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You've got no answer. That is the point i'm making. If you stand up and tell the truth then the far lefts arguments get blown out of the water.

I would normally vote for UKIP..but this time I am going Tory as (imo) labour have to be removed


If you live in a marginal then quite clearly it's your duty to vote Tory because removing Brown and the Labour lot is the priority, but if you live in a safe seat then imo you should vote for the party you believe in because your vote will send out a message.

You've got no answer. That is the point i'm making. If you stand up and tell the truth then the far lefts arguments get blown out of the water.


Alf Garnet may be typical of your friends but thankfully I know no one like him and if I did I wouldn't consider him a friend anyway.

You've got no answer. That is the point i'm making. If you stand up and tell the truth then the far lefts arguments get blown out of the water.

As i've said to you previously you need to provide some evidence and facts to back up your posts otherwise you will not be taken seriously.

As i've said to you previously you need to provide some evidence and facts to back up your posts otherwise you will not be taken seriously.


Evidence and facts.



Conclusive proof that Gordon Brown is a LIAR on immigration.


"British jobs for British workers"


So let's look at the facts...






Official figures revealed that more than nine out 10 of the 1.7 million jobs added to the economy since 1997 have gone to workers from overseas






Now the full extent of Brown’s lie has been exposed by new official figures showing how badly home-grown employment has suffered from mass immigration. According to the Office of National Statistics, almost every single new vacancy in the economy since 1997 has effectively gone to a foreigner


When UK passports are dished out at the rate of 200,000 a year the once-proud concept of British citizenship has long since lost its meaning. But that is the way Labour wants it. The socialist Government, filled with loathing for our national identity, has used mass immigration as a battering ram to destroy the traditional structure of Britain. The economic arguments used by Labour politicians to justify their policy of open borders were always just a smokescreen.


All the hollow claims about jobs and growth hid the feverish Left- wing determination to create “a new social order”, in the immortal words of Harriet Harman. One of Tony Blair’s aides, Andrew Neather, admitted that Labour’s enthusiasm for mass immigration was not based on economics but on the desire “to rub the right’s nose in diversity”




I was going to vote Tory but not any more, i'm voting for the BNP because i'm so angry at what the Socialists have done to this country.





I thought you were calling for a serious discussion on immigration and the rise of the BNP earlier in the thread? I have provided links to a story based on official figures so please tell me why it's so funny.

Well as someone from a working class background with a brain i do understand.


Same here. Is it not also worth noting a slight contradiction here?


These damn immigrants are coming over here and 'taking all our jobs!'. Yet the majority of these jobs are low-paid long houred jobs. Making them a large part of the working classes of this country. And apparently they represent 98% of the new jobs created, I would be willing to suggest that the large majority of these were as said previously low paid working class jobs.


Now do we think these people will be supporting the BNP?


Also, it may just be me. But I just cannot take seriously a party that wants to run the country when some of its most prominent members have served jail time for race hate related crimes. To me that seems a perfectly legitimate reason to dislike and distrust a party. In a system of representative democracy do we really want criminals convicted of race crimes to represent us?


dune, for starters you really have to question just how much they have skewed the figures to show that graph. Lies, damned lies and statistics and all that.


But then you have to look at some of the language used in that article and you soon realise that this could not in any way be described as balanced reporting. It was clearly written by someone with an extreme right-wing agenda, so I would seriously question the validity of the figures he has used to back up his argument.


I'm looking through the BNP website. It's all a bit dramatic!!


"Join The British Resistance"

"It's Time To Make A Stand" etc etc


This picture made me laugh:




Whilst in principle I do agree with a few of their points they don't half over dramatise things.

Also, it may just be me. But I just cannot take seriously a party that wants to run the country when some of its most prominent members have served jail time for race hate related crimes. To me that seems a perfectly legitimate reason to dislike and distrust a party. In a system of representative democracy do we really want criminals convicted of race crimes to represent us?


