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Gary Glitter still living local.....

saint lard

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Did anyone watch that pseudo fly-on-the-wall programme about him (GG) being sentenced to death? Quite thought provoking, well it was to anyone who has the ability to think outside of their usual comfort zone of mob rules mentatlity (you know who you are).

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Suddenly it all makes sense.

He must be the UK money man behind Pompey's Lloyd consortium, a figure who wants to keep a low profile until the deal is done.



Rix back as manager, Glitter as the chairman, a new emphasis on the academy....and if there's enough money in it Storrie will also want to be in his gang, his gang, his gang.

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I would like to use this thread to express my distaste for paedophiles, and think they should have their faaaaakin balls cut off, etc. etc.


This is necessary in case my silence on the issue makes people suspect me of being a paedophile sympathiser, heaven forbid.

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If you were 100% sure it was him, I'd tell the national press. That vile, evil pervert needs to hounded until the day he dies.


I'm sure the press know exactly where he is, as they do the same with Venables , Thompson, Maxine Carr etc etc.

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I would like to use this thread to express my distaste for paedophiles, and think they should have their faaaaakin balls cut off, etc. etc.


This is necessary in case my silence on the issue makes people suspect me of being a paedophile sympathiser, heaven forbid.

Too late, you are obviously harbouring paediophillic thoughts due to your slow response, you deserve to die.
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Too late, you are obviously harbouring paediophillic thoughts due to your slow response, you deserve to die.


"By the powers invested in me by News International, I find you GUILTY of paedophilia".


Anyone else remember "The Paedo-finder General" sketch from Monkey Dust? Man that was a good programme.

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