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Ar$e and elbow.


Phoned this morning: man said "if they don't arrive today phone back tomorrow and we'll print you duplicates"


Postie doesn't deliver so i phone again this afternoon and woman says "if they don't arrive by FRIDAY phone up and we'll fax wembley and you can pick up tickets on Sunday"


Right. So i wait until froday afternoon and rely on (a) the phone beiong anserwed, (b) someone faxing wembley © Wembley getting it (d) Wembley printing tickets and (e) me getting there early enough to join the queue of 1000 others also wanting tickets.


It'll be a long wait of "photo identity?" "Haven't got it - wwhere's my tickets" "I need proof of..."etc etc etc . Argue argue, 5 minutes per person, 6 ticket windows open, that's, errrr, 15 hours.


Gget there early.


Joke - why not post them out even just one week earlier?????




Not received mine yet ordered fairly early.


Keep trying the ticket office and keep getting record voice message stating: 'All operators are busy call back later'.


So don't rely on getting through to the ticket office. I've just sent an e-mail and hopefully will get a response.


Heres Hoping


It's really quite bad. I turned up at the stadium to ask where my tickets were, at lunch.


I was told my order "hadn't been processed."


Thankfully the supervisor sorted it out and got me two tickets (not together mind you) but I paid cash.... Now if I'd been allowed to pay cash beforehand I wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place...



Really, really poor customer service...

I really hope all your tickets turn up on time.


Royal Mail has turned into a f**king disgrace in recent years. I was regularly left fretting the arrival in time of things before I left.


I was reading a story a few weeks ago of a sorting office manager who unusally was willing to help with sorting, then one day it was discovered he was opening anything that looked like a kiddie's birthday card, stealing the money and binning the cards.


In the lead-up to the Xmas before I left the UK, we were getting our deliveries at 8:30pm...

It's TNT not Royal Mail thats fcked up.

no tickets and a little depressed.

still tomorrow is Wednesday


Chase them up man! Mistakes are being made, they might not have even processed your ticket!


Call them right away!

I have been told by the ticket office that we can pick up duplicates from St Marys.


*$%*% !!!


Now I read this, still having no bl00dy tickets and having driven a round trip of 400 miles to St Mary's for the game last night.


Please tell me it's wrong and I couldn't have picked them up. :(

Posted (edited)

This really is appalling. It's over a month since I ordered my tickets, received confirmation and had money taken, and 4 days from the game, still no tickets.


Mods - any chance of changing the thread title to Very ANGRY thread for those STILL waiting for tickets? Because I am.

Edited by Shroppie
Additional annoyance/anger
Still waiting for my 5 tickets to arrive. Postman isn't due until 11am. I've got everything crossed they'll arrive


I'm teaching until 8pm and my wife isn't back until gone 5pm so even if they don't turn up I can't do anything about it until Thursday!

Why the fook couldn't people turn up at the ticket office and just buy tickets is beyond me! Why did everything have to be posted ???


Why was I made to supply card details when actually at St Marys, only for the order to be ****ed up and then have to pay cash at the ground? Why didn't they accept cash straight away?

Why are they sending tickets out alphabetically?

Why is the timing of delivery so way out? I know of people who ordered their tickets straight away and are still waiting for their tickets whilst people who bought them afterwards have got theirs?

I really feel for all those being messed about but I really think if you haven't got them yet, if you can, go to the ticket office as they could very well have screwed up your order as well....


Just phoned up to be added to the "duplicates list".


Saints ticket office staff will be at the "West Ticket Office" at Wembley on Sunday morning and they will be able to print off duplicates. Proof of ID will be required, along with the order number.


If tickets arrive in the post in the meantime they will still be valid.


I saved the best bit until last. The ticket office staff are traveling up on the supporters coaches, so the ticket office will be open from around 10.30am on Sunday at Wembley.


So, in event of any incidents on the roads on Sunday morning or even just extremely heavy traffic (surely not) the staff may not arrive and be ready to print duplicates until later.


Big question is how many people have not received there tickets (and won't receive them by Sunday)? At the moment I would guess it is running into 1000's. Unless the majority of the missing tickets turn up in the next few days, it is going to be a shambles at Wembley come Sunday lunchtime.


Why the hell do they keep saying different things.I was told yesterday that duplicates can be picked up from St Marys before the weekend.