When i see the word "racism" used i always change it to "patriotism". Racism is a politically correct term for Patriotism. During WW1 and WW2 patriotism was actively encouraged by the government with it's anti German propaganda, but the left wing despise patriotism and anyone who's proud of British history and culture, and it's been rebranded through political correctness as racism.

I'm looking through the BNP website. It's all a bit dramatic!!


"Join The British Resistance"

"It's Time To Make A Stand" etc etc


This picture made me laugh:




Whilst in principle I do agree with a few of their points they don't half over dramatise things.


Bloke at the front of the queue'll need to put that rocket launcher in the blue plastic tub or it'll set off the metal detector gate when he walks through.

When i see the word "racism" used i always change it to "patriotism". Racism is a politically correct term for Patriotism. During WW1 and WW2 patriotism was actively encouraged by the government with it's anti German propaganda, but the left wing despise patriotism and anyone who's proud of British history and culture, and it's been rebranded through political correctness as racism.


B0ll0cks and you know it. I am patriotic and want the best for England and the UK, but within reason I have absolutely no problem with foreign people legally coming to the UK and working. It's people like you who taint patriotism with racism and try and blur the quite distinct line between the two.

Whilst in principle I do agree with a few of their points they don't half over dramatise things.


A lot of people agree with their points. It's nothing to be ahamed of.

B0ll0cks and you know it. I am patriotic and want the best for England and the UK, but within reason I have absolutely no problem with foreign people legally coming to the UK and working. It's people like you who taint patriotism with racism and try and blur the quite distinct line between the two.


There is no distinct line between the two - that is the point i'm making. The "line" is dictaded by political agenda. If this country ever finds itself in another world war then trust me the "line" will again shift.

A lot of people agree with their points. It's nothing to be ahamed of.


I know a lot of people do and there's nothing wrong with putting Britain first. But racism is very wrong and all racists should be extremely ashamed of themselves.

When i see the word "racism" used i always change it to "patriotism". Racism is a politically correct term for Patriotism. During WW1 and WW2 patriotism was actively encouraged by the government with it's anti German propaganda, but the left wing despise patriotism and anyone who's proud of British history and culture, and it's been rebranded through political correctness as racism.


The two are quite seperate.


Patriotism in WW2 was encouraged as the country was struggling financially and militarily against a racist Nazi regime. Quite different to running around stating that the country is flooded and that we should put up the walls and deport everyone not born here, and in many cases people who were in fact born here.


Nick Griffin has been quoted and convicted on numerous occasions for making racist and anti-semitic comments. Tell me how saying that the holocaust didn't happen, or stating that (i am paraphrasing) "the jews have been chased out of everywhere they have gone, there's no smoke without fire" is patriotic and not racist?


Tell me how the former NF (patriotic or outright racist?) leader Andrew Brons calling a police officer of ethnic minority background an "inferior being" is patriotic and racist? Also quite hypocritical seeing as his family are in fact of German descent? But thats ok because Germans are White, right?

Do you remember warren Mitchell playing Alf Garnett? His character was designed by the left wing as a character to be ridiculed - how they got it wrong! Alf Garnett became a cult here because he said what many many people thought. The Left think they are the voice of British people but Alf Garnetts cult status shows that they clearly are not.


Oh my Christ dune, that is classic! Even Warren Mitchell himself has gone on record to say that the character was a parody of ignorant people/racists everywhere.

There is no distinct line between the two - that is the point i'm making. The "line" is dictaded by political agenda. If this country ever finds itself in another world war then trust me the "line" will again shift.


Course there's a distinct line.


Patriotism - Having pride in one's country.




Racism - Hating somebody for their skin colour, nationality, ethnicity etc


Xenophobia - Fear of foreigners.


That's how I see it, and the way I see it is that there is a difference.

The two are quite seperate.


Racism in WW2 was encouraged as the country was struggling financially and militarily against a racist Nazi regime. Quite different to running around stating that the country is flooded and that we should put up the walls and deport everyone not born here, and in many cases people who were in fact born here.


