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Mexican Wave


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Only individuals experiencing significant levels of retardation enjoy Mexican waves - FACT.


Whether you are being sarcastic, ironic, moronic or serious, you have just lowered the level of this forum. I don't know why it is that people like you find it funny or quirky or maybe it just makes you feel big, I generally think it's a 'look at me' moment. One where you just want everyone to look at you and laugh or think you’re a really great bloke. Trouble is, most human beings on this forum would still look at you and have pity.


Using somebody else's issues, that you obviously have no knowledge of, in such an off the cuff comment, a throw away comment if you like, goes to show how shallow and self centred 'people' can be. Many on here were having a laugh, having a jibe, but then it goes too far. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Am I the moral police? Not by a long way, I just find the infantile way people deal with certain illness and disability, repugnant.

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Whether you are being sarcastic, ironic, moronic or serious, you have just lowered the level of this forum. I don't know why it is that people like you find it funny or quirky or maybe it just makes you feel big, I generally think it's a 'look at me' moment. One where you just want everyone to look at you and laugh or think you’re a really great bloke. Trouble is, most human beings on this forum would still look at you and have pity.


Using somebody else's issues, that you obviously have no knowledge of, in such an off the cuff comment, a throw away comment if you like, goes to show how shallow and self centred 'people' can be. Many on here were having a laugh, having a jibe, but then it goes too far. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Am I the moral police? Not by a long way, I just find the infantile way people deal with certain illness and disability, repugnant.


Perhaps a slight overreaction, [but then I maybe becoming numb to all the put downs] but well said, JS. If people are not interested in what is an obvious example of a fun topic, then don't comment at all.

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Mexican waves are for happy clappy face paint wearing replica kit buy saddos.


Disagree. Just plastic part-timers who have no interest in football. Ceased being big or clever in 1984 at the LA Olympics and was already tedious by 1986 when it got stolen for the Mexico World Cup.


I don't mind standing, I don't mind sitting, but being forced to hover between either for a few minutes just because a load of dickwads haven't got the attention span to watch what's going on on the pitch is not for me.


There was one last year at the Rose Bowl during 20/20 cricket, at which I am EXACTLY the kind of plastic know-nothing sport tourist loser that I hate at football, but I'm pretty sure I didn't join in nevertheless.


I'd rather sit and miss a second or two than encourage it, as it just says "we're so bored with the on-field stuff that we have to make our own entertainment".


I think it's a bit insulting to the players as it implies that nothing the team does meets the interest of those watching and they'd rather be doing something else. Especially irritating when we're 4 goals up in a Cup final at Wembley.

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Mmm, the irony is that a lot of the people who like the Mexican wave are those that would be critical of the Northam lot and the regular away fans who stand at games.


I can't stand the Mexican wave. I should imagine that watching that on the TV would have been by some distance the highlight of a miserable weekend for Skates fans.


Is that irony ? I'm not sure.


The low point of my day was actually being asked to sit down by a couple of 10-year olds behind us. They were so bloody polite we did it, even though it was annoying the shiit out of me to do so whilst four goals ahead and in one of the bits around a load of people that were actually singing and having a bloody good time.


Even the "sit down" steward had such a massive grin on his face and was SO terrible with his timing that didn't bother me at all.


I wouldn't have had a problem with the 50,000+ Saints fans all disco-ing, and even being at Fleet Services with shirts everywhere and everyone just stupidly smiley after dark was brilliant, but Mexican Wave my ar555e.

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People are so bl00dy precious on here. I hate the Mexican wave and never join in but why slag off anyone who wants to do it, whatever their motivation. I hate the 'We're the Northam/Itchen/Kingsland chants too and NEVER join in with them either but I wouldn't dream of telling anyone to STFU! People have paid there money and have the right (within ground regulations) to do, shout, sing whatever they like.

Edited by krissyboy31
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Disagree. Just plastic part-timers who have no interest in football. Ceased being big or clever in 1984 at the LA Olympics and was already tedious by 1986 when it got stolen for the Mexico World Cup.


I don't mind standing, I don't mind sitting, but being forced to hover between either for a few minutes just because a load of dickwads haven't got the attention span to watch what's going on on the pitch is not for me.


There was one last year at the Rose Bowl during 20/20 cricket, at which I am EXACTLY the kind of plastic know-nothing sport tourist loser that I hate at football, but I'm pretty sure I didn't join in nevertheless.


I'd rather sit and miss a second or two than encourage it, as it just says "we're so bored with the on-field stuff that we have to make our own entertainment".


I think it's a bit insulting to the players as it implies that nothing the team does meets the interest of those watching and they'd rather be doing something else. Especially irritating when we're 4 goals up in a Cup final at Wembley.


Well next time none of us will come if that makes you happy.


All you uber fans numbering less than 10,000 can have your sad little day at wembley with no celebrations or fun and trudge home back to your pathetic little lives wishing we were back in the prem getting beat every week.


I bet you were screaming at the kids around to sit the ***** down as the wave came by, ****ing victor meldrew

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i found people turning round and singing at the rest of the fans with back to the game more annoying and w*nky tbh. But then i do most weeks. Think jb hits the nail on the head tbh


you might have been sat near me then cause there was 3 or 4 guys at the front that spent more time looking back at us waving there arms about then they did watching the game. That only encouraged the knob sat in front of us to not only stand up so we had to stand up to see the game but also to stand on his chair and give it the biggun to I dont know who. My friends 8 year old was sat right behind him so she didnt have a chance to see when he stood up let alone when he stood on his chair.


As for the Mexican wave, I thought it was fun and from where I was sat it looked pretty impressive as mexican waves go. Only really got going on the top tier and was funny to see it stop every time it got to the Blue few who were not enjoying the afternoon as much as we were.


