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Are we as fans now obsessed with Pompey..?


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as fans in general..are we becoming obsessed with them lot....never before have I seen (or heard) so much talk about them from saints fans.


over in the lounge there is a thread with over 20k posts with nearly a quater of a million views..then at games, the number of anti pompey songs being sung is quite evident...even yesterday, they started within 1 minute of kickoff....and people starting trouble when seeing some thing pointless as a pompey flag.


Rivalry with them is great..but not obsessive IMO

Edited by Thedelldays
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3 skates go out of their way to watch a 3rd tier match, they sit right next to the away section wearing pompey shirts and then wave a flag at the Saints fans. This, virtually straight after winning an FA cup 1/4 final. I think I know which set are obsessed.


And if you were there you'd know that there were 3 pompey fans (1 bald fella and 2 "females"/sisters/wife/cousins/or all). When the stewards moved them the tranmere chavs got their flag and carried on waving it.


As for the rest of it goes, I agree to an extent. I hope we don't sing about them during the cup final.

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as fans in general..are we becoming obsessed with them lot....never before have I seen (or heard) so much talk about them from saints fans.


over in the loung there is a thread with over 20k posts with nearly a quater of a million views..then at games, the number of anti pompey songs being sung is quite evident...even yesterday, they started within 1 minute of kickoff....and people starting trouble when seeing some thing pointless as a pompey flag.


Rivalry with them is great..but not obsessive IMO


Hark at the obsessive himself, the man who posts on their message boards, and jumps in on every thread about them, with his hateful views.


Fishing trip is it DD?

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I would be just as interested in the downfall of any club that cheated us out of the cup with unregistered players and loanees that were agreed through false accounts sent to the Premier League.

The fact that those of us to the east have had to put up with vitriol and abuse for a while now just adds to the interest as they sink.

The mammoth thread in the lounge is a sound analysis of business criminality, a regular reflection on Pompey posters' arrogant boasts of super stadiums and the imminent arrival of Maradona at Fratton, all wrapped up with the occasional bit of abuse thrown in for good measure.

A nice mix.

Ted's looking east and waving them goodbye, and so am I.

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It's obviously to do with league positions. For many years most saints supporters weren't too bothered about them, whereas their numpties had total hatred for us.


I used to find it funny that they hated us so much and a bit wierd. I remember a night out with my cousin and all his QPR supporting mates in ealing a few years back. One of them had brought his Skate mate along, and as the night wore on, he got more and more leary with me. He was trying to get into some banter, but I really couldn't have cared less. The QPR guys found it a bit odd, this obsession he seemed to have with us, but the more I couldn't care, the more leary he got. It ended up with us being seperated as we came to blows.The general feeling in the pub, was that he was totally out of order and "I've never seen him like that before" (he was living nearby, so was known by most of the punters). He made a complete fool of himself and his mate couldn't apoligise to the rest of us enough. I really did feel sorry for him and wondered how someone could be so bitter. When I remember how foolish he looked, I would hate to see our supporters being like that. However, we have got a few and they're growing. The thing that wound him up the most, was that I didn't take his Club or this rivalery as serious as he did.His hatred boiled over, beacuse I couldn't care less about his Club and didn't consider them our equals (remember at the time, I had yet to see them finish above us in my lifetime)


The more we sing about them, the more it looks like we're jealous of them.

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TDD is spot on this one, after watching yesterdays childish and shambolic reaction to a couple of chavs with a pompey flag, ive decided im sick to the back teeth with the fans relentless obsession with the blue few. Its just getting old now isnt it? I enjoy singing Saints songs so much more than the utterly boring "fathers gun" over, and over again. We should be proud of our own team not defining ourselves by our hatred of another.

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3 skates go out of their way to watch a 3rd tier match, they sit right next to the away section wearing pompey shirts and then wave a flag at the Saints fans. This, virtually straight after winning an FA cup 1/4 final. I think I know which set are obsessed.


And if you were there you'd know that there were 3 pompey fans (1 bald fella and 2 "females"/sisters/wife/cousins/or all). When the stewards moved them the tranmere chavs got their flag and carried on waving it.


As for the rest of it goes, I agree to an extent. I hope we don't sing about them during the cup final.


Were they actually pompey fans though? Or were they actually Tranmere fans who thought it would be funny to wear pompey shirts just to wind the saints fans up?

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Were they actually pompey fans though? Or were they actually Tranmere fans who thought it would be funny to wear pompey shirts just to wind the saints fans up?


Lot of dosh for a wind up I would have thought.