I've edited your post to prove my point.


Also do you really believe that post WW2 we were a liberal society that despised patriotism? I think you'll find that the only real difference between us and the Germans was that they were a Nationalist Socilaist nation and we were a Nationalist Imperialist nation. To infer that we were fighting against racism is simply wrong, we were fighting against a rival.

Course there's a distinct line.


Patriotism - Having pride in one's country.




Racism - Hating somebody for their skin colour, nationality, ethnicity etc


Xenophobia - Fear of foreigners.


That's how I see it, and the way I see it is that there is a difference.


You see it like that because that is true.

Conclusive proof that Gordon Brown is a LIAR on immigration.


"British jobs for British workers"


So let's look at the facts...






Official figures revealed that more than nine out 10 of the 1.7 million jobs added to the economy since 1997 have gone to workers from overseas






Now the full extent of Brown’s lie has been exposed by new official figures showing how badly home-grown employment has suffered from mass immigration. According to the Office of National Statistics, almost every single new vacancy in the economy since 1997 has effectively gone to a foreigner


When UK passports are dished out at the rate of 200,000 a year the once-proud concept of British citizenship has long since lost its meaning. But that is the way Labour wants it. The socialist Government, filled with loathing for our national identity, has used mass immigration as a battering ram to destroy the traditional structure of Britain. The economic arguments used by Labour politicians to justify their policy of open borders were always just a smokescreen.


All the hollow claims about jobs and growth hid the feverish Left- wing determination to create “a new social order”, in the immortal words of Harriet Harman. One of Tony Blair’s aides, Andrew Neather, admitted that Labour’s enthusiasm for mass immigration was not based on economics but on the desire “to rub the right’s nose in diversity”




I was going to vote Tory but not any more, i'm voting for the BNP because i'm so angry at what the Socialists have done to this country.


This is a good demonstration of how things can be taken and twisted out of context, here by the Express. You may notice that the original article comes from the Spectator.

If you follow it through and look at the original article, that was cherry picked by the Express (the Mail ran a similar scare story without daring to mention their source), you'll see that the person who presented this data does not share Dune's opinion of what it shows, in fact he is in favour of immigration. He is, however, attacking Brown's fudging of the details, which is an entirely different issue.




My point here is not that nasty immigrants have taken all our jobs. To the chagrin of CoffeeHousers, I'm a fan of immigration - but my concern is that Brown has used it to cover up the extent of his failure. He's bragging in Glasgow about creating 2.5 million new jobs, but this didn't stop the total on out-of-work benefits staying above 5m throughout the boom years. Immigration has broken the link between economic recovery and falling dole queues - 2.5m extra jobs does no longer means 2.5m fewer people on the dole. This is a crucial fact which should be borne in mind as a Tory government tries to reduce the dole list of almost 6m as it stands today.
Oh my Christ dune, that is classic! Even Warren Mitchell himself has gone on record to say that the character was a parody of ignorant people/racists everywhere.


We all know that. His character was desinged to mock the far right, but it backfired because Alf became a cult figure.

I've edited your post to prove my point.


Also do you really believe that post WW2 we were a liberal society that despised patriotism? I think you'll find that the only real difference between us and the Germans was that they were a Nationalist Socilaist nation and we were a Nationalist Imperialist nation. To infer that we were fighting against racism is simply wrong, we were fighting against a rival.


Well also the fact that they were rounding up millions of Jews, Gypsies, Blacks, Homosexuals, Disabled people and homosexuals and executing them? This may have had something to do with it.


The whole American idea of "You'd be speaking German if it wern't for us" is a self-serving falisy. Hitler and the Nazi's had little intention of attacking Britain until we got involved due to their aggressive actions. They weren't that much of a rival to us. At this time we still had the British Empire, with which most of our trading occured, so frankly Germany taking a bit of land from france and poland was of little relevance to us.


