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David Cameron on his way to Southampton


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With the Labour vote splitting and turning to the Liberals, and the Conservative core vote remaining strong seats such as the Southampton constituencies are now firmly on the radar as possible Conservative gains.


I hope you all give Mr cameron a warm welcome.

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Ask him a question from me, will you (because his appearances in here - his constituency - are staged managed and I can't get in)?


Ask him why the Tory leader of Kent County Council disagrees with his education policy, please.


Has Gordon brown even been on the election trail yet? All i've seen of him is fleeting visits from safe house to safe house.:)

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Ask him a question from me, will you (because his appearances in here - his constituency - are staged managed and I can't get in)?


Ask him why the Tory leader of Kent County Council disagrees with his education policy, please.

Isnt it nice that the Tories allow different views to the party leader. Quite refreshing.

ps did you like the Elvis impersonator.....Lol

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With the Labour vote splitting and turning to the Liberals, and the Conservative core vote remaining strong seats such as the Southampton constituencies are now firmly on the radar as possible Conservative gains.


I hope you all give Mr cameron a warm welcome.


Dune, you seem to be under the impression that your propaganda is believed by others.


Anyone who suggests a VAT rise to 25% is clearly barking anyway (see what I did there Stanley?)

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Dune, you seem to be under the impression that your propaganda is believed by others.


Anyone who suggests a VAT rise to 25% is clearly barking anyway


The polls would suggest that the consistent Conservative message has got out. The Conservative vote has recovered since the first election debate, whilst the Labour vote has remained split. Mandelson made a tactical error cosying up to the liberals and his recent U-turn is transparent in the extreme.


As to the VAT rise you have to understand that we as a nation are not far behind Greece. It's only the fact we still have Sterling as our currency that we're not in that position because the Greeks should have devalued their currency under the circumstances but couldn't. We need tough measures to reduce the deficit and we need strong government to see these measures through and we need to start sorting the mess out now. Only a conservative government will deliver on these 3 key areas.

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He was an impersonator? I thought he was the real deal!


I thought he was very good and at least he could sing............

there you go, not cringeworthy at all. Personally the media seem to be taking the p### as again they showed clips of him and brown and using song titles in their news item. Comical and a big gaff as the ever so serious Brown was made to look a pantomime clown.As much as i dislike him, he does not deserve to be made to look such a fool.
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there you go, not cringeworthy at all. Personally the media seem to be taking the p### as again they showed clips of him and brown and using song titles in their news item. Comical and a big gaff as the ever so serious Brown was made to look a pantomime clown.As much as i dislike him, he does not deserve to be made to look such a fool.


And to think BTF said the Tories would love to have Mandelson on board.:D

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Will you please provide the link to the statement you've attributed to me.


Because I've searched and I can't find it :confused:


Shouldn't you be doing the work for which you're being paid, BTW?


you definitely said it the other day, but can't be arsed to trawl through your your posts (99% of which are on the word association thread ;) ) to prove it.

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you definitely said it the other day, but can't be arsed to trawl through your your posts (99% of which are on the word association thread ;) ) to prove it.


You're wrong - don't try to back out.


I searched against 'Mandelson' and my user name and came up with no such suggestion. I suggest you do the same; it's quite easy to do.


Typical of your sort to tarnish someone's reputation with a false allegation. Do you read the Daily Mail :rolleyes:


An apology will be acceptable.

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You're wrong - don't try to back out.


I searched against 'Mandelson' and my user name and came up with no such suggestion. I suggest you do the same; it's quite easy to do.


Typical of your sort to tarnish someone's reputation with a false allegation. Do you read the Daily Mail :rolleyes:


An apology will be acceptable.


I did serach and didn't find it, but you definitely said it so the search criteria was wrong and presumably you didn't mention Mandelson in your post but as a reply to a quote? Anyway i'm not arguing about this because i'm right.

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I did serach and didn't find it, but you definitely said it so the search criteria was wrong and presumably you didn't mention Mandelson in your post but as a reply to a quote? Anyway i'm not arguing about this because i'm right.


But if I searched on Mandelson then ALL references to Mandelson would have shown up, posted by others and whether or not I used the word.


How dare you presume to accuse me of lying.


Prove otherwise or I may have to report you for defamation.

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But if I searched on Mandelson then ALL references to Mandelson would have shown up, posted by others and whether or not I used the word.


How dare you presume to accuse me of lying.


Prove otherwise or I may have to report you for defamation.


Sorry but LOL.:D

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I did serach and didn't find it, but you definitely said it so the search criteria was wrong and presumably you didn't mention Mandelson in your post but as a reply to a quote? Anyway i'm not arguing about this because i'm right.

Dune, rather than lying about BTF ( and I have searched the forums ), try this link;




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Dune, rather than lying about BTF ( and I have searched the forums ), try this link;





I wasn't lying because i genuinely thought she said it, however having spent the best part of 20 miuntes reading BTF's left wing contributions using every search facility on the site I still haven't found it. Therefore perhaps it was someone else.

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the thing that i'm confused about is how the polish know so much about our politics, every day of the week now i'm hearing 'the polls this' 'the polls say that' ...baffling


I wonder if the Polish will vote Tory given the Conservatives alliance in Europe?

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TBF I do have a sneaking admiration for Lord Snape. He's very clear and organised in what he wants. The Tories would love to have him on board. Although, Dune, he is not an MP.


Sorry BTF. It was a genuine error on my part. But i'm just glad i've got to the bottom of it as it was bugging me.

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