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I don't belive in (alien) UFO's. I mean, if we knew there was life on another planet and could get there, I doubt we would go there quite often, look at them from above, and then fly off really fast in a mysterious way.....


I know I shouldn't judge it based on how WE think, but it seems pretty pointless to keep coming here, showing your little space ship thing to people, and zooming off.


They do it to make us jealous, like p-e-n-i-s envy.


I freak myself out thinking about this stuff all the time. It's mental. As some have pointed out we have only had the technology to investigate this subject for a very short period of time so in the same amount of time again I think we will get some big answers. I just hope I'm alive to see them.


Sometimes I can't help but allow the thought that at any point an asteroid could hit us, yellow stone could errupt or the sun could explode (not alien related I know but puts our little, defenseless planet in perspective) then I look around me and see things in a very different light...........



I know I shouldn't judge it based on how WE think, but it seems pretty pointless to keep coming here, showing your little space ship thing to people, and zooming off.


Tee hee I know I shouldn't...


Well, could change THAT viewpoint pdq...


Just pop down here and take a look at one of the Beach Roads or Corniche areas. Young Arabs do that all the time in their Lambo's/Corvettes/Ferraris. Exactly how you describe :-)

You DID see a UFO, because you didn't know what it was, and it was flying. I also assume it was an object.


So yeah, you saw a UFO.


Well, having a fair knowledge of what was practically possible in terms of human technology, at the time, and my UFO couldn't be explained by anything of those things, then yes it was.


I should add that there were two of us, and we both saw exactly the same thing, and although I'm estimating from memory [i have the account written down], the closest approach of it was about 40-50ft, while it was in the air, or twice the height of a house. It was not a vague flickering look behind trees or anything like that. It was a completely clear, night time view for about a minute or so.

Well, having a fair knowledge of what was practically possible in terms of human technology, at the time, and my UFO couldn't be explained by anything of those things, then yes it was.


I should add that there were two of us, and we both saw exactly the same thing, and although I'm estimating from memory [i have the account written down], the closest approach of it was about 40-50ft, while it was in the air, or twice the height of a house. It was not a vague flickering look behind trees or anything like that. It was a completely clear, night time view for about a minute or so.


If I were you I'd be trying to work out why these aliens came so close to you two guys, yet decided NOT to abduct you!


After all, look at some of the hillbilly's and f&cktards that have been abducted from America, and they decided that you guys weren't good enough for them :p

If I were you I'd be trying to work out why these aliens came so close to you two guys, yet decided NOT to abduct you!


After all, look at some of the hillbilly's and f&cktards that have been abducted from America, and they decided that you guys weren't good enough for them :p


I, for one, am pretty glad I didn't come up to spec. In any case, there's having witnessed a UFO, and there's believing in alien abductions. It's two different things. Perhaps they take place, I don't know. Never really given it much thought.

I, for one, am pretty glad I didn't come up to spec. In any case, there's having witnessed a UFO, and there's believing in alien abductions. It's two different things. Perhaps they take place, I don't know. Never really given it much thought.


Hey. Can you describe what happened again/what it looked like ?


I find personal accounts (from the horses mouth) the most convincing - mainly because I can't imagine why otherwise rational 'normal' people would make stuff like this up.


I havn't seen a UFO and I don't want to accept that I think its possible that aliens have visited... BUT, I can't explain some of the accounts I've heard/read (other than some kind of mass hallucination?). Maybe this is a failure of my imagination but it often seems to leave aliens as a reasonable explanation.


(I've tried to find your previous posts but I think only your most recent 500 are available).



I don't belive in (alien) UFO's. I mean, if we knew there was life on another planet and could get there, I doubt we would go there quite often, look at them from above, and then fly off really fast in a mysterious way.....


I know I shouldn't judge it based on how WE think, but it seems pretty pointless to keep coming here, showing your little space ship thing to people, and zooming off.


If they have been observing us for any length of time they will know that we are a very dangerous race and are probably very wise to keep their distance!


