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Personally i can't see the difference in what you say that they were like and your mate SRS who is forever spouting his opinion (usually drivel in my opinion), its just these days we have an internet message forum to do it. No one was ever forced to join SISA or The Trust etc, if you have a group then you have to have an opinion I guess and I never hear any of them say "this is what all saints fan want...." etc, if the Echo or BBC asked you what you thought of AP would you decline to answer because you couldn't speak for all 60,000 + Saints fans?


You're having a laugh. Nick Illingsworth often talks about Saints fans thinking this and that followed by his own view.

Thats like saying that the Saints Trust were behind the protests against Lowe.


Fact is, they werent, they just assumed they were. Just like SISA did all those years ago.


simply not true, of course they didn't get rid of Branfoot but I remember meetings whereby fans were encouraged to attend to show their feelings about how he was ruining our club, and plenty of people turned up. And who organised the red card protests at the infamous Newcastle game? What did you do? In fact what have you ever done to lead a cause?

You may well have never been inclined to, which is fair enough but all this griping (in general not neccessarily about Silverspoons) about people who are clearly Saints' fans and on the whole have the club at the heart and most importantly don't just sit behind a computer keyboard under false names etc is really a bit much.

I am not having a go at you personally its just the way things are, its called politics, if you have a group, you have a policy and clearly the agenda is to get that policy across and people agree or disagree, but the constant slagging of Nick is a bit much just because bloody Sky Sports rings him, why don't you give them your number?

You're having a laugh. Nick Illingsworth often talks about Saints fans thinking this and that followed by his own view.


well I know how most Saints fans feel about things on the whole, we hated Rupert, we love Markus, we rate AP etc, etc etc, as i said he is asked and he gives and I don't think he clearly defines his views as everyone elses'.

And once again, he has a view and thats why the media ring him.

Paying £10 to go into a venue with beer is laughable. There was plenty of big bars with cheaper pints and FREE to get into all packed with saints fans.


It's the same as paying a holiday rep on holiday to go on a bar crawl when you can do it yourself for free!!


Most sensible post on the whole thread.Illingsworth is a self serving and now it seems Greedy Muppet,I just hope he gets his due reward, if it is true that he misled punters into believing other outlets would be charging an entry fee,myself I would never pay a Premium to drink an already overpriced Pint unless it was served by a young lady with her 36dd puppies caressing the froth on my ale as she leant over. letch letch!




Reply from COYR to my earlier email.


(I look forward to their reply within the next few days, but am inclined to take them to the small claims court if I don't get a refund, it's important to make sure the club distance themselves from such amateurs...not so botehred about my 60 notes)


We were saddened to read your email this morning about your experiences at Silverspoons.

Whilst we appreciate that some peoples expectations of the day were clearly not reached we do take exception to some of the detailed allegations in your email, nevertheless we also take your issues seriously.

The fact of the matter is we have only had a handful of written complaints from the 2000 attendees at Silverspoons and whilst this is disappointing it does indicate to us that the majority of people present did not feel as negatively about the event as you.

We do take our new business seriously. Whilst we are not experienced event promoters we do have a wealth of business experience on board and are more than capable of running a business professionally. To this end we will endeavour to tackle the points raised in your email objectively and are currently undergoing a full and thorough investigation with all parties involved on the day.

Once we have completed our investigation we will, where appropriate, consider compensating you for any disappointment you and your group experienced as a result of your trip to Silverspoons.

We anticipate being in a position to get back to you in approximately seven days from today, please bare with us.








The COYR Team.


God, I was really pleased we decided to go straight into the stadium to enjoy the atmosphere.


Enjoyed not having to queue for food, or drink. Expensive, but not outrageously so. Decent pizzas and pies.


Talking of pies, we were entertained by the six a side game which seemed to feature the two widest goalkeepers I have ever seen.