Still no sign of 32 tickets purchased one hour into the sale on the first day. Called the number, got the call centre in Devon. Duplicates organised to be collected from 9.30 onwards on Sunday.

They suggested I called the club which I did. Young Lady answered, told me they were sent out between Monday & Friday of last week.

I asked for my Service charge of £3 per ticket to be refunded, and she said half of it goes to Wembley, and the Club will NOT refund the balance of this.

So thats it ! Tough Luck eh ?

Still at least I have the pleasure of queuing up with hundreds of other Saints Fans on Sunday Morning, when I could be chilling out having a Pint in the Green Man with all my mates.


As starter of this thread, I have to apologise for leaving it, but I also delighted at last to be able to desert to the world of smugness. Finally dropped on my doorstep by a totally knackered pigeon (who was wearing a very smart red and white flying suit - impressed with that bit).


Good luck to all those still waiting.

Still no sign of 32 tickets purchased one hour into the sale on the first day. Called the number, got the call centre in Devon. Duplicates organised to be collected from 9.30 onwards on Sunday.

They suggested I called the club which I did. Young Lady answered, told me they were sent out between Monday & Friday of last week.

I asked for my Service charge of £3 per ticket to be refunded, and she said half of it goes to Wembley, and the Club will NOT refund the balance of this.

So thats it ! Tough Luck eh ?

Still at least I have the pleasure of queuing up with hundreds of other Saints Fans on Sunday Morning, when I could be chilling out having a Pint in the Green Man with all my mates.


Same, bring a few beers for the queue!


Half of our tickets arrived (second of two orders), which produced a half baked sigh of relief, although it looks like I will still be queuing up outside wembley with all the others that incurred the £3 per ticket booking fee!


I guess the other half of our order is still stuck in the van that broke down on Friday (still amazed at that excuse)!


Disappointing... However... Que Sera Sera!

My tickets arrived this morning thank god.



How about a "thanks Ticket Office and your overworked staff for delivering as you said you would all along, sorry if I got a bit overheated in the last few days - it's just a bit stressful waiting for such valued tickets"?


No? Thought not!

How about a "thanks Ticket Office and your overworked staff for delivering as you said you would all along, sorry if I got a bit overheated in the last few days - it's just a bit stressful waiting for such valued tickets"?


No? Thought not!


Apology from the club / Wembley / royal / TNT for those still waiting?


No? Thought not!


Still waiting for mine!! :(


The ticket office have printed me duplicates that I can collect on the day with proof of purchase/order number etc.


They said 'make sure you leave extra time to collect tickets' I'm now worried I'll be in a queue outside of Wembley for hours.


My family, friends and I have ordered 24 tickets, they have been paid for!


My husband rang the ticket office yesterday, only to be told that they (st mary`s booking office) have had nothing to do with sending them, as they came from somewhere else! Also was told, that if they had not arrived bt Thursday, to ring the Wembley ticket office helpline! Whatever that may be!


We do feel let down, as we ordered ours on the first day, being season ticket holders as well. Only to find friends recieving there tickets on the 15th, after booking their tickets during the second phase!


Yes I am worried! If the postie has nicked them, I will set my dog on him! lol



How about a "thanks Ticket Office and your overworked staff for delivering as you said you would all along, sorry if I got a bit overheated in the last few days - it's just a bit stressful waiting for such valued tickets"?


No? Thought not!


Considering you only have 3 posts a day i'm flattered you devote them all to me.



Still no sign of 32 tickets purchased one hour into the sale on the first day. Called the number, got the call centre in Devon. Duplicates organised to be collected from 9.30 onwards on Sunday.

They suggested I called the club which I did. Young Lady answered, told me they were sent out between Monday & Friday of last week.

I asked for my Service charge of £3 per ticket to be refunded, and she said half of it goes to Wembley, and the Club will NOT refund the balance of this.

So thats it ! Tough Luck eh ?

Still at least I have the pleasure of queuing up with hundreds of other Saints Fans on Sunday Morning, when I could be chilling out having a Pint in the Green Man with all my mates.




you've been lied to! half of that booking fee does not go to Wembley, I know this because Carlisle charged no booking fees whatsoever



you've been lied to! half of that booking fee does not go to Wembley, I know this because Carlisle charged no booking fees whatsoever


Um yes they did


£3 adults £1.75 juniors

My family, friends and I have ordered 24 tickets, they have been paid for!