Having said that, some aliens (Greys I think) are supposed to be living and working with the Americans so who knows...


There are some fasinating books on this whole thing...my favourite being "The Only Planet Of Choice" by Phyllis Schlemmer. It talks about Alien interaction with humans and is a good read. You would need to keep an open mind whn reading it.

If they have been observing us for any length of time they will know that we are a very dangerous race and are probably very wise to keep their distance!


Having said that, some aliens (Greys I think) are supposed to be living and working with the Americans so who knows...


There are some fasinating books on this whole thing...my favourite being "The Only Planet Of Choice" by Phyllis Schlemmer. It talks about Alien interaction with humans and is a good read. You would need to keep an open mind whn reading it.


You say that we are dangerous however i would argue that every 'race' would have a timeline much similar to ours.


A sort of tribal stage which no doubt many civilisations struggled through. We have progressed since the dark ages where it was localised tribes, and then onto the anglo-franco wars etc and onto where we are now which is arguably a lot more civilised than we have ever been.


Perhaps it would be the final realisation that we really are not alone that would force us to become a single 'race' of earthlings (hate that saying, sounds so sci fi cringy lol) as apposed to different countries vying for national identities.


Not related either to UFO's or Abductions, so entirely OT, but related to the Galaxy/Universe thing, and what is, or might be, "out there".


IMO, we don't know what is out there. Even with our (presently) best telescope technology, we can only see what was out there at some time in the past. How long ago it was there depends on how far away it is (or was then).


Right now, there might be nothing at all out there. The sun could have disappeared at any time in the last 8 minutes and we wouldn't know about it (yet).


We can't see anything that is travelling away from us (relatively) at faster than the speed of light. And anything that is travelling towards us (relatively) at faster than the speed of light will appear to be travelling away from us (not entirely sure about either of those, I worked them out while lying in bed last night).


We have a very, very limited understanding of the true relationship between time, speed and distance. Until we fully grasp those concepts, we will not have a clue what is actually going on out there right now (if right now actually exists). As far as I know, our Galaxy alone is around 100,000 light years across, never mind the size of the universe.


Unless and until we get to grips with these things, we're just sitting ducks. If the environmental global warming-ists are to be believed, it could be quite important in the future.

You say that we are dangerous however i would argue that every 'race' would have a timeline much similar to ours.


A sort of tribal stage which no doubt many civilisations struggled through. We have progressed since the dark ages where it was localised tribes, and then onto the anglo-franco wars etc and onto where we are now which is arguably a lot more civilised than we have ever been.


Perhaps it would be the final realisation that we really are not alone that would force us to become a single 'race' of earthlings (hate that saying, sounds so sci fi cringy lol) as apposed to different countries vying for national identities.


WE are definately still very tribal and I agree that it would take something huge to pull us all togther, like coming into contact with another extra terristial life form. To an advanced life form I think we would be very scray as we are still quite primitive in the way that we organise our lives. We are still very warlike, despite the catastrophes of the 1st and 2nd WWs there has been armed conflict somewhere on the planet ever since. Can you imagine if we sent a probe to a planet and saw the population killinmg and raping each other on a regular basis...would we be keen to make contact? Perhaps, if they are out there, they are waiting for us to get our act together before making full on contact?

WE are definately still very tribal and I agree that it would take something huge to pull us all togther, like coming into contact with another extra terristial life form. To an advanced life form I think we would be very scray as we are still quite primitive in the way that we organise our lives. We are still very warlike, despite the catastrophes of the 1st and 2nd WWs there has been armed conflict somewhere on the planet ever since. Can you imagine if we sent a probe to a planet and saw the population killinmg and raping each other on a regular basis...would we be keen to make contact? Perhaps, if they are out there, they are waiting for us to get our act together before making full on contact?


Makes the thought of us being at war with eachother and invading countries (killing civilians in the process) seem even more pathetic....


All of it would become insignificant if some other being came to earth....