Don't forget that we nearly became Allies with Germany. Hitler had great respect for us cos he thought English were too an Aryan race and upon signing the Anglo German Naval Agreement in 1935 he said it was the 'happiest day of his life' as he thought it would be the start of a great alliance.

Well also the fact that they were rounding up millions of Jews, Gypsies, Blacks, Homosexuals, Disabled people and homosexuals and executing them? This may have had something to do with it.


It had very little if anything to do with it. We were in alliance with Poland. My history is a little rusty but it was the same principle as in WW1 with the triple entente and the axis powers (don't want to get to bogged down in details as i can sense Thorpe Le Saint waiting to pounce on a technicality ;)).


Also we were hardly the bastions of democracy - we didn't build the greatest empire the world has ever seen by being Liberal.

Sorry I don't understand you. I am pro immigratation but controlled immigration. There is a huge racist issue going on in the immigartion debate and that is what I am against. How is that either mental or mad - unless you hate "Johnny Foreigners"?


SOG, the only people who think the 'immigration debate' has racist overtones, are those in favour of mass immigration. Those of us who are against the level of immigration we have been subjected to under Labour, are deemed to be 'racist', because we are against it.

Don't forget that we nearly became Allies with Germany. Hitler had great respect for us cos he thought English were too an Aryan race and upon signing the Anglo German Naval Agreement in 1935 he said it was the 'happiest day of his life' as he thought it would be the start of a great alliance.


I got an A in history GCSE, i expect from your post you also recently did well.;)

Hang on a second Delldays, you need to read my posts again and read what I actually said and not just what you think or want me to have said.


I am definitely NOT one of those people that automatically shouts racist at people. Absolutely not; it really irks me when I hear people throwing that term around without actually understanding either the true meaning of the word or the actual attitude of the person who they throw the accusation at.


However, I will state without fear of contradiction that SOME IN the BNP are a bunch of racists - as proved by the criminal convictions of some of their members. That does not mean that anybody who votes for them is, ergo, racist themselves and I have never made such an assertion.


My only wish is that more people who consider the BNP to be a credible alternative to the major parties, based on nothing more than their stance on immigration, should do a little research and understand the history and true agenda of what is essentially a legitimised white supremacist group.


Please don't twist my words and accuse me of things which are absolutely not true.


Bexy, I've added a bit to your statement. It makes me laugh when I read posts like yours, you say..........


I am definitely NOT one of those people that automatically shouts racist at people.


Then go on to say......


However, I will state without fear of contradiction that the BNP are a bunch of racists


A contradiction of terms?

It had very little if anything to do with it. We were in alliance with Poland. My history is a little rusty but it was the same principle as in WW1 with the triple entente and the axis powers (don't want to get to bogged down in details as i can sense Thorpe Le Saint waiting to pounce on a technicality ;)).


Also we were hardly the bastions of democracy - we didn't build the greatest empire the world has ever seen by being Liberal.


History is an area I have a reasonable knowledge of (im not questioning yours), whilst yes whilst aspects of what you say are true (re: alliances with poland), but I do disagree when you claim the Nazi's racist/genocidal tendencies had nothing to do with it. Having studied history quite extensively in recent years from the knowledge I have acquired I am inclined to disagree with you.


I am not the one that claims to have an undying pride in the history of Britain and the empire. If anything I believe we should feel quite the opposite. Our actions were in fact pretty shameful and disgusting. Neither do I claim our democracy is anywhere near perfect or that we have any right to go around claiming people should follow our model (same should be said of the US).


But to get back to the original point. To claim that patriotism seen during the war whilst fighting against a racist (i sincerely hope you do not deny that the nazi's were racist) and genocidal regime can be compared to calling for the deportation of all immigrants is severly misguided.


The two terms are no where near the same. It is racist groups that perpetuate the blurring of these lines as it is in their own interests to do so in order to try and claim some air of credibilty.

This is another myth that the BNP like to perpetuate to boost their agenda. If you bother to do some research you will find that the current Labour government HAVE changed their immigration policy quite drastically over the last couple of years.



