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Leaders debate


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So, who's going to be watching tonight (ITV @ 8.30)?


I will be, but dont think anything earth shattering will come out of it, as it's probably very well scripted and rehearsed before the event.


Will be interesting to see if anyone makes a big gaff or quick comments.


Im not sure whether these will influence voters decisions

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So, who's going to be watching tonight (ITV @ 8.30)?


I will be, but dont think anything earth shattering will come out of it, as it's probably very well scripted and rehearsed before the event.


Will be interesting to see if anyone makes a big gaff or quick comments.


Im not sure whether these will influence voters decisions



Will be watching. The leaders views on the forthcoming event are:


Fraudon = I am the first prime minister to agree to this format (pompous git!)

Clegg = It will be the biggest job interview of my life (what a job that you are not going to get?)

Cameron = I just hope the public don't feel short changed



For me, Cameron is ahead before the debate starts

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Will be watching. The leaders views on the forthcoming event are:


Fraudon = I am the first prime minister to agree to this format (pompous git!)

Clegg = It will be the biggest job interview of my life (what a job that you are not going to get?)

Cameron = I just hope the public don't feel short changed



For me, Cameron is ahead before the debate starts


Actually he is behind as he has already, rightly, been called up by the other parties for whining about the format which his own party agreed to when they were being set up.

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Brown is up against it from the off, this primarily due to his appearance, Cameron will come across very well to those who fail to digest what he is actually saying and Clegg will be exciteable like someone let into the theatre through the fire exit, If I were a spin doctor for the Libs I would make a statement that our leader has a 24 hour bug and Vince Cable will be standing in for us and if I represented Labour would do the same only give the tea lady a script as it will be less uncomfortable to watch.


Playing 5-a-side so will watch on catch up as soon as she falls asleep.

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As a business owner ,whoever gets in it will cost me more.

Brown has at long last admitted his mistake in taking away the regulation of the banks when they came into power. That was one hell of a mistake, and if he thinks owning up to it he will be forgiven, that is another gaff. It's like pressing the nucleur button and then saying , 'oh I got it wrong that time, I'll learn from that mistake'

Cameron seems a decent man but I dont like a lot of his people (Hague is the exception)

Clegg , well he's a Liberal all open toe sandals, bushy beards and wishy washy Guardian readers. Vince cable is Ok but I saw him make a fundamental error when he was debating finance on Newsnight when talking about the debt crisis.

As a nation we need somebody with real conviction and able to grasp the nettle. We have such an underclass of shirkers, chavs and hangers on that in time will get to a tipping point that outnumber the normal decent man in the street.

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Clegg has an advantage over the others, and should come away with a easy victory. At the moment the political establishment is held in utter contempt by the majority of the population. Clegg can easily position himself to take advantage of this. He can say "their wrong", "oh and so are they".He can position himself on the side of one or the other depending on whose doing the attacking. If it's about Brown's record he can attack that, if it's about Tory cuts or the 1980's he can attack them.


The most skilled Political speakers of the past 40 years have been Tony Blair and Bill Clinton. I suggest that if either of them were dealt the hand that Clegg's been given tonight, they would wipe the floor with the other 2.I'm not talking about policies, but the way they'll position themselves against the other 2 and on the side of the people. You only have to watch Question Time to see how the Non Politican on there, gets a fairer hearing from the public, even if they're speaking complete and utter rubbish.


As for Cameron and the complaints about the format; the main thing the Tories wanted was to get the debates on at all. Tony Blair despite being far ahead in the polls, ducked them as did the Tories when they were in charge. An agreement had to be made and the format looks too formal and stale to me. I hope that the Chairperson is able to pull them up when their talking rubbish and present facts to them. Pretty much the same way Dimble does on QT. I just hope that Brown is not able to continualy evade answering the question asked as he does at PMQ's. I would think that Mandleson has drummed about 10 phrases into his brain that he'll keep reapting over and over and over again.


One thing that depresses me about the whole thing will be the reaction tomorrow. The Sun will declare cameron the winner, The Mirror will say Brown. The BBC will try to stay impartial, but their anti Right Wing bias will show through and Sky News will declare Cameron the winner. Everyone will say Cleggy did well.The media in this Country seem incapable of reporting objectively when it comes to political debate, and I include the Broadsheets in that.