Personally, I cant wait for the day that aliens land here. I dont think I'd panic and the thought actually excites me..... Maybe thats just cos I find earth boring :cool:


What do you think you would do/feel if you turned the tv on to news that aliens had landed?

Hey. Can you describe what happened again/what it looked like ?


I find personal accounts (from the horses mouth) the most convincing - mainly because I can't imagine why otherwise rational 'normal' people would make stuff like this up.


I havn't seen a UFO and I don't want to accept that I think its possible that aliens have visited... BUT, I can't explain some of the accounts I've heard/read (other than some kind of mass hallucination?). Maybe this is a failure of my imagination but it often seems to leave aliens as a reasonable explanation.


(I've tried to find your previous posts but I think only your most recent 500 are available).




OK, here's a quick account. Me and a few mates had been playing football at the Sports Centre, and all had gone home except me and another. We were chatting away and were vaguely heading off home ourselves. We'd got about two-thirds of the way across the last cricket pitch before the exit and it was quite dark, although we could easily see each other, as our eyes had got used to the light. Besides, even back then [late 1970s], the Sports Centre main areas were pretty well lit at night. So we kicked the ball back and forth for a while. The cricket pitch was raised about 20ft from the surrounding football pitches, etc.., with a fence around over half of it. We both noticed that a line of multicoloured lights had risen up high over the fence and was now descending and coming towards us. The line of lights was about half the width of a football pitch and shaped like a ring of gas flame jets on a hob, although of course, they were solid, and we viewed them approximately at the horizontal. This sort of thing.




As I said, they were multicoloured, one red, one yellow, green, blue, etc... They were also quite large and bright, even though they were the distance of half of the cricket pitch away. There was no sound being made.

I remember thinking... what is that..? What the hell is that?? But I didn't panic, but I quickly ran through as many options as I could, as to what it could and couldn't be. None of the options made any sense at all. Helicopters and fixed wing aircraft made noise. Balloons..? Garbage..! People carrying the lights would given themselves away, and besides, how could they carry them so high and so smoothly..? And it was moving so slowly too. At some point I said to my mate, Mike, are you seeing this..? He said, Yes I am. I turned to look at him, and he looked so frightened that it made me panic. So we ran out of the Sports Centre and into the estate of Lordswood. When we got to Arnheim Road, there was a wall of a carpark we could sit on and catch our breaths. We could also look back at the line of trees surrounding the Sports Centre. Up over the trees came the line of lights, now in the shape of an elipse. I estimate about 60-80ft off the ground, and then rolled around, so that the lights moved like a wheel, as it changed direction to follow Dunkirk Road. When it came to where Arnheim Road intersected, it turned again and followed that. Within a few more seconds it was directly over us, about 50-60ft up and very big, as you might imagine. It was very clear, and we could easily see all the stars and it. If memory serves [must find that written account], it was totally the same as the background blackness, except for the lights. It stayed still for about 10 seconds and then slowly moved off NW in the direction of Romsey. We started to run after it, to keep it in sight, but it started to accelerate incredibly quickly, and within seconds it was gone. Of course, we talked about it for a long time afterwards, and I eventually wrote up an account of it.


So there you go. That's as I remember it, as of this moment. Hope you find it interesting. Perhaps you've finally realised I'm as nutty as a fruit cake. ;)

They do it to make us jealous, like p-e-n-i-s envy.


Scott_Saints P-e-n-i-s is massive, I've seen it on Chatroulette.

OK, here's a quick account. Me and a few mates had been playing football at the Sports Centre, and all had gone home except me and another. We were chatting away and were vaguely heading off home ourselves. We'd got about two-thirds of the way across the last cricket pitch before the exit and it was quite dark, although we could easily see each other, as our eyes had got used to the light. Besides, even back then [late 1970s], the Sports Centre main areas were pretty well lit at night. So we kicked the ball back and forth for a while. The cricket pitch was raised about 20ft from the surrounding football pitches, etc.., with a fence around over half of it. We both noticed that a line of multicoloured lights had risen up high over the fence and was now descending and coming towards us. The line of lights was about half the width of a football pitch and shaped like a ring of gas flame jets on a hob, although of course, they were solid, and we viewed them approximately at the horizontal. This sort of thing.




