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Excluding Lab/Lib/Cons what other party would you vote for?

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So you really think that we should just withdraw from everything and fend for ourselves dune? Move to Switzerland ffs.


They're doing OK, better than us,


Dune - can you find the policy that says that the BNP's Director of Communications must threaten to kill its leader?


I hope you can because that will show me that they've carried out at least one of their promises.


It'll be interesting to see what's gone on, but I doubt we'll ever really know. I *think* the top and bottom of the story is a power struggle with many nationalists not happy at Nick Griffins public appeal.

It'll be interesting to see what's gone on, but I doubt we'll ever really know. I *think* the top and bottom of the story is a power struggle with many nationalists not happy at Nick Griffins public appeal.


This concurs with the reports I heard. The *party* seems to think Griffin handled Question Time very badly.


Still, it's all good news - divide and conquer and all that.

It'll be interesting to see what's gone on, but I doubt we'll ever really know. I *think* the top and bottom of the story is a power struggle with many nationalists not happy at Nick Griffins public appeal.


So what do these 'people' want to achieve then!? Power via a coup d'etat? A Munich Putsch esque revolution?

Posted (edited)
This concurs with the reports I heard. The *party* seems to think Griffin handled Question Time very badly.


Still, it's all good news - divide and conquer and all that.


It's a storm in a tea-cup. That nationalist vote will continue to grow.


Nick griffin MEP commented “The BNP is larger than one or two individuals and represents the last hope of the British people for their very survival, and nothing will divert it from that task”.

Edited by dune
It's a storm in a tea-cup. That nationalist vote will continue to grow.


Nick griffin MEP commented “...the last hope of the British people for their very survival, and nothing will divert it from that task”.


That 'man' makes me want to vomit, seriously who votes for this scumbag?


For inspiration for the above quote, try this one:


"Blood mixture and the result drop in the racial level is the sole cause of the dying out of... men." Hitler, Mein Kampf.

It's a storm in a tea-cup. That nationalist vote will continue to grow.


Nick griffin MEP commented “The BNP is larger than one or two individuals and represents the last hope of the British people for their very survival, and nothing will divert it from that task”.


However, a respected pundit said, only this morning, that the very best the BNP could hope for was to come third in constituencies such as Thurrock (a hot-bed apparently).


So our very survival will have to wait a tad longer (thank goodness)

However, a respected pundit said, only this morning, that the very best the BNP could hope for was to come third in constituencies such as Thurrock (a hot-bed apparently).


So our very survival will have to wait a tad longer (thank goodness)


Well that's because most Nationalists will vote for the Tories because it's essential we get brown out.


When the local and european elections come round again then that's the time to vote for your real party of choice.

So you really think that we should just withdraw from everything and fend for ourselves dune? Move to Switzerland ffs.


What makes you think that the EU wants to stop trading with us? You are very naive if you think that the EU will want to miss out on our business. I suspect that a new trading agreement would be drawn up that would suit us more.


The Swiss thrive because they are not in the EU.

What makes you think that the EU wants to stop trading with us? You are very naive if you think that the EU will want to miss out on our business. I suspect that a new trading agreement would be drawn up that would suit us more.


The Swiss thrive because they are not in the EU.


Did I say that the EU want to stop trading with us? :rolleyes:

I was talking about the BNP's plans to withdraw from the European Market and concentrate on trade with countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


The swiss thrive because they're a well run country, unlike ours. They're the hub of the financial world as well, which probably helps having lots of billionnaires living in your country (ala Markus Liebherr). They know what they're doing.


There are considerably more Billionaires living in the UK.


I think you will find that London is the 'hub of the financial world'. Although several attempts have been made by our friends the Germans and the French to move the financial centre of Europe to Frankfurt.

I'm sure they're doing fine for themselves, but what are they doing for the less fortunate countries in the world?


They - and Norway - couldn't give a s h i t.


But as I said, they're doing OK.


Don't have to support the lame ducks.