Found out later that the waves were started in the block one of my bro's was sat and they all had great fun getting it going.


Its the type of thing that is fun at Wembley but I wouldnt want to see it at SMS.

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maybe next time we get to a game like this the club could organising the ticketing a little better. Sell blocks from st marys together unless the people specifically request not to be there (the Northam behind the goal etc).


This would sort out both the atmosphere - which i thought was pretty poor in Wembley - the standing arguments and let those that want to do things like mexican waves (i'm going to stick my neck out and say not many Itchen/Northam/Kingsland north types like them) do them.


Still no point arguing about this since it was just ****ing fantastic to see so many Saints at a game and hopefully there's a load of kids/jcls that'll now be properly converted and start coming again. At the end of the day if we want that sort of size crowd at SMS we need them hooked somehow (just need to get them to learn the songs now!)

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Still no point arguing about this since it was just ****ing fantastic to see so many Saints at a game and hopefully there's a load of kids/jcls that'll now be properly converted and start coming again. At the end of the day if we want that sort of size crowd at SMS we need them hooked somehow (just need to get them to learn the songs now!)


All very well a section of posters on here coming forth to give their views that Mexican Waves, face painting and silly hats are all juvenile and annoying, but you hit the nail on the head. These types of activity are associated with families attending events like this and Mum and Dad throwing off their stuffy dignity to encourage the enjoyment and sense of belonging for their children, who can have fun and take away happy memories of the occasion.


If that means that many hundreds of youngsters began their first initiation into becoming life-long fans of the Saints, where is the harm in that? On the Wembley way, I encountered somebody who we used to sit next to at The Dell, a managing director of a decent sized local company in a respectable profession. He was there with his wife and children, his face and hair covered with paint in red and white stripes, as were theirs.


As many others have said already, the correct approach is an attitude of live and let live instead of arrogant judgment. Ironic that some of those embarrassed with these things belong to the swill eight pints and puke, swear and generally make themselves look like idiots through unsociable behaviour brigade.

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Ironic that some of those embarrassed with these things belong to the swill eight pints and puke, swear and generally make themselves look like idiots through unsociable behaviour brigade.


Woah there a sec, that's more than a little judgemental yourself. Personally i was on the **** from 9am till 4am and had a ****ing great laugh. I just think it'll hopefully help us get more fans in the future.


For what it's worth though i'd rather we had less facepaints and more vocal fans as our away support, but everyone needs to start somewhere and a fun day like this can get people involved.


For me the best away support is United's, loud; loyal; travel in numbers and you don't see many of them wearing colours do you?

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Woah there a sec, that's more than a little judgemental yourself. Personally i was on the **** from 9am till 4am and had a ****ing great laugh. I just think it'll hopefully help us get more fans in the future.


For what it's worth though i'd rather we had less facepaints and more vocal fans as our away support, but everyone needs to start somewhere and a fun day like this can get people involved.


For me the best away support is United's, loud; loyal; travel in numbers and you don't see many of them wearing colours do you?


It is fairly easy to be loyal when you are winning champions leagues and Premier Leagues.

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Fair point, maybe i should've used Brisaal city as an example then. Still take numbers and make a **** load of racket but without the happy clappy stuff.


Mind you there IS still a place for that, since that's how some nippers get into the game. Just would personally prefer both SMS and our away support to be a little more intimidating in the ground (but still decent out of it).


Oh and to stick one last oar in - seeing as it's my last post - i think it's great to see the older lot at games too, shame we can't find a way of making sure those that need to be seated aren't near the front so they can be. We should never forget those old boys (and women) are our heritage, they've done it and they've earned the right to see every game whether we want to stand or not.

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Woah there a sec, that's more than a little judgemental yourself.


Was I being judgemental? I was just making the point, judge not lest you be judged also. I also stated my opinion that the most reasonable viewpoint was one of live and let live. I have no objection to those who went out on the lash, provided that they behaved themselves and the same applies to those who got their enjoyment through Mexican waves, face paint, dressing up, etc.

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we really do have some miserable bastards who support our club


Indeed. I despair at Saints' fans at times and I'm one of them. Apparently I'm not a real fan if I'm enjoying myself or perhaps I'm a "lower division" fan who isn't as good as a miserable "upper division fan" who takes his life so seriously that he has no tolerence of others with a differing approach to supporting my/his team.


Some people on here aren't happy unless they are moaning. We won 4-1 at Wembley in Pardew's first season at the club. We have an ambitious chairman and an owner willing to spend his money so he can use his digital camera and yet, there are people here who need negativity so must seek it out at all costs. If there was no Mexican wave then it would be the face paint or the hats or the number of toilets or the angle of the tiers or the fact that only people who don't smile should be allowed to go to Wembley and anyway, you can't be a real fan if you purchased a ticket for the upper tier blah blah blah.


Let's no lose sight of the fact that Wembley has always been a "day out" and should been enjoyed. I remember the Cup Final in '03. The fans were great and the commentators at the game were commenting on how good our fans were and enjoying their dat at Wembley. Many of us at the stadium were commenting on how miserable the Arsenal fans were - I hope we don't ever get to the point where the majority of Saints fans feel they have to "behave" to appease the grumpy old men.

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Typical cringeworthy crap that we come out with these days - sod the bloody wave and START SINGING FFS! We were slient for 95% of that match Sunday, THAT was embarrasing!


When I was a nipper, I wasn't 'won over' into supporting Saints by Mexcian Waves, I was won over by the electric atmosphere at The Dell - something which these days we seem to have abandoned in favour of going after the 'armchair fan' market.

Edited by Thorpe-le-Saint
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