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That Cameron matey looks about....


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1. Do you mean the Football Association? WTF?? Don't get where you are coming from here.


It was the not them that crashed the van into a flagpole at St Marys. If this had been Royal Mail there'd be an outcry.


2. Too many, for sure. But why are nurses less likely to roll up their sleeves and get the cleaning done themselves. Could it be that job is now thought to be beneath them? How did that culture ever take hold and who was responsible. Sure as heck Flo Nightingale would not have let the wards get dirty!


the role of a nurse is a hell of different to Flo Nightingale i can assure you. They do not have time to clean the wards. I know from experience Too many managers and not enough staff these days.


3. Errr, pretty darn good actually. Better that Railtrack (or whatever they are now called) is once again 'nationalised' but the train companies are doing a good job imho.


Why are people still driving cars more and why can't i ever get a cheap advance ticket these days when travelling south? why are virgin/cross country trains half empty with lots of unsold first class travel seats?


4. Well, first of all and contrary to popular myth, there is not a lot of the stuff left under Britain. At least not anthracite. And that which is left is either a long way under ground and in pretty shallow seams - which makes it very expensive to mine - or it is near the surface and in areas of outstanding natural beauty which would not really benefit from open cast mining. I know it would be a wonderful thing if we still had a strong coal industry but wishing it were so does not make it so


5. Fairly chaotic, granted. Somethings should never be privatised but that doesn't mean they have to be sloppily run.


6. Again, prisons should never be private for-profit.


7. Come off it, the state owned infirmaries and nursing care was hardly blameless in this regard.


Maybe so but an elderly service user could expect the same regular carer call on them and at least turn up and not leave them in bed etc? private care agencies practice is concentrated on what is best for the staff not customers and is all about making money out of the most needy/vulnerable people. Institutional abuse.


8. I have to be frank, I am happy. Well actually I guess it is more a case of me not being unhappy. In the case of the water companies these are not actually privatised in the true sense of the word. Yes they have share holders and are 'for profit' but they are still under real firm control from the state and 'customers' can't switch water supplier.


Maybe you have not had to wait in the past for up to a year for them to sort out your bill/payments/meter after dozens of letters and hundreds of phone calls?

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Maybe you have not had to wait in the past for up to a year for them to sort out your bill/payments/meter after dozens of letters and hundreds of phone calls?


Maybe not, so? Should I extrapolate your anecdote out across the entire country and determine that privatised utilities are therefore crap?

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Maybe so but an elderly service user could expect the same regular carer


Andy, do you mean an old person who is in a nursing home?


If anyone had called my late grandmother an 'elderly service user' I would have ****ted them!! Perhaps too much time spent in front of Power Point presentations and not enough time wiping bums etc methinks.


I think this buzz-speak says it all ;)

Edited by 1976_Child
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Maybe you have not had to wait in the past for up to a year for them to sort out your bill/payments/meter after dozens of letters and hundreds of phone calls?


Nope. Switching companies has always been a straight forward and efficient process for me in the past.


It's the candlemakers I feel most sorry for. The lack of power cuts since privatisation has hit them badly.

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Quiz for you Mr Trousers


Name the organisation responsible for delivering match tickets for our wembley trip?


How many people have got MRSA in hospitals since private cleaning agencies were bought in?


How efficient and cheap is rail travel in this country?


Why has this county had to buy coal from other countries?


What was the effect on local authorities after he intoduction of a 'marketisation' policy by Tory governments during the 80/90's regarding social care provision?


How many criminals have Group 4 managed to lose


How many older people suffer abuse and neglect at the hands of private care providers and nursing/residential homes?


How may people are happy with the customer service they receive from their gas and water companies?


Fair questions. I'll have to answer them in the morning though as it's nigh on impossible to multi-quote using this iPhone app.


Suffice to say, I won't be answering your questions with questions ;-)

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Andy, do you mean an old person who is in a nursing home?


If anyone had called my late grandmother an 'elderly service user' I would have ****ted them!! Perhaps too much time spent in front of Power Point presentations and not enough time wiping bums etc methinks.


I think this buzz-speak says it all ;)


Cheap shot as you don't know anything about me or what i have done. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

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