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Expat Saints "Fans"...

Guided Missile

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Black clouds still closing? Keep taking the pills? You don't know the half of it Daren but then again I didn't go for the sympathy vote like yourself. For me it was always about dealing with a betrayal of trust and the resultant and expected prejudices that this forum delivered unfortunately just like in real life except the comments are perhaps not quite so robust.


If mouths had been kept shut I would not be subjected to your childlike insults which frankly most have respectfully refrained from playing that personal insult apart from the ignorant minority. I suppose it was lucky I didn't have cancer because that really is a laugh a minute just like any other untreatable and serious illness.


Anyway, this I suspect may be my last post for a while but before I go can I suggest some reading for you even though you will need to get past the fact they don't come with a red top.


Depression the Curse ot the Strong - Dr Tim Cantopher

Darkness Visible - William Styron


I'm sure being a literary giant like Styron you will be familiar with his works and in this one he explains why 'black clouds still closing' doesn't even get close in serious cases of clinical depression. Dr Cantopher delivers some hope for those who find themselves in that situation.


Unfortunately, for some of us our options are extremely limited for many reasons and are less real than Tim suggests. Not terminal but nonetheless interminable and in particular at times of uncontrollable descent into self-destruction a wretched existence for both sufferer and their loved ones and one borne in secrecy out of prejudice and the shame felt by the sufferer and their family because of painfully ignorant people like yourself.


With that in mind do you think I'm due a signed shirt from the club? I would hate to ask and get turned down and have to go for the sympathy vote on the forum but then again some of us fight our personal battles in private.


Apologies to those enjoying their ironic ex-pat postings. I enjoyed them and I guess it will now be my turn to join you in exile. Top right Daren.




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Black clouds still closing? Keep taking the pills? You don't know the half of it Daren but then again I didn't go for the sympathy vote like yourself. For me it was always about dealing with a betrayal of trust and the resultant and expected prejudices that this forum delivered unfortunately just like in real life except the comments are perhaps not quite so robust.


If mouths had been kept shut I would not be subjected to your childlike insults which frankly most have respectfully refrained from playing that personal insult apart from the ignorant minority. I suppose it was lucky I didn't have cancer because that really is a laugh a minute just like any other untreatable and serious illness.


Anyway, this I suspect may be my last post for a while but before I go can I suggest some reading for you even though you will need to get past the fact they don't come with a red top.


Depression the Curse ot the Strong - Dr Tim Cantopher

Darkness Visible - William Styron


I'm sure being a literary giant like Styron you will be familiar with his works and in this one he explains why 'black clouds still closing' doesn't even get close in serious cases of clinical depression. Dr Cantopher delivers some hope for those who find themselves in that situation.


Unfortunately, for some of us our options are extremely limited for many reasons and are less real than Tim suggests. Not terminal but nonetheless interminable and in particular at times of uncontrollable descent into self-destruction a wretched existence for both sufferer and their loved ones and one borne in secrecy out of prejudice and the shame felt by the sufferer and their family because of painfully ignorant people like yourself.


With that in mind do you think I'm due a signed shirt from the club? I would hate to ask and get turned down and have to go for the sympathy vote on the forum but then again some of us fight our personal battles in private.


Apologies to those enjoying their ironic ex-pat postings. I enjoyed them and I guess it will now be my turn to join you in exile. Top right Daren.


You ok mate?

I can't PM you.

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That's a shame - I'm not able to block rantings from this dissatisfied individual. Actually I'm not able to receive any emails from mods or admins. Judging by the TV programming used in GM's ill-humoured post I imagine he's a little like the old guy with the cane who often got concerned about little things because his life had become empty.


Right, I'd better get back to complaining about things over here and wishing I was back 'home' in Hampshire, after I've been for a bike ride with a few US friends.


Guide Missile? Your having a laugh - loose cannon more like.