Personally i can't see the difference in what you say that they were like and your mate SRS who is forever spouting his opinion (usually drivel in my opinion), its just these days we have an internet message forum to do it. No one was ever forced to join SISA or The Trust etc, if you have a group then you have to have an opinion I guess and I never hear any of them say "this is what all saints fan want...." etc, if the Echo or BBC asked you what you thought of AP would you decline to answer because you couldn't speak for all 60,000 + Saints fans?


I am forever spouting my opinion... yes... on a messageboard, to peoples faces, but not to the press! lol


When I have arranged things before I have never claimed to be doing it 'for the fans' , it's either been to sort my mates out, because I wanted to do it, or to line my own pockets with some profit.


That's the difference. I nearly threw up when I read the marketing article claiming that our charitable friends had worked tirelessly for Saints fans etc... if it was indeed for the fans then I am sure that every penny of the profit will be going to Danny Wallaces charity? Won't it?

simply not true, of course they didn't get rid of Branfoot but I remember meetings whereby fans were encouraged to attend to show their feelings about how he was ruining our club, and plenty of people turned up. And who organised the red card protests at the infamous Newcastle game? What did you do? In fact what have you ever done to lead a cause?

You may well have never been inclined to, which is fair enough but all this griping (in general not neccessarily about Silverspoons) about people who are clearly Saints' fans and on the whole have the club at the heart and most importantly don't just sit behind a computer keyboard under false names etc is really a bit much.

I am not having a go at you personally its just the way things are, its called politics, if you have a group, you have a policy and clearly the agenda is to get that policy across and people agree or disagree, but the constant slagging of Nick is a bit much just because bloody Sky Sports rings him, why don't you give them your number?


- I was at the SISA meeting at Northlands Road back in the Branfoot era

- I took part in the sit down protests in the car park after games at the Dell, and the "temporary" sit in protest after the sky Newcastle game

- I (with friends) was responsible for the "Lowe Out" banner in the Northam at the Ipswich game

- I helpded hand out "Lowe Out" cards at SMS.




Back to the subject of the thread, did anybody take any photos of Silverspoons? I would have thought that photographic evidence of what people are complaining about, would add wait to their arguments.

Back to the subject of the thread, did anybody take any photos of Silverspoons? I would have thought that photographic evidence of what people are complaining about, would add wait to their arguments.


I think they would prefer to get it sorted quickly.


I watched videos of the Silver Spoon on YouTube before this debacle errupted and could see for myself that it was an utter dive. Just take a look of it on Street View.

People should have done their research before shelling out a tenner and moaning.


There is something in the Echo today about this silverspoons event. Basically the organiser says it was a victime of its own success. He doesnt mention anything about the fact it was overcrowded and cash bungs where being taken on the door. The 'run out of draught' scam so start serving more profitbale cans instead also is not discussed.


I do hope people who felt scammed by this event take legal action as thousands of pounds where made in profit.


Saints Fans Party at Silverspoons: Wembley.wmv Southampton FC



Just found this I see what people mean about the music!

Saints Fans Party at Silverspoons: Wembley.wmv Southampton FC



Just found this I see what people mean about the music!


Everyone seems quite happy in that video though.

- I was at the SISA meeting at Northlands Road back in the Branfoot era

- I took part in the sit down protests in the car park after games at the Dell, and the "temporary" sit in protest after the sky Newcastle game

- I (with friends) was responsible for the "Lowe Out" banner in the Northam at the Ipswich game

- I helpded hand out "Lowe Out" cards at SMS.




yes I was there too mate, at all those and did a few other things to keep the momentum going..


I'm not havin a go at you personally or SRS, i might not agree with what you say, I don't always agree with what NI says, but he's asked and as i said, i don't believe he thinks he's the self confessed voice of Saints fans'.

And i am not defending this Silverspoons malarky, I have just met someone who was there and they told me it was terribble, and Nick should sort something out.


Its just some people on here clearly have a problem with Ni, it seems personal and most of the comments are perhaps unneccesssary.

Everyone seems quite happy in that video though.

yep 1min 30 of fans arsing around, taken from 9am - 1pm and then up to 7pm after the game.

