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Posted (edited)
SaintBobby - FFS what did you expect? Looks as though you really thought you would be getting the full monty. None of my party were under any allusions that it wasn't going to be exactly as it turned out. We were just happy to have some where bang opposite Wembley to get a pint and have a laugh. Jeeez mate, loosen up and forget it!


Why is his opinion any less worthy than yours?


If he didn't receive what he paid for (in his experience) then he is entitled to seek a refund. It's that simple. It's the consumer apathy which you advocate that gives rise to such bad customer service by so many service providers and tradesmen these days.


But to add some balance here, from what I've read it would appear that the 'middle men' in this case maywell have been acting in good faith.


That said, when you buy a ticket for an event through an 'agent' your contract is with the agent, not the venue. It is the ticket agency that has the contract with the venue. Therefore, saying that "we were only ticket agents" doesn't alter the position. If people feel they didn't receive what was advertised then their recourse is with the ticket agent, not the venue.


As I say, not taking sides here just highlighting consumer law and all that jazz.

Edited by trousers
SaintBobby - FFS what did you expect? Looks as though you really thought you would be getting the full monty. None of my party were under any allusions that it wasn't going to be exactly as it turned out. We were just happy to have some where bang opposite Wembley to get a pint and have a laugh. Jeeez mate, loosen up and forget it!


He might have expected...


- Cheapest beer within 5 miles of the stadium - Lies, it was £3 a FRESH pint in the Green Man.


- To see some ex-Saints players - There was none.


- Promised no queue - People waiting up to 30 mins.


- To be closer to the Saints end - 50m from the stadium? Yes... easy to get to and from pre and post match? No, not if you are in the Saints end.


There's just a few examples.

SaintBobby - FFS what did you expect? Looks as though you really thought you would be getting the full monty. None of my party were under any allusions that it wasn't going to be exactly as it turned out. We were just happy to have some where bang opposite Wembley to get a pint and have a laugh. Jeeez mate, loosen up and forget it!
At last a satisfied customer. If you went to a new years eve party that had been advertised free beer fun and top class entertainment, and then found water and the 50year old from 3 doors away playing songs from his old record collection you wouldnt be too happy. Especially as the place next door was free and stocking beer as well as decent dj's.I suspect you'd be unhappy.

IMO St Bobby is correct

He might have expected...


- Cheapest beer within 5 miles of the stadium - Lies, it was £3 a FRESH pint in the Green Man.


- To see some ex-Saints players - There was none.


- Promised no queue - People waiting up to 30 mins.


- To be closer to the Saints end - 50m from the stadium? Yes... easy to get to and from pre and post match? No, not if you are in the Saints end.


There's just a few examples.


and beer was only £4 at wembley stadium,looks like the event was one big rip off,

and beer was only £4 at wembley stadium,looks like the event was one big rip off,


And to my knowledge there was not a single other venue charging to get in... another thing claimed on their marketing.


Just been on the UI and Nick has posted up a Youtube of the clubs party. All 1 1/2minutes of it. He has shingles and has to go to hospital today. I hope he recovers soon.


There was no way that I was going to pay £10 cover charge to get in anywhere and decided to take my chances in the pubs but I can understand people paying it, on the promises make by COYR/Saints Rock Wembley advertising. Those promises were not kept and people are entitled to their money back IMO.


What I'm not sure here is who broke the promises? Was it the event organisers or the club owners? It seems to me that the club owners were selling tickets outside over and above the capacity of 2,000 that had already been pre-sold? If, as it has been suggested Silverspoons does have 'gangland' ownership, then COYR could well have been ripped off themselves.


All I can say is that the Green Man pub was a half decent place to be, loads of fans all out for a good day, the Q for the drinks was a bit long but with that amount of people there I think they did pretty well. If I did have one moan that was they could of had a few more loos but its for a few hours..


Listen, I'm no fan of Illingsworth but anyone who read the adverts for the silverspoons pub and actually thought they would get all that it said is naive as hell. It was never going to live up to its billing. I knew it the moment I saw it but still paid my tenner because we were going to Wembley and I needed a pint before hand and I wanted to enjoy my day. When I go to football I work out my budget before hand and then fully expect to spend it all never mind what on. Seems as though some all codgers on here want to take their commercial lawyer along to footie just in case the day turns out to be a disappointment! Like I said before: loosen up and don't be so naive next time. It was always going to be a complete dive with expensive beer and ****e entertainment. We weren't there for the ****ing pub - we were there to see our lads lift the cup!


Whilst everyone seemed to enjoy themselves in Silverspoons on Sunday there was one issue.



Sunday was a great day in the history of Southampton Football Club, it was a celebration of the fact that the club is still in existence almost a year after the trauma of administration, in this respect the result was secondary.