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Black clouds still closing? Keep taking the pills? You don't know the half of it Daren but then again I didn't go for the sympathy vote like yourself. For me it was always about dealing with a betrayal of trust and the resultant and expected prejudices that this forum delivered unfortunately just like in real life except the comments are perhaps not quite so robust.


If mouths had been kept shut I would not be subjected to your childlike insults which frankly most have respectfully refrained from playing that personal insult apart from the ignorant minority. I suppose it was lucky I didn't have cancer because that really is a laugh a minute just like any other untreatable and serious illness.


Anyway, this I suspect may be my last post for a while but before I go can I suggest some reading for you even though you will need to get past the fact they don't come with a red top.


Depression the Curse ot the Strong - Dr Tim Cantopher

Darkness Visible - William Styron


I'm sure being a literary giant like Styron you will be familiar with his works and in this one he explains why 'black clouds still closing' doesn't even get close in serious cases of clinical depression. Dr Cantopher delivers some hope for those who find themselves in that situation.


Unfortunately, for some of us our options are extremely limited for many reasons and are less real than Tim suggests. Not terminal but nonetheless interminable and in particular at times of uncontrollable descent into self-destruction a wretched existence for both sufferer and their loved ones and one borne in secrecy out of prejudice and the shame felt by the sufferer and their family because of painfully ignorant people like yourself.


With that in mind do you think I'm due a signed shirt from the club? I would hate to ask and get turned down and have to go for the sympathy vote on the forum but then again some of us fight our personal battles in private.


Apologies to those enjoying their ironic ex-pat postings. I enjoyed them and I guess it will now be my turn to join you in exile. Top right Daren.


Oh please spare me the victim act...


Were you a victim when you accused me of using my mum's cancer to score points against the club?

Were you a victim when you accused me of not raising money for Cancer Research if my mum hadn't been terminally ill from it?

Were you a victim when you had a go at me when I was still grieving?


I haven't written for two years. I spent my life savings taking a year and a half off work to look after my mum, the money I had put aside to start a new magazine and a new career. Please don't insult people's intelligence by saying that when making sly digs at my writing you think you're hurting me?


You're not. I gave up any slim hope I had of writing for a living for something far more rewarding and life changing. I spent the last two years looking after my mum, meeting cancer patients and developing a healthy respect for life, friends and family. I'm happy, grounded and looking forward to raising more money for cancer research in 2010. I'd hazard a guess and say that rankles with a grim, miserable, bitter old man like you..


No, but you're very quick to play the victim card now aren't you? Not much fun is it, when someone takes something intensely personal to you and runs with it? Was I laughing when you had a pop at me? No I wasn't but I am now...


Little tip here, if you have mental healthy issues, it's usually a good idea if you don't taunt or tease or provoke others... You may not like the reply...


You obviously don't... Tough. Put me on ignore and stop bleating...

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Oh please spare me the victim act...


Were you a victim when you accused me of using my mum's cancer to score points against the club?

Were you a victim when you accused me of not raising money for Cancer Research if my mum hadn't been terminally ill from it?

Were you a victim when you had a go at me when I was still grieving?


I haven't written for two years. I spent my life savings taking a year and a half off work to look after my mum, the money I had put aside to start a new magazine and a new career. Please don't insult people's intelligence by saying that when making sly digs at my writing you think you're hurting me?


You're not. I gave up any slim hope I had of writing for a living for something far more rewarding and life changing. I spent the last two years looking after my mum, meeting cancer patients and developing a healthy respect for life, friends and family. I'm happy, grounded and looking forward to raising more money for cancer research in 2010. I'd hazard a guess and say that rankles with a grim, miserable, bitter old man like you..


No, but you're very quick to play the victim card now aren't you? Not much fun is it, when someone takes something intensely personal to you and runs with it? Was I laughing when you had a pop at me? No I wasn't but I am now...


Little tip here, if you have mental healthy issues, it's usually a good idea if you don't taunt or tease or provoke others... You may not like the reply...