Personally IMO there will be lots of people like myself who will moan and let it go.

There is always another day and those people who are trying this new professional business COYR will find that those 2000 people will remember the episode and tell their friends who will in turn not trust anything this organisation ever put forward. no doubt the Echo will get plenty of fans giving their opinion that they should not publicise their events again.

I feel that the mealy mouthed statement will not do any good. Instead of coming aout and saying 'Yes it was not as good as they hoped, we will refund any disatisfied customers if they can provide tickets' (not many would be left in possession)

That would have gone a long way to appease the many who were not happy. To say that the majority enjoyed the venue is a nonsense IMO, and of course the adrenyline filled day was always going to not let this ruin our fabulous day.

It is a major gaff and shortterm gain that in the long run cost them many future customers.

yes I was there too mate, at all those and did a few other things to keep the momentum going..


I'm not havin a go at you personally or SRS, i might not agree with what you say, I don't always agree with what NI says, but he's asked and as i said, i don't believe he thinks he's the self confessed voice of Saints fans'.

And i am not defending this Silverspoons malarky, I have just met someone who was there and they told me it was terribble, and Nick should sort something out.


Its just some people on here clearly have a problem with Ni, it seems personal and most of the comments are perhaps unneccesssary.


I have a problem with anyone claiming to be 'Chairman of Saints Trust / SISA / COYR' or any other organisation which does not exist. It's nothing personal against Nick, I don't approve of any of the Saints Trust or 'usual crowd' ... I put up with Steve Grant because he's not a bad bloke when he's not being a geek and is someone i know personally.


I would love to have sympathy for Nick, but when you are happy to be such a public figure when things are going good... be prepared to be shot down when things go wrong.


There is no personal vendetta... N.I / Saints Trust / SISA and other the other uber fans f*ck things up time and time again, it's more about publicity than any other reason.


I was involved as a committee member of SISA along with many others including Nick and Clive Foley. we were all involved with fanzines at that time. In the early days we co-ordinated the protests against Branfoot and the board. Anyone who thinks they didn't have a major influence in events then quite frankly hasn't got a clue.


In the first year or so we actually did things for club and at end of season did Sponsored walk to West Ham and raised £5,000 for Saints trust.


After Branfoot had been dismissed SISA had really achieved it's aims and the Committee got taken over by Perry and got political many committee members and most members left in the next couple of years, although before this happened a couple of pre-season meet the manager and players seasons where held (this was before Solent started their events)


SISA in reality hasn't existed for yearts although several still use the name for their own purposes.

I was involved as a committee member of SISA along with many others including Nick and Clive Foley. we were all involved with fanzines at that time. In the early days we co-ordinated the protests against Branfoot and the board. Anyone who thinks they didn't have a major influence in events then quite frankly hasn't got a clue.


In the first year or so we actually did things for club and at end of season did Sponsored walk to West Ham and raised £5,000 for Saints trust.


After Branfoot had been dismissed SISA had really achieved it's aims and the Committee got taken over by Perry and got political many committee members and most members left in the next couple of years, although before this happened a couple of pre-season meet the manager and players seasons where held (this was before Solent started their events)


SISA in reality hasn't existed for yearts although several still use the name for their own purposes.


Good post, exactly how it was and is now, the question is do e need a group that we can all support.

I understand SRS's concerns about The trust and people like Perry and Rich Chorley, its valid especially the ST supporting RL, that was pretty unacceptable by anyone's standards!


Though things are going well at the moment they have gone well before, even during the tenure of RL, remember this is not ML's club, its ours and we will always need to be heard by those running it.

I'm sure he didn't buy it for us, it's his club but trust he will be sensitive toward those that he relys upon to sustain it.


yeah, he bought it as a business venture, but Saints fans' have outlived every owner/chairman etc since it began, so 'metophorically' speaking, it is our club.

yeah, he bought it as a business venture, but Saints fans' have outlived every owner/chairman etc since it began, so 'metophorically' speaking, it is our club.