My husband rang the ticket office yesterday, only to be told that they (st mary`s booking office) have had nothing to do with sending them, as they came from somewhere else! Also was told, that if they had not arrived bt Thursday, to ring the Wembley ticket office helpline! Whatever that may be!


We do feel let down, as we ordered ours on the first day, being season ticket holders as well. Only to find friends recieving there tickets on the 15th, after booking their tickets during the second phase!


Yes I am worried! If the postie has nicked them, I will set my dog on him! lol




You have been lied to because our ticket office did send them out.

Still no sign of 32 tickets purchased one hour into the sale on the first day. Called the number, got the call centre in Devon. Duplicates organised to be collected from 9.30 onwards on Sunday.

They suggested I called the club which I did. Young Lady answered, told me they were sent out between Monday & Friday of last week.

I asked for my Service charge of £3 per ticket to be refunded, and she said half of it goes to Wembley, and the Club will NOT refund the balance of this.

So thats it ! Tough Luck eh ?

Still at least I have the pleasure of queuing up with hundreds of other Saints Fans on Sunday Morning, when I could be chilling out having a Pint in the Green Man with all my mates.

A mate of mine rang the t/o today as his tickets havn't arrived. He was told he would have to collect duplicates from Wembley. Now the hard bit to believe that 10, yes only 10 other people are having to do the same as of 4pm today

i will be queing at wembley to pick up 14 tickets it's a nightmare


kepp your fingers crossed mate they may still come in the post.

A mate of mine rang the t/o today as his tickets havn't arrived. He was told he would have to collect duplicates from Wembley. Now the hard bit to believe that 10, yes only 10 other people are having to do the same as of 4pm today


What utter cr*p. There's a lot more than 10 people on this forum who haven't received their tickets (I'm one of them). How many hundreds will be queuing at the West ticket office waiting for it to open at 10.30 on Sunday? (That's assuming the coach carrying the ticket office staff arrives on time/at all)


Perhaps someone could start a poll - "have you received your tickets" Yes/No to guage the extent of the problem and likely queue length.


My biggest gripe about this whole saga is the lack of information from the ticket office. I was told today that tickets were still being sent out "over the weekend" (ie not all sent out by Friday, as stated) and orders placed on the first day were the last to be sent out.


I'm sorry but surely there comes a time when the ticket office is proactive and addresses this situation rather than just sitting there directing people to other offices? Grab the bull by the horns and be proactive ffs!


Get on the phone to Wembley, get the ability to print tickets at St Marys. To just direct people to Wembley is just shameful! There are going to be masses of people queuing for their tickets, I can see people missing the kick off.


Maybe I'm too critical as they balls my order up, didn't process it and if I hadn't have turned up on Tuesday I wouldn't be going, but they have to do something....


Sitting back and passing the buck just doesn't cut the ice with me...


We ordered 16 tickets 1hr after they came on sale, money was taken so understood order had been processed only found out yesterday that the order hadn't been processed at all.


Went to ticket office and they have given us 16 tickets now but not together, we're in 8 pairs spread all over, not impressed :-(


Good luck queuing Sunday!

We ordered 16 tickets 1hr after they came on sale, money was taken so understood order had been processed only found out yesterday that the order hadn't been processed at all.


Went to ticket office and they have given us 16 tickets now but not together, we're in 8 pairs spread all over, not impressed :-(


Good luck queuing Sunday!


turns out this has happend to our 14 tickets as well, been told though that we will be upgraded to £44 instead of £34 don't know where these tickets have come from or where they will be

We ordered 16 tickets 1hr after they came on sale, money was taken so understood order had been processed only found out yesterday that the order hadn't been processed at all.


Went to ticket office and they have given us 16 tickets now but not together, we're in 8 pairs spread all over, not impressed :-(


Good luck queuing Sunday!


I honestly think it could be chaos on Sunday, I imagine there are lots of situations like yours but people haven't been bothered to check the ticket numbers etc.


TBF on the ticket office, I could not get through on the phone today and sent an e-mail and they called me back immediately and were helpful despite me leaving both my cust no and ticket ref at home. I too am added to the duplicate list, what does that now make it 11(000)?


Its is now thursday afternoon and stll my 8 tickets are still not fookin here! Rang ticket office on duplicate list and i know my seat numbers but surely we should be given some sort of receipt which states we are certain of tickets when we get to wembley instead of taking the word of the ticket office muppets??

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