You obviously don't... Tough. Put me on ignore and stop



FFS can't you both put each other on ignore. Whenever I go to the forum index page and see your name as the last person to post I know that when I click into the thread there will be no relevance to it's subject in what you two post but just the latest edition in your playground battle with one another.


You're both as bad as each other. Actually, thinking about it, you are far worse Daren as it's obvious to everyone bar you that NC only posts here with the sole intention of provoking a reaction from you and winding you up and you give him what he wants every fecking time!!!!


When he posts something that is obviously done in order to get a response from you how about not replying? You'll only need to do it a few times and I'm sure he would pretty much disappear from this forum.....

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Possibly best to close? The OP was a wind up - fun ny tyo some' date=' not so to other, depends on your sense of humour, but it it seems to become something quite different. There are obviously issues here that are perhaps not really part of the forum debate?[/quote']


TBH with the 2 options on offer it should have been locked at post 1 :cool:

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Tough call today.


Does one pootle around doing all the week's chores that have to be fininshed before travelling next week OR does one bumble 45kms out of town into the middle of the Desert to watch The Emirates T20, with local amateurs boosted by Shahid Afmunchy vs Sussex, Surrey & Cape Cobras in a an all day round robin tournament


A day washing cleaning and shopping then reading the post match thread or a day sitting in the sun watching cricket with a beer.


Why did I even ask?

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Tough call today.


Does one pootle around doing all the week's chores that have to be fininshed before travelling next week OR does one bumble 45kms out of town into the middle of the Desert to watch The Emirates T20, with local amateurs boosted by Shahid Afmunchy vs Sussex, Surrey & Cape Cobras in a an all day round robin tournament


A day washing cleaning and shopping then reading the post match thread or a day sitting in the sun watching cricket with a beer.


Why did I even ask?


Marigolds at the ready then ;) .... or do you want me to txt you the score as it happens at MK Dons?

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That's a shame - I'm not able to block rantings from this dissatisfied individual. Actually I'm not able to receive any emails from mods or admins. Judging by the TV programming used in GM's ill-humoured post I imagine he's a little like the old guy with the cane who often got concerned about little things because his life had become empty.


Right, I'd better get back to complaining about things over here and wishing I was back 'home' in Hampshire, after I've been for a bike ride with a few US friends.


Guide Missile? Your having a laugh - loose cannon more like.


Or, when I see a good one from him, Misguided Missile.

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Marigolds at the ready then ;) .... or do you want me to txt you the score as it happens at MK Dons?


Whsat a nice day out. 4 quid to get in, and ample supply of Green Cans & Trolleys.


Sussex scored a miserly 101 off their 20 overs and bowled Surrey out for about 60 something. Afridi helped the part timers to 138 v Cobras but they reached 55 off 5 overs so as a taxi had pulled in it was time to head back.


Couple of useful bits - collected about 20 sets of those annoying inflatable clapper things in Red & White (OK they say Fly Emirsates) but will do for annoying people around us with Flags)

The cricket stadium had "A BEER BUGGY". I mean how amazing is THAT, you didn't have to move this little mega souped up Golf Buggy would come round to you.




Man I Soooo want one of those for my birthday. You could arrange a Dark Side tour and have them follow you.


How much better a round of Golf would be if that had a holder on the front for your clubs and a pipe from the back for the beer!


And would love to find out if there's a chance they could convert one to run up and down the gangways at Wembley?


Don't get that sort of critical life support innovation back in the real world

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I reckon Matt will have his eyes on converting one of those to keep him in a bountiful supply of Big Macs and Malibu and Cokes on The Golf Courses around the world ;)


I hear Tiger is having one with a double bed in case he fancies a Birdie or a whole in one when he's got his wood in his hand:D

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At last a proper use for a GolfCart ;)


Did you manage to trouser any of those red and white beach umbrellas as well :)



Yep, all the way to the security guard at the exit gate:mad:


Had to be done.


