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Silverspoon club by wembley


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Just read some of the comments and there's not one person with a good thing to say about it.:D

surely not ,the majority were really happy.

I think NI may feel uncomfortable at a few matches in the future as disgruntled fans find him. It is unfortunate he is unwell at present, I dont wish illness on him

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It looks like Pompey aren't going to enjoy Silverspoons on their day out:


"I have just had a call from EC to tell me that Silverspoons is NOT allowed to open on semi-final day. He has been in extensive talks with Brent Borough Council and the Metropolitan Police who are both adamant it will not open. Hampshire police backed the idea by telling The Met it will be in their best interest's because all the Pompey 'fans' will be in one place and not roaming around Wembley High Street, sadly it fell on deaf ears.


The council have revoked Silverspoons license for 28 days, this was due to trouble associated with the club on football days. Trouble inside and outside, drunkeness and damage to nearby property, not having the correct number of doorstaff working etc, the council seem to have pages of objections.


Anyone who has bought a ticket from me will be repaid in FULL. Please bring your tickets on Saturday (Just to let me know exactly how many you have bought) and I will refund you.


EC apologises for what has happened but he tried his hardest to get in open. "


Presumably EC is Eddie Crispen.



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Hi all,


I've just spoke with my Uncle who DJ'd this event. he is absolutely dismayed about some of the cutting and inaccurate comments that have been made towards him on this thread.


He is about as big a Saints fan as you are likely to get and wants to go on record to say he agreed to do this "gig" as a favour and made no money at all from it. He has over 20 years of experience as a DJ and is very well known around the Southampton and Eastleigh areas as "Big D's Disco" or "Big Damon's Disco". I suspect a lot of you have probably been in attendance at one of his gigs previously.


He did this as a favour to the organisers. The way it was sold to him is the event was costing so much for venue hire, extra staffing costs etc.. that no money could be offered for doing this but the opportunity to DJ in front of 2,000 fellow Saints supporters, interview a host of players from years gone by and the opportunity to soak up the pre and post match atmosphere in the supposed "Southampton Rocks Wembley" party was too good an offer for him to turn down.



As a Southampton fan he did have a few drinks throughout the day which he was more than entitled to. He did the gig for free, why shouldnt he enjoy himself like everyone else was doing? He was also sucked in to believing the event was going to be professionally run as were most other people who have posted on this thread.


He was told by the people running the event to get on the microphone to try and gee everyone up as well as playing the Southampton FC songs that kept being played. It should also be noted he was advised on the genre of music being played, being told it as going down a storm.


Above all, he's a Saints fan who agreed to do a gig when asked for no personal gain to himself. It's all too easy to criticise behind a computer monitor and keyboard. What some of you need to realise is promises were made to us who attended about how great the event was going to be... why wouldnt the same be the case for the person DJing the event?


He is genuinely sorry people didnt have a good time but having made no personal gain from doing this event feels its slightly unfair he is getting tarred with the same brush as those who organised the party and lined their pockets with a cool £20k.

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Well put Sam . Damon is also a great friend of mine and he has also told me how dismayed he was at the shambles that was Silverspoons last Sunday. He fully acknowledges that all that was promised in the promotion just wasnt there and is equally as annoyed about that as all those that paid a tenner for their tickets.

Damon wasnt ( and didnt expect) any payment for his efforts however was informed he could have a few mates on a guest list .. I was one of those mates and was refused entry as a guest!

I know Damon feels as stiched up as all those that paid good money so ask those who are slating him to back off a bit .. his intentions were 1st class

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Hi all,


I've just spoke with my Uncle who DJ'd this event. he is absolutely dismayed about some of the cutting and inaccurate comments that have been made towards him on this thread.


He is about as big a Saints fan as you are likely to get and wants to go on record to say he agreed to do this "gig" as a favour and made no money at all from it. He has over 20 years of experience as a DJ and is very well known around the Southampton and Eastleigh areas as "Big D's Disco" or "Big Damon's Disco". I suspect a lot of you have probably been in attendance at one of his gigs previously.