Too little, too late!. Now they have you believe that they are in control of it, but the facts say that they're not. There are two types of immigration, one of them is illegal!

SOG, the only people who think the 'immigration debate' has racist overtones, are those in favour of mass immigration. Those of us who are against the level of immigration we have been subjected to under Labour, are deemed to be 'racist', because we are against it.


The tide is turning. Political Correctness is backfiring on the left spectacularly.

I got an A in history GCSE, i expect from your post you also recently did well.;)


Nice one, I too got A in GCSE history. Got a C in A-Level Late History and one of the topics was Nazi Foreign Policy :D

History is an area I have a reasonable knowledge of (im not questioning yours), whilst yes whilst aspects of what you say are true (re: alliances with poland), but I do disagree when you claim the Nazi's racist/genocidal tendencies had nothing to do with it. Having studied history quite extensively in recent years from the knowledge I have acquired I am inclined to disagree with you.


I am not the one that claims to have an undying pride in the history of Britain and the empire. If anything I believe we should feel quite the opposite. Our actions were in fact pretty shameful and disgusting. Neither do I claim our democracy is anywhere near perfect or that we have any right to go around claiming people should follow our model (same should be said of the US).


But to get back to the original point. To claim that patriotism seen during the war whilst fighting against a racist (i sincerely hope you do not deny that the nazi's were racist) and genocidal regime can be compared to calling for the deportation of all immigrants is severly misguided.


The two terms are no where near the same. It is racist groups that perpetuate the blurring of these lines as it is in their own interests to do so in order to try and claim some air of credibilty.


To be fair the level of genocide in Germany was only really comprehended after the war.

SOG, the only people who think the 'immigration debate' has racist overtones, are those in favour of mass immigration. Those of us who are against the level of immigration we have been subjected to under Labour, are deemed to be 'racist', because we are against it.


By who? Serious question - who has actually accused you outright of being racist because of your opposition to Labour's previous immigration policy?

By who? Serious question - who has actually accused you outright of being racist because of your opposition to Labour's previous immigration policy?


Bexy, just read through this thread again. A few have used the word outright, levelled at anyone who fails to agree with them. I have stated time and again, I am not a member of the BNP. I will be voting Conservative, however, I agree wholeheartedly, with some of the BNP's policys.

Posted (edited)
Nice one, I too got A in GCSE history. Got a C in A-Level Late History and one of the topics was Nazi Foreign Policy :D


It's an interesting subject but to get a balanced view - i.e the truth - you need to understand both sides and sadly the history taught in schools is akin to brain washing by those who dictate the political agenda. It's no co-incidence that so many teachers have left wing views and are unionised.

Edited by dune
Bexy, I've added a bit to your statement. It makes me laugh when I read posts like yours, you say..........


I am definitely NOT one of those people that automatically shouts racist at people.


Then go on to say......


However, I will state without fear of contradiction that the BNP are a bunch of racists


A contradiction of terms?


Please understand my meaning.


I have never accused somebody who disagrees with the current government's immigration policy automatically of being racist. I have never assumed that just because somebody considers turning to the BNP as a protest against the 3 major parties means they are by association racist. I understand fully that things are never as (pardon the pun) black and white as that. I can't stand to see people being accused of being racist when they are clearly not and are being accused of it by people who don't truly know what it means. I am more than aware of the difference between racial ignorance and racial hatred.


But when it comes to the founder members and candidates of the BNP who between them have more than a handful of convictions for race-hate related crimes, I think it is more than fair to use the term 'racist' as they personify the term fully IMO.


I feel I have been more than clear on this already.

To be fair the level of genocide in Germany was only really comprehended after the war.


This not completely known either way. There is no doubt people knew the Nazi's were up to some very nasty acts.


However, it is debated to what extent they knew. As the line goes: "History is written by the winners", it looks bad on the 'winners' who for a significant period were happy to try and appease the perpetrators of such vile acts. Openly admitting they knew full well the true magnitude of the acts does look very bad on them.


