retained / released

4) Expectations for next season (promotion obviously - preferably as champions!)

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But how much more do we need to spend (and commit)to be able to beat Brentford,Exeter and Tranmere?


That is the question, do we need another 2 million thrown at the problem or 100K or 15 million? NC and ML aren't going to throw money at the problem endlessly. I am really astonished that so few of you realise this. We have better players already than every other side in our division.We shouldn't need to sign any more players, what we have should be easily enough, if they aren't then there's a problem with our existing recruitment an tthat comes down to AP. Most said we needed cover in CM other than Wotton,James and Gilett, but we bought another striker and 2 central defenders.


There isn't a "problem". FFS. Are you completely oblivious to our form over the last three quarters of the season? The current team is good enough to finish in the top 2.

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There isn't a "problem". FFS. Are you completely oblivious to our form over the last three quarters of the season? The current team is good enough to finish in the top 2.


How anyone fails to see that is beyond me.


I actually think a section of our fan base wants failure so they can say "told you so".

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My view is fairly straight forward. Pardew has done a good job given that we started the season with a pretty poor squad and had a 10 point defecit. Have the board forgotten that we won the JPT?

If they get rid of AP then we will be a laughing stock once again. We'll have to start all over again next season with no guarantee that any incoming manager will get us promoted. What will they do if a new manager has only achieved mid-table status by Xmas? Sack him and hope that they find a replacement who can get us into the play-offs? This is the sort of behaviour that we saw with Rupert Lowe & Co. I thought we'd seen the back of all that ****?

Edited by Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd
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Ever since ML saved us last summer Nicola Cortese has spoken only of success and building on and off the field for the premiership. Much has been made of the money spent in January and that this must have effected the timescales by which Pardews first main target of getting to the Chsmpionship had to be achieved. Purely on a business level this is very unlikely. From a football business perspective and within the scope of "The five year plan" this move is ridiculous. Within that plan X money would have been talked about and budgeted, certainly with contingency built in. From the position we were in last summer at point of takeover, the money spent will certainly be within budget and is definitely not a huge part of the overall figure required to achieve the goals of The five year plan.

Sure, making the play-offs this season would have been great and sure maybe expectation may have increased but that merely demonstrates how good a job Alan Pardew and his fellow coaches have done both in terms of recruitment and organisation.

Unless something really untoward has happened behind closed doors I can see no reason why a highly professional person would go back on his decision of 10 months ago and sack AP. Of course, if we do not go up next season then I fully expect a change.

If something has happened and AP does go I don't actually get why it's taken so long!

Also, the replacement will very definitely fit in with the vision NC has for the club so Cotterill does not fit!

Unlike some I am expecting positve news over the coming days and weeks concerning ST prices, plans for SMS, the 125 year plans, a possible Sporting Director (quite possibly Lennie Lawrence, knows AP and Les Read well), and of course a few quality signings!!!

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I cant see why any owner would want to sack a manger for no logical reason, upset the fan base and make himself look a fool. You get nowhere running a club like Lowe/skate owner/west ham etc


Perhaps AP didnt get a meeting appointment request in the outlok e-mail and he was out shopping today instead!

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What will NC decide - IN or OUT?


Regardless of your likes, dislikes, opinions for AP - the important thing is what will NC decide.


In your opinion is AP IN next season or OUT


For me - I think NC will set strong demands but ultimately AP will stay



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I think he will be out, hope I'm wrong.


Alot of people are acusing the media of **** stirring, well if he goes this week that will blow that theory out of the water.


Rumours I heard in jan which came via the media were fairly specific, if they were right ap will be out on his arse. At the time I took them with a pinch of salt, time will tell if there was any truth.

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I think he will be out, hope I'm wrong.


Alot of people are acusing the media of **** stirring, well if he goes this week that will blow that theory out of the water.


Rumours I heard in jan which came via the media were fairly specific, if they were right ap will be out on his arse. At the time I took them with a pinch of salt, time will tell if there was any truth.



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I think he will be out, hope I'm wrong.


Alot of people are acusing the media of **** stirring, well if he goes this week that will blow that theory out of the water.


Rumours I heard in jan which came via the media were fairly specific, if they were right ap will be out on his arse. At the time I took them with a pinch of salt, time will tell if there was any truth.


care to enlighten us ?

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