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Research the 80's before you vote


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I believe n education, i don't believe in child trust funds etc. It's ridiculous and typicial of Labour. Instead of taxing and then giving it back give the public some ****ing respect and don't tax them in the first place. Labour is a control freak party and has created a nanny state. The governments your mother, your father, your auntie, your uncle and your granny with Labour. some ****ing freedom would be nice.


Ok, say for arguments sake, it was done your way. They were scrapped and tax went down...do you really think EVERYONE would put that extra money away for their children?!?

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I wasn't merely suggesting material goods dune. More children then could ever have been possible under previous Conservative governments are given a much more secure start in life (thanks to Labour) but the Tories seem determined to undo all this good work...


For me personally, this is one od my biggest gripes with the conservatives. Everyone deserves a good start in life, and not deemed to be poor. For every person that shouts about Labour's failures, their policies regarding child poverty cannot be questioned. The gap between "richest" and "poorest" may have widened, but without the minimum wage, tax credits ETC god only knows what would happen to the poorer people in society. Don't forget the Tory party didn't want the national wage, it will cost jobs, blah blah blah. We have business on our side..... Did it make any difference? No. The only difference it made was for people to be better off.


There's that word again, society. The Tories never really believed in society in these terms, it was each man/woman for themself. I'll cast my vote on Thursday and take what the nation throws at me, if it is a Tory government we'll soon see if they as a party have changed for the better.

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Ok, say for arguments sake, it was done your way. They were scrapped and tax went down...do you really think EVERYONE would put that extra money away for their children?!?


Most parents are responsible and look after their children. We're not going to agree on this - you like the nanny state, i believe in freedom and responsibility. Let's just agree to disagree.

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I'm afraid I haven't, is it worth a read?


Gordon Brown on 5Live this morning for the next 30 mins taking questions from callers...




It is worth a read because the similarities between what it says and the control freak nature of Labour are mindblowingly accurate.


And once you've read that move on to this book because if you use your imagination you'll see where Britain is heading.



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The 80's was a better time than now without a shadow of a doubt. The private sector was thriving, wages were good, there was little political correctness, Britain wasn't governed by Brussels, and the far right were just a fringe because immigration wasn't that big a deal. Britain today is a nanny state, our economy is in dire straits and we're currently living in a bubble of credit that's about to go pop, we're ruled by Brussels, and comunity tensions are getting worse. What Labour has sown this past decade hasn't yet been reaped and only in the years to come will we realise how bad 13 years of Labour has been. No dount the Tories will get the blame (should they win) for making unpopular decisions, but you're going to have to realise that the future will all be about the hangover from the binge.


Rubbish. My school football team didn't even have a kit, we had to wear our own red tops, black shorts and red socks (all different styles). In fact, my school didn't really have anything - old books, sh*tty old classrooms, rubbish science labs, the list goes on and on.


The private sector was thriving that much we had riots because of mass unemployment (and Tories saying it was a 'price worth paying').

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F*ck researching the 80s, research the last century and see how every last measure improving the lives of ordinary people has came from the Liberal and Labour parties, opposed every step of the way by the Tories. The faces may change, but their foul blakc soul remains the same. Lower than vermin...


Off to vote now, brb.

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F*ck researching the 80s, research the last century and see how every last measure improving the lives of ordinary people has came from the Liberal and Labour parties, opposed every step of the way by the Tories. The faces may change, but their foul blakc soul remains the same. Lower than vermin...


Off to vote now, brb.


What rubbis. I doubt you remember 'when we never had it so good' or when people bought there own council houses. Every Labour Government ends up screwing our economy and leaving us bankrupt.

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What rubbis. I doubt you remember 'when we never had it so good' or when people bought there own council houses. Every Labour Government ends up screwing our economy and leaving us bankrupt.


British workers had "never had it so good" in the early 60s due to the post-1945 Keynesian consensus which the Tories had to abide by if they wanted to be electable, despite their natural instincts. Same way the Labour Party has had to mainly stick to the post-1979 Thatcherite consensus, despite their natural instincts


And as for council houses, they had to exist for people to buy them, and they existed because of the, err, Labour Party. Town and Country Planning Act, late 40s I think.


But even if I took your point those two are still pretty pitiful contributions to the lot of ordinary folk compared to the introduction of old age pensions, the NHS, the minimum wage, etc. etc.

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Todays Labour party ar a far cry from the 1970's and 80's and that is because of the Torys. Time and time again the public rejected their core socialist beliefs, so they changed them.


To get elected they had to turn to a man who sounded like a Tory, with policies that could appeal to many of the Tory wets. It's telling that once they return to an old Labour figure and engage in a bit of the old class warfare and tax the rich, they're heading for another election defeat. Yet again the Torys will have to come in and clear up Labour's mess.

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Strange, my parents and grandparents often tell me that the 80s was a horrible time to be alive. I was only alive for the final four years of that decade, but even I suffered at the hands of Thatcher through her taking away my free milk. Ask yourself this dune, how much better is your quality of life now than in the 80s? Then again, you will be probably attribute this to the 'foundations' that Thatcher laid?


Erm, Thatcher got rid of milk when I was in 3rd year infant school, which would have been about 10 years before you would even have been eligible for it. By the time you'd have qualified for your milk, it was only 3 months before she left power,and she was in for 11 years ! Pretty sure Britain was used to not having free milk in schools by then...


The 80s were ok if you were interested in buying your own council house or screwing over the poor - or elasticated jeans with zips on. Quality of life is about the same based on all UN indicators, though we are a lot less likely to get blown up by Commies or terrorists now...

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I apologise that I believe in making sure EVERY child, regardless of their parents wealth or savvy, has a sure start in life.


As I put in my own thread, good luck everyone!


Don't you think that's wasteful? Why pay benefits and and these Child Trust awards to people who don't need them? Surely the most ardent class warriors would despise children from wealthy families being awarded benefits for their children when they do not need them.


Personally, I'd rather have them targeted to those in need and the less money that was given to those who do not need it, the more there would be for those in genuine need.


As for that child's trust £250 voucher, most of those which were invested with the trust fund managers this past couple of years are worth quite a bit less than the original £250 at the moment.

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Only the labour party can tax someone at 40% as opposed to the basic rate, and then give them benefits.


It is their cack handed way of nannying us all. It's quite simple, if someone requires help/benefits, they shouldn't be on the highest rate of tax.


No. Its a way of making sure that somebody on £50,000pa with three kids and maybe a dependent rellie gets more income than somebody on £50,000pa with no dependents.

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If you're on £50,000, you shouldn't get benefits end of. Why should my taxes pay for people who earn good money to have Children. How can Labour slag of the Torys giving married people a tax break and then give people on £50,000 a year benefit because they have loads of children (and I'm speaking as a Father of 4, so have nothing against big families)

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