I just wish we didn't have to - it's costing us and we can't afford it.

There are considerably more Billionaires living in the UK.


I think you will find that London is the 'hub of the financial world'. Although several attempts have been made by our friends the Germans and the French to move the financial centre of Europe to Frankfurt.


Really? The hub? Couldn't the greatest financial minds in the world (i.e. those working in the hub of the financial world) have stopped/pre-empted this capitalist system induced meltdown?!

There are considerably more Billionaires living in the UK.


I think you will find that London is the 'hub of the financial world'. Although several attempts have been made by our friends the Germans and the French to move the financial centre of Europe to Frankfurt.


Well, we have a higher population I guess. Switzerland does have a higher GDP on average, and many of the world's richest businesses operate out

of there, and bank with swiss banks.


I'd disagree with London being the hub of the financial world though, although I can see that Geneva isn't really the epicentre either. You can see the point I was trying to get across.

They - and Norway - couldn't give a s h i t.


But as I said, they're doing OK.


Don't have to support the lame ducks.


I just wish we didn't have to - it's costing us and we can't afford it.


Hey, if Norway and Switzerland can get rid of their moral standards, good for them. I'd prefer to live in a country that was doing ok for itself and helped other countries rather than one that was doing great but did f*ck all for anyone else.


Mind you, the third world debt is stupid, it really just needs to be wiped out in order for these countries to develop. On average, if a third world country recieves £1 in aid or welfare, they'll have to pay £4 back in debt repayments. Vicious circle. Nobody's really doing that well financially at the moment, surely it makes sense to just stop charging the ridiculous repayments and let the countries develop so that we can all benefit.

They - and Norway - couldn't give a s h i t.


But as I said, they're doing OK.


Don't have to support the lame ducks.


I just wish we didn't have to - it's costing us and we can't afford it.


Yeah why should we help these countries? I mean seriously, it's not as if us, spain and america just casually strolled in, overthrew leaders, took everything of any value and then rounded up all the people onto boats and sold them as slaves? If we had done that maybe we should help them out. As in that case it might be our fault that they are in such a mess still to this day.


Oh wait....

Following on from my other post...


Some BNP policies (taken from their website)


Accordingly, we stand for British withdrawal from the European Union. In place of the EU, we intend to aim towards greater national self-sufficiency, and to work to restore Britain’s family and trading ties with Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and to trade with the rest of the world as it suits us.


Yeah! We can fend for ourselves just fine! We'll do just fine based on our thriving manufactu....oh. In that case, we'll make loads of money from our agricult.....ah. It's okay, we can just quintuple our sales of Marmite. Lace it with LSD or something. Our entire trading market now is based on the EU, ripping it up and trying to depend on purely commonwealth countries is ridiculous. What exactly do we have to trade now? Most natural resources are coming out of places like Africa and the Middle East where they are still relatively proficient and the labour to get them is cheap. Google tells me that our 5 main exports are Steel, Machinery, Transport, Manufactured Goods and Chemicals. Those could be made almost anywhere, and i'd bet your bottom dollar that if our trading buddies shopped around a bit they could get it for a lot cheaper than we're selling it for.


The liberal fixation with the ‘rights’ of criminals must be replaced by concern for the rights of victims, and the right of innocent people not to become victims. We support the re-introduction of corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals, and the restoration of capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute, as by DNA evidence or being caught red-handed.


Yeah! Burn them! Burn the paedo's! I love how the BNP take the moral high ground over criminals when they themselves threatened violence against groups like Islam4UK (for the record, i'm not a huge fan of them either). I'd probably also put racism in the same bracket as nicking somebody's phone, does that mean that Nick Griffin will be doing time at Broadmore? I wonder how the BNP would stand if the 'victim' of a crime in the instance they were describing was a 3rd generation Indian or Chinese immigrant who had lived their entire life here, and the perpetrator was an 'ice age briton' like Mr Griffin?