Er, no it wasn't....I would wager that almost all Saints fans were there on Sunday to see our team win the JPT. I certainly didn’t see or speak to anyone who was there to celebrate our existence.


We at COYR were determined to try and do our bit in making the day a little bit special for supporters, on this occasion by acting as ticket agents for Silverspoons Club 2000 at Wembley


So why does it say here (http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/johnstones_paint_trophy_2010/5071135.Saints_fans_plan_to_party_at_Wembley/) that the event was organised by Saints Trust Chairman Nick Illingsworth, and I quote "Organiser Nick Illingsworth came up with the idea after joining friends at Silver Spoons for the Everton vs Chelsea FA Cup final last year."


The vast majority of the fans present seemed brimming with the "spirit" of the day and like ourselves concentrated on enjoying the occasion


Little bit of a dig there at the people that have raised concerns


but, inevitably as at any event some are bound to have experienced less than their expectation, in this case Silverspoons itself was taken by surprise by the sheer exuberance of Saints supporters,


Here's where they start to offload the blame, "its not our fault, we just have too many brilliant fans"


they have had so called bigger clubs than Saints in recent years, but none had displayed the capacity to drink & be merry that Saints supporters showed on Sunday.


More guff to bloke smoke up our ars3s


Contingency plans were quickly put into place by the owners including opening up a further bar to sell cans and this alleviated the problem of queues to a certain degree although not completely.


We are normal fans, not event promoters(now they tell us)out to make a quick buck, we genuinely tried our very best to lay on something special to add to the enjoyment of the day, we like Silverspoons, were taken aback as was the entire nation at Saints supporters capacity to throw a party, not just at Silverspoons but all around Wembley itself. It could be said that the event was a victim of its own popularity.


Again, more smoke up our ars3s, and apparently, the conditions were the same everywhere….!!!


With this in mind whilst most of the comments we have received have been positive(Really !!), we take our new venture very seriously and whilst almost everyone seemed to enjoy the atmosphere and proximity to Wembley, a small blot on the landscape was the queue for a drink, the very problem that we sought to eradicate, even we couldn’t have foreseen the capacity of the Saints fans for this on Sunday.


What !!, How about addressing the lack of “ex saints”, the condition of the place, the drunk DJ, the false advertising etc etc


Over the last day or so we have listened and read carefully those views and we are now looking at ways in which we can thank you all for your patience and not letting it spoil your day, if you can give us a few days to think of a way to do this we would be grateful.


Here’s a suggestion, why not offer refunds.


In the meantime please do not hesitate to contact us by e mail at info@coyr.co.uk

COYR are Saints fans too, we look forward to your comments.

Listen, I'm no fan of Illingsworth but anyone who read the adverts for the silverspoons pub and actually thought they would get all that it said is naive as hell. It was never going to live up to its billing. I knew it the moment I saw it but still paid my tenner because we were going to Wembley and I needed a pint before hand and I wanted to enjoy my day. When I go to football I work out my budget before hand and then fully expect to spend it all never mind what on. Seems as though some all codgers on here want to take their commercial lawyer along to footie just in case the day turns out to be a disappointment! Like I said before: loosen up and don't be so naive next time. It was always going to be a complete dive with expensive beer and ****e entertainment. We weren't there for the ****ing pub - we were there to see our lads lift the cup!


That may or may not be true but it doesn't affect the liability of the promoters to live up their own billing one iota.

That may or may not be true but it doesn't affect the liability of the promoters to live up their own billing one iota.


Fair enough, but when you take your class action case to the high court count me out. I couldn't give a stuff about my tenner not buying me what it said on the poster pinned above the urinals in the Chapel Arms. Good luck though getting your money back, seriously.

they have had so called bigger clubs than Saints in recent years, but none had displayed the capacity to drink & be merry that Saints supporters showed on Sunday.


More guff to bloke smoke up our ars3s


I'm more intrigued as to what difference it makes as to "how big" the football club is? A 2,000 capacity venue is a 2,000 capacity venue, makes no difference whether it's us, Man Utd, or anyone else in it, you still have the same number of people, and the same issues!!!

Fair enough, but when you take your class action case to the high court count me out. I couldn't give a stuff about my tenner not buying me what it said on the poster pinned above the urinals in the Chapel Arms. Good luck though getting your money back, seriously.


Mate, I didn't go to it!

I'm more intrigued as to what difference it makes as to "how big" the football club is? A 2,000 capacity venue is a 2,000 capacity venue, makes no difference whether it's us, Man Utd, or anyone else in it, you still have the same number of people, and the same issues!!!


Indeed, unless of course you're selling tickets on the door and have no clue how many people are in there.

Posted (edited)

I will say one thing almost in support of Illingsworth's statement.