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One thing that depresses me about the whole thing will be the reaction tomorrow. The Sun will declare cameron the winner, The Mirror will say Brown. The BBC will try to stay impartial, but their anti Right Wing bias will show through and Sky News will declare Cameron the winner. Everyone will say Cleggy did well.The media in this Country seem incapable of reporting objectively when it comes to political debate, and I include the Broadsheets in that.


This is very true and can be applied to absolutely any aspect of the campaign trail so far.


This will only change if there is a staggering knock out blow delivered along the way (perhaps tonight), and it seems all the 70 plus rules for the debate have been put in place to stop just this from happening.


If it was a football game (with three teams) it will be a tedious first leg 0-0-0 with everyone terrified of making a mistake.


Ho hum.

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I would like to know who made the decision for the initial order of speaking.


Pretty sure they drew lots.


There are about 70 rules around the debates so rest assured its all been covered and agreed.


Tis a bit dull in the opening exchanges, it has to be said.

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Brown seems to be the one saying all the right things so far, immigration and crime policies make the most sense. (im my opinion of course!)


I am not getting that at all, but then, personal opinion is key for this.


I wish they would stop answering questions with anecdotes.

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They are all being quite equal so far, only a few things to note for me; Im intending to vote Lib Dem but I am getting fed up of hearing Clegg repeat 'the two old parties' over and over and over.


They are all answering questions more directly than i expected, a bit of bickering but it is surprisingly muted. Brown is also a lot more relaxed than i expected him to be. Although it is horrifically boring all the same and I think the host is struggling to keep it together by consistantly shutting them out half way through their answers, if they want to argue with each other let them, we need to know how they cope under pressure especially from each other.

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They are all being quite equal so far, only a few things to note for me; Im intending to vote Lib Dem but I am getting fed up of hearing Clegg repeat 'the two old parties' over and over and over.



That though remains their mantra and line, "vote for us because we are not one of the other parties".Apart from that, nothing to offer.

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Think ITV are doing a very poor job of this debate. The chairman is very poor.


Have to say I think they are giving quite a heavy bias towards coverage of the Lib Dems. Got to wonder why they invited them along in all honestly.


Brown is spouting lies as usual, Cameron is not coming across as well as expected and Clegg is making lots of claims which sound good but he knows he won't have to deliver on. Problem is the public might think he can and send votes his way. He can easily pick on things the other parties did when they were in power as his lot have been no where near!



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Quick question for you all. Do we currently have a Prime Minister of the country, yes or no. Debating it here and no-one is sure of the answer.


Yes. Brown is still PM and in the event of anything major happening he would still be in the role (as would his cabinet) until the results of the election are in.


The only thing we don't have is a parliament. The Queen has to disolve that in order for the election to take place.



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And the Lib dems have completely lost my vote as they believe the nuclear defense program is unaffordable.


National defense is something you find the funds to afford, and for that reason, i'm out.


...and cut the spending on things that really matter such as health care, the police etc etc

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Quick question for you all. Do we currently have a Prime Minister of the country, yes or no. Debating it here and no-one is sure of the answer.


Brown is still technically the Prime Minister and all cabinet ministers are still in their positions. However it all runs on silent whilst campaigning I imagine.

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Yes. Brown is still PM and in the event of anything major happening he would still be in the role (as would his cabinet) until the results of the election are in.


The only thing we don't have is a parliament. The Queen has to disolve that in order for the election to take place.




Thanks OOO, looks like I've got to get the round in...

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Think ITV are doing a very poor job of this debate. The chairman is very poor.


Have to say I think they are giving quite a heavy bias towards coverage of the Lib Dems. Got to wonder why they invited them along in all honestly.


Brown is spouting lies as usual, Cameron is not coming across as well as expected and Clegg is making lots of claims which sound good but he knows he won't have to deliver on. Problem is the public might think he can and send votes his way. He can easily pick on things the other parties did when they were in power as his lot have been no where near!





I don't think the chairman is allowed to say anything apart from barking out their names. He's not allowed to rephrase questions or pick them up on points or anything.


The rules they have all agreed have conspired to make this rather drab and I think no one except the anoraks (bores like me) will watch the one on Sky next week.


This isn't going to "re-energise interest in politics" I fear.


And it must be costing ITV a fortune to have no ads for 90 mins of primetime.

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