Globalisation, with its export of jobs to the Third World, is bringing ruin and unemployment to British industries and the communities that depend on them.


Yeah! Why should Ahmed or Babajide get a job to provide for their families when someone in BRITAIN could get it? These jobs should be going to BRITISH workers! On the whole we have moved on from these primary and secondary work sectors. A very small minority of British people still work in jobs such as manufacturing or collecting resources, and companies can't afford to stay here, so naturally they're taking their money abroad. Even if the BNP paid vast sums of money to these companies, labour is much cheaper in less developed countries and people are much more prepared to work. Do you think the kids in Chinese sweatshops work there through choice or neccessity?


We are against the ‘trendy’ teaching methods that have made Britain one of the most poorly educated nations in Europe. We will end the practice of politically correct indoctrination in all its guises and we will restore discipline in the classroom, give authority back to teachers and put far greater emphasis on training young people in the industrial and technological skills necessary in the modern world. We will also seek to instill in our young people knowledge of and pride in the history, cultures and heritage of the native peoples of Britain.


Yeah! Smack the kids! Smack them until they're clever! Haven't we moved on from that by now? I'm 18, i've spent the last 14 years of my life in the education system and i'm just about to head off to University within the next couple of months. I'm no rocket scientist, but I like to think of myself as a reasonably intelligent and well-informed member of society. I would say most people I know are also in that same bracket. It's very rarely that we ever get talked about in the media. The media is always going on about how easy our exams are nowadays, how the entire education system is completely flawed and all hope is lost for the future. I bet if you gave half of those journalists an A-level Chemistry or Economics paper, they wouldn't have a clue. And when most students at the end of the year pass their exams with flying colours, it's never because we've been taught well by professionals, or that as generations pass, our capacity for intelligent thought and knowledge increases. Nah, it's because the exams are too easy.


We will revitalise the Health Service by boosting staff and bed numbers, slashing unnecessary bureaucracy and by addressing the root cause of low recruitment and retention – low pay. We will see to it that no money is given in foreign aid while our own hospitals are short of beds and the staff to run them.


Yeah! F*ck the rest of the world! Some bloke in Shoreditch fell over outside the pub and cut his foot, and he can't get a bed in the hospital because we're giving all our aid to dirty foreigners! I'm not sure that wages is the main reason why less people are training to be medical staff nowadays, i'd attribute it more to the fact that whenever we hear about hospitals, it's always in a negative sense. Newspaper headlines scream about MRSA bugs, nurses working 20 hour shifts and medical anomalies and we wonder why nobody wants to be a doctor any more? If we had a bit of positivity, then perhaps more people would be attracted to working in the medical sector. And where's all this magic money going to come from Nick? I'm fairly sure that the government want to have a healthy NHS, but the problem is that with so much else going on in the world right now, it's not financially possible to pump money into our healthcare system.


We will bring our troops back from Germany and withdraw from NATO, since recent political developments make both commitments obsolete. We will close all foreign military bases on British soil, and refuse to risk British lives in meddling ‘peace-keeping’ missions in parts of the world where no British interests are at stake – a position of armed neutrality. We will also restore national service for our young with the option of civil or military service.


Yeah! F*cking foreigners! Let them blow each other up, it's not like it affects us anyway! What political developments warrant us withdrawing from NATO? Let's just throw away our say on world and military affairs, because we're just going to pull up the drawbridge and stay here on our own, thanks very much. While I can see that there are needless lives being lost abroad, it's not like people were forced into a career in the armed forces. They chose to go and try and help sustain the societies of other nations so they could live in safety like we do over here. I'm not entirely sure how forming a Griffin Youth would help youngsters either. Crime is high amongst youths because they are disillusioned with society, i'm not sure that forcing kids from estates into military uniforms will stop it.



Anyway, rant over :D

Hope i've changed your mind a bit dellish.


Pretty sure this is the most thought out, well-informed post I have seen on this board.


