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...enough is enough.


I have read the threads and participated in many, but I am currently in that region called schadenfreude overload. You see, for the majority of the 125 years that our great club has been founded, we supported our club first and then any other club in Hampshire second (PS. I am still of the opinion that Bournemouth is in Hampshire).


Now, recognising that our nickname is derived from the Christian organisation upon which our club was based and still further is the foundation which attracted the owner with whom we are currently blessed, I have a request for all the like minded Saints supporters that post on this excellent website. The "Pompey Takeover Thread" has been like a road to Damascus for me. I, like St. Paul, started that journey, intent on persecuting the Portsmouth fans and their club. Also, like him, I have seen that blinding light and realised that I am a football fan first and a Saints fan second.


That revelation, that we all have something in common with the football fans, living in the same county as us, has inspired this thread. They need our support, whether it is simply to state that we are with them in their hour of need, or to unite with them, so that they can salvage something from the wreckage that was their club. I hope that the true Saints amongst us will find the spirit to post some small message of support for these fans, a throwback to the days of our fathers and grandfathers, who would travel to Fratton when Saints were playing away, to cheer for our Hampshire cousins. I would also like to think that our owner could think of some way to help their fans and their club. What a fantastic gesture that would be.


To Portsmouth and their fans, the home of our great navy and a city that suffered greatly, like Southampton, during the war, I would like to pledge my support during this difficult time for them and ask that like minded Saints fans post a message in the same spirit.


The people, united, will never be divided...


What a total pr1ck you really are.

...I would also like to think that our owner could think of some way to help their fans and their club. What a fantastic gesture that would be...


Just had word that ML has been moved by your plea and has sent Lancashire, Pulis, Wotton & Forecast to help. Well done GM!


GM, I note that you have asked for letters of support only but alas the scoundrels on this forum have hijacked yet another perfectly decent, well-meaning thread.


I for one support you. I am due to see a tattoo artist this afternoon and will ask him for a tattoo of Hampshire’s two finest club crests – one on each arm. I also plan to make a cake, in the shape of a dove (symbolising hope) and present it to those fine fellows at Portsmouth FC to show that we care and indeed that there is still hope for them.


I look forward to the day when our two sets of supporters can finally be judged by the content of their hearts rather than the colour of their scarves. I look forward to the day when people with red cars can have confidence to drive into Portsmouth and leave them parked for more than five minutes without being vandalised. I look forward to matches at St Mary’s when the two sets of fans can link arm in arm and show that world that we are not afraid. We are not afraid to love one another. We are not afraid to be what we are meant to be.


Peace and love to the blue few.



GM, I note that you have asked for letters of support only but alas the scoundrels on this forum have hijacked yet another perfectly decent, well-meaning thread.


Peace and love to the blue few.




... there is joy in the presence of the angels of God, over one sinner that repenteth...Luke 15:10


Sorry but any good feeling I had towards that bunch of pikeys evaporated the night of the league cup game just after Ted Bates had passed away, when they couldn't observe a minutes silence for a great and gentle man who had often had kind words for their club as well as his own.


No excuse can be given for their actions, a lot of them attempted to do so by saying that we hadn't observed the one for Flahavan at St Marys, which was utter crap, yes it took a few moments for everyone to realise that the ref had blown his whistle to start it, but after that it was immaculately observed.


So sympathy for them, no way, sympathy for the clubs that have gone down or lost in the cup to them and their maxed out credit rent a mob of a team, when they themselves keep to within their financial limits, yes.


Does anyone else think that W******d and his appearance sum up the Skates perfectly?

The "Pompey Takeover Thread" has been like a road to Damascus for me. I, like St. Paul, started that journey, intent on persecuting the Portsmouth fans and their club. Also, like him, I have seen that blinding light and realised that I am a football fan first and a Saints fan second.


St Paul started his journey on the road to Damascus intent on persecuting the Portsmouth fans and their club? And St Paul also realised like you that he was a football fan first and a Saints fan second?


My head is spinning at these startling revelations. ;):rolleyes:


For someone so divisive to call for unity :-o


I understamd your reasoning though, of course. However, for personal reasons, I'd rather the absolute worst happens to them.

:D :p :D ......... coffee on screen moment ;).

