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Arsenal v Barcelona


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One thing I noticed. Barca were practically gifted their two goals, by pathetic defending, worthy of non-league football. Strange how not one commentator suggested that was the case. No. It was Ibrahimovic being brilliant, of course. He was, but by hell, didn't Arsenal make it easy for him.

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That 3rd goal was class form Messi, theres barely enough adjectives to describe how good the guy is, can't believe he's merely 22 years old. Theo failed to live up to the hype once again I see, can't help but think he's just not maturing as well as a player as others his age.

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Theo Walcott is proving to be a huge disappointment


3 years ago when he came off the bench at Anfield, burst through the whole Liverpool team to set up Adebayor for a goal, he was brilliant......all he needed was consistancy


He's not improved at all since then

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203 appearances, 119 goals according to Wiki, at just 22 years of age. Superb.

You'd think just get a beast of a physical centre half on him, and you'd keep him quiet!


Reading up further on him, it would appear Barcelona identified and really looked after him and his family from an early age. They paid for his medical bills for his growth hormone deficiency for example.

I'm sure he would have more goals, had his debut not been put on hold until he had Spanish citzenship as well.


Saturday it's the Ronaldo vs Messi show :)

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203 appearances, 119 goals according to Wiki, at just 22 years of age. Superb.

You'd think just get a beast of a physical centre half on him, and you'd keep him quiet!


Reading up further on him, it would appear Barcelona identified and really looked after him and his family from an early age. They paid for his medical bills for his growth hormone deficiency for example.

I'm sure he would have more goals, had his debut not been put on hold until he had Spanish citzenship as well.


Saturday it's the Ronaldo vs Messi show :)



Think he has been at Barca since he was 11.


Was intrestting a few years back when Ronaldinho was in his Barca pomp. Asked how it felt to be the best player in the world. He said " I'm not even the best player at Barca!"


He was refering to one Lionel Messi

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