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I have added the obvious missing words...


Oh I don't know.. The average daily readership is estimated at around 7,700,000 by different studies. It changed it's allegiance towards Tony Blair and he got in. Each time it has switched allegiance the party who was backed by the Sun has always won. I guess you could say it just switches allegiance to the favourite, but even so.


Don't forget Rupert Murdoch, who owns News International which runs the Sun. Very powerful man. NI also owns the Times, Sunday Times, and the News of The World. He also created Sky television. If you have him backing you, you have a lot backing you.

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Oh I don't know.. The average daily readership is estimated at around 7,700,000 by different studies. It changed it's allegiance towards Tony Blair and he got in. Each time it has switched allegiance the party who was backed by the Sun has always won. I guess you could say it just switches allegiance to the favourite, but even so.


Don't forget Rupert Murdoch, who owns News International which runs the Sun. Very powerful man. NI also owns the Times, Sunday Times, and the News of The World. He also created Sky television. If you have him backing you, you have a lot backing you.


IMO this seems alot closer to reality. When it ditched Major for Blair it was obvious Labour were going to win the next election. This time around it switched its allegiance long after Cameron had taken a significant lead in the polls (which has since plummeted) and it was obvious that general feeling was not in support of Brown.


Headlines such as "It was the sun what won it" etc are clearly self-serving, they are keen to over emphasise their importance for obvious reasons. If they were as important as they like to claim it would seem odd that Cameron's lead has fallen since switching their support to the Tories

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Had a google.....quite humerous-


"The Times is read by the people who run the country. The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country. The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country. The Morning Star is read by the people who think the country ought to be run by another country. The Independent is read by people who don't know who runs the country but are sure they're doing it wrong. The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country. The Financial Times is read by the people who own the country. The Daily Express is read by the people who think the country ought to be run as it used to be run. The Daily Telegraph is read by the people who still think it is their country. And the Sun's readers don't care who runs the country providing she has big tits." -- from Yes Prime Minister (from the 1980s, it doesn't have quite the same resonance today)


"The Star is read by the people who think the Sun is a bit too upmarket." -- anon


"The Sport is read by the people who think that Elvis is running the country from his secret lunar bunker assisted by a team of topless aliens." -- anon

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IMO this seems alot closer to reality. When it ditched Major for Blair it was obvious Labour were going to win the next election. This time around it switched its allegiance long after Cameron had taken a significant lead in the polls (which has since plummeted) and it was obvious that general feeling was not in support of Brown.


Headlines such as "It was the sun what won it" etc are clearly self-serving, they are keen to over emphasise their importance for obvious reasons. If they were as important as they like to claim it would seem odd that Cameron's lead has fallen since switching their support to the Tories


Yep, deffo part right that Murdoch only ever backs winners. Believe me though, Brown, Mandleson etc will have been absolutely gutted when he backed the Tories after Months of campaigning. At the World Economic Forum in Davos last year Mandleson was made to wait in line for over an hour to have an audience with RM (who was Chairing the conference) as a last minute pitch at getting him onside. Love the guy or hate him (and a lot of people do) that's real power.

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Yep, deffo part right that Murdoch only ever backs winners. Believe me though, Brown, Mandleson etc will have been absolutely gutted when he backed the Tories after Months of campaigning. At the World Economic Forum in Davos last year Mandleson was made to wait in line for over an hour to have an audience with RM (who was Chairing the conference) as a last minute pitch at getting him onside. Love the guy or hate him (and a lot of people do) that's real power.


To some extent I think it would be funny if labour got back in and then got stuck into Murdoch and his empire like properly funding the information commissioner so he could prosecute the Sun and NoW for the phone tapping scams. Hell, I might even have a chance of getting sky sports in HD on cable!!

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I'd say a few papers like the telegraph and time which are actually very good are not bias to any party, they have changed alot and are now mainly reporting news 'with' peoples views which are both for and against as to get a good balance and appeal to people who feel like they can make there own mind up.


It is hard though to get a positive view on Brown and the current Labour party!!!!!

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Something's always seemed a little wrong to me about certain sectors of the media being biased towards certain political parties. I don't buy newspapers very often, but when I do I tend to buy papers such as The Times, The Independent and The Guardian because they have the best quality of journalism and the least bias. Imo you're more likely to get the real version of a story in the above 3 papers than you are in broadsheets-for-people-with-short-arms such as The Daily Mail and The Express.

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I always thought the Guardian was a Labour bias paper although I quite like the Independent I think Telegraph is most independent. All depends our the readers opinion though I guess unless it stupidly obvious like the mail!


