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Paul Wotton


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Well said that man. Post of the week without a doubt!


He does a good job when called upon. He helps tighten up our midfield when we are winning by the odd goal and need to close out a game.


He puts his head and foot in when required and he plays his position with discipline i.e. he is told to sit in the 'Machele role' and he does just that breaking up play.


His distribution lets him down at times but he is nowhere as bad as many people make him out to be. Every team\squad need this type of player!


He gets personal stick when people really are questioning the manager's tactics. He's a good pro and everything I've heard from him convinces me he's a loyal player and a fine character.


However, when we signed him I posted on here that he wasn't really what we needed last year, and that I was surprised Lowe gave him a 3 year deal at that point in his career.


Though his best days are clearly behind him, he gives his all when he's picked and I applaud him for that. And he has already donated a few teeth to the cause. He certainly doesn't deserve any abuse.

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he must be usefull behind the scenes..he captained a team to win this league without anystar players or anything..


infact, he captained a team to two league titles in 3 seasons..so knows this level and what attitude is required.


he used to be a bloody useful player with a cracking free kick..that was until he was out for way over a year with a serious injury...then we got him, sadly his best days are way behind him


great pro regardless...


Agree with this, used to watch him in Plymouth when I was at Uni. Before his knee went he was cracking. The amount of free kicks and penalties he used to score was immense.

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Source?? I highly doubt Wotton would be on that much? Lowe signed him when we were trying to cut costs so no way would he have been on a contract for that much surely??


IF you read the post again you may spot the name of the source. Why is it so hard to believe? Wooton was Plymouths captain who was out of contract and we were preceived at the time as needing an experienced midfield general to bring through the kids that RL insisted would return us to former glories.


MLT for me counts as a reliable source IMO.

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i wouldnt quiery his commitment and what he brings to the side in terms of morale and leadership, but i do get slightly fed up with the amount of articles paying him lip service on the OS; comes across as all mouth and little substance. Attackers go past him too quickly, and hes usually either too slow to catch them or gives away the foul.

His passing is shockingly poor, consistently sending hospital passes to players not more than 10 yards from him. My mate's an argyle fan and is genuinely suprised when i give him that opinion, from the sounds of it he was a very handy player for them!

Seems an honest enough footballer, but stick me in a saints shirt and i'd guarantee you 100% honest effort, doesnt change the fact i'd be rubbish!

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IF you read the post again you may spot the name of the source. Why is it so hard to believe? Wooton was Plymouths captain who was out of contract and we were preceived at the time as needing an experienced midfield general to bring through the kids that RL insisted would return us to former glories.


MLT for me counts as a reliable source IMO.


Why would he be a reliable source? Especially when it comes to the wages of the players? I highly doubt Wotton is on that much when we were trying to cut costs. We were shipping out Rasiak, John etc and trying to get rid of Euell, Thomas, Skacel... who were on high wages at the time so why would we bring in a 30 year old player who had had a lot of injury problems and was released by Plymouth who would never have been paying him that much either as they had not long been out of the lower leagues. It was also Rupert Lowe who handled the contract so no way would it have been that generous (IMO he wouldnt have handed out that wage in the premier league to a similar player) not Wilde or Crouch who were the ones who saddled us with high earners.

Also FWIW im pretty sure that when the Daily Echo published players salaries last season Wottons wouldn't have been that high as far more would have been made of it at the time and I believe Euell was the highest on our books at that time earning something like 12k a week.

For those reasons I struggle to believe Wotton would be earning 14k a week

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