..........rather than England win The World Cup ....


you could put just about anything in front of the line and i'd agree with it :smt043

I would like to offer my best wishes and support to all the local suppliers and charities who have been royally butt-f**ked by that vile, disgusting, dispicable entity.


May it die a horrible painful death.


Seconded. And when it does, I would very much like to build a Saints-themed nightclub on its place of rest, that we might all dance upon it to the content of our collective heart...

Fear is the path of the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering...beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side... easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will...



Watch out for the men in white coats GM !

(Ps. I know a good counsellor should you be interested?).


checked the calender , thought GM had gone back 25 days

cannot offer my support to his campaign

it is pay back time

my wifes family are all plastic skates and me and 2 sons have taken lots of barbed snidey digs over the last few years.

but as the natural order is returned over the next 2 seasons i intend to dish it out and frankly do not care if they exist after June or not.


I have seen that blinding light and realised that I am a football fan first and a Saints fan second.


Well thats where we differ. I'm a Saints fan first and a football fan second, no question.

Portsmyth can **** off and die.


ha ha, good thread. Personally i'm looking forward to the day when we once again assume our position of league superiority and simply have a dignified smirk on our faces whilst they revert back to being bitter and twisted and envious and bragging about the attendances they got in the 1950's.


I love GM's posts. And this post like the others, loses something because sarcasm and tounge-in-cheek posts are so difficult to convey their humour when in writing.


Keep up the good work GM. I'm sure others will begin to appreciate your delicate brand of humour.

...enough is enough.


I have read the threads and participated in many, but I am currently in that region called schadenfreude overload. You see, for the majority of the 125 years that our great club has been founded, we supported our club first and then any other club in Hampshire second (PS. I am still of the opinion that Bournemouth is in Hampshire).


Now, recognising that our nickname is derived from the Christian organisation upon which our club was based and still further is the foundation which attracted the owner with whom we are currently blessed, I have a request for all the like minded Saints supporters that post on this excellent website. The "Pompey Takeover Thread" has been like a road to Damascus for me. I, like St. Paul, started that journey, intent on persecuting the Portsmouth fans and their club. Also, like him, I have seen that blinding light and realised that I am a football fan first and a Saints fan second.


That revelation, that we all have something in common with the football fans, living in the same county as us, has inspired this thread. They need our support, whether it is simply to state that we are with them in their hour of need, or to unite with them, so that they can salvage something from the wreckage that was their club. I hope that the true Saints amongst us will find the spirit to post some small message of support for these fans, a throwback to the days of our fathers and grandfathers, who would travel to Fratton when Saints were playing away, to cheer for our Hampshire cousins. I would also like to think that our owner could think of some way to help their fans and their club. What a fantastic gesture that would be.


To Portsmouth and their fans, the home of our great navy and a city that suffered greatly, like Southampton, during the war, I would like to pledge my support during this difficult time for them and ask that like minded Saints fans post a message in the same spirit.


The people, united, will never be divided...


Stan Collymore talks more sense than you do .....




Wouldn't have wished death on Pompey until this season.


They have cheated.


They need to be destroyed and cast into oblivion forever for the sake of English football.


That is all.

... there is joy in the presence of the angels of God, over one sinner that repenteth...Luke 15:10


"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


or to give it's Portsmouth equivalent:


"If anyone is going to throw stones at the scummers, it's probably that 12 year old and his 9 year old sister."

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


or to give it's Portsmouth equivalent:


"If anyone is going to throw stones at the scummers, it's probably that 12 year old and his 9 year old sister."


who are expecting their first child next week :D



Lol, and just about every response delusional :D This probably the pick:



Pompey 26/04/2010 08:47:09

He's as stupid as that Perry Groves who was on You're on Sky Sports at the weekend. That fool claimed we were "cheats"! Mmm, 9pts deductd, our funds siphoned off to pay off overpaid players, and a premier league hierachy scared stiff that Liverpool might not play in Europe next season. They can all sod off.


Fancy a drink Colly? Oh but you can't can you because one drink and you'd probably pick on someone smaller than you again. The day I take opinions from you is the day I get caught tuning into talksh*te."




"Claimed you were cheats!?" You are cheats, no if, ands or buts. 9 points deduction, big deal, overpaid players who happened to get you to an FA Cup Final and couldn't afford, is that not cheating ? Yep, delusional is the word I'd say!!

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