The Telegraph is the most True Blue of the broadsheets so i'm not sure how you came to this conclusion.

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I think the Times is the only independent paper. The Guardian is labour, Telegraph tory, Independent is green / liberal. The others are comics and should be ignored.


The Times is, and always has been, Tory.


I'm not buying a paper until after the election as I'm sick of all the bull already.


Anyone who needs a newspapers opinion to make up their mind for them shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway.

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The silly papers(if you want a one sided argument):


The Sun - Is basically just populist, will go with who it thinks will win, currently the tories, though is hardly a good paper to be buying to know about politics.


The Mirror - Very Labour, again, not a good paper to be buying if you actually want to know stuff, is just as bad as the sun in not reporting lots of stuff and being so bleedingly obviously bias.


The totally ****e papers (papers to make the moralfag types angry):


Daily Express: Conservative, quite right wing, though most of its front pages concern Diana and Madeline McCann. Basically a scaremongering rag full of bad journalism.


Daily Mail: Probably worse than the express, very right wing. Full of moral knee-jerk reactions. Most of its front pages are on the basis of 'Now immigrants do (insert bad thing here) or to do with cancer.


Check this out as an example: Simply turning on a light at night for a few seconds to go to the toilet can cause changes that might lead to cancer (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1265277/Cancer-danger-night-time-trip-toilet.html#ixzz0l0JCZfOu)


The better papers:


The Independent: Supposedly meant to be independent like its name, but in reality leans a little bit to the left.


The Times: I don't like this paper, but it's not a total piece of ****e, but obviously beware as the Murdochs own it. Right wing, supports the conservatives.


The Telegraph: The Torygraph, need I say more? But probably the best paper to get if you want to read that side of the argument.


The Guardian: Lib Dem/Labour, but definitely left of the centre. This is my newspaper.


Tbh, get any of the Guardian, Independent and Telegraph and that'll be fine.

Edited by Saintandy666
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Probably going to start buying some in the run up to the election, which newspapers support which Political party, exactly?


To get a balanced view, you'll have to buy 2 or 3 papers to look at the same issues. Could get expensive so go to your local library for the real papers or go on-line for the virtual ones.

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The Times is, and always has been, Tory.


I'm not buying a paper until after the election as I'm sick of all the bull already.


Anyone who needs a newspapers opinion to make up their mind for them shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway.

I haven't bought a paper for a few years, they only wind things up. Even the BEEB doesn't seem impartial any longer (if ever it really was)

I find it interesting watching different news channels on sattelite and seeing the different slant they take on each story, including CNN Al Jazeera Russian Tv etc for world events

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A post like this will always be clouded by someone's political views and I'm the same, but how can anyone claim the Guardian is anything but left wing???


I tend to buy either the mail (because it has good sport and is in line with my political thinking) or the telegraph. Never go near the express, mirror, sun, or guardian. The times can be ok but not really my cup of tea.

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A post like this will always be clouded by someone's political views and I'm the same, but how can anyone claim the Guardian is anything but left wing???


I tend to buy either the mail (because it has good sport and is in line with my political thinking) or the telegraph. Never go near the express, mirror, sun, or guardian. The times can be ok but not really my cup of tea.


There was a wonderful piece of unscientific polling done on radio 4 last night, they went to a village in Suffolk that has never had immigrants relocated to, and asked locals their opinions on immigration. Everyone they spoke to was incredibly right-wing and said ‘they all come over here to live off our benefits, not right is it?’.


So the interviewing asked them if they’ve ever had any contact with immigrants…..‘no’.


Then he asked, have you ever spoken to anyone who has had contact with immigrants…..’no’.


He then asked them how they have reached their opinion on the matter, to which they all replied…..‘the daily mail’


Hilarious and terrifying, both at once.

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There was a wonderful piece of unscientific polling done on radio 4 last night, they went to a village in Suffolk that has never had immigrants relocated to, and asked locals their opinions on immigration. Everyone they spoke to was incredibly right-wing and said ‘they all come over here to live off our benefits, not right is it?’.


So the interviewing asked them if they’ve ever had any contact with immigrants…..‘no’.


Then he asked, have you ever spoken to anyone who has had contact with immigrants…..’no’.


He then asked them how they have reached their opinion on the matter, to which they all replied…..‘the daily mail’


Hilarious and terrifying, both at once.


I'm pretty much like them, but that doesn't mean i don't go to cities and see with my own eyes what a ****ed up mess they are in. It's better to close the barn door before the horse bolts. At present rural areas are pretty much how Britain was in the 50's in terms of the ethnic mix and that's how we want it to stay.