He did this as a favour to the organisers. The way it was sold to him is the event was costing so much for venue hire, extra staffing costs etc.. that no money could be offered for doing this but the opportunity to DJ in front of 2,000 fellow Saints supporters, interview a host of players from years gone by and the opportunity to soak up the pre and post match atmosphere in the supposed "Southampton Rocks Wembley" party was too good an offer for him to turn down.



As a Southampton fan he did have a few drinks throughout the day which he was more than entitled to. He did the gig for free, why shouldnt he enjoy himself like everyone else was doing? He was also sucked in to believing the event was going to be professionally run as were most other people who have posted on this thread.


He was told by the people running the event to get on the microphone to try and gee everyone up as well as playing the Southampton FC songs that kept being played. It should also be noted he was advised on the genre of music being played, being told it as going down a storm.


Above all, he's a Saints fan who agreed to do a gig when asked for no personal gain to himself. It's all too easy to criticise behind a computer monitor and keyboard. What some of you need to realise is promises were made to us who attended about how great the event was going to be... why wouldnt the same be the case for the person DJing the event?


He is genuinely sorry people didnt have a good time but having made no personal gain from doing this event feels its slightly unfair he is getting tarred with the same brush as those who organised the party and lined their pockets with a cool £20k.


This is a fair and supportive comment. I know the DJ and, in fact, live some 50 yards from him. I have known him for some 25 years. He is a great Saints fan and a genuine guy, this is not his modus operandii.


TBH I think he is as much a victim in this as those who bought tickets.


If NI et al made that much money out of Saints fans then shame on them.

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BTW where's Diggers? I've checked his profile and he's logged on here enough times, but never bothered to comment. Funny isn't it how you couldn't shut him up when he was trying to sell the event but now he's gone all quiet.

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Well put Sam . Damon is also a great friend of mine and he has also told me how dismayed he was at the shambles that was Silverspoons last Sunday. He fully acknowledges that all that was promised in the promotion just wasnt there and is equally as annoyed about that as all those that paid a tenner for their tickets.

Damon wasnt ( and didnt expect) any payment for his efforts however was informed he could have a few mates on a guest list .. I was one of those mates and was refused entry as a guest!

I know Damon feels as stiched up as all those that paid good money so ask those who are slating him to back off a bit .. his intentions were 1st class


So the 'we' that NI mentioned was actually 'NI' , and he didn't pay anyone for their services? The scandal keeps coming...


For the record... I paid the 'stewards' on the coaches that I wasn't on £50 plus free travel plus 5 free pints in the Green Man, just to count people on and off the coach. :cool: I fully expect to be in the top 100 employers list next year. :cool:

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Well put Sam . Damon is also a great friend of mine and he has also told me how dismayed he was at the shambles that was Silverspoons last Sunday. He fully acknowledges that all that was promised in the promotion just wasnt there and is equally as annoyed about that as all those that paid a tenner for their tickets.

Damon wasnt ( and didnt expect) any payment for his efforts however was informed he could have a few mates on a guest list .. I was one of those mates and was refused entry as a guest!

I know Damon feels as stiched up as all those that paid good money so ask those who are slating him to back off a bit .. his intentions were 1st class


For what its worth Stu i also ended up at the Green Man ...fantastic !!

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The dj must have only done outside events or for the hard of hearing, or after spending 30 minutes in that place you became hard of hearing. It was ridiculously loud and perhaps hs enthusiasm to please flowed over.

The youngsters with me are used to London and southern clubs but were dismayed at the volume and the mixing of songs as well as the inane shouts from the dj.

I dont doubt he was paid nothing and like the guests he has been shafted , Im sorry about that.

NI has lost a lot of sympathy as this story unfolds. As for the spin about the majority having a good time sheeeeesh

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Easily the worst dj i have ever heard !


