St Paul Posted 24 September, 2008 Posted 24 September, 2008 Had Leon Crouch and Pearson remained and presided over the same results, attendances and fire sale that Lowe/Wilde/Jan have. Would the pro Lowe posters be urging restraint, would they be calling for Pearson to be given time, and spouting the mantra of "we have no choice" and "give the youngsters a chance"? If we judge Lowe on the performance of his structure and his Management set up since his return, (let's forget his part in our downfall, at this time) then it's been pretty woeful.
Roman Posted 24 September, 2008 Posted 24 September, 2008 I can see a flaw in your prediction - surely now Lowe must do the opposite? Ha! I have to admit that did occur to me. Hence a small reason for saying it.
Foxy Posted 24 September, 2008 Posted 24 September, 2008 Yes...where is Plan good company goes into business without a plan B Problem is that plan B is gonna be framed within the same commercial constraints as plans A and C. Unless it's to wish really, really had and hope the red and white football fairy leaves a large bag of money outside the stadium overnight
egreog Posted 24 September, 2008 Posted 24 September, 2008 The club is on a very slippery slope aty present and its hard to see any short term answer......think everyone is going to have to swallow the bitter pill of another relegation and inevitable administration......... only then will there possibly be a buyout of any sort............why bales us out now when you only need to wait a few months for the inevitable?
Foxy Posted 24 September, 2008 Posted 24 September, 2008 I agree with some of that, but would like to say ... Up until this season, St Mary's was pretty well attended, and by and large, the crowd gave the players on the park good support This season, gates have dipped to cirka 15000, and a lot of the support has gone It is depressing for the "faithful" 15000 to be in a half empty Stadium, where it gets so quiet, you can almost hear a fart from the other side of the pitch It must be at least TWICE as depressing from the players point of view, playing in front of a half empty Stadium, and knowing that they are on a hiding to nothing before they even kick a ball If only the attendances this season were the same as last, I honestly think that the "extra" noise/support generated would lift our very young Team, and their morale would not have been shattered I am firmly of the belief, that a very large percentage of "stayaways" have been influenced mainly by the return of Rupert Lowe and Michael Wilde. These two individuals are proven FAILURES, yet they formed a DEvils Alliance to get back in Us Supporters, or as Lowe refers to us, "Customers" have had enough, and that is unequivically proven by the empty seats at St Mary's I would venture to bet however, that if Lowe & Wilde were to leave tomorrow, the next home gate would show a dramatic improvement. Even under Branfoot, us Supporters managed to lift the Team, and of course, we had Le Tiss It is alreadt time for Lowe & Wilde to RESIGN. It is blatently obvious that solely playing youngsters, with just the odd addition of an "experienced" head, is just not going to work Do not wait until 15 matches in, or 20 matches in, or even 25 matches in ........... CHANGE MUST HAPPEN NOW .......... before the "confidence" of some very very good youngsters is shattered beyond repair. When you are a young player, you never think you are going to lose, ( every match is a Cup Final, remember ?? ) But when you DO start to lose, you start to have the confidence drain from you, to be replaced by the Fear Factor Don't let it get that bad I really think that say 22000 could cheer OUR SAINTS on to Victory at St Mary's, with the addition of say two experienced heads ....... coupled with the permanent removal of Two other heads .... LOWE & WILDE For those that say Administration is not the way I say ....... Why Not ?? Going on as we are will mean the Club gets poorer and poorer, the debts get higher and higher ...... nothing changes other than further Relegations, all endorsed by Lowe's Ruddy Grin, and his own belief that he is never wrong. I really feel sorry for Poortvliet ... with just a few more seasoned, experienced, pros in the side, he would make it work, and then be able to blood the youngsters on a winning run, instead of having to watch them struggle to come out of a losing one Go now Lowe & Wilde, you are the disaster many of us knew would happen Fair and reasoned argument but you miss the essential point. Leaving aside whether they are doign a good job, bad one or a reasonable one within the constraints they have to operate (which we've all done to death elsewhere) how and by whom would Lowe and Wilde be removed. They're the largest shareholder and the man representing a significant quorum of shareholders by proxy. So unless their alliance is broken and one or other sides with Leon, or they decide on a new exec structure we wont see a change. Either way we move from this years shower back to something a lot like last's. Unless we get some maniac wants to buy 'em out - which requires either someone to pay over the odds or the three musketeers to accept a big loss (which they might see as selling out at the bottom of a market if they sincerely believe they can turn things round). Again unlikely I fear. I'd love us to get a Man City type benefactor I think but if we're worried about the soul of the club and some fictitious bohemian ideal of the club as a community resource or some kind of collective in the Barca model that ain't the way either. I really can't see a quick or easy way out - not by having a change of coach (I don't think Billy Davies or Pearson - or Morinho come to that could do much more than Jan) so we're in for a long, hard run and the constants will be lack of finances and no change in ownership unless that long awaited white knight comes onto the scene. Sad but probably true IMO
Northant Saint Posted 24 September, 2008 Posted 24 September, 2008 Wow, another Lecturing Luvvie thread, what a shock... Sometimes i'm just at a lost as to why you bother coming onto this forum, considering all you really like to do is moan and complain. Its become very clear that you visit this forum regularly at the moment... Isnt that strange, because I cant remember you appearing very much in the jubilant aftermath of our survival. Now however when things have reached a new low here you are again plaguing us with your extreme negativity. You are like a bad rash Alpine.
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