This is what gets me - do we ever hear of Saints fans or any other teams fans turning up at the skates games wearing Saints shirts - I've not but I could be wrong of course.

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Were they actually pompey fans though? Or were they actually Tranmere fans who thought it would be funny to wear pompey shirts just to wind the saints fans up?


Tranmere fans on a wind up.

But I don't think there is enough anti pompey songs at the moment.

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Were they actually pompey fans though? Or were they actually Tranmere fans who thought it would be funny to wear pompey shirts just to wind the saints fans up?

You really think people from Tranmere would go out and but Pompey shirts to wind us up? That would be obsessive in the extreme.


I enjoy the rivalry from a distance, but really couldn't care less about them. Maybe because I am older I always felt that Spuds were our real rivals. I have several family members who are Pompey supporters, we have a laugh but generally its all good natured. I really wouldn't have a problem sitting next to a Pompey supporter at a game, as long as it wasn't the Bell Ringer, anyone who is a genuine supporter and not just a thug looking for a fight is fine by me. The days of violence at footy belong in the 70s/80s and we are well rid of them. Some people need to grow up and be a bit more tolerant.

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I don't really care if people think we're obsessive.


If some plonker pulls out a Pompey flag after thirty second you're going to start with the anti- Pompey stuff would be exactly the same if a fan pulled a Spurs flag our infront of Arsenal fans or a Liverpool flag infront of some mancs, it's just football and the intense passion that comes with rivalry.


FWIW I was actually in my seat early for once and the 15 minutes before the game kicked off and it was all pro Southampton chants and getting behind the players. We're no more obsessed than any other set of fans with their rivals.

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Were they actually pompey fans though? Or were they actually Tranmere fans who thought it would be funny to wear pompey shirts just to wind the saints fans up?


The huddersfield fan in the skate top on Tues was a wind-up; this was the real deal. Couldn't tell if the shorts were skate shorts- tranmere also play in white. But you could just tell from the instinctive way the guy was signalling 4-1 with his fingers that he probably stunk from every pore of his body.


BTW, what ever happen to the big mouth on Facebook who offered to invade the pitch at Fratton in a saints shirt?

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I'll suggest a reason or two why there's so much talk about them from Saints fans.


1) We've recently played them, and we got beaten.


2) Last season we entered administration, and the amount of stick I got (and I am sure many other Saints fans got) from the Blue Few was unbelievable. They took great pleasure in taking the p!ss about our demise, our financial situation, or match results, EVERYTHING. And now, it seems, the tables are drastically turning. Suddenly, we're financially stable and are winning more games than we're losing. Suddenly, they are in admin and staring relegation in the face. There's nothing wrong in giving back some of that stick that we got, and in fact, it's bloody great.


Who cares if people think we're obsessive. No more obsessive than other rivalries I am led to believe.


Pompey are in the sh!t, let's enjoy it while it lasts.

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I think it adds an extra dimension to supporting Saints. Obviously, Saints are always the priority, but having this fierce rivalry with them makes things just that little bit more interesting. For example, when our first season in the Championship petered out and we had nothing to play for, the season was still very exciting because we could all watch Pompey's relegation battle and hope and pray they would go down. If the league becomes pointless this season as playoffs are unreachable (arguably the case already), we can all laugh and feel good about Pompey's nightmare in the Prem. It's not obsessive, it's the whole point in having fierce local rivals. If we didn't care, then what would be the point!

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TDD is spot on this one, after watching yesterdays childish and shambolic reaction to a couple of chavs with a pompey flag, ive decided im sick to the back teeth with the fans relentless obsession with the blue few. Its just getting old now isnt it? I enjoy singing Saints songs so much more than the utterly boring "fathers gun" over, and over again. We should be proud of our own team not defining ourselves by our hatred of another.


great post. I was totally embarrased at times yesterday. why on earth we can not just support the lads is beyond me. Does anybody actually think Fonte or Morgan care how much our fans hate portsmouth?

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I have to admit singing anti-pompey songs all game can get annoying. But i bet those of you complaining were also complaining not so long ago about the amount of times "oh when the saints" got sung. I much prefer a wide variety of songs rather than the usual 100mph every 2 mintues "oh when the saints"

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I have to admit singing anti-pompey songs all game can get annoying. But i bet those of you complaining were also complaining not so long ago about the amount of times "oh when the saints" got sung. I much prefer a wide variety of songs rather than the usual 100mph every 2 mintues "oh when the saints"


While watching the recent FA Cup game against Pompey, the usual rendition of Father's Gun had a resonance. Most of the time I'd rather it wasn't sung. Against Pimply, it can be sung every other tune, as far as I'm concerned.

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