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Spanish is Euro zone so no political gain could be made from that apart from stealing British lawyers jobs Lol...go for it girl


What the blithering hell are you on about?! Clegg's wife just wants to get on with job and life!

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He hasn't wheeled his wife out, Im not sure whether that is by choice but perhaps as she sounds as though she is not Britsih then he may worry that some would not be so keen on him.

Personally it doesnt matter to me, but I do wonder if that may make a difference to a small percentage if they did hear her talking, and so she is given a back seat

I'm impressed, Nick, that you've managed to make the single most idiotic point in this entire thread. Well done.

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So Clegg hasn't rolled out his working wife as she's Spanish and would therefore stop people voting for him?


You've got to be a small minded bigot just to think that.

politics are dirty and if you think that every angle is not thought of you are a bit naive.

Go to American politics and see when they were doing their primaries Hilary Clinton was nowhere until she happened to brereak into tears, a cynical move in my opinion and she then got close to winning. Robin Cook used to lose Labour votes when he came on and so he was put into the shadows.

It is not bigotted to understand that these things may make a difference to a small percentage of people. She may well be happy to be out of the limelight but she wont have a choice if the Liberals did ever come to power.

I think the other 2 leaders wives are also working with kids BTW

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politics are dirty and if you think that every angle is not thought of you are a bit naive.

Go to American politics and see when they were doing their primaries Hilary Clinton was nowhere until she happened to brereak into tears, a cynical move in my opinion and she then got close to winning. Robin Cook used to lose Labour votes when he came on and so he was put into the shadows.

It is not bigotted to understand that these things may make a difference to a small percentage of people. She may well be happy to be out of the limelight but she wont have a choice if the Liberals did ever come to power.

I think the other 2 leaders wives are also working with kids BTW


You are talking an absolute load of tosh, and I suggest you stop it.

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politics are dirty and if you think that every angle is not thought of you are a bit naive.

Go to American politics and see when they were doing their primaries Hilary Clinton was nowhere until she happened to brereak into tears, a cynical move in my opinion and she then got close to winning. Robin Cook used to lose Labour votes when he came on and so he was put into the shadows.

It is not bigotted to understand that these things may make a difference to a small percentage of people. She may well be happy to be out of the limelight but she wont have a choice if the Liberals did ever come to power.

I think the other 2 leaders wives are also working with kids BTW


You are clearly clueless and out of your depth. I would suggest you remain on the takeover thread where you many eventually grasp what is going on.

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I note that Plaid Cymru are claiming that the debates were a waste of time as Wales wasn't mentioned once.


Sorry but get over yourselves! Just becasue Wales wasn't mentioned doesn't mean that it is not affected by the issues being raised! They are getting to debate on the Welsh leaders debate so why can't they just wait until then!


Having seen their input I now feel that a vote for them is a wasted vote (as opposed to the Lib Dems who normally get viewed as a wasted vote by many)



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You are clearly clueless and out of your depth. I would suggest you remain on the takeover thread where you many eventually grasp what is going on.
lol , you go along thinking that politics is not cynical and all parties aren't thinking the best ways to promote their leaders and parties.
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And you go along think that the nationality of his wife is an issue.


Surprised you're not voting BNP or are you?

I would never vote BNP , but there are many who would and many who have those views would also shy away from voting Liberal for the very reason Im pointing out. If somevbody points out the possibiltiy for debate doesn't mean they believe or think it
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I think the type of person who would shy away from voting Lib Dem because Cleggs wife is foreign, would probably not think about voting Lib Dem in the first place.
That is fair comment, although i suspect a lot of people who would never have thought of vting for them may have changed their minds a bit this week
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lol , you go along thinking that politics is not cynical and all parties aren't thinking the best ways to promote their leaders and parties.


Once again, you are talking an absolute load of nonsense and I suggest you shut up about it.

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That I don't deny, due to how thick so many of my countrymen are but Nick suggest that we haven't seen his wife due to her being Spanish and it's all a ploy.


Forgive me, but Nick has never struck me as being too bright but does see conspiracies in every corner.

Not very bright I agree, but bright enough not to ever voted for Brown. A man who admits he made a mistake in not regulating the banks which has in turn cost us as a nation the biggest deficit of all of our competitors.

Go back a couple of years and see how I and few of others were warning people the wheels were going to fall off. Not only Vince cable was warning about the economy...and I can say i was warning about it before he was.

I notice you are taking the Pompey thread very seriously, lol has your prediction come to pass yet? Mine has been closest so far, as they are getting away with it.

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I think Brown made a big mistake going on that debate, giving Clegg an equal standing to the other parties have made the Lib Dems a much more credible option and I think the Labour vote is going to get murdered.


Polls after the debate apparently show more tories changing their vote to the libdems than for labour.

