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Anthony Vanden Boore


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I took a mate for a check up at Southampton general hospital yesterday and unfortunately he was admitted as an emergency and in the next cubicle was Anthony Vanden Boore the Zaire born Belgian player currently on loan from Genoa at P****y! Also in attendance was their club doctor Nigel Sellars who was quite chatty, apparently the player complained of stomach pains during a training session at Eastleigh and had suspected appendicitis which later proved to be be not the case. Anyhoo their doc was telling me that the administrators have asked asked him to take a 55% pay cut for working exactly the same hours which he was quite adamant that was not going to happen.He then proceeded to tell me what a great stadium and facilities we had and how envious he was blah blah.Also I asked about Sunday's semi-final and he quite openly told me that nearly all their 'better' players would be fit even though one player (unnamed) had a small stress fracture in a vertebrae in his back but Avram Grant insisted he play because ' he is not our player, he's only on loan'.

All this made me think, anyone else come in to contact accidently with a premiership player in recent times at work or in public?

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Had areally great eveninig with Kevin Davies in the Long Island tea shop in Covent garden,a few years back.


Very nice bloke,i was quite happy just to say hi and was concious not to pester him but he chatted away with his friends and mine for an age.

This was at the time he was at blackburn and he was not overly happy their.

He seeemed to have quite an affinity with Saints,but he loved Chesterfield by far the most it seemed.

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I took a mate for a check up at Southampton general hospital yesterday and unfortunately he was admitted as an emergency and in the next cubicle was Anthony Vanden Boore


I could have stood next to him for a million years, even asked his name, and i still wouldn't have known he plays for Pompey.



Also, I'll keep details of my meeting with a Premiership player off a public forum for the sake of his wife and children! :)

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Met quite a few in the late 90's when I worked in a shop in town.


Ken Monkou was by far the friendliest and used to chat away quite freely and even bought a few cd's on my recommendation. Carlton Palmer was a nice bloke, as was Egil and of course Matty was always happy to stop and talk. Franny was also very friendly.


Mark Paul (remember him??) seemed quite taken that I knew who he was.


David Hirst on the other hand was a right mardy plank.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

I met Franny (and his gorgeous, pouting wife) on many occasions, and he was always chatty and funny.


I used to drink with Kevin Moore and Mark Dennis in the White Horse in Otterbourne, until Mark went on nights as a postie to stop him drinking cider and black to all hours, and I guess Kevin stopped coming in because of his illness.


Chris Tremlett was occasionally to be seen in the White Horse as well but he stopped coming in after his brother died.


Stuary Ripley lived a couple of doors away from me; now there was a miserable sod.

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Met quite a few in the late 90's when I worked in a shop in town.


Ken Monkou was by far the friendliest and used to chat away quite freely and even bought a few cd's on my recommendation. Carlton Palmer was a nice bloke, as was Egil and of course Matty was always happy to stop and talk. Franny was also very friendly.


Mark Paul (remember him??) seemed quite taken that I knew who he was.


David Hirst on the other hand was a right mardy plank.


I heard he was friendly!

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Also I asked about Sunday's semi-final and he quite openly told me that nearly all their 'better' players would be fit even though one player (unnamed) had a small stress fracture in a vertebrae in his back but Avram Grant insisted he play because ' he is not our player, he's only on loan'.

Jesus :smt107


So let's work out who it is then...


Currently on-loan players, according to soccerbase:

Anthony Vanden Borre

Frederic Piquionne

Aruna Dindane

Hassan Yebda

Jamie O'Hara


Can't be O'Hara as he's ineligible anyway, nor Vanden Borre as he's suspended. So take your pick out of Piquionne, Dindane and Yebda...

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Jesus :smt107


So let's work out who it is then...


Currently on-loan players, according to soccerbase:

Anthony Vanden Borre

Frederic Piquionne

Aruna Dindane

Hassan Yebda

Jamie O'Hara


Can't be O'Hara as he's ineligible anyway, nor Vanden Borre as he's suspended. So take your pick out of Piquionne, Dindane and Yebda...


I thought they couldn't play Dindane because they couldn't afford him and so he went back to Lens? (I think it was?)


My money is on Piquionne, which probably means it isn't, because anything I put my money on doesn't come in.

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Yeah, Dindane went back to Lens. Supposedly being targeted by Blackburn and Newcastle for the summer. Don't see why, he was f*cking sh!t for P*mpey!


I once let Matt Le Tissier out of a car park at the end of a game at SMS, and on the way there we were in a traffic jam next to Franny Benali. I did once meet most of the 1997/1998 Chelsea team after training. One of the finest Premiership teams ever imo, and meeting the likes of Zola, Vialli, Gullit, Di Matteo, LeBoeuf, Wise, Poyet, Desailly and Tore Andre Flo was a bit of a dream come true for me at the age of about 6/7.

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Met Aaron Lennon in Nando's in Westfield last summer. Grumpy little git seemed far more interested in my (now ex) gf - who happenned to be a spuds fan.


Also met Paul Furlong (he must have played in the prem at some point?) in Area in Watford a couple of years ago (i mean literally about 2/3), which was a bit wrong seeing as it was student night and he was most likely pushing 40. Didn't stop him having a crack with any girl that walked past, was pretty funny to watch - though I don't think my laughter was most welcome

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Also met MLT in Debenhams once and followed him around like a store detective, peerring through the clothes rails. It was a long time ago.




If I saw him in Debenhams now I might still follow him like a store detective, you know, just in case!