Luckily they never spotted the Emirates Promo Girl in the backpack. :D




(OK that was a joke if the GF's reading!)


BUt seriously, those new recruits must be getting thicker, they were handing out the clappers & those annoying cards with 4's & 6's on & I asked "Which one has your mobile number on it?" Oh, none of them, the number's on our business cards. OK, so why aren't you handing those out?

Oh yes, sorry, here you are....


055-buymeabeersometime )to get the 2nd number);-)


Hell I thought that line went out the time The Skates last went bust

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  • 1 year later...
...seem to come in two flavours on this site.
  1. Last of the Summer Wine
    Usually post in glowing terms about days gone by, trying hard to recapture the glory days, back in the mother country. About as entertaining to read as the TV show of the same name, and also about as relevant, to the fans streaming into St. Marys nowadays. Keep it up guys, I think you know who you are, but don't blame me if I think of Compo, when I read your posts. Let's face it, nostalgia is not what it used to be.
  2. Last of the Scummer Whine
    Usually post in negative terms about anything related to the club, city or the country. In the early stages of going native, so not reached that grumpy charm that Compo has. More the expression that the club, city or country they left behind didn't quite fit their ideals, those that served them so badly when they lived here. Zero entertainment value in their posts at the moment and the only relevance to the fan of today is the possiblity that more impressionable section of our fanbase may detect a slight lowering of their moral, when reading them. I think of Lord Haw Haw when reading the uninformed dirge they post. He was hanged for treason, but I think the penalty for them, when Saints are back in the premiership will be the sight of their gradual decline into a sad exile, never quite belonging to their new country and unable to return to God's country to see their team play...


Another classic thread.

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...seem to come in two flavours on this site.
  1. Last of the Summer Wine
    Usually post in glowing terms about days gone by, trying hard to recapture the glory days, back in the mother country. About as entertaining to read as the TV show of the same name, and also about as relevant, to the fans streaming into St. Marys nowadays. Keep it up guys, I think you know who you are, but don't blame me if I think of Compo, when I read your posts. Let's face it, nostalgia is not what it used to be.
  2. Last of the Scummer Whine
    Usually post in negative terms about anything related to the club, city or the country. In the early stages of going native, so not reached that grumpy charm that Compo has. More the expression that the club, city or country they left behind didn't quite fit their ideals, those that served them so badly when they lived here. Zero entertainment value in their posts at the moment and the only relevance to the fan of today is the possiblity that more impressionable section of our fanbase may detect a slight lowering of their moral, when reading them. I think of Lord Haw Haw when reading the uninformed dirge they post. He was hanged for treason, but I think the penalty for them, when Saints are back in the premiership will be the sight of their gradual decline into a sad exile, never quite belonging to their new country and unable to return to God's country to see their team play...


Got out of bed the wrong side - did we...?

Considering our club has a 125 year history, surely we are permitted to look back and dwell on some of it are we...?

or shall we continue to celebrate the 3-1 win over Walsall ?


Thee are a lot of fans around today who can't even remember Premiership football at SMS - even though their parents pipe on about

Saints winning the FA Cup (1976) or having FIVE England captains in the side ...and those to whom Matthew Le Tissier is just a name... maybe we're not ...the LAST of the Summer Wine, but it's something to savour even if we are celebrating the new life in the Championship.

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..and we still look forward to our trips to SMS. B*****, aren't we! I'm going to have to extend my summer stay in the UK a little longer than usual just to get in a game as I'm arriving a bit earlier than usual and won't be earning for two months. Anybody in the Solent area need crew? Can I sell some changing room pics from my footie team (joke!).


PS: Guys, Dune is just going with the zeitgeist byhighlighting another one of our threads which with the benefit of hindsight seem particularly amusing. Now he can be a bit of a wotsit at times but this time, young man, I shall give you the benefit of the doubt!

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