As I said, they were multicoloured, one red, one yellow, green, blue, etc... They were also quite large and bright, even though they were the distance of half of the cricket pitch away. There was no sound being made.

I remember thinking... what is that..? What the hell is that?? But I didn't panic, but I quickly ran through as many options as I could, as to what it could and couldn't be. None of the options made any sense at all. Helicopters and fixed wing aircraft made noise. Balloons..? Garbage..! People carrying the lights would given themselves away, and besides, how could they carry them so high and so smoothly..? And it was moving so slowly too. At some point I said to my mate, Mike, are you seeing this..? He said, Yes I am. I turned to look at him, and he looked so frightened that it made me panic. So we ran out of the Sports Centre and into the estate of Lordswood. When we got to Arnheim Road, there was a wall of a carpark we could sit on and catch our breaths. We could also look back at the line of trees surrounding the Sports Centre. Up over the trees came the line of lights, now in the shape of an elipse. I estimate about 60-80ft off the ground, and then rolled around, so that the lights moved like a wheel, as it changed direction to follow Dunkirk Road. When it came to where Arnheim Road intersected, it turned again and followed that. Within a few more seconds it was directly over us, about 50-60ft up and very big, as you might imagine. It was very clear, and we could easily see all the stars and it. If memory serves [must find that written account], it was totally the same as the background blackness, except for the lights. It stayed still for about 10 seconds and then slowly moved off NW in the direction of Romsey. We started to run after it, to keep it in sight, but it started to accelerate incredibly quickly, and within seconds it was gone. Of course, we talked about it for a long time afterwards, and I eventually wrote up an account of it.


So there you go. That's as I remember it, as of this moment. Hope you find it interesting. Perhaps you've finally realised I'm as nutty as a fruit cake. ;)



Brilliant. Thanks for that. I have no idea what it was you saw, but I can't exclude aliens, so your account definately makes the day more exciting. Perhaps the most bonkers thing about the account is that it actually was saucer-shaped!


Personally I'd love it if real old-skool flying saucers started buzzing around... it'd be f.uckin' mental!


Does/did your mate reckon it was aliens? Do you ever talk about it with him/know what he thinks happened now ?




Wasnt there a thread a while ago with a link to a video of the hubble telescope being pointed into an empty bit of space revealing thousands of galaxies?! That might fit well here if someone knows where it is.......

Think this was it;





Blimey. Are you telling us there is more out there than the plough & the bear?


My brother has been filming UFO's for ages now and even though I take the mick out of him a bit for doing it he has caught some spectacular things on camera. Those of you who like looking at UFO sightings will enjoy his captures. This is a summary of some that he's done, the one I really like is the fleet that comes in from 1.25.



He has a load of them if you look at his vids, another good one is when he shines a laser at one and it flashes back (2.15 here for the flash back)


Here are all his sightings if people are interested in what is flying above Southampton, definately some decent ones, and you can read the comments from sceptic people and the comments back from my brother.


Not related either to UFO's or Abductions, so entirely OT, but related to the Galaxy/Universe thing, and what is, or might be, "out there".


IMO, we don't know what is out there. Even with our (presently) best telescope technology, we can only see what was out there at some time in the past. How long ago it was there depends on how far away it is (or was then).


Right now, there might be nothing at all out there. The sun could have disappeared at any time in the last 8 minutes and we wouldn't know about it (yet).


We can't see anything that is travelling away from us (relatively) at faster than the speed of light. And anything that is travelling towards us (relatively) at faster than the speed of light will appear to be travelling away from us (not entirely sure about either of those, I worked them out while lying in bed last night).