The apparent 'rise' in votes for the BNP and Nationalists is quite flattering on the BNP. If you look at actual numbers of votes received the BNP received pretty stable. What enabled them to gain a whopping 2 seats (well done there, lads seriously good work) was a general apathy and disinterest in politics (not helped by the breaking of the expenses scandal a matter of weeks before the EU elections), meaning that the traditional/main parties voters decided against voting.


Meanwhile the voters of such parties far-right/extreme parties, who tend to be more dedicated anyway, see this as more of an incentive to vote. Hence us ending up with the sheer humiliation of that s**twit with the charm and likeability of that turd that clogs the u-bend and just won't budge and a former NF leader who has previous convictions for racial crimes (but definitely isn't racist or the member of a racist party or stoking racial tension or just generally a vile, disgusting, ignorant, grubby little man) as political representatives (I use that term as loosely as is possible) of the UK.


But yeah seriously, whooooo BNP, on the up and all that. Certainly not a small group of narrow minded and ignorant fools, who the rest of the country just turn away in embarrassment as they were the drunken guy at the party that thinks standing on a table and swinging your piece around whilst screaming "WOW!!! ITS LOOKS LIKE A HELICOPTER!!! YEAAAH!!!" (worth noting someone doing this probably shares the intelligence of your average BNP candidate/member/supporter).

Many people are disillusioned with the three main political parties whether its their policies on immigration, capital punishment, giving our sovereignty to the EU + many other areas.


Taking these three parties out of the equation what other party (if any) would you consider voting for come May!


What a moronic question. It lets you answer extremes.

Dune is at odds with Norman Tebbit who classifies the BNP as, wait for it, a socialist party!




What do you reckon Dune?


(Actually I don't believe Dune has the capacity to understand politics so expect him to ignore this post).


It's a National Socialist party if we're going to be pedantic about it...where have I heard that before?

Well, we have a higher population I guess. Switzerland does have a higher GDP on average, and many of the world's richest businesses operate out

of there, and bank with swiss banks.


I'd disagree with London being the hub of the financial world though, although I can see that Geneva isn't really the epicentre either. You can see the point I was trying to get across.


Well obviously.


New York and then London.


The Swiss are very self interested so I agree the country is well run.

Well obviously.


New York and then London.


The Swiss are very self interested so I agree the country is well run.


As we're a small island state, we can't really afford to be 'self interested', now can we.

Dune is at odds with Norman Tebbit who classifies the BNP as, wait for it, a socialist party!




What do you reckon Dune?


(Actually I don't believe Dune has the capacity to understand politics so expect him to ignore this post).


So does Political Compass (http://www.politicalcompass.org/extremeright ). The BNP are a left of centre party, just a horrible authoritarian one. Bloody socialists! Oh, and Dune, please note, Blair/Brown are in the authoriatarian RIGHT wing corner... (i.e. not Socialists).


FWIW, I'm seriously considering voting Green (as the Lib Dems simply aren't liberal enough). Unfortunately I know that because of the constituency-based voting system we have I will be throwing my vote away. What a crap system :(

So does Political Compass (http://www.politicalcompass.org/extremeright ). The BNP are a left of centre party, just a horrible authoritarian one. Bloody socialists! Oh, and Dune, please note, Blair/Brown are in the authoriatarian RIGHT wing corner... (i.e. not Socialists).


FWIW, I'm seriously considering voting Green (as the Lib Dems simply aren't liberal enough). Unfortunately I know that because of the constituency-based voting system we have I will be throwing my vote away. What a crap system :(


While this is true, also remember it does mean that all those moronic ignoranus' that think the BNP are the right way to go are also throwing their votes away. Praise the lord! Long Live First Past The Post. Proportional Representation is what allowed the Nazi's to get into the Reichstag, let's not forget.

Long Live First Past The Post. Proportional Representation is what allowed the Nazi's to get into the Reichstag, let's not forget.


