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Saints legend in drugs arrest

Master Bates

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Claus and the likes of Jimmy Greaves, George Best, Paul Gascoine paid the price of fame which they could not adapt to but each, in their own way were unique to the game of football. Had they become carpenters or electricians I'm sure that the pressures of those jobs would not have brought them to the same level of indignity (that the media has done.)


Claus, who was also a Norwegian international and sometime captain, is the only foreign player to have played over 400 games for SFC in a period of almost 10 years. His bravery cannot be denied and most of the injuries that sidelined him were acquired " in the cause ".

His pairings with Dean Richards and later Michael Svensson gave us some of the best defensive partnerships that Saints have had in the last 30 years.


I think it is brutal and somewhat unethical for the media to exploit them as they have done. Some of these so-called journalists ought to perhaps consider the biblical verse..." let he that is without sin, caste the first stone ..." before joyously writing about someone else's downfall.


My memories of Claus (and the others) are gladly, of their exploits on the football pitch...and not their social misdemeanours.


Completely agree with that,top post,'nuff said.

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Would anyone be arsed if Claus was just getting hammered on Stella? No, because "drugs" basically equate to "stuff the government doesn't tax".


All the reporting is sensationalist. The papers are up in arms about meow meow these days the same way they were about ecstacy back in the 90s.


At its height, the number of ecstacy deaths in one year was 40. That same year, 33,000 people died from alcohol-related illness. Apparently, 25 people have died using meow meow. That's not even taking cigarette smoking into account either.


Seems weird that the Government is happy to let tens of thousands of people drink or smoke themselves to death, but goes all nanny state with the rest of it.


The Dutch and Portuguese have got the right idea. Explain and mitigate the risks, and let people get on with it.


You've a good point about the tax debate but the concerns about the mephedrone (or Meow Meow - weird name that!) are very serious and shouldn't be played down. My concern is users more familiar with MDMA and Ecstasy with treat Mephedrone the same without any prior knowledge (i.e. Human guinea pigs). I know this is always the case with new drugs but it's a huge risk. Especially when authorities genuinely don't know how to treat complications which may result in death. Use previous case histories as examples and don't be complacent & "assume things will be safe and ok". Also, as the drug is currently legal in the UK, I think there's a huge misconception that this makes the drug less harmful. Far from it. I've heard reports from people that have mixed it with drinks and lost hours, in which time they have no conscious memories.


A big concern is how readily available this drug is, in large quantities, on the internet. It only takes a naive school kid, a credit card and a home address and they could order as much as they want without much knowledge of drugs and the consequences could be deadly. Also, as the drug comes in powder/crystal form, there are viable concerns and current evidence the drug is being cut with other drugs which opens up an entirely new set of potential health problems. Also the ease of spiking people's drinks being in powder form. Drug counselors I know have found some terrifying reactions from more serious drug users having their gear cut with meph.


Anyway digressing slightly, is it confirmed that Claus was actually raided? I can't form too much of an opinion without all the facts but it doesn't sound good if the police banged down his door with a search warrant. I should not speculate but someone has been very silly as the police don't just knock down doors just for casual recreational drug use. Maybe Claus shared his habit with a few complacent and wreckless (so called) friends.


Regardless, if the reported Priory problems and coping after football rumours are true, I feel for him and wish him all the best.

Edited by Gordon Mockles
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Is it any of our business what Claus gets up to in his private life? Is it?



The bloke is a dipstick. I saw him in a Chandlers Ford petrol station just before he retired, and he drove off with his right leg immobilised in plaster, with his wife and kid in the motor.

Now some libertines on here might be able to tell me just how you can safely drive a big 4x4 with your accelerator foot immobilised in plaster.


Oh, and he wasn't found guilty of just drink driving, he also left the scene of the accident after ploughing into the back of someone.


Sorry, no effin excuses for pr*cks like that.

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some will remember I am not the echo's biggest fan but I really cannot see how:

1) they could ignore this story

2) how they can be criticised for running it.


I agree. There is a big difference between what the News of the World does - which is basically to snoop into peoples private lives and then try and entrap them so that they can splash a 'how terrible' story and what the Echo has done - which is to report a criminal case.

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claus will never learn , he was at it with Egil Ostenstad when he was here lived a few doors away from me , used to wear these stupid hats with smoking parafanalia attached to them .

Shame great player , off the pitch hes lost his way


...a player who's off the pitch lifestyle IMO played a big part in his crap form in our relegation year from the Prem, and a player who was incredibly lucky not to have been sent off in the very first minute of the cup final at Cardiff...


He is no legend for me, but a player who was very fortunate to have played with Killer. Without MS, I think Lundekvam would have been history far sooner. He hung on later because we couldn't afford any one else.

Edited by hughieslastminutegoal
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...He is no legend for me, but a player who was very fortunate to have played with Killer. Without MS, I think Lundekvam would have been history far sooner.


I agree the partnership with MS was beneficial to all and during a period he also had Bridge and Dodd alongside, also agree with your opinion on 'legend' status, for me the downturn in performance coincided with the 4 year extension(may also have been around the time of MS injury) but Claus was no leader and seemed reliant on instruction which is not what you want to see from your captain

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