Looked like a tramp and was unproffesionally drunk



He was unprofesionally unpaid as well. What on earth gives you a right to judge his appearance and how much he had to drink? He was there as a fan and was asked to play some tunes in return for a lift there and back by the organisers. I'm sure you'd have more tact and awareness than to say that to a persons face, why get so big and brave behind your computer?

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I can see why those on the payroll get stick but the DJ is one of us and if he was ****ed good on him. It was a day out and he acted in good faith.


Saintkiptanui when you get a little older and become less conscious of image and what music people see you listening to then you will discover that Status Quo are actully quite entertaining. Rocking All over the World becomes and anthem after 5 or 6 pints.

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dont know if it has been posted..but the organisers respond..




no mention to why there was no ex player as advertised..???

Interesting read. i notice few are knocking this site in the comments.

NI has not said what their profit margin was, why Pompey were getting the same venue for £6 a pop. As for saying well there was a burger van nearby is just laughable. No mention of Saints players advertised then not turning up.

If he knew he was dealing with some low life organsiers why take the risk?

It is very sad how it has turned out, I have always known NI love of Saints, what amazes me is that he has risked that for a quick profit.

I do agree with him that fans talking about his footbaling ability is laughable, and has no relevance.

The point is Trading standards will take short thrift of his defence and the Echo must feel fairly suckered by the promotion and what they advertised to their readers.

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Poor old Illingsworth Always the victim not the Baddie



His apology is pathetic. He used the toilets first and they had just been cleaned.



as for the food if food was to be provided how come he regales that those present could have gone to burger vans and takeaways


"Some have claimed that there was no food available, this is untrue, right outside the door of the venue was a large stall selling burgers etc and attached to the venue was a takeaway, whilst this was not exclusive to those in Silverspoons, it was only yards away".



And now to appease fans he is to offer a discount on shirts.


Is that not a case you could sell them Nick and now you have dumbed then in the bargain basement bin


Nick stop being the victim and take some ownership of what happened for a change

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Not moaning I thoroughly enjoyed my day out and was bussing for about three days afterwards.


Its just IO get a tad ****ed of hearing Illingsworth claiming to be the voice of the fans etc etc. Yes he supports saints but he cannot positively echo how I feel about the club and Im older than him


Bit like Mr Brown stating this morning that everybody in the country feels for Rooneys ankle injury and the country's finances. Well Mr Brown I don't give toss about rooneys ankle the same way i don't give a toss of illingsworths claims as being a saints fan spokeman

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Understand Viking what you are saying but that was not aimed just at you, we won at Wembley 50,000 Saints fans there no trouble, plenty of our future fan base having a good time and all "some" people want to do is moan like ****!! Surely investigate waht you are paying for? even if promised a good deal?

I looked at it but after a quick investigation thought Northam Club moves to Wembley!

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Understand Viking what you are saying but that was not aimed just at you, we won at Wembley 50,000 Saints fans there no trouble, plenty of our future fan base having a good time and all "some" people want to do is moan like ****!! Surely investigate waht you are paying for? even if promised a good deal?

I looked at it but after a quick investigation thought Northam Club moves to Wembley!

Northam club is a lot classier IMO.

I agree perhaps we fools who coughed out a tenner a ticket should have googled or looked up Which magazines top hotspots at Wembley' edition but fell for the Echo and a fellow Saints fan doing the leg work.

NI is fighting a rearguard action and is probably stuffed as he knows he can't give a full refund to all the fans who turned up as he has nil chance of getting a penny back from the organisers.

I suspect that fans best chance is to send complaints to Paypal and their credit card companies , who will know of the problems by now and be expecting to repay a large amount of people.

Time will tell, but to get into bed with a Skate who then rips his fellow fans off is lamentable

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I have been hunting high and low for these people that had a really good time at Silverspoons... still haven't found a single one postitive message in the hundreds of negative ones. Can someone provide me a link? NI says the majority enjoyed it... so surely there is some testimonials.


