LGTL Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 Highlights were me was: - Blowing the Air Horn out the window of travel lodge Covent Garden at 4am on Sunday Night/Monday Morning. - lol'ing @ the man in block 526 telling us to Shhh when we were singing. - Our fat friend having to walk through the turnstiles side ways. - Winning £75 in casino in Leicster Square sunday night. There's nothing better than sheer immaturity
Reib80 Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 driver on the tube to wembley before the game; "hello this is your driiiiiiiiiiiver....unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances in the wembley area todays match has had to be cancelled......just kidding. Please ensure you take all personal belongings with you, although personally i don't see why a ticket for southampton v carlisle in a paint pot trophy would be worth anything. Then again i'm a tottenham fan so what do i know. Hope you saints fans get the result you want, have a nice day". Legend. hahaha
saintoli Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 Random bloke standing outside Wembley with his mate 'We have got to much beer', I will take some off your hands mate, he then gave me a 4 pack of Stella's! Top bloke! Trying to start a chorus of ' i've got a shed, thats bigger than this' outside Wembley, got a few laughs.
krissyboy31 Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 Trying to start a chorus of ' i've got a shed, thats bigger than this' outside Wembley, got a few laughs. Quite a few of us singing that going up the hill past the station leading to the Ibis.
Crispypie Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 Hearing the people around me shouting out as the score changed..... "Yeah, I got 20 quid on 3-0" "Wohoo, I got a tenner on 4-0" "Yeah, I got 4-1........."
RedAndWhite91 Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 Hearing the people around me shouting out as the score changed..... "Yeah, I got 20 quid on 3-0" "Wohoo, I got a tenner on 4-0" "Yeah, I got 4-1........." Or, "For fxck sake, I had Ian Harte to score first and us to win 2-1."
Daren W Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 I'd much rather the enjoyment of 43,500 standing up in excitement to watch a penalty than sit down and be considerate to the people that were unable to stand. What do they expect in a cup final at Wembley for **** sake? I was sat in front of rather small old lady so I didn't stand (a bit of a first for me) so I had to ask the two girls in front of me if they could sit down. Right rude ***** she was too.. I'm all for standing at football unless your actions impede someone else's view, it's not just your match I guess, so you have to respect other people's views (no pun intended)
krissyboy31 Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 I was sat in front of rather small old lady so I didn't stand (a bit of a first for me) so I had to ask the two girls in front of me if they could sit down. Right rude ***** she was too.. I'm all for standing at football unless your actions impede someone else's view, it's not just your match I guess, so you have to respect other people's views (no pun intended) Agree! Because the way the tickets were dished out, unless you were in the lower tier directly behind the goal, you were just as likely to have a child or "little old lady" behind you, as a 6'7" 20 year old. So if you want to stand, by all means do so but not if it affects other people's enjoyment.
John Boy Saint Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 Were you in the club Wembley seats in block 550? Your description sounds like a couple of the lads I went with. One of whom fell asleep in the second half and was only woken by the surrounding fans shouting 'wake up sleepy head'. He opened one eye and said 'I had a funny feeling that I might have been asleep'. That was block 250, your mate was very funny as he looked like he had been assassinated by a lone sniper up in the floodlights, the amount of folks leaning in taking photos was quite amusing. What was even more amusing was that your mate saw the 3rd goal on the TV on the concourse on his way back but the guys giving him the most stick missed it totally and despite the scoreboard telling one of them it was 3 took 5 minutes from my girls to convince him.
John Boy Saint Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 Just remembered a great one outside the Stadium when the PA was telling you this that and the other, a chap came on the PA and said "entry into the Stadium is by electronic Tit!".
Whitey Grandad Posted 29 March, 2010 Posted 29 March, 2010 ****ing hell. Anyone thinking that it would be better to sit down for a penalty at a final at Wembley is an absolute boring arsehole. It was said all over here that behind the goal in the bottom tier would be a standing area too. What is the difference between standing up and sitting down? It's the same view, innit? Except for the kiddies who can't see because of it.
Mao Cap Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 That first tier of Wembley is shallow enough to make a blinding terrace and cater for everyone. Ah well. Didn't experience many funnies myself yesterday, although singing the correct words to the Ricky Lambert song after some near-paralytic goons had just been doing the Lalala bit for a couple of minutes was amusing just for the completely bamboozled look on their faces, kind of like "WTF? Words in songs?"
saintpat Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 I was in a queue for food at the Green Man- a balloon came over my head and I pushed it away with my hand- forgetting momentarily that I had half a pint of beer in that hand!! I apologise now to the man who was standing in front of me and who had lager dripping down the back of his jacket- I was too shocked/laughing that I didn't do it at the time. I thought the guy behind me was going to wet himself with laughter!! I also had to explain to my 14 year old son how it had rained on his head when there was no rain!
jammers Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 poor sod on the tube who looked like Rafa Benitez being given a loud rendition of 'your just a fat Spanish waiter' couldn't join in I was laughing so much!