We have a very, very limited understanding of the true relationship between time, speed and distance. Until we fully grasp those concepts, we will not have a clue what is actually going on out there right now (if right now actually exists). As far as I know, our Galaxy alone is around 100,000 light years across, never mind the size of the universe.


Unless and until we get to grips with these things, we're just sitting ducks. If the environmental global warming-ists are to be believed, it could be quite important in the future.


Very good post. We (by that I mean the entire species) may think that we have a decent understanding of time and space, but the fact is we do not. We seem to think that time is a linear constant but there appears to be plenty of evidence to the contrary. Time is affected by gravity, meaning that on our little gravity-producing rock, caught in the gravitational pull of the sun, time would appear completely different than it would outside of those constraints.


Time is also affected by speed. There was an experiment done not so long ago where two atomic clocks were synchronised perfectly with one another. One was kept in the lab and the other was taken on a long haul flight and returned to the lab, whereupon it was behind sync with the one that had been kept in the lab. The experimenters measured the average speed at whcih the slower clock had travelled and worked out that if you work out the ratio between the speed and the time distance then multiply that speed all the way up to the speed of light then time would in essence stop.


We see our universe as having 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time. But it has been hypothesised that once you reach the speed of light, this is reversed and you would find yourself in 3 dimensions of time and 1 dimension of space.


All these things are so completely outside our understanding of physics (as we know it) that it would take centuries for us to ever fully comprehend it - if ever. I think it is perfectly possible that other advanced civilisations have already mastered this stuff and are able to use this to travel huge distances, but I guess we'll never know in my lifetime.

My brother has been filming UFO's for ages now and even though I take the mick out of him a bit for doing it he has caught some spectacular things on camera. Those of you who like looking at UFO sightings will enjoy his captures. This is a summary of some that he's done, the one I really like is the fleet that comes in from 1.25.



He has a load of them if you look at his vids, another good one is when he shines a laser at one and it flashes back (2.15 here for the flash back)


Here are all his sightings if people are interested in what is flying above Southampton, definately some decent ones, and you can read the comments from sceptic people and the comments back from my brother.



How does he know when to get his camera out? - Does he get a tip-off or just get lucky?


If something is going on over Southampton, can I give him my telephone number so he can call me so I can see it for myself?


No joke, he stands there for hours I think. I remember him telling me he has best times when to do it so he can see better and he uses special equipment and filters to see what he sees. Contact him through the links I sent, he loves talking about it all.

Bill Bryson put this into perspective in his book A short history about nearly everything". He said that is a star was the size of a garden pea, the number of stars in the universe (it may be this galaxy, memory letting me down) would fill the Royal Albert Hall.


Could be the galaxy, as I'm sure I read somewhere that scientists reckon there's about the same amount of stars in the Universe as there is grains of sand on earth :smt107


The book I mentioned earlier (The Only Planet of Choice) is supposed to have benn "channelled" from a highre being over a period of time. It talks about how some forms with different vibrational speeds have learnt to travel without craft. It could be a load of old tosh but it does address all of the questions you can think of and more about why we are here, what is going on in the Universe etc. Some of the concepts are quite difficult to grasp from our current viewpoint and that is why you need to suspend disbelief and go with it. As as been said earlier, this tells us that they are indeed already here and did come in the past to interact with humans. As I say, could be a load of tosh but it does make fascinating reading and does open your mind up to new possibilities.

...Does/did your mate reckon it was aliens? Do you ever talk about it with him/know what he thinks happened now ?




I haven't seen him for years. I moved away, I know he moved away, and we lost touch. Suffice to say that, if I ever catch up with him again, I know I could just say... How about those lights, all those years ago, Mike..? And I'm 100% sure he'd know immediately what I was talking about.


Wow - there is so much of this rubbish on youtube..


This one has a couple of weird clips though (2:15) - (plus what must be a fake recording of Discovery Shuttle mission talking about an alien spacecraft lol!)



Anyone seen this NASA Thether clip before:


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