By the way Nick... I have no personal gripe against you, as I am sure I fall into your 'vitriol' posts. I do however have absolutely no sympathy for you... you made yourself a public figure, it's YOU that chooses to run the websites, do the interviews for Sky, BBC... be 'Chairman of the Saints Trust' , get involved in just about anything public to do with Saints, set up Saints related business ventures etc etc...


Don't lap up the glory when it ( rarely ) goes right then cry like a dumped girlfriend when it goes wrong and people turn on you.


If you didn't spend so much time putting your views across in the local and national media then people wouldn't even know who Nick Illingsworth is.


The FACT is you coined a profit from Saints fans by arranging Silverspoons, if that wasn't your motivation and it was done 'for the fans' then you would have given the profit to charity...you didn't, you pocketed it, so stop trying to mug people off that this was done 'by the fans, for the fans' ... it was done for a profit.


There is nothing wrong with making a profit by the way, but why not be honest from the start?

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Our first venture was T Shirts, perhaps the reaction in some quarters from the start should have warned us, as certain individuals attacked us on message boards before we had even sold a T shirt, the whole irony was that many attacked us on the Saints Web accusing us on profiteering from Saints fans & taking money from the club, missing the entire point that the Saints Web is a pay to post site and doing exactly what we were accused of ( Nothing against Saints Web here )


LOL. What a clueless chump. The last time I looked Saints didn't run a rival web forum. Also the costs of membership here go on the server costs.

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Some have claimed that there was no food available, this is untrue, right outside the door of the venue was a large stall selling burgers etc and attached to the venue was a takeaway, whilst this was not exclusive to those in Silverspoons, it was only yards away



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So the 'we' that NI mentioned was actually 'NI' , and he didn't pay anyone for their services? The scandal keeps coming...


For the record... I paid the 'stewards' on the coaches that I wasn't on £50 plus free travel plus 5 free pints in the Green Man, just to count people on and off the coach. :cool: I fully expect to be in the top 100 employers list next year. :cool:


I hope you paid their NI contributions too, or you'll end up 'doing a Pompey' ;)

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Northam club is a lot classier IMO.

I agree perhaps we fools who coughed out a tenner a ticket should have googled or looked up Which magazines top hotspots at Wembley' edition but fell for the Echo and a fellow Saints fan doing the leg work.

NI is fighting a rearguard action and is probably stuffed as he knows he can't give a full refund to all the fans who turned up as he has nil chance of getting a penny back from the organisers.

I suspect that fans best chance is to send complaints to Paypal and their credit card companies , who will know of the problems by now and be expecting to repay a large amount of people.

Time will tell, but to get into bed with a Skate who then rips his fellow fans off is lamentable


I'm a little lost with the comment 'Time will tell, but to get into bed with a Skate who then rips his fellow fans off is lamentable'. Could you explain the Skate reference/inference please?

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I'm a little lost with the comment 'Time will tell, but to get into bed with a Skate who then rips his fellow fans off is lamentable'. Could you explain the Skate reference/inference please?


EastleighgayBoy , why are you getting involved? you didnt even go to Wembley did you?? get a lfe you to33er.

Have a look at yourself mush , you seem to live on here posting tosh 24/7

Get a life you utter sad sad Tit.

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EC is the silverspoons promotor and thus takes a cut from all the teams that he can get into silverspoons. Everton, villa, bristol city etc all paid a tenner.


PFC are only charged £6 as they cannot flog tickets and only muster less than 1000 on two occasions. Only 400 sold for this sunday but now thats been cancellled

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I'm a little lost with the comment 'Time will tell, but to get into bed with a Skate who then rips his fellow fans off is lamentable'. Could you explain the Skate reference/inference please?

