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Think the mods have vanished so let's do our own poll. To gauge how we as a Saints community voted.

So who did you vote for? No need to explain why you voted for them or why you didn't vote for xyz.


I voted conservative


Conservative in both the General and Local Elections. Not that it'll make much difference in this sh*t hole of a city. Labour could shoot their first born and they would still vote for them.


Haven't voted yet, polling station is next door to a pub,so Will tell Mrs Duck I'm off to vote, and maybe get a swift couple in while she's watching Eastenders.Haven't decided whether UKIP or Torys. Tory majority of 6,000 last time, but a combined Lib/Dem, Labour vote can reign that back, so I might have to forsake UKIP and go Tory.

Conservative in both the General and Local Elections. Not that it'll make much difference in this sh*t hole of a city. Labour could shoot their first born and they would still vote for them.


a mate in Wigan told me much the same thing this morning, he said labour could put up ian huntley as their mp and hed still get elected


Yeah was not many when i was there either. Had about 4 old ladies outside with notebooks asking for our numbers.


It would be quite funny if BBC used our poll on their show later


"and we have a southampton poll, it looks pretty close between conservatives and lib dems with around 30% of the votes each, and we have 2% for a guy with a pig head and 1% for the Paul Wotten Party".

a mate in Wigan told me much the same thing this morning, he said labour could put up ian huntley as their mp and hed still get elected


Only the same as New Forest East or West With the incumbent Tory Knobheads

Lib Dem/ Lib Dem


I nearly did the same, but i felt they were being unfair with amnesty on illegals. U saw a Kenya and they need jobs, nick should bring them all over because i went on holiday there anf the food was brilliant. Nick almost won be over but he was just a little bit too bigoted for the 21st century for my liking. I voted UKIP instead vecause they are as far left as it goes not since the sufragettes has aprty camapaigned so tirelessly for the right of ugly women to not have cover thier faces with a sheet. It's time we moved on a realised that looks are not the bee all and end all in a relationship, it's the sex that matters.


I stuck to my principles and voted tory, having decided Caroline Nokes definitely had the bigger cup size of the two candidates.

I stuck to my principles and voted tory, having decided Caroline Nokes definitely had the bigger cup size of the two candidates.


nice one scotty, you saw a bit of theresa may in her didn't you and realised that Caroline is the sort of woman that won't moan when you wipe your nob on her tummy.

nice one scotty, you saw a bit of theresa may in her didn't you and realised that Caroline is the sort of woman that won't moan when you wipe your nob on her tummy.


I knew that theresa may thing would come back to haunt me, thanks for the reminder:D


i was really very close to going back to the BNP. I'll be honest (and take th flak as is my style) and say the way the BNP lads handled themselves when they were spat at impressed me. It showed loyalty and solidarity and that they were not afraid to defend themselves. Qualities i doubt you find in george osborne of thing gove



but I did think voting for all three main parties - a cross for each one!


thankfully you saw sense becos thatd just be silly and immature and youd regret it

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