As a supporters base, we are known as a complete bunch of p*ssheads... especially when travelling away, which is one of the main reasons why we are a Cat C team, not really to do with our casual reputation.


Think about how many grounds we visit where the bars are closed at half-time...


So it is no surprise that they might have been slightly taken by surprise... the landlord at the Green Man also said it was very busy ( which it would be, remember there was almost 20,000 extra fans on our side of the stadium to what they would normally expect ) ... but he had been liasing with me for the previous couple of weeks about arrangements, what beer to stock etc etc and seemed alot better prepared.

Edited by StuRomseySaint
Fair enough, but when you take your class action case to the high court count me out. I couldn't give a stuff about my tenner not buying me what it said on the poster pinned above the urinals in the Chapel Arms. Good luck though getting your money back, seriously.


Its this kind of attitude that will allow NI and the others to do this to fellow fans time and time again....

Its this kind of attitude that will allow NI and the others to do this to fellow fans time and time again....


Oh give over mush! Don't give him the attention he craves. NI didn't do this to me. Christ, enough of the victim mentality. Caveat Emptor.


I again endorse the green man good beer prices fine entertainment brilliant but what topped it off for me was the guest appearence of the power rangers. I hadnt a clue who they were dressed up at the time but thanks to this forum I have now found out they were the power rangers red army display team


Well done lads


If there is one downside to the green man it has to be not meeting up with Stu of Romsey I was hoping to get him to buy me a pint. He owes me it from a thread way way back , it might even have been a thread on the Saints Forever forum

Oh give over mush! Don't give him the attention he craves. NI didn't do this to me. Christ, enough of the victim mentality. Caveat Emptor.


The concept of caveat emptor doesn't apply to contracts between consumers and businesses or people acting in the course of business.


This wasn't someone having a look at an old motor belonging to a private person and agreeing a price, it was an event advertised and billed in a certain way and run as a business enterprise.

Oh give over mush! Don't give him the attention he craves. NI didn't do this to me. Christ, enough of the victim mentality. Caveat Emptor.


enough of the bend over, pull down tousers and take one mentality...

The concept of caveat emptor doesn't apply to contracts between consumers and businesses or people acting in the course of business.


This wasn't someone having a look at an old motor belonging to a private person and agreeing a price, it was an event advertised and billed in a certain way and run as a business enterprise.


So? There is plenty of crap attractions out there which don't live up to expectations. I bought a lasagna from Tescos the other day and it said on the cover that it was "delicious". Was it ******. It tasted crap. So what? I don't shop at Tescos any more.


So now everyone has learned their lesson about these event organizers. Don't buy a ticket from them again. Move on and enjoy life, just don't get the friggin lawyers involved because then you'll be wasting even more money. If you really want to get even, find out where the ***t who organized it lives and go and pay him a visit.

enough of the bend over, pull down tousers and take one mentality...


Look mush, you are obviously hacked off with yourself for believing the advertising. Sorry buddy that is your look out. It was never going to be a properly organized 'event'. Not in a million years. It had Dell Boy Enterprises written large all over it. Sorry if you feel aggrieved, really do. Just hope you enjoyed the football and the result.


Rumor has it, its co owned by a well known skate called Eddie Crispen, who apparently is laughing all the way to the bank with your money.

Which just makes you all bigger mugs really....

Look mush, you are obviously hacked off with yourself for believing the advertising. Sorry buddy that is your look out. It was never going to be a properly organized 'event'. Not in a million years. It had Dell Boy Enterprises written large all over it. Sorry if you feel aggrieved, really do. Just hope you enjoyed the football and the result.


Mate - I didnt even go to Silverspoons, basically for all the reasons mentioned on here, I knew it would be cr*p (look at my other posts) and stayed well clear.


The reason im acting as devils advocate is that im hacked off with the Saints Trust (or whatever guise they want to go by) and their attitude towards other fans. they think they know it all, yet f*ck up left, right and centre. Their silence during the lowe era was shocking, the ted bates statue, the Saints Aid "event" and now this....they are all gong and no dinner.


BTW - I had a f*cking excellent day thanks very much, saw my team win something at Wembley and had the added joy of watching a football match with my dad for the first time in over 20 years !!!!

Rumor has it, its co owned by a well known skate called Eddie Crispen, who apparently is laughing all the way to the bank with your money.

Which just makes you all bigger mugs really....


Is his hand better yet?

Rumor has it, its co owned by a well known skate called Eddie Crispen, who apparently is laughing all the way to the bank with your money.

Which just makes you all bigger mugs really....