Ay, PR isn't ideal, but the stagnation of politics at the moment needs some reform to shake it up. Perhaps the Welsh sudo-PR might be the way to go?

As we're a small island state, we can't really afford to be 'self interested', now can we.


Why not? With 60m people we are not realy a small Island State; people want to trade with us. Have a little pride in this wonderful nation.


Quite interesting watching the news coverage ATM. Commentators saying that, in the event of a hung parliament, the Liberals will be unwilling to ally themselves with either of the big two so votes on Bills will be cast on an issue by issue basis.


So - stagnation whichever way you look at it and an potential inability to do any long-term planning. Not helpful to whichever party ends up 'in power'.

Why not? With 60m people we are not realy a small Island State; people want to trade with us. Have a little pride in this wonderful nation.


I have HUGE pride in my country but I'm smart enough to realise that we can't operate in splendid isolation.


We need allies (political and economic) and to think otherwise is just plain daft.

Where have all our allies gone? Do you not think that we would not have trading agreements?


Of course we would have trading agreements. It used to be the Commonwealth (and still is to a lesser extent) and we now benefit enormously from the EU in terms of business done. And of course, there's GATT and WTO.


That's what I'm saying - we can't work on our own, unless you're suggesting we have a little agreement here and a little one there?


We shafted all our allies in the commonwealth when we joined the EU. Left them high and dry.


We would still trade with the EU. We would just be far more flexible to cater for the rest of the world. I expect you are relieved that we did not join the Euro.


The whole country needs to be seen as a business and we will succeed globally.

We shafted all our allies in the commonwealth when we joined the EU. Left them high and dry.


We would still trade with the EU. We would just be far more flexible to cater for the rest of the world. I expect you are relieved that we did not join the Euro.


The whole country needs to be seen as a business and we will succeed globally.


I'm fairly sure that Canada don't mind as they can trade with the USA, South America and the Caribbean. I'm fairly sure that Australia and New Zealand don't mind either, as they can trade with basically the entire southern part of Asia, as well as the sticky-out parts of Russia. None of their trading markets are based purely on our trade, and neither is ours. They're our 'bit on the side', if you will.


Our modern market IS the EU. The commonwealth countries make up a minority of our trading now, and they're fine with that, as they have other markets too. Can't remember the last time I switched on the TV and saw Canadians walking around with no shoes on because nobody's trading the materials with them.

What a moronic question. It lets you answer extremes.


Oh, so we're all wasting our time debating this thread, its totally not relevant!


Anything other than the mainstream, i'e 'the Big Three', is extremism? ... what a sorry state we've arrived at.

They did mind at the time we betrayed them.


Why not trade with everyone? Why the EU obsession?


We do trade with everyone! It's you who's saying that we should concentrate on trading with countries who are already pretty well catered for with their geographical and economical neighbours...


The EU is a far better option because it's closer to us, which means reduced shipping costs. Different countries offer different products and demands for goods, and we already have prominent trading links with these countries. The commonwealth countries are on the other side of the world, which means higher shipping costs and slower trading. They're already trading well enough with their versions of the EU. I'm sure they're doing just fine without us.


You seem to think it is a choice between trading with the EU or not trading with them. It is not.


The EU should be a valuable trading block helping with negotiations. Unfortunately it is a bureacratic nightmare that cannot even sign of its own accounts. It also generates so much red tape that our economy becomes uncompetitive.

It worries me how many BNP supporters there are these days, I read their website yesterday and it just made me angry, especially the sympathetic article about Terreblanche.


They still wont get any MP's


UKIP, English Dems or Traditional Democrats.


I hope and pray the Tories lose this one so they are finished for good (4 defeats in a row) and a real conservative party can take their place.


If you are a conservative, please don't vote for the Conservative Party.

We do trade with everyone! It's you who's saying that we should concentrate on trading with countries who are already pretty well catered for with their geographical and economical neighbours...


