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I really would because it's been great and thanks to Baj and his co admins/mods those of us with different views, be they far left and far right have been allowed and protected by and large from abuse.


In the lounge politics chats were always silly and both sides were more into point scoring and personal discreditation anf this makes debateing the real points impossible. The beauty of politics and democrasy is that if you are right in your own mind then you can be honest and argue your case.


I (or should i say some who was called Stanley who sounds an abnoxious character) have been called a nazi, white supremacist, NF rally attendee. Well by some mad coincidence I have been on ONE NF rally with some friends when i was in my teens (stanley from what VFTT says was probably an NF rally regular with tattoos, doc martines, skin head, and a keen interest in bomb making) So the Stanley VFTT knows all about is clearly not Dune. I'll explain why i went. Bear in mind that I love my politics and I love my country and am proud of our entire history (politically correct and not) because we built the worlds largest ever Empire in competition with the rest of Europe and it was this continent and peoples who were now the hub of global civilisation and innovation. Please don't take that comment as racist because throughout history before that the hubs of civilisation were as far apart as Peru to the Sudan. I deviate spectacularly but the message is that on the back of the industrial revolution we built the mightiest navy in the world and we beat the French and Spanish and dominated the world. Of this we should feel pride, not pride in the attrocities, but pride that we GREAT BBRITAIN fought against the other world powers and won and we became the worlds superpower. For a little island that up until the George III period had been sustence small holders and little better than the peasants of 1000 years before the transformation from 1800 to 1845 Victorias time) to the pinacle prior to WW1 was nothing short of remarkable and we should feel immensely proud at how organised and disciplined and clever we were at turning the globe pink. Because of our navy all we had to do most times was to sail into a foreign harbour and give the local chief some gifts (yes they were an insult but gold is really as valuabe as plastic beads because it's only worth an intrinsic ammount because our culture dicates thus) and we invited the chief on board and sent greeting from the queen and then crucially gave him a demonstration of a full broadside - the territory was ours although we often allowed the chif to maintain his role under the crown. with the broadside always in his mind lest he think about rebbelling. They we anglicised the ruling elite and before long they became reliant on the British because without the British they'd be overthrown, so we had a localised goverbnment (nah that the wrong word - a localised millitia) fighting for the crown because they depended on the empire to maintain their place in society.


As you can tell I love British history warts and all because history tells you so much about people and those who think humanity has really changed in 200 odd years are mistaken i think. Political correctness doesn't stop extremism, it allows it to grow because the debates cannot be had, people cannot be honest and say precisely what worries them and what they don't like and the anger turns to agression and then tp hate and then the person is consumed with a sense of not being listened to and is called names like Nazisd and bigots and over time these names become less annoying and less offensive anf they start think, **** maybe i am a bit NAZI, but most normal people draw the line when it comes to genocide which is such a sterile word much like insurgents. What happened in Germany was pure evil with women children, husbands, mothers, those in wheelchairs, those that were travelers put on trains from the ghettos to a new happy life separate from the Ayrian super race (yeah right) - many top NAZI's didn't have the bloodline of blod hair and blue eyes from the time of the vikings - once at the station they sw the nice huts and heard soothing classical music and were put in orderly queues by smilling camp officials and their possesions were recorded and label'ed and receipts given so they could pick them up after the treat of treats, a warm shower to wash away the dirt and give them some dignity back What happened next is well known and if VFTT or anyone else for that matter thinks so lowly of me that i'd support mass murder, no not just support it - actually enjoy it like the SS guards did then i can assure everyone that this is not me at all. I'm not particularly religious but i believe in ghosts and family looking down pn us and i believe in guardia angels ( i reckon i met mine once when i was on the khife edge (i think) between life and death due to an overdose on illegal substances when i was a lot younger, so your actions in this life could well be seen by higher beings amd i think that's not god or any of that ****, but those who loved you.


I could go on and on and talk **** for hours but let's go back to what VFTT keeps saying about the NF rallies and Stanley - if what he says is true and the poster who was Stanley was a hardcore Nazi then he is wrong to compare what he thinks he knows about Stanley and what i am telling you with honesty and a stronge polticical and moral belief about myself - Dune.