Classic Truth.The striped shirts and fans singing OWTS will out live us all, even Marcus, God bless him.


Saint Till I Die!



ha ha ha ha.


What a ****ing ****hole. LOL at about 40 secs when they're playing some weird music and everyones trying to sing.

I'm sure he didn't buy it for us, it's his club but trust he will be sensitive toward those that he relys upon to sustain it.


He is a Guardian of SFC as we ALL are, it is just that his wealth and position give him more responsibility, Rupert Lowe abused this position of power and damaged the Great Institution that is SFC,I think history will be kinder to Marcus.


Saint Till I Die!


The only problem i have with Illingsworth is that he feels he is the voice of the fans and what he says is gospel.

The only problem i have with Illingsworth is that he feels he is the voice of the fans and what he says is gospel.


at what point did he say that?


as the small group of fans who post on here can't agree on anything not sure how anyone could claim to speak on behalf of all fans?


Personally don't see the need or benefit for all these "fans on the board" things, let owners own, boards run the club, managers manage, players play and supporter support - or is that too simple?

at what point did he say that?


When he has been on SSN. You don't speak on there on `behalf of the fans` if you don't think you are the voice of them.





So it's the customers fault now for drinking to much beer :rolleyes:

The ' takeaway' next door was the size of a toilet cubicle and only sold tea and cheese rolls .

I wasn't that bothered that the place was horrendous on the day but nick is out of order here. Oh well i guess all those i saw ****ing in the toilet sinks was no bad thing after all.

but organiser nick illingsworth, of the saints trust





Illingsworth, right, who runs Come On You Reds!




GIVE UP FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When he has been on SSN. You don't speak on there on `behalf of the fans` if you don't think you are the voice of them.

Sorry, but that's absolute ********.


Are you saying all those fans who were interviewed before and after the game on Sunday claim to be the voice of the fans as well? Including the 6-year-olds?


Nick is the person the media usually turn to for quotes and opinions because a) his job allows him to be available at short notice which makes it convenient for the journalist(s) running the story, b) he has a "title" (i.e. his involvement with the trust, regardless of what any of us think of that particular organisation) which lends credibility to any quote, and c) he's proven over a number of years to be reliable.


It's not because the media necessarily think that Nick is particularly well-spoken or representative that they go to him every time, it's because they run to tight schedules and know that he's always available. If anyone else wants to get their mug on SSN, put in the groundwork, prove you're reliable, get yourself in a position where there is a certain degree of trust from the fanbase (and despite the various protestations on here, there are a lot of people who know and respect Nick and his views), and I'm sure Sky et al will be falling at your feet. Until someone else does that, they're always going to go to Nick for Saints opinions.




So it's the customers fault now for drinking to much beer :rolleyes:

The ' takeaway' next door was the size of a toilet cubicle and only sold tea and cheese rolls .

I wasn't that bothered that the place was horrendous on the day but nick is out of order here. Oh well i guess all those i saw ****ing in the toilet sinks was no bad thing after all.

Just reading that garbage makes you feel ill. I was prepared to give NI some slack but him coming on and making out the fans drunk too much!!! lol.They couldnt get to the bars to be able to.

It even says the doors were advertised to open at 9 and fans turned up at 9.30. No the fans were left waiting until 9.30 for them to open the doors.

COYR will never manage to get the confidence of the fans by shirking when mistakes are made.


The whole situation is bizarre.


I've not really got too much of an issue with them deflecting the blame onto Silverspoons themselves (they were clearly woefully understaffed and understocked), but to suggest it's the fans' fault really isn't going to help their cause :lol:


I'm led to believe (not from Nick, by the way) that they genuinely were acting as agents for the event and that they only received a small percentage of the ticket money. If that is the case then I think the main question mark for me is their pretty poor business skills - as promoters and ticket agents, I'd have expected them to take the bulk of the money with the venue making their money over the bar. As an aside, from what I've heard, the venue owners aren't the sort of people to get involved with. A very harsh lesson for all concerned, IMO.

