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P!ssing in the shower


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does no harm, used to take a slash in the sink in my room at uni after a night out from time to time.


Guilty - although I didn't go to uni but did in a hotel that only had a sink in the room.


Also guilty of p1ssing on my misses Yucca plant in the middle of the night when p1ssed up (don't remember a thing myself)


Mate p1ssed in a mates larder, all over the cornflakes, he was right mashed at the time:smt119

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Everyone p*sses in the shower but only a few of us sh*t in there as well.


Here's another question for you:

Ask a question and have "yay" and "nay" as possible answers?


Yay or Nay?


Is that even a question, or am I just missing a joke here? :smt119

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I like to p*ss on myself, not necessarily when I take a shower either. I'm sure there's a club or summat for people like us. Who fancies meeting up in the Wemberlee toilets?


Shame we aren't wearing yellow on Sunday.


Why wait, what are you doing now?

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I can pee all over the girlfriend's shampoo and lady razor, thus continuing my secret vendetta against her. She's unknowingly eaten so many of my pubes since we began dating that I'm suprised she hasn't coughed up a hairball.

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I can pee all over the girlfriend's shampoo and lady razor, thus continuing my secret vendetta against her. She's unknowingly eaten so many of my pubes since we began dating that I'm suprised she hasn't coughed up a hairball.

She has, but it was at my house.

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