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Phone calls asking for bank details


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wtf tdd.......!

I must have been on the phone to them about 8 times in the last few days trying to explain that for some reason my film package is saying it is not available....


just getting past my name and security passward is a job itself..and when attempting to deal with my problem..well, that was an epic


today I spoke to a scottish bloke and asked him could he pass a complaint up the line for me...he said so many people are doing this...

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I must have been on the phone to them about 8 times in the last few days trying to explain that for some reason my film package is saying it is not available....


just getting past my name and security passward is a job itself..and when attempting to deal with my problem..well, that was an epic


today I spoke to a scottish bloke and asked him could he pass a complaint up the line for me...he said so many people are doing this...


Ok, but not exactly related to this thread is it ?

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yeah tdd you hijacking troll.....apparently my sis had the same call yesterday, both on o2. Might call o2 tomoro and ask how they got my details and if they can trace the call.....the thought of some old woman thinkin it legit and losing out to these morons......

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Not had this, but am on Orange??


Try the telephony service where you can select to opt out of these calls.....telephone preference service or something like that


edit: BTF beat me to it....

Edited by SO16_Saint
Too slow!
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If you haven't already got one invest in a phone with caller display. If I don't recognise a number or it is withheld I simply don't answer. If it is someone genuine they'll leave a message and I can get back to them. Not expensive ( though I guess they are if you are broke!) at about £25-30 in Argos for example.

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There is a scheme called Telephone Preference Service whereby you can block calls. However, I think a lot of these are randomly dialled so I don't know whether the TPS would be able to deal with those.


Yes, that is true. A computer will ring several numbers at once, 1st to answer takes the call, one reason for getting caller display!

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Not had this, but am on Orange??


Try the telephony service where you can select to opt out of these calls.....telephone preference service or something like that


edit: BTF beat me to it....


Don't think it makes any different which company you are with TBH, if the computer decides to ring 01210100000- 05 then if one of those numbers is yours you'll receive the call.

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it said private number. Got some mates in oz, and registered with a few recruitment agencies so thought i would answer, it was also a person on the other end, not automated because they said they thought i had a foul mouth and that i shouldnt use such language....

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it said private number. Got some mates in oz, and registered with a few recruitment agencies so thought i would answer, it was also a person on the other end, not automated because they said they thought i had a foul mouth and that i shouldnt use such language....


So it probably was your mates in Oz then !

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should have given em my details, got **** all money left anyway......ladbrokes/betfred have it all anyway


Yes, the thought had occured to me and after a few days ring your bank and claim you never made any deposits to a bookmaker ! Only works though if you bet on the phone/online via your debit/credit card!

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There is a scheme called Telephone Preference Service whereby you can block calls. However, I think a lot of these are randomly dialled so I don't know whether the TPS would be able to deal with those.


Good call BTF, in theory (where people sign up to TPS, telemarketing companies will screen their call lists against the register to ensure those that have opted out, do not receive calls). However, the TPS only relates to UK companies, so those calling from abroad cannot be touched.


If they are UK based, they 'could' (in the loosest sense of the word) be fined £5000 per breach. The fact that not one single company in 10 years has ever been prosecuted and fined, tells the real story.


The problem with TPS is that legitimate companies comply, whilst the crooks ignore it.


There is also MPS (for Direct Mail), FPS (for Fax) and even the EPS (for email). Again, not one single company in the last 10 years has ever been fined for any breach.


The only advice I would give is NEVER give out your details unless you initiated the call.


If someone calls you and it could be genuine, take their details, check them out and call them back.

Edited by Johnny Bognor
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No, but I bet a few of those who do are stupid enough to believe it is genuine.


The stupidity of the british public in this respect is seemingly endless.


Last year I was doing some temp work for the Environment Agency while I was between jobs. For two weeks solid I was doing callbacks to people who had called in wanting to set up a direct debit for a fishing licence and asking them for their bank details.


I must have called hundreds of people and the number I was calling from was withheld, but only one person during that time actually refused to give me his bank details and said he would call back. Everybody else just gave me their bank details without question.


Idiots, the lot of them.

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There is a scheme called Telephone Preference Service whereby you can block calls. However, I think a lot of these are randomly dialled so I don't know whether the TPS would be able to deal with those.

i did the TPS thing a year or so ago, it was great at first, but now i get calls from people with Indian accents selling goods/services etc, so not sure if the law applies if the call is made outside of the UK. It p1sses me off so much that i don't answer my home phone anymore, because 9 times out of 10 its a sales call... B4ST4RDS :sad:

Just seen JB's post.....so, i was right about the UK thing.... : (

Edited by saint boggy
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I am on TPS and the mobile version and still get these calls, everyone is right these are random number calls and the TPS can do nothing.


If you get a call try "whocallsme.com" that gives out who it was, or what the scam is.


No one who anyone deals with would ring you for bank details etc. They would always write to you, just theiving b4astards after your hard earned try these calls.

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If you're on 02 it's to do with the way they sell their phones...


They typically send out their phones in batches to somewhere like carphone wharehouse and all the numbers are part of that batch..


so these people go in and buy a pay as you go sim card and get say


07918 635 xxx


they then know that as these are created in batches of say 1000 that 500 numbers either side are legit active phone numbers


they have roughly 1k phone numbers to hassle...


People have been on at 02 to change for ages.....

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Yes, I just won £850,000 !!


This is to notify you that your email address has won £850,000.00 in the British National Lottery Email Draw in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by computerised balloting, powered by the Internet. To claim your prize, please contact Claims Officer on the email with the claims requirement listed below;


Frank Arthur {Claims Officer}

E-mail: bnl_claims@rogers.com

Tel: +447011129280


Claims Requirements:

1.Full Name:

2.Home Address:





7.Country Of Residence:



Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program.


Kathy O. Cahill

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Yes, I just won £850,000 !!


This is to notify you that your email address has won £850,000.00 in the British National Lottery Email Draw in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by computerised balloting, powered by the Internet. To claim your prize, please contact Claims Officer on the email with the claims requirement listed below;


Frank Arthur {Claims Officer}

E-mail: bnl_claims@rogers.com

Tel: +447011129280


Claims Requirements:

1.Full Name:

2.Home Address:





7.Country Of Residence:



Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program.


Kathy O. Cahill


That's amazing! I just got one of those too. How did we both get so lucky, eh?

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