Yes i went on 1 single NF rally when i was younger, yes in those days I was very angry and hated some people on a collective level, but to this day I believe that attending this 1 rally was the right thing to do and I have absolutely no regret nor do i feel any shame - i'm proud that at this young age me and friends cared about politics enough to do what we thought was right. And to explain what the NF rally was about it was a counter demonstration to a protest organised by al majaroun. These people are the far far right islamic extremist that want the flag of islam flying over downing street and despise my country and take pleasure in ridiculing the British people who largely remain tolerant, but the tolerance is wearing thinner and thinner. I was about 18 when we went on this NF march decked in our england shirts and we mets some good like minded people that weren't weirdos or nutters or serial killers wanting a nazi govt so they could fulfil their fantasies, these were just normal people that felt impelled to couner protest and say NO. Trafalgar square is a an area for british pride and respecting that area is our duty to our forefathers who lived and died to make Britain Great. So i'm proud i did something and attended and made a stand. Mine and my mates stance wasn't hardcore like the NF skinheads in their silly clothes ans with their scary tatoos, we saw them and though Woooooo - these guys are nutters and the sort who'd love to be the one that turned the zyclon b on, no we drifted away and found a pub then went clubbing and got hammered. that is my story. and that is by afr the most i've written since waffling on about ******** when i was at school (a dosser that never revised but always got good grades)


And as a final edit it was al majaroun that a few years later were responsible for 7/7. I may be a NAZI is some peoples eyes, but if a few more normal people had joined me and said NO to al majaroun, YOU cannot do this, WE WONT LET THIS HAPPEN, and realised at the time the probability of a forthcoming attempt to declare a war against christian values _ and whether you're atheist or a churchgoer all our vales do stem from the Christian faith (modified slightly bu Henry 8 as is the British way) and if you belive in our country and you believe we have a right to defend the values of our ancestors like supposedly less civilised tribes do all over the world (note i'm not saying theyre less civilised b4 anyone jumps on this but they are less modern as we know modern life to be) then GET OFF YOUR ARSE AND DO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS RIGHT. Leftwing, or righghtwing have some passion, but please please please don't become brainwashed or a conformist to a poltical party - always remain your own person and do research and and then decide what YOU think. I have little friendship with left wingers but there's a few on here that i genuinely respect for the simple reason they can argue their point through conviction and belief without abuse. These two people are BTF, Thorpe Le Saint and sod it i'm gonna include topgun (who i was very wrong about) and Fungi who has just about not abusing me anymore and thats my own fault because i should have spoken from the heart before and been dead honest. My one appeal though to those on the left is to wake up to islamisc extremists and understand that they are the far right too. When the anl march with guys brandishing "behead the infidels" it shows you in the comlete opposite light to where you really should be. This is why the far left needs eagles to fly alone and say hang - we're doing this wrong - what we're doing is hypocritical, and not sheep that simply follow everyone else and just accept that it is how it is because its the way it is and irs the right way beacuse the current leaders are there because they are wise, because the current leadership is wrong wrong wrong if they think the far left should be marching with one far right group just because they hate another far right group more it's morally a betrayal of the cause.

Edited by dune
I would have if they stood, I voted for the Basingstoke common man party.


There are a lot of common men in Basingstoke.

A good idea and I think it may actually prove more popular than The Lounge.


Which is basically just the Pompey Takeover Saga borefest nowadays.

You can f*ck right off if you think i'm reading that.

But yes, I think it should stay - maybe as a sub-forum of the lounge.


id say and thunk exactly the same thing, but it's only really aimed a few people because i've taken lots andd lots of abuse putting me in labelled box so i thought i'd tell the dune story warts and all and then everyone will probanly think i'm a bigger nazi, but i'm thick skinned and i can live with lies being told about me because you find out whor true friends are when the crowd (sheep) are against yoiu and it doesn't matter if anyone lies about you because liars never prosper

Maybe we should just make a forum for you two.


I would love to be a mod for this forum but i reckon the mods are too shy to ask. I think that Baj in particular has been very impressed with my factual threads and links ti daily express articles.


Me and Johnny and BTF and thorpe le saint would make a great mods team for here, Wha a brilliant idea, i reckon baj is gonna think yeah we gotta do this because the site has been mazin this last few weeks and dune has been most grown up and not risen too much to the baiting and if he was stanley (which clearly he's not because stanley is hardcore NF) he would be really sorry about 1 event more than any other and he'd class it as the most shameful things he's ever done, and that was the nasty stuff he wrote about Keith. Those days were dark dark days and i (stanley) would imagine that stanley is sorry and so he should be.


Yep, would like it to stay. It keeps politics off the main forums and give those that clearly have an interest somewhere to congregate.


If it is a hung parliament, the next 6 months will be interesting especially with developments in the financial world tonight.

Dune, to me you sound like Stanley pretending that you are not Stanley.


Everyone is saying that and thinking that. Stanley was clearly hated by everyone so go on, join in and say what a cvnt you thought he was too.

Often talk about yourself??


I'm sticking with the Smeagol theory.


If the admins made this a perminant forum, could they introduce 'like' and 'not like' for all posts? That would make the whole thing a touch more democratic...

I would have if they stood, I voted for the Basingstoke common man party.


I was at the declaration and his speech was epicness(But he was wearing a pompey shirt!!!!). Maria Miller won though :(, but that was always going to happen.

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