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Photo Editing Software


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Having recently organised all of my digital photos and so decided to invest in a new camera and plumped for the Nikon D3000.


The camera is great for a DSLR starter pack, but I now find that I want to edit some of the photos - but I have no idea about which s/w pack to go for.


I am a complete novice to this sort of S/W, having only dabbled with a few nobs and buttons in things like PhotoScape, Gimp and Paint Shop Pro, without really knowing what I was doing.


Could anybody recommend a good Photo Editing Suite to start with. I don't really want to pay too much for it - certainly don't want to get into 3 figures, but would like something that is quite comprehensive and accomplished (easy to use would also be a bonus). Any help would be greatly appreciated - many thanks.

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Forgot to say its Photoshop Elements 8 :)


CHeers Dan. Strangley, I was just looking at this at around half the price:




The reviews seem to say that it's a bit of a beast of a program, could be hard for a novice to get around. Any thoughts?

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What kind of editing do you need to do? Windows 7 has quite a bit built in... Also, if you want to do HDR the Photomatix is a good piece of software.


Am only starting out on the DSLR game as well having recently purchased a Canon EOS 350D...


Don't know TS...!!!! However, what I do know is that I don't really want to change OS just yet, and am currently running Vista HE. I'm just interested to see what sort of thing is possible. Now I know that you can more or less do anything with an image and basically change it beyond recognition of the original, however, thats not really what I want.


This actually started because I recently went to a wedding and took (amongst others) this photo of the bride and groom:




I should say that this image was not taken with the new D3000, but with an old FujiFilm Finepix F20. Without cropping the image, I want to edit out the lady & gent in the background. I have managed to do a reasonable job of removing the woman, but would like to learn how to edit properly.


By the way - many thanks to all those who have replied with help thus far, have downloaded Paint.net, but am open to any advise.

Edited by Micky
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Without cropping the image, I want to edit out the lady & gent in the background.


Um, from experience, just before you press 'click' you shout "get the f*** out of the way" then click :) Alternatively, the DSLRs have a fantastic repeat picture taken ever 0.2secs or less so just keep that button down until they move out of the way :)


HTH (probably not!)


Actually, with a DSLR you can take photos which focus on the foreground and blur the background. I've got a few photos from my dads bday weekend last week that show this very very well. Had you taken that wedding photo with a DSLR on the right setting you'd just have the couple in the foreground and not be able to tell people in the background. PM me if you want to see a photo from my dads bday which shows what I'm talking about!

Edited by Tractor_Saint
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Um, from experience, just before you press 'click' you shout "get the f*** out of the way" then click :) Alternatively, the DSLRs have a fantastic repeat picture taken ever 0.2secs or less so just keep that button down until they move out of the way :)


HTH (probably not!)


Absolutely FA help at all...! But I chuckled....! :D


I was messing with the DSLR repeat shot function only yesterday - but as I said earlier, that shot was taken on a different camera.


FWIW - this is the edited shot which was done using GIMP:




Thanks for your help though, and good luck with the new camera.

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I was messing with the DSLR repeat shot function only yesterday - but as I said earlier, that shot was taken on a different camera.


Here you go - quick example of DSLR photo and the focus taken tonight with the background blurring :)




Good editting so far on that photo but I'd give it up now and move to taking photos with your new camera!

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I've used Paint Shop Pro X for donkey's years, because I certainly wasn't going to pay out huge money for Photoshop. Despite it being quite clunky in its later versions, it does almost everything Photoshop can do, even though some people swear it can't. The latest version I have is V.8, and that was a copy, and I don't think I need anything better. Besides, I believe Corel have bought the software, and that's a bad move in my book. If it was slightly clunky but very useable before, it'll just be clunky now.

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