The whole situation is bizarre.


I've not really got too much of an issue with them deflecting the blame onto Silverspoons themselves (they were clearly woefully understaffed and understocked), but to suggest it's the fans' fault really isn't going to help their cause :lol:


I'm led to believe (not from Nick, by the way) that they genuinely were acting as agents for the event and that they only received a small percentage of the ticket money. If that is the case then I think the main question mark for me is their pretty poor business skills - as promoters and ticket agents, I'd have expected them to take the bulk of the money with the venue making their money over the bar. As an aside, from what I've heard, the venue owners aren't the sort of people to get involved with. A very harsh lesson for all concerned, IMO.


I have heard that one of the 'agents' is a certain P*mpey type with a limp-wrist.


Have you heard the same?

I have heard that one of the 'agents' is a certain P*mpey type with a limp-wrist.


Have you heard the same?

Can't say I have. Wouldn't overly surprise me considering Pompey are also going to be using the venue next week.

Sorry, but that's absolute ********.


Are you saying all those fans who were interviewed before and after the game on Sunday claim to be the voice of the fans as well? Including the 6-year-olds?


Nick is the person the media usually turn to for quotes and opinions because a) his job allows him to be available at short notice which makes it convenient for the journalist(s) running the story, b) he has a "title" (i.e. his involvement with the trust, regardless of what any of us think of that particular organisation) which lends credibility to any quote, and c) he's proven over a number of years to be reliable.


It's not because the media necessarily think that Nick is particularly well-spoken or representative that they go to him every time, it's because they run to tight schedules and know that he's always available. If anyone else wants to get their mug on SSN, put in the groundwork, prove you're reliable, get yourself in a position where there is a certain degree of trust from the fanbase (and despite the various protestations on here, there are a lot of people who know and respect Nick and his views), and I'm sure Sky et al will be falling at your feet. Until someone else does that, they're always going to go to Nick for Saints opinions.


+1, exactly

This is boring me now as many have said stop moaning its only a tenner, and remember for the future that nick is a ***** and next time go to the Green Man where is free and good!!!!


It's not a tenner though is it? It's collectively as Saints fans £20,000

This is boring me now as many have said stop moaning its only a tenner, and remember for the future that nick is a ***** and next time go to the Green Man where is free and good!!!!


Think you will find it was more than a 'tenner' for some, those who put faith in the organisers lost more than a tenner they lost face, one I know took a coach load there, as you may imagine he was ribbed on the day and continues, even last night, to be ribbed, this is someone who organises things on mass on a regular basis, you can guess what will be brought up at the next event, some may have arranged to meet family on the day and suggested meeting at this superdooper place that willl accomodate all and the list could go on, NI is fortunate that we won otherwise I am sure the number of complaints would have increased 10 fold

remember this is not ML's club, its ours and we will always need to be heard by those running it.


There is no 'we'. Saints have 40,000+ fans with 40,000 different opinions on how things should be run, what the team should be, who the manager should be etc. Anyone who claims 'Saints fans think this...' is either dishonest or deluded.


Well I went to that sh*thole of a dump and paid my £10 (well our party had about 25 tickets in all) It was the wrose place I'd ever seen and the ladies toilets were something else, practically a health hazzard I'd say....(I've taken plenty of photo's to back this up too) an utter rip off.....and yes I've been on the consumer law website too!!!!


back to the football, it was an excellent afternoon...

Well I went to that sh*thole of a dump and paid my £10 (well our party had about 25 tickets in all) It was the wrose place I'd ever seen and the ladies toilets were something else, practically a health hazzard I'd say....(I've taken plenty of photo's to back this up too) an utter rip off.....and yes I've been on the consumer law website too!!!!


back to the football, it was an excellent afternoon...

post the pics on here, then perhaps some of the told you so's will see that it was a disgrace, better still send them to the Echo and they might then not let NI get away with the 'the majority had a great day'

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