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Is it because I is white?


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I was under the impression that the police arrested, charged and took to court people who had committed a crime.


You seem to be suggesting that they are specifically targeting minority groups to 'blur' the statistical figures!


I wonder what the CPS would have to say about your assumptions ;)


I'm not suggesting anything because I don't know the full picture.


The police have limited resources. How they deploy those resources will vary from city to city and it will also influence the crime statistics which record not crimes committed, but crimes reported.


According to some studies so-called white-collar crime is massively under-reported but, because the Daily Mail doesn't create sensationalist headlines about it, there's no great pressure on the police to devote significant resources to it.

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There is limited police resources... there are only so many people who you can stop and search because there are only so many police officers.


Do you go for the ones who's statistics show you have a far less chance of commiting a crime... or do you search the people that statistics prove you have more chance of discovering something.


Its not racist... it is called intelligence and using available resources in the best way.


Having been followed most of the day at Bristol City away last season on the way to the ground i asked the copper why he was following me? "Intelligence" was his one word reply. Intelligence or using limited resourses well was not what sprang to mind then. I wouldnt have minded but i don't think my trainers were up to casual standards on the day.

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I spoke to an ex assistant Chief Constable about this, some ten years ago. He told me then, that the proportion of young Blacks committing 'minor' crimes, was significantly higher than young Whites. Assaults and Rapes were high on that list. PC gone made IMO, if the police know what creed or colour commit 'street' crime, then they are the ones who should be stopped.


Hamster, watch more news mate, re-adjust your political thinking;)



I ain;t been in long and haven;t read this whole thread but no offence glt, am I reading that (in Bold) correctly?


I don;t really think that I need to adjust my thinking one little bit also mon ami.


On the subject of 'minor crimes', the ones that you mention excepted for obvious reasons, I can see a coralation between unemployment and 'minor crime'. For example, if you or I for that matter were discriminated against in the job market becasue of the colour of our skin or our asian, east european accent, then it may just follow that we'd be worse off, we may be more likely to live on benefits (scrounging to some) and it might also follow that we'd be housed in the most run down inhospitable areas of town. In those areas we and our kids may well be more likely to be preyed upon by thugs and those disgusting drupo dealers who try to get us hooked on all kinds of crap. I reckon it might naturally follow that a higher proportion of our 'brothers' would take to criminal activities in order to pay for those drugs. If not drugs, then maybe a nit of tea-leafing to put some grub on the table or to buy that pair of Nike trainers so that our kids don;t get further discriminated against in the schhol playground? Maybe it is not me that needs to delve a little deeper.


This bit is very important, so please read it before launching a counter-attack.


I do not condone nor endorse crime of any kind (well most crimes), I think that crime should be tackled. I do not however think that the best way to tackle ALL crime is to simply sweep an area arresting as many black people as we can in the knowledge that there might be a higher proportion involved in criminal activities. Would you shoot into a crowd simply because you were sure that somewhere in that crowd stood a shoplifter?


Tackle crime intelligently I say, tackle the underlying causes of crime i say. If you don;t then you are stuffed.


Always do what you've always done (mr policeman) and you will always get what you always got.


here endeth....bla ....blah

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Wow, I agree with you on this!


The PC brigade are in full force at Heathrow airport when stopping and searching passengers. The amount of times I have seen elderly couples, kids (regardless of colour) stopped and searched is a poor joke, in their attempt to not 'profile' potential threats.


PC is and will continue to be, a weapon in the armoury of the criminals, in my opinion.


But why tar everyone with the same brush?! Just because a MINORITY of Muslims could be classed as extremists, does not make it right to stop every single 'Muslim looking' passenger at an airport!

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But why tar everyone with the same brush?! Just because a MINORITY of Muslims could be classed as extremists, does not make it right to stop every single 'Muslim looking' passenger at an airport!


Every passenger gets screed/x-rayed. After this there are the random searches.


I would feel safer if the people doing the random searches profile people instead of randomly checking based on numbers. I don't recall reading about an elderley couple from Durley travelling to somewhere that were deemed a flight risk.


