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Glad Pompey Won Today

Jeff Le Taxi

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Its much harder to take to lose in a final than to lose in a semi! cant wait to see their cringing fishy faces on may 15

Chelsea for a day May 15 2010.


Like us in 2003 I suppose


We did not play well that day but had a good day out but I hated it wehen we lost in 1963 and again in the 80s and in the recent playoffs

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**** off you lot! give me SOMETHING to cling to.....




IF (and its a ******* BIG IF) it is TRUE that 6 of their players will miss out due to contractual issues.... May 15th could still be a wonderful day.


Chelski won't roll over like Spurs did...


I actually said to the Mrs half way through that the game today was almost a carbon copy of Saints v Skates.


Lady Luck is smiling on the fishy caravan dwellers.



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No its not, losing in a semi final is worse every time IMHO.


I agree. Considering how a lot of people were banging on about their day out to Wembley for the JPT, denying them that is the best thing.


And before a smart-arse answers that the SF was at Wembley, it is not the same as a final..

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I would be inclined to put a few quid on them winning the thing actually.

You will get bloody good odds for them beating Chelsea cos they shouldnt stand a chance in hell.


However.....an own goal at the death in the third round replay, the missed chances we had and the rather questionable rules they, ahem, didnt break including an ineligable player on the bench, the goal Birmingham scored that wasn't given, the Crouch goal in the semi that wasn't given - talk about your name being on the Cup !!


My only consolation to them being in the Final would be if I could make some money off of them ;)

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It's not the fact it's Pompey that wants me to see them go under.

It's the fact that every single newspaper, news channel, football pundit and fan of different clubs bang on about how fantastic they are, how unlucky they are, when the proof is their to show they are disloyal cheating tossers.

For that reason alone, I want them to die and never come back.

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Get over it for God's sake!!


They surprised us all and to be honest made Spuds look very ordinary. A quite amazing result that cost me a fortune on my Sunday accumulator. Still I have no axe to grind with them....I'll bet big next time they appear at Wembley and this time they'll get a right royal stuffing.

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It's not the fact it's Pompey that wants me to see them go under.

It's the fact that every single newspaper, news channel, football pundit and fan of different clubs bang on about how fantastic they are, how unlucky they are, when the proof is their to show they are disloyal cheating tossers.

For that reason alone, I want them to die and never come back.


My sentiments entirely, frankly I felt like being sick at all the adoration, the commentators were giving them during the game. Slurpy slurpy bum lick the skates, then hardly any mention that Spurs scored a perfectly good goal and that the penalty shouldn't have been given.


Where do two thirds of those that were there supporting them today, go when it's a matchday at fratton park?


Wonderful plucky fans my arse, they don't even support their team in their hour of need, as their regular less than 18K attendances prove.


It's sickening how selective memory, means people are forgetting that they stood by happily while their board sowed the seeds of their own destruction because it gave them an FA Cup, and kept them in the top league for a few more years.


They deserve everything that has happened and more and have gotten off lightly, for their cheating.


They'll be loving Boateng for his little heart tapping gesture, I wonder if he loves them so much he'll be hanging around next season for the 5K a week that they may just be able to pay him?

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