I watched a film once and a pompey fan was a director i suppose he made money from that. I would have thought it is more upsetting that NI was dealing with the man , as he would know him personally to set it all up.
Mate - I didnt even go to Silverspoons, basically for all the reasons mentioned on here, I knew it would be cr*p (look at my other posts) and stayed well clear.


The reason im acting as devils advocate is that im hacked off with the Saints Trust (or whatever guise they want to go by) and their attitude towards other fans. they think they know it all, yet f*ck up left, right and centre. Their silence during the lowe era was shocking, the ted bates statue, the Saints Aid "event" and now this....they are all gong and no dinner.


The saints Trust is just another SISA, no members yet Illingsworth and his cronies still use it as a platform for promoting their own opinions. I had no idea that this COYR thing had anything to do with "that lot".

I had no idea that this COYR thing had anything to do with "that lot".


It was never hidden that NI was involved, the very public Echo article posted on here at the time highlighted his involvement.


sorry but Nick I/saints trust/COYR or what ever they call themselves today are mugging fans off completely...(doesnt seem like the first time either)


dont forget, weekly he/they post articles on the uglies pontificating how more fans should go to games...despite getting fantastic crowds for league 1 (and CCC)


complete rip off by the sounds of it

We won our first trophy in 34 years, yet still people find something to moan about


Everyone enjoyed the day, but they still have a right to complain about being ripped off.

sorry but Nick I/saints trust/COYR or what ever they call themselves today are mugging fans off completely...(doesnt seem like the first time either)


dont forget, weekly he/they post articles on the uglies pontificating how more fans should go to games...despite getting fantastic crowds for league 1 (and CCC)


complete rip off by the sounds of it



And as he said, he'd been there with Everton supporting mates for the Cup final so he should have known the place was complete dump.

We won our first trophy in 34 years, yet still people find something to moan about



For me, I organised 30odd tickets for our supporters group, and feel I owe them some sort of follow-up.

Dont get me wrong we didn't let Sh1tespoons ruin an absolutely top-day out.


What I advertised to my group was what was advertised to me, and hence I also feel I have some responsibility to my fellow TOSSAs / COLSLAWs

Rumor has it, its co owned by a well known skate called Eddie Crispen, who apparently is laughing all the way to the bank with your money.

Which just makes you all bigger mugs really....


I could be wrong but I think he organised the same type of event for that lot down the road when they made (bought I mean) the FA cup final

I could be wrong but I think he organised the same type of event for that lot down the road when they made (bought I mean) the FA cup final


And is doing so again in a fortnight.

The saints Trust is just another SISA, no members yet Illingsworth and his cronies still use it as a platform for promoting their own opinions. I had no idea that this COYR thing had anything to do with "that lot".


and what was wrong with SISA? If I remember rightly we were being managed by some incompetent bloke called Branfoot and it was SISA that initiated some eventual resistance to it, don't remember SRS being too involved back then but I may be wrong?

and what was wrong with SISA? If I remember rightly we were being managed by some incompetent bloke called Branfoot and it was SISA that initiated some eventual resistance to it, don't remember SRS being too involved back then but I may be wrong?


That was then, but much like with the Saints Trust SISA stopped being a supporters group and existed merely as a name used by Richard Chorley and Perry MacMillan to big up their own opinions.

and what was wrong with SISA? If I remember rightly we were being managed by some incompetent bloke called Branfoot and it was SISA that initiated some eventual resistance to it, don't remember SRS being too involved back then but I may be wrong?


Thats like saying that the Saints Trust were behind the protests against Lowe.


Fact is, they werent, they just assumed they were. Just like SISA did all those years ago.

Thats like saying that the Saints Trust were behind the protests against Lowe.


Fact is, they werent, they just assumed they were. Just like SISA did all those years ago.


Illingsworth was spouting off to his media buddies in favour of Lowe!


I agree it was a shambles - overpriced, too loud music, not enough beer etc but I met some good mates there who I hadn't seen for years so was actually pleased I went there. However, reviews from other clubs fans are a bit mixed about the place. Doing a bit of googling I found that Bristol City fans had a great time there. See http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/124452-silverspoons-at-wembley/ but a Villa fan warned it was a dump http://www.astonvilla.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=7504013

Some Pompey fans are also warning it's a dump.

That was then, but much like with the Saints Trust SISA stopped being a supporters group and existed merely as a name used by Richard Chorley and Perry MacMillan to big up their own opinions.


Personally i can't see the difference in what you say that they were like and your mate SRS who is forever spouting his opinion (usually drivel in my opinion), its just these days we have an internet message forum to do it. No one was ever forced to join SISA or The Trust etc, if you have a group then you have to have an opinion I guess and I never hear any of them say "this is what all saints fan want...." etc, if the Echo or BBC asked you what you thought of AP would you decline to answer because you couldn't speak for all 60,000 + Saints fans?

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