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Get well Nige...

Crab Lungs

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It'll be VERY interesting to see how he does in the election with all this free publicity (and what happens on the next Election Day with media spin if the incident launches his popularity rating).

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I really hope he wins, would be great seeing him wheeled in to the where the votes are announced all battered and bruised. Can just picture him giving a rambling concussed speech and then callapsing on the podium. It'd be comedy gold. Nigel Farge is a legend.:D

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I really hope he wins, would be great seeing him wheeled in to the where the votes are announced all battered and bruised. Can just picture him giving a rambling concussed speech and then callapsing on the podium. It'd be comedy gold. Nigel Farge is a legend.:D


Wins what? Farage isn't standing.

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The aircraft was due to circle over Buckingham, where Mr Farage is standing as a candidate, trailing a banner, a UKIP spokesman said.


Oh bugger yes, me dumb. Forgot about the convention of not standing against the speaker but NF doing publicity stunt. I must admit I wouldn't have thought he would have been allowed to stand already being an MEP.

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Unfortunately I bet the crash has won more votes than flying around with a banner would have. But why was he in the plane? Couldn't he have entrusted the banner work to someone else? Was he hoping to use a megaphone to play flight of the valkyries in some form of airborne assult on Buckingham's hearts and minds? Why do we have such antiquated electoral process that the people of Buckingham don't get a proper chance to vote? I do hope the crash helps to dilute the tory vote nationwide, not enough to win the Belgium hating UKIP any seats, but enough to see a few more marginal seats swing yellow.


Come on all true Tories, vote UKIP

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Oh bugger yes, me dumb. Forgot about the convention of not standing against the speaker but NF doing publicity stunt. I must admit I wouldn't have thought he would have been allowed to stand already being an MEP.


He stood down to fight this seat.

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I think you’ve summed up his appeal perfectly. Off to UKIP HQ with you, you may swing this election yet!


I very rarely buy the Daily Mail, I read the Express so bang goes your theory. That said I have bought the Mail for the last few days to broaden my horizons and give a balanced view of things.

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I very rarely buy the Daily Mail, I read the Express so bang goes your theory. That said I have bought the Mail for the last few days to broaden my horizons and give a balanced view of things.


You do know this is crazy talk don't you Dune? There is very little to divide the two dirty rags, they are both sensationalist, and full of regression, racism and hypocracy.


Your suggestion that you could switch from one to another is like a Skate going to a Luton or Millwall game to escape the inbred chavs.

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"Airfield in Winchester", ??? Popham? Thruxton? Can't think of any in winchester...


There is an airstrip in Upham.


On the left on the road from Fishers Pond to Bishops Waltham.


That would be classed as Winchester.

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