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Anyone here work for a mobile phone carrier?

Crab Lungs

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Currently undertaking a particularly tasking job which is causing me a few headaches.


Basically, the social networking site I work for is looking to integrate and SMS function to enable users to send/receive messages through the site. I've spoken to many 3rd party companies like Clickatell, Kapow! etc but my boss insists that he would prefer that we go straight to the carrier themselves.


Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone here with some degree on knowledge in implementing SMS technology within our site or someone who might be able to point me in the right direction with whom I need to speak to as I'm going round in circles.


Yes, I know, I've posted this on a football forum. I'm at my wits end. ;)


Serious answers only please.

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Have done this twice now Lungs......well not me as that would make me a techy geek ;);).... But the bods at two companies ive worked for.

The first time we did go straight to the carrier (This was about 9 years ago) and needed a physical phone plugged into the server (I kid you not)


The second time we had to use an aggregator, but can't rememer the technical reason why......but there is one and the company we used was

http://www.sms2u.co.uk/ . Not sure how comparable price wise they are to the rest of the market, but never any issues.


Just read that back and not a lot of use to you at all.....with the exception (Just unknown) that there is genuine technical reasons why you dont go straight to the carrier........ either that or we were done by some salesman

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Have done this a couple of times but not for a few years now. The last one I used was http://www.itagg.com/ and at the time their services were the best we could find although they weren't the cheapest. We did make contact with at least one carrier but it wasn't technically feasible and like Gemmel I can't remember why now.


What volume of messages are you looking at sending out - I presume this is for WW? Business-wise my client would have needed to have been sending several thousand SMS messages per day for it to be viable to go direct to a carrier, although I expect bulk prices will have dropped a lot in recent years so it may be different now.

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have set this up twice at work, once for sending informative messages and once where people can text in and update their availability for on call etc and line managers receive messages back letting then know who is available. I did the server stuff, but we used a company called gartan for interface and programming n stuff. You got my digits lungs

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I'm getting nowhere with the carriers, nowhere. They couldn't be any more disinterested. As expected really, to be honest.


Silly b0ll0cks at work still wants to find a solution with the carriers themselves though, as opposed to going through an SMS gateway provider etc... contrary to my incessant advice...

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