I also know profiling exists in other parts of the world where the typical suspect is white and aged in their '20's.


That's the way it is the world over. Sad but true (and necessary).

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Wow, I agree with you on this!


The PC brigade are in full force at Heathrow airport when stopping and searching passengers. The amount of times I have seen elderly couples, kids (regardless of colour) stopped and searched is a poor joke, in their attempt to not 'profile' potential threats.


PC is and will continue to be, a weapon in the armoury of the criminals, in my opinion.



One (of many) reasons I left aviation security.


Pre 9/11 we had training in 'profiling' passengers (and staff for that matter). It was about body language, responses to questions and behavioural traits etc. I remember one chap on his induction watching a video of about a dozen people walking through and airport, the candidate had to mark out of 10 which they thought most likely to have been a terrorist. This poos bloke marked ALL of the non-white passengers high, the white ones (which includede bader Meinhoff (sp) members were according to him extremely low threats.


When they went ott on the so called 'randoms' I started to lose faith in the system. People were getting bollocking for not searching 1 out of every 10 passengers, for not pulling 1 in every 5 bags. Guess what, our confiscation rates didn't just improve, they were sky high. At your lovely cuddly little airport down the road they were - per passenger - the top performimg security operation within BAA. They rocked, with literally thousands of confiscated items. Things like; nailfiles, needles, bottle openers, corkscrews etc. As far as crime prevention was concerned each and every confiscation was a crime not commited. And each person who had an item had in actual fact commited a crime 'attempting to carry a banned item into a controlled area, contarry to some aviation act'. Why did these people not get arrested? Why were they not cautioned? Why were they not summoned or even their names taken? Draw your own conclusions.


And fwiw, it didn't take long for the monotomy of 1 in 5 bags to set in, the selected bags got smaller and smaller and smaller. But the buckets of nailfiles and clippers went up and up and up. RESULT!



Anyone who thinks that this Black/White profiling (otherwise known as Sand S) is proper profiling is wrong. Intelligence based profiling has a place in my humble opinion, but colour based profiling is for fools. It may tick certain boxes but it is for fools.

Edited by hamster
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I'm not being racist, I'm just stating official facts


2% of UK's population are black

11% of UK prisoners are black


You do the maths..............statistically a black person is more likely to enter a life of crime than a white person


'Facts' can be easily misconstrued. In the UK about 40% of people from ethnic minorities live in low-income households (compared to about 20% for people from white backgrounds). Poverty has a well established correlation with crime.

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Living in a time when the IRA represented the only(known) terrorist threat, although, invariably, they were quite polite in letting you know they had planted a bomb(sometimes, even though they hadn't) I feel those that are known to support a particular cause or are guilty by association should accept the fact that they are on the radar and either cease with 'activities' or face arrest and swallow the consequence without calling foul

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Living in a time when the IRA represented the only(known) terrorist threat, although, invariably, they were quite polite in letting you know they had planted a bomb(sometimes, even though they hadn't) I feel those that are known to support a particular cause or are guilty by association should accept the fact that they are on the radar and either cease with 'activities' or face arrest and swallow the consequence without calling foul


Legally speaking theyd have to be breaking the law. I could say i support the PLO (terror organisation) and this might been deemed acceptable by some given many think it's a cause that is honourable i.e people wanting their homeland back, but in Israel i dare say you be locked up for being a PLO supporter. Hyperthetically and i'm obviously not a supporter, couyld i support al queda publicly and be withing the UK Law, or would holding a street market to raise funds for them only cross the line?

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rhetorical ?


i'm gonna regret this but doesn't rhetoric mean spin or waffle? If so you may have a point although i've forgot what the point is thar you say is rhetorical so will have take your word for it although you may be wrong but you may be right, is rherical black and white ( in something being black and white like a choc ice, nah bad example like saying pompey fans are nobs - they all clearly are so this a black and white scrnario)if noy it may just be mildly rhetotical or gray althouhj theres ptpnably a better eord that is applicable to this scenario

Edited by dune
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