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what a surprise Cameron did well to get 8 with those readers Lol


Here you go Nick:




Read the article right down to the end and you will see how the poll was constructed.


Oh and BTW I DO realise that the party with 8% was the Nobody party. Earlier I was reporting on what I was told, not what I'd read.

Edited by bridge too far
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Polls after the debate apparently show more tories changing their vote to the libdems than for labour.


Are there really people out there whose opinions are so easily swayed by a 90 minute TV appearance?


If there are, I despair for the intelligence of this country's population more than I dared imagine...

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You've got to be a small minded bigot just to think that.


You are clearly clueless and out of your depth. I would suggest you remain on the takeover thread where you many eventually grasp what is going on.


Nick has never struck me as being too bright


You're getting really boring with your constant internet hard man routine.

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the fact i work within the public sector pretty much rules the tories out for me.......also, fair play to blunkett for coming on, must be harder to swat up for such a show than the others for obvious reasons


Quite right, don't want the old gravy train getting derailed do we!?

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Good tactics from Clegg to come across as a people person last night. Looking at the people in the audience in the eye and writing down their names to thank them at the end etc.




Can't believe that commentators have been praising him for that. If that impresses you, you're pretty simple-minded IMO.

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Here you go Nick:




Read the article right down to the end and you will see how the poll was constructed.


Oh and BTW I DO realise that the party with 8% was the Nobody party. Earlier I was reporting on what I was told, not what I'd read.

Thanks BTF. I think that the poll is quite a fair reflection, although I did think Brown was the biggest loser. Clegg did well and some of his policies sound good. I woulod welcome that people under 10k a year were tax exempt, but I doubt his plan to raise the money is possible. The people he talks about taking it from are mobile in where their funds go and so the money would just flow out to a safe haven.Cutting the public sector (by having a wage freeze) is alos interesting.
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You're getting really boring with your constant internet hard man routine.

It's ok Dune VFTT has trouble conveying his arguement without turning to abuse. Frankly I understand as Im sure I infuriate him and many others at times.It is what debating and the form is about....I thought so anyway.

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We can only hope that the British public grasp the catastophic reality of a hung parliament before the election. Nick Clegg supposedly did well last night and that has already sent shockwaves through the markets. If the Liberals do well and force a hung parliament it will be bad for Britian.



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We can only hope that the British public grasp the catastophic reality of a hung parliament before the election. Nick Clegg supposedly did well last night and that has already sent shockwaves through the markets. If the Liberals do well and force a hung parliament it will be bad for Britian.




As an aside Dune, did you know that your favourite newspaper, the Express, when owned by Beaverbrook, had the knight on the front page in chains when Labour were in power and unshackled when it was a Tory government.


That's changed now and I think the Express even advocated Labour in 1997 and 2001.

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And as long as it continues to annoy the simple minded tories it will continue.

and that's from somebody who voted Labour, once could be seen as a msitake (even Brown admitted to one) but 2 or 3 times and you think Im not very bright Lol

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Hardly trolling, more addressing the balance after the neo-fascists continual attacks on the socialists.


If I were trolling I'd start a thread entitled:


“No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party . . . So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.” Discuss.

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Hardly trolling, more addressing the balance after the neo-fascists continual attacks on the socialists.


If I were trolling I'd start a thread entitled:


“No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party . . . So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.” Discuss.


My comment was intended more tougnue in cheek than anything else but...


"...as long as it continues to annoy..." does imply that it was trolling


Maybe I should have added a smiley of some sort.

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My comment was intended more tougnue in cheek than anything else but...


"...as long as it continues to annoy..." does imply that it was trolling


Maybe I should have added a smiley of some sort.


My issue with the tories on here is that (a few excluded) they are like their party, quick to slag off but with no real idea of what to do themselves.

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I find it strange that people who said Cameron was style of substance are now praising Clegg. With his writting down of the questioners name and uncosted back of a fag packet calculations, anyone unfamilar with who the 3 were would have thought he was the "aire to Blair" people keep talking about.


The best thing about the debate is that the Lib/Dems policies will now be shone a light on. We'll see their uncosted tax bribe, the simplistic policy around Trident,the amensty for illigal immigrants and there flip flopping from left to right depending on which seat they're fighting. Their loony pro European policies, including joining the Euro, will be exposed. They are at the core further left wing than the Labour leadership (although you wont see that if you live in a Tory area).


This is a Party, let us not forget, that went into the last election with a seriously ill leader. A leader that had an illness that however unfortunate affects people's judgement and ability to do the job of PM. The Lib/Dem leadership, including Saint Vince Cable, knew about this illness, yet covered it up for electrol benefit. It is also a Party that complains about the Tories style over substance, but ditched Sir Menzies Campbell for a more media friendly leader. They are a party that claim to be whiter than white and yet have taken dodgey money, and have had MP's caught up in the expenses row.

Edited by Lord Duckhunter
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