Apparently EC is the promoter ,who is a Pompey fan. He got a nice slice of the ticket money. NI or Coyr would have delat with him direct

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It looks like Pompey aren't going to enjoy Silverspoons on their day out:


"I have just had a call from EC to tell me that Silverspoons is NOT allowed to open on semi-final day. He has been in extensive talks with Brent Borough Council and the Metropolitan Police who are both adamant it will not open. Hampshire police backed the idea by telling The Met it will be in their best interest's because all the Pompey 'fans' will be in one place and not roaming around Wembley High Street, sadly it fell on deaf ears.



If they want all the Pompey fans in one place, have they only sold 2000 tickets for next Sunday? ;-)

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If there had been no bars in the venue would it have been acceptable to say, "there's a pub down the road". Honestly, that food comment is just laughable.


I wonder which legends were there? Maybe NI was the legend?

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EastleighgayBoy , why are you getting involved? you didnt even go to Wembley did you?? get a lfe you to33er.

Have a look at yourself mush , you seem to live on here posting tosh 24/7

Get a life you utter sad sad Tit.


Oh dear! A tad upset are we? Cretin.


Apparently EC is the promoter ,who is a Pompey fan. He got a nice slice of the ticket money. NI or Coyr would have delat with him direct


Thanks Nick, a far more cultured reply than from our 'friend' above.

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I have been hunting high and low for these people that had a really good time at Silverspoons... still haven't found a single one postitive message in the hundreds of negative ones. Can someone provide me a link? NI says the majority enjoyed it... so surely there is some testimonials.


By the way Nick... I have no personal gripe against you, as I am sure I fall into your 'vitriol' posts. I do however have absolutely no sympathy for you... you made yourself a public figure, it's YOU that chooses to run the websites, do the interviews for Sky, BBC... be 'Chairman of the Saints Trust' , get involved in just about anything public to do with Saints, set up Saints related business ventures etc etc...


Don't lap up the glory when it ( rarely ) goes right then cry like a dumped girlfriend when it goes wrong and people turn on you.


If you didn't spend so much time putting your views across in the local and national media then people wouldn't even know who Nick Illingsworth is.


The FACT is you coined a profit from Saints fans by arranging Silverspoons, if that wasn't your motivation and it was done 'for the fans' then you would have given the profit to charity...you didn't, you pocketed it, so stop trying to mug people off that this was done 'by the fans, for the fans' ... it was done for a profit.


There is nothing wrong with making a profit by the way, but why not be honest from the start?


you sure??

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you sure??


O.K... I have no blinded gripe with him, as in I don't just have a pop for the sake of having a pop.


Anyone who is happy to put themselves in the paper, t.v and radio at any given opportunity has to be prepared to take the rough with the smooth.


Irritates the sh!t out of me when people want to be 'famous' and lap it up when things are going good but then whinge and whine when something goes wrong and people turn on them... you can't have your cake and eat it.


Here's one for you... if Nick didn't do all of the countless interviews in the press and media... would there be all this 'personal abuse' ? Answer = NO, because nobody would have a clue who he was... and to be honest, wouldn't care.


It is very funny that he chose to do business ( and get ripped off by ) with a skate limp-wristed grass though.

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Our first venture was T Shirts, perhaps the reaction in some quarters from the start should have warned us, as certain individuals attacked us on message boards before we had even sold a T shirt, the whole irony was that many attacked us on the Saints Web accusing us on profiteering from Saints fans & taking money from the club, missing the entire point that the Saints Web is a pay to post site and doing exactly what we were accused of ( Nothing against Saints Web here )


LOL. What a clueless chump. The last time I looked Saints didn't run a rival web forum. Also the costs of membership here go on the server costs.

Nick is welcome to buy the SaintsWeb accounts from Companies House for £1, where he will find that precisely £0.00 has been taken out by the directors.


It would be fair to say I'm pretty disappointed with that comment, considering I publicised the event on here on his behalf.

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