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I'm pretty much like them, but that doesn't mean i don't go to cities and see with my own eyes what a ****ed up mess they are in. It's better to close the barn door before the horse bolts. At present rural areas are pretty much how Britain was in the 50's in terms of the ethnic mix and that's how we want it to stay.


Actually I think most would rather kick you out and keep the immigrants, if given a choice.

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Actually I think most would rather kick you out and keep the immigrants, if given a choice.


Bungle I don't want to get personal with you, i'd rather have a sensible debate. Do you canvass for the Lib Dems in rural areas?

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I'm pretty much like them, but that doesn't mean i don't go to cities and see with my own eyes what a ****ed up mess they are in. It's better to close the barn door before the horse bolts. At present rural areas are pretty much how Britain was in the 50's in terms of the ethnic mix and that's how we want it to stay.


Can't make for very good NF rallies though if you have no immigrants to intimidate and attack?

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Can't make for very good NF rallies though if you have no immigrants to intimidate and attack?


This is what makes me sick about lefties. Not one comment on this thread by Dune has been racist, but immediately, because he doesn't subscribe to your way of thinking he must be a racist. You can have an opinion on immigration, you can want fairer taxes even if you earn a decent wage, and you can want those who don't want to work to have their benefits taken away without being a bigoted racist.


Just because you don't agree with us, doesn't make us wrong. Sort yourself out!

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This is what makes me sick about lefties. Not one comment on this thread by Dune has been racist, but immediately, because he doesn't subscribe to your way of thinking he must be a racist. You can have an opinion on immigration, you can want fairer taxes even if you earn a decent wage, and you can want those who don't want to work to have their benefits taken away without being a bigoted racist.


Just because you don't agree with us, doesn't make us wrong. Sort yourself out!


dune is a well known racist and doesn't deny it.

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dune is a well known racist and doesn't deny it.

Is that correct?? I thought he has sympathies to the BNP but that does neccessarily make him rascist.

The trouble is so many people just put a broad brush over these things. The BNP obvioulsy do suit a lot of peoples opinions and like any of the ultra left wing parties they have a right to voice their opinions.

One thing that has always amused me is that the Socialists stand up for freedoms but are the most likely to call for that same thing to be taken away from their opponents. They believe they are right, when if you really think about it all animals first thought is survival for themselves and children first, not the greater good.

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I want immigration strictly controlled, whether they are white, black, muslim, or whatever. I do not want millions of Australians or white Americans swamping this Country.


It's funny how the lefties were all against South Africa, but we hardly get a peep out of them about Zimbabwe, and the treatment of the white population there.

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This is what makes me sick about lefties. Not one comment on this thread by Dune has been racist, but immediately, because he doesn't subscribe to your way of thinking he must be a racist. You can have an opinion on immigration, you can want fairer taxes even if you earn a decent wage, and you can want those who don't want to work to have their benefits taken away without being a bigoted racist.


Just because you don't agree with us, doesn't make us wrong. Sort yourself out!


Dune/Stanley freely admits to being a racist and attending NF rallies.


He quite likes to get onto social Darwinism.


It has nothing to do with having a stance on immigration (which most of us do have) more to do with him being a bigoted racist.

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It's funny how the lefties were all against South Africa, but we hardly get a peep out of them about Zimbabwe, and the treatment of the white population there.


Yeah right, none of us have advocated direct military intervention. :rolleyes:


None of us have said that what has happened to the white farmers was/is as bad as anything that happened in SA. :rolleyes:

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Is that correct?? I thought he has sympathies to the BNP but that does neccessarily make him rascist.

The trouble is so many people just put a broad brush over these things. The BNP obvioulsy do suit a lot of peoples opinions and like any of the ultra left wing parties they have a right to voice their opinions.

One thing that has always amused me is that the Socialists stand up for freedoms but are the most likely to call for that same thing to be taken away from their opponents. They believe they are right, when if you really think about it all animals first thought is survival for themselves and children first, not the greater good.



The BNP, whilst odious, have a political mandate. The NF do not and Dune/Stanley freely admits to attending BNP rallies. How many non-racists do you know that go out of their way to attend NF rallies?

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None of us have said that what has happened to the white farmers was/is as bad as anything that happened in SA. :rolleyes:


I think it's as bad, but the great African anti apartheid campaigners like Peter Hain are very quiet on the issue, despite having been in govt.


Can it be white racism bad, black racism-turn the other way.

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