Pancake Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Some random knob on the tube at Baker Street on the way home. A group of young saints fans who were chanting "We wont he cup, we won the cup" and he waited 'til they had finished and said without a glimmer of fun "No, it was a trophy, not a cup" I suspect he was MLG.
Reib80 Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 poor sod on the tube who looked like Rafa Benitez being given a loud rendition of 'your just a fat Spanish waiter' couldn't join in I was laughing so much! hahaha! Can just imagine that!!
Jillyanne Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 In the queue to get the underground ticket at Uxbridge, lady says to me:- "is there a football match on today" I say, "yes, Southampton v Carlisle at Wembey" she then says (I was wearing a Saints shirt, scarf and carrying a huge flag "are you going", (no, I always dress like this) She then says "is it at the stadium" (no the arena) Genius.
rolosfc Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Me and two mates waving our flags around on the way from the Green Man to Wembley, I snap mine in half against a brick wall to the amusement of everyone around us. My mate then buys an £8 air horn which he brakes mid flow, everyone responded with 'what a waste of money'. He then got it working again only to get it in the stadium (without seeing the no air horns sign!) and blow it in my mates face at full volume, then have it immediatley conviscated, again to chants of 'what a waste of money!' Funny times!
ponto1963 Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Driver on the tube to Wembley before the game; "Hello this is your driiiiiiiiiiiver....unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances in the Wembley area todays match has had to be cancelled......just kidding. Please ensure you take all personal belongings with you, although personally I don't see why a ticket for Southampton V Carlisle in a paint pot trophy would be worth anything. Then again i'm a Tottenham fan so what do I know. Hope you Saints fans get the result you want, have a nice day". Legend. Brilliant
irishsaint83 Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Brilliant I walked into a sign post outside wembley near the Ibis - i'd say a couple of hundred saw me!! No doubt someone has a vid of it.... probably be on youtube before to long..... so freaking embarrasing... mates have been taking the p*ss out of me!!
ant Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Just remembered a great one outside the Stadium when the PA was telling you this that and the other, a chap came on the PA and said "entry into the Stadium is by electronic Tit!". Completely forgot about that, good call!
notnowcato Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Me legs are not what they used to be and I struggles to stand up at exciting points during games.... but **** me we do's have some right tedious so and so's for fans. Prime example at the final, I bets there be many two legged donkeys round his way. Still stood up in front of me mind... cheeky beggar.
Kaiser Soze Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 I was sat in front of rather small old lady so I didn't stand (a bit of a first for me) so I had to ask the two girls in front of me if they could sit down. Right rude ***** she was too.. I'm all for standing at football unless your actions impede someone else's view, it's not just your match I guess, so you have to respect other people's views (no pun intended) I was not impressed I nearly got thrown out after 10minutes just for standing. As for the 'fans' around me trying to getting me checked out shame on f//king you. As for the bellend who offered me during the game, something tells me you wouldn't be so brave had it been outside. Top, top day but highlighted the fact there are far too many muppets around.
saintchris23 Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 My 27 year old mate legging it out of Leicester Square tube station in search for a toilet. Only to return 5 minutes later with soaking wet jeans. I kid you not!
LeBenali Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Went to the toilets at half time and couldn't get into the cubicle as there were 5 scouse lads in there smoking. In comes a steward ranting and raving at the fact they could be ejected, until they open the door and he finds out two of them are absolute meatheads. "Well, I don't actually mind myself, but you know, its people complaining, thats why I had to come in" he said in a squeaky scared voice. The Scouse lads in question were actually Rickie's bro and friends, all seemed in a good mood and were getting involved with the Saints banter etc.
Jesus Reigned Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 poor sod on the tube who looked like Rafa Benitez being given a loud rendition of 'your just a fat Spanish waiter' couldn't join in I was laughing so much! I was in the same carriage; it was a Mastercard moment. And the guy saw the funny side of it too.
dronskisaint Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Flag fluttering from where I'd clipped it on to the window as I happily tried to ease my way in to the traffic on the road back to the North Circular...Saints fans in people carrier waved me in (thank you!) so pressed window down button to punch the air in thanks & celebration...note to self - next time put it on to the back window! Too many cars & too embarrassed to try & retrieve it but a worthy sacrifice on a great day!