The EU is a far better option because it's closer to us, which means reduced shipping costs. Different countries offer different products and demands for goods, and we already have prominent trading links with these countries. The commonwealth countries are on the other side of the world, which means higher shipping costs and slower trading. They're already trading well enough with their versions of the EU. I'm sure they're doing just fine without us.


The Europe we joined and then voted to stay in was a Trade bloc. It was not a "Country" with it's own flag, anthem, currency and laws that over ride the sovereign state's.

BNP without doubt ,the more you forget all the hype a lot is common sence


is that english?


if you can't speak the language, i suggest you get out my country ;)




i'd rather vote for annoyingly smug yogurt-weaving tree huggers than Nazi empathisers.

is that english?


if you can't speak the language, i suggest you get out my country ;)




i'd rather vote for annoyingly smug yogurt-weaving tree huggers than Nazi empathisers.


Yes Dellish. What on earth do you think you're doing supporting the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. You have to vote Lab/Lib/Cons because the majority of voters will. You are stepping well out of line here and should know better ... sort yourself out man!

I worry for Barking. The boundaries have been changed in such a way that the BNP's chances are much improved.


Dont worry about Barking Andy, it wont effect the overall scheme of things! :neutral:

Some people are also serious about voting for the liberals, thats just f*cked up. I will vote for any party thats main thrust is "global warming is not man made"


vote BNP then and **** off

vote BNP then and **** off


The British National Party is this nation’s only true Green party which has policies that will actually save the environment.


Unlike the fake “Greens” who are merely a front for the far left of the Labour regime, the BNP is the only party to recognise that overpopulation – whose primary driver is immigration, as revealed by the government’s own figures – is the cause of the destruction of our environment.


Furthermore, the BNP’s manifesto states that a BNP government will make it a priority to stop building on green land. New housing should wherever possible be built on derelict “brown land.”


Other environmentally friendly policies which the BNP has in its manifesto include:


- The removal of unsightly overhead power lines from beauty spots and their burial underground;


- The creation of a bulk transport tax regime that pushes supermarkets to supply more local and seasonal produce;


- The encouragement of an extensive and rapid switchover to organic and low fossil fuel farming techniques;


- The banning of the ritual slaughter of animals without pre-stunning, and the sale of such meat;


- The elimination of the unhealthy, energy intensive and cruel factory farming of livestock;


- The abolition of all “stealth taxes” and other charges on household rubbish collections.


Britain is one of the most densely populated countries in the world and our population is increasing — due entirely to immigration — which necessitates the building of ever more homes, which in turn places a strain on our infrastructure such as transport and water supplies.


Independent environmental organisations believe that Britain’s population needs to be significantly reduced. Our immigration policies will achieve this.


Together with independent environmental organisations the BNP recognises that Britain’s environmentally sustainable carrying capacity is substantially lower than its present population.


With regard to the transport problem and the environmental impact it has, BNP policy is also refreshingly different.


A BNP government will:


- Develop alternative transport fuels such as bio-diesel and hydrogen;


- Develop renewable energy sources such as off-shore wind farms, wave, tidal and solar energy;


- Investigate the feasibility of cutting-edge, intrinsically-safe, fast-breeder nuclear stations;


- Invest in a high-speed, magnetic levitation, inter-city rail network;


- Allow the building of a new privately-funded airport on reclaimed land in the Thames estuary to reduce the pressure on, and stop the constant expansion of, the South East’s airports.


Oil and gas are finite resources, rapidly being depleted. Prices are going to continue to rise significantly and this will place a heavy burden on both industry and private consumers. Furthermore, as we are becoming increasingly dependent on energy from unstable and potentially unfriendly foreign powers we are becoming ever more vulnerable to economic blackmail or even harm. ‘Peak Oil’ is a clear and imminent danger to our economy and society, so Britain needs to invest in new technologies and be broadly self-sufficient in terms of energy.


The BNP firmly rejects the “climate change” dogma while being fully conscious of the urgent need to combat all real pollutants in the environment.


The time has come for change.

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