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  Ponty said:
What the hell has this thread gone and done now?



Haven't read the whole thread, just the start and end, but it seems Stephen Gerrard sank the Belgrano.

  Thedelldays said:
it is true...people get confused with the 200 mile exclusion zone and get all excited about it..


that exclusion zone was for ANY OTHER shipping...the UK had already declared to the argy govt that the WHOLE SOUTH ATLANTIC was an "operational theatre"..a message they acknowledged...


so, sinking a battle ship that could have wrecked complete havoc on the task force (which probably would have cost us the war and hundreds more lives) was completely the correct thing to do - as well as lawful


TDD My time in the Andrew finished before the Falklands bundle But you know as well as i do the Belgrano could not of got within 300 miles of that task force.

  mack rill said:
TDD My time in the Andrew finished before the Falklands bundle But you know as well as i do the Belgrano could not of got within 300 miles of that task force.


The idea is not to let the enemy too close for fear of possible attacks, best take them out before they take you out.


Did Belgrano play for Derby? They had that Costa Rican who scored against ManUre, but did he know Mrs Gerrard?


As a non-tabloid reader, I need to know. Any pictures of the 16 year old and what does Graham Rix have to say? :rolleyes:

  Lets B Avenue said:
Did Belgrano play for Derby? They had that Costa Rican who scored against ManUre, but did he know Mrs Gerrard?


As a non-tabloid reader, I need to know. Any pictures of the 16 year old and what does Graham Rix have to say? :rolleyes:


I think the 16 year old stole all the free Milk supplies for schools, and was questioned about it by a housewife on national television.


Now let me get this correct, the Belgrano was steaming away from the Falklands when she was sunk. Does this

mean she could never have turned back towards the Falklands if she had not been sunk ?


I could be wrong but I thought ships could turn anyway they want anytime they want so as far as

I am concerned whilst she was in a declared war zone she was a legit target all of that time.

  mack rill said:
TDD My time in the Andrew finished before the Falklands bundle But you know as well as i do the Belgrano could not of got within 300 miles of that task force.

matters not..the argys acknowledged the declaration that the whole of the southern atlantic was an operational theatre..


if they did not want it blown up, it should have stayed alongside, they knew this, we knew this


same as, if we did not want to lose 6 or so warships, we did not have to be that close to the islands..


it was war.

  Saint in Paradise said:
Now let me get this correct, the Belgrano was steaming away from the Falklands when she was sunk. Does this

mean she could never have turned back towards the Falklands if she had not been sunk ?


I could be wrong but I thought ships could turn anyway they want anytime they want so as far as

I am concerned whilst she was in a declared war zone she was a legit target all of that time.


The skipper of the belgrano has since admitted that the belgano group ( including 2 destroyers fully armed with exorcet missiles)were only saling away from the exclusion zone temperarily and was fully intending to take up further offensive positions later that day.


The group was fully armed and in the skippers own words were " trigger happy".


Regardless...it was military shipping in a declared war zone that were not on a sightseeing pleasure outing and therefore when the opportinity arose to take their threat away it was taken....with the eventual outcome that the argy navy ALL returned to port and were never a threat to our forces again during the whole conflict.


I have never heard of a declared war zone, there was an exclusion zone though.

The Captain of the ship/submarine sunk the Belgrano and then shredded any and all documentation that related to his position. Now why do you think he did that? He was under orders from Mrs B1tchcow

  \ said:
I have never heard of a declared war zone, there was an exclusion zone though.

The Captain of the ship/submarine sunk the Belgrano and then shredded any and all documentation that related to his position. Now why do you think he did that? He was under orders from Mrs B1tchcow

The whole of the south Atlantic was declared as an operational theatre.


As for shredding documentation, well from OPs I have been involved alot of the documentation gets destroyed before getting back home


Why on earth is it being alluded to that sinking a warship of an enemy as unethical? F()cking hell - it could have been going skywards for all I care, it was still a part of a hostile enemies forces. Would they afforded us the same compassion?


So.. what do people suggest? We let it get away? Then it comes back and inflicts heavy losses on our own forces but we all breathe a sigh of relief because at least we done the 'morally correct thing?'


"Hey, that Belgrano just sunk one of ours but hey, at least we didn't sink it when we had the chance, that would have been wrong, so wrong - gotta play by the rules, old boy!... anyone for an empanada?"

  The9 said:
Best thread drift EVER.






Not at all 9, we are just trying to work out whether as many men have gone down on Mrs G as went down on the Belgrano.


So to recap:


Gerrard was the skipper of the Belgrano when it was sunk by Tony Blair.


His missus was in charge of the country when Iraq invaded the Falkland Islands.


The wheel was invented by a Derby player who had an affair with Maggie.


Have I missed anything?

  Durleyfos said:
So to recap:


Gerrard was the skipper of the Belgrano when it was sunk by Tony Blair.


His missus was in charge of the country when Iraq invaded the Falkland Islands.


The wheel was invented by a Derby player who had an affair with Maggie.


Have I missed anything?


John Terry is Sergio Aguero's wife.

  Thedelldays said:
As for shredding documentation, well from OPs I have been involved alot of the documentation gets destroyed before getting back home

The truth of what happened to HMS Conquerors logbook involved a little bit more than a shredder. It involves an Argentinian spy, MI6, a burglary and a murder, all covered up by the government.


Let's just say the document was recovered...

  Guided Missile said:
The truth of what happened to HMS Conquerors logbook involved a little bit more than a shredder. It involves an Argentinian spy, MI6, a burglary and a murder, all covered up by the government.


Let's just say the document was recovered...


You know everything, honestly.

  Guided Missile said:
The truth of what happened to HMS Conquerors logbook involved a little bit more than a shredder. It involves an Argentinian spy, MI6, a burglary and a murder, all covered up by the government.


Let's just say the document was recovered...




Go on, enlighten us.......




Was out at a weekly golfing hack around the par 3. The latest Scuttlebutt (oops sorry don't want to confuse you, that was Belgrano conspiracy theory #476 they sank it themselves to get sympathy from the Yanks to try to get them to stop us) says that this is all Chinese Whispers and completely untrue and that Gerrard didn't ram the Belgrano or the 16 year old and it is a web viral that was started by an Everton fan.


Hmm maybe it was the Chinese that did it?

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