Whilst im not claiming they knew fully the entire extent of what was occuring, it seems hard to believe that no-body noticed entire Jewish communites of Jews simply disappearing. For example in Krakow, the Jewish community made up a significant proportion of the population. However they were round up in the ghetto's, before being deported to the neighbouring Auschwitz and Birkeneau. People will have noticed this, and it is extremely likely the Government officials of the allies will have been aware of such actions.

but the left wing despise patriotism and anyone who's proud of British history and culture


A culture which is based on immigration-Romans, Vikings, Saxons, Normans etc. etc. without this we would still be living in mud huts and worshiping witchdoctors, much like the people you know dislike! If you're proud of British history and Culture then you are already embracing multi-culturism and immigration anything other than this and you're deluding yourself. If it's just because your ignorant and scared of foreigners admit it, don't hijack patriotism.


If it wasn't for immigration then I wouldn't be here. My great grandmother moved to South Africa from Russia, and then her daughter, my Nan, moved from SA to England.


It's for that reason I can't possibly have a problem with controlled and legal immigration. She worked for many years at Aeostructures in Hamble as a riveter.


It's the illegal immigration of people who don't work that I have a problem with.

Posted (edited)
Bexy, just read through this thread again. A few have used the word outright, levelled at anyone who fails to agree with them. I have stated time and again, I am not a member of the BNP. I will be voting Conservative, however, I agree wholeheartedly, with some of the BNP's policys.


Nope. I've had a thorough read back through the thread and I can't see one single example of somebody accusing you or anybody else directly of being racist because of your concerns over current immigration policy. All I can see is an instance of you completely twisting Sadoldgit's words and trying to make out that this is what he was saying, when in fact this was far from the truth.


It seems that this whole attitude "those who dare to question immigration are deemed racist" is a total myth that is used by people, including you, to paint themselves as some kind of victim.

Edited by Sheaf Saint
I thought you were calling for a serious discussion on immigration and the rise of the BNP earlier in the thread? I have provided links to a story based on official figures so please tell me why it's so funny.


A cherry picked piece of data in the Express as evidence?



It's an interesting subject but to get a balanced view - i.e the truth - you need to understand both sides and sadly the history taught in schools is akin to brain washing by those who dictate the political agenda. It's no co-incidence that so many teachers have left wing views and are unionised.




You are either a really good WUM or really thick or maybe both.


I genuinely pity you.

It's an interesting subject but to get a balanced view - i.e the truth - you need to understand both sides and sadly the history taught in schools is akin to brain washing by those who dictate the political agenda. It's no co-incidence that so many teachers have left wing views and are unionised.


My wife is a teacher and has fairly central political views. Some of her colleagues are true-blue Tories. She's a strong supporter of state education which is not surprising as that's her employer.


She's not in a union, but many of her colleagues are. You seem to connect all unions with left-wing politics. What about all those commie farmers in the NFU or the top civil servants in the First Division Association or the Association of Chief Police Officers or the Police Federation - are they all raving lefties?

My wife is a teacher and has fairly central political views. Some of her colleagues are true-blue Tories. She's a strong supporter of state education which is not surprising as that's her employer.


She's not in a union, but many of her colleagues are. You seem to connect all unions with left-wing politics. What about all those commie farmers in the NFU or the top civil servants in the First Division Association or the Association of Chief Police Officers or the Police Federation - are they all raving lefties?


I thought they were all Masons?

My wife is a teacher and has fairly central political views. Some of her colleagues are true-blue Tories. She's a strong supporter of state education which is not surprising as that's her employer.


She's not in a union, but many of her colleagues are. You seem to connect all unions with left-wing politics. What about all those commie farmers in the NFU or the top civil servants in the First Division Association or the Association of Chief Police Officers or the Police Federation - are they all raving lefties?


I wouldn't bother. dune loves to pigeon-hole people. He seems to think that anybody who is even the slightest bit concerned about the environment must automatically be a yoghurt-knitting, labour voting hippy.

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