Durleyfos Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Some numpty above me (I was the the second to last row of the bottom tier) drapes his flag over, completely blocked my view (and the others around me) and initiated a chorus of "Are you taking the ****?" or "Cheers mate" - after we tried to rip it down a few times he finally got the bloody message. The sheer idiocy of it all made me laugh. That numpty would be me then! :smt039 I would like to apologise for that. Didn't realise my flag would obstruct your view, sorry! :smt058
Gordon Mockles Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Upon leaving the stadium, bumped into several friends who had been on it since the morning. One friend gave me a huge bear hug, mainly to stop himself falling over!! A nearby copper commented, in a jovial way (upon noticing his inability to stand straight or balance & almost pulling me to the ground) - "Good day is it?" To which I replied, "Yep, fantastic although we've now got the mammoth journey home and he's the one driving!" He soon changed his expression! Gullible! He did then realise but it was worth it just for the reaction!
pressingon Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 On the train from Reading when woman told which trophy it was replied "Will they be giving out free colour charts!" to which carriage full of saints burst out laughing
Badger Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Just remembered a great one outside the Stadium when the PA was telling you this that and the other, a chap came on the PA and said "entry into the Stadium is by electronic Tit!". Yes,I heard that.
dubai_phil Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Outside the Nags Head in Covent Garden. Bloke in no colours having a fag as I start to walk in... You feckin C***, you feckin Bstd, you complete bunch of as**** I can't believe you would fecking do something like that you miserable sods... It wasn't enough that you thrashed us but THAT - why? I'm like do what? Crikes, where's the aggression from dude? and he breaks into a smile - and says "I'm Carlisle mate, me and my 4 pals all had you down to win 5-1 with Lambert to get the first goal, 120-1 we had got on that and you feckers stopped playing after 60 minutes.... Had a good laugh and a great chat after that,
Mozz Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Whilst shuffling away from the ground some guy who looked like the 8 hours of drinking was taking hole was berating everyone for not singing songs. He then decided to take the lead by starting up the Lambert song finishing with: "He gets the ball he takes the ****, he wears the shirt of Matt Le Tiss: RICKIE JOHNSON, blah blah blah blah blah." Cue everyone stunned silence broken after about ten seconds by laughter and some guy asking "you realise his name is Lambert??" He didn't seem quite so up for leading the chants after that.
hamster Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 When Rickie had spotted tha ball for the penalty, some bloke near me said out loud 'no pressure Rickie, no pressure mate'.
Turkish Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 On the train on the way back someone said, when i was young i was scared of the dentists, he was a paedophile. Gave a whole new meaning to i'm going to give you a filling.
DrZuess1979 the 2nd Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 Hearing the people around me shouting out as the score changed..... "Yeah, I got 20 quid on 3-0" "Wohoo, I got a tenner on 4-0" "Yeah, I got 4-1........." You must have been in block 524 then
1976_Child Posted 30 March, 2010 Posted 30 March, 2010 I was in For Your Eyes Only in the early hours of Sunday morning, and this below-par trog came up to me and said, all smoozy-like: "I reckon what will really make your weekend is a private dance with me!" I said, "sweet heart, I'm completely ****ed, you're not very attractive and probably have a snatch like a boiled pigeon so to be honest with you all I really want is to finish off my bottle of Bollinger and dream of Rickie Lambert scoring at Wembley".
Belgiansaint Posted 31 March, 2010 Posted 31 March, 2010 A mate of mine who knows I'm Saints through and through happened to be in London on Sunday for some other football game (he works for a travel agency that organises trips to London football games - Chelski, Gooners, etc.) posted on my facebook wall: "The town is red & white. This is beautiful. How proud you must be". You bet I was!
lambjo1976 Posted 31 March, 2010 Posted 31 March, 2010 Carlisle supporter in The Green Man singing YOUR GOING HOME IN A HAMPSHIRE AMBULANCE to about a thousand saints supporters (priceless)
Saint_Mabes Posted 31 March, 2010 Posted 31 March, 2010 My highlight was the incredibly drunk guy in the yellow saints shirt on the 7.30train back. He looked worse for wear when I got on. About half way through he started striding up and down the carridge looking incredibly pale. As people started to realise he was looking for somewhere to be sick there were big cheers and panic that it could be on them! I think he eventually threw up in the corner. Even better was he eventually got off at Woking - I really don't think he was meant to - big cheers went up again as he staggered to and from the train as a bunch of blokes banged on the window taking the mick! I don't wanna know what happened to him!
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