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funny how times change, in the mid to late 70's the team used to travel back from games up North on the same train as us supporters,although they never had the dash from Kings Cross or Euston by tube to Waterloo because they had a coach waiting to take them home.

bet a few of them would have rsther joined us in the Hole in The Wall and get the late rain home

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Also met MLT in Debenhams once and followed him around like a store detective, peerring through the clothes rails. It was a long time ago.




If I saw him in Debenhams now I might still follow him like a store detective, you know, just in case!


Tis ok, if he started running, you'd easily catch him.

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Tis ok, if he started running, you'd easily catch him.


funnily enough, about 15yrs ago i was shopping in Debenhams with my then 6yr old sister & we saw MLT across the floor. when i told her who he was she sprinted across & rugby takled him,wrapping herself around his legs :oops: i wished the floor would open up & swallow me as i walked over to retreive her apologising to LeGod, who after the initial shock did find it funny & a little bit embarrasing. still got the autograph he gave me :cool:

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Met quite a few in the late 90's when I worked in a shop in town.


Ken Monkou was by far the friendliest and used to chat away quite freely and even bought a few cd's on my recommendation. Carlton Palmer was a nice bloke, as was Egil and of course Matty was always happy to stop and talk. Franny was also very friendly.


Mark Paul (remember him??) seemed quite taken that I knew who he was.


David Hirst on the other hand was a right mardy plank.



That wasnt HMV was it? I worked there in 2000

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i used to work in Debenhams a while back and saw loads of Saints players from that time (early 90's)......Maddison, C8ckerill, Simon Charlton, Neil Heaney (swoon) , Nicky Banger (swoon again) , MLT (sadly no swooning, just complete awe! .:prayer: )

I also saw Franny in Arco in Chandlers Ford last year :p

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Like most of us I have met quite a few of our players, but was really quite impressed with Frank Lebouef. I played againt him last year in a charity game (in Redondo Beach) and he was a good guy. He remembered his first game at the Dell and was very complimentary about Saints.

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I met Jo Tessem in Hotshots (friendly but quiet)


I met MLT in Hotshots (friendly and chatty - legend!)


I met Garry Monk in Jumpin' Jax (battered)


I met Shane Warne outside Hampshire's hotel in London after the FP Final. He was not interested in chatting (they had been given a hammering by Durham that day). I followed him to a cashpoint and eventually managed to get a photo with him.


Seen Franny ooot and aboot a lot.

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I've also met Seb Coe.


Geoff Capes used to be a family friend and on occasions came round for Sunday roast. One day he arrives carrying half a pig for my mum as a 'thank you for dinner' present! Top bloke and remember him beckoning me over when he was surrounded at an athletics event by people wanting autographs cos he wanted to have a chat and find out how all the family were - that was when I was 13 years old my mates were impressed :)

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I've got a photo somewhere of my daughter kissing Geoff Capes (she was about 8 at the time - all quite innocent :))


David Armstrong used to live in the same road as my parents and my son used to kick a ball about in the close with his kids.


My dad built Mick Channon's house near Fair Oak and I've got a photo of the topping-out ceremony.

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Jesus :smt107


So let's work out who it is then...


Currently on-loan players, according to soccerbase:

Anthony Vanden Borre

Frederic Piquionne

Aruna Dindane

Hassan Yebda

Jamie O'Hara


Can't be O'Hara as he's ineligible anyway, nor Vanden Borre as he's suspended. So take your pick out of Piquionne, Dindane and Yebda...


Aruna Dindunce it is! ;)

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I remember a summer holiday many years ago now (when I was a small boy and the summers were long and hot!) when I had a great chance meeting with a Saints legend! To this day some of my mates who i grew up refuse to believe this happened, but my mum can testify to it because she met the chap as well!


It was one of those mornings when the sun was burning and you just want to get out there on your bike with your mates and explore the world! When you get your first bike it seems as though the world has incresed in sixe tenfold. places that were far off distant names became close enough for young boys to cycle to. Pack a bottle of squash or lemonade and some biscuits and crisps (the world wasn't so PC in those days and kids could eat **** like that because we played out and cycled everywhere instead of sitting in front of a games console!) and off you go. T-shirts and shorts were the order of the day, no sun cream (it was before the loony PC people made our mothers too scared to send us out!). I remember it was a Sunday and I called round for a friend on my new chopper. He got on his bike (can't remember what it was) and we went round for another friend. Off we set, ready to explore the nearby woods. This was our place of choice. We would dare each other to ride fast across the bumby ground and skid in the mud and leaves! Sometimes we would make ramps with wood that we nicked from our houses. we would lay the wood against a tree stump and see how far we could jump. Anyway, one day we made a great jump and took turns for hours seeing how far and how high we could get. And, as I'm sure you can all picture, the competitive nature of the young boys took over and the ramp got more and more dangerous and we dared each other to jump over broken glass and all sorts. Well, on one of my jumps the bike lost grip and I came off the ramp and fell on the glass. My mats panicked and shot off home leaving me there bleeding from the knee and in tears! I remember it hurt like hell! I picked my sorry little arse up and walked with the chopper back towards home, crying and wimpering along the way. Before I got out of the woods though I heard a voice say "Hey, lad....are you ok". I turned around and who was there.....Keith Cassells. I could not believe my eyes! I told him what had happened and to cut a long story short he put the bike in the back of his car and took me back to my house. Well,as you can imagine, my mum was furious with me for playing so dangerously but was very grateful to Keith (not like today, when he would have been branded a peado). She offered him a cup of tea and he said "No thanks, I must get home". Great days. I'll never forget that.

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