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Expat Saints "Fans"...

Guided Missile

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What a bizarre thread!


I think we all have learnt that GM had a difficult period when he lived in the USA and now it has finally been vented. How sad!


Personally, I think it's a good thing to be able to 'bang on' about the good and bad things in the old country and the new country - exacly who does this **** off?


I will never stop being interested in what happens in Hampshire - I think that is normal behaviour.


I feel sorry for you that your time outside of your comfort zone was not what you expected.


A poor thread and I look forward to you posting something better - as we know you can.

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I think we all have learnt that GM had a difficult period when he lived in the USA and now it has finally been vented. How sad!

Where did you learn that "GM had a difficult period when he lived in the USA". I think you and the other ex-pats should re-read the OP and realise it was a pretty mild critique of a number of the posters on this site. The first response to it was to label me a racist. (Thanks Eric and Phil, you guys must be a bundle of fun) I love the US now and when I lived there. I just happened to avoid ex-pats like the plague and mixed with the locals. In my experience, ex-pats in the US were an odd and misplaced bunch...


...and is what they say relevant to the normal fan that goes to St. Marys every other week?


Not really. A waste of bandwidth, most of the time...and the Austrian house husband is top of the list...

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Great thread! It's spot on in fact, those damn Canucks made me sign an official-looking piece of paper saying that as a new Canadian, any posts on a UK-based message baord must follow one of two agendas. I chose the moaning and trashing of the UK...


**** you GB, Canada won the Olympics!!!




This mesage is indorsed by the Government of Canada/Ce message est approuvé par le gouvernement du Canada

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Dear GM,

I would like to know where I fit in to your thinking and how you would like me to to act in future ?

I was born in Scotland, never lived in Southampton and have been both an ex-pat and UK dweller during the lifetime of this very website ! For some obscure reason, none of this has stopped me being a Saints fan and an ST holder for more than 25 years !

Please advise,


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I'd hardly thought that a very mild thread about ex-pats would be backed by the target of my thread, nor indeed cared. I am able to recognise them, because they wear their ex-pat status as some badge of honour, in the form of their internet handles. You know, alpine this, tijuana that, canada blah, dubai blah, internet poster of arabia...


Listen lads, it's great you post, but you left the city, you left the country and your names signify where you're at, value wise. It just happens to needle me slightly when I read the regular criticisms of our club, city and country from someone tapping a computer many miles away. I just don't feel the need to provide the small feeling of belonging your local sporting institution fails to bring you...


...sorry and all that. I mean, it's not like we have any real form of relationship...


Some observations about your posts on this thread.


1) You criticise ex-pats choice of handle with the assumption that they wear their handle as "some badge of honour". This assumption (like so many of the assumptions you have made) is incorrect. I chose my handle in order to put up-front that I'm located in another country. In that way, if I make a comment that seems surprising or strange, you can immediately keep it mind that it's coming from someone overseas, and you can treat it with a little more understanding and sympathy - which I'm sure you would be likely to do, given how empathetic you are with other people. (Or maybe not, maybe condescension is your modus operandi.)


2) You, on the other hand, chose the handle "Guided Missile". And you refer to the object of the current thread as your "target". Says a lot, eh?!


3) You make gross generalisations about a vastly different group of people. That wouldn't be so bad, I suppose, if it weren't done in such a sneering and condescending manner. For example, I am an ex-pat (who grew up in Hythe and went to Grammar School in Southampton). I didn't choose to emigrate; that decision was made by my parents, who moved the family to Canada many years ago. So, my feelings about my new home and my old home is more ambivalent than that of someone who made the decision for himself (herself). This is the kind of nuance that your generalisation misses.


4) I'm not sure what you mean when you say that my handle "signifies where (I'm) at value wise". That is a very unclear statement. Maybe you'd like to clarify it, and justify it. By the way, I don't think you're particularly in tune with my values - at least based on the content and tone of your posts here.


5) I'm not looking for you to provide me with any "small feeling of belonging". It's obviously something you are totally incapable of doing - what with you being so insensitive and rude.


6) You finish with the justification that we don't "have any real form of relationship". This is an interesting and very debatable point. I'm not a believer in the view that message board anonymity gives me the opportunity (and certainly not the right) to insult, deride or abuse other posters. I also don't believe in adopting an entirely different persona on the internet, just because I can, or because it's fun, or because I need to bolster my own lack of self-esteem. I'm happy to be sincere - although I can be ironic, sarcastic and critical in many of my comments, when the situation seems to warrant it. If there is no form of relationship, by the way, what's the point of posting here?


7) As far as your accusation that the postings of ex-pats are generally boring and irrelevant, that's merely your (limited) point of view. I find huge amounts of stuff on here irrelevant and boring, but I don't feel the need to vilify a whole sub-group of the members on here. If you find ex-pat comments to be generally boring and irrelevant perhaps it's because of a pre-conceived prejudice you have. And, of course, you are free to ignore them.


8 ) Finally, I assume you believe it's fine for Southampton residents to make inane, uninformed and bigoted comments or judgments of North American society, with no experience of life, or conditions, over here. But it's not alright, apparently, for ex-pats to make comparative judgments from the other direction, even though they have experiences in both societies. They call that a double-standard.



I have been supporting Saints for almost 50 years. I relish the opportunity to read the thoughts, opinions and judgments of people who are so much closer to the action. I envy them their chance to be at the stadium regularly. I also think that locals (i.e., So'ton residents) might find the opinions of outsiders as an interesting, alternative point of view. That you would insult and condescend fellow supporters who now have the opportunity to keep up with their team, thanks to the marvels of the internet age - regardless of where they are located - is just rude and bigoted.


And, by the way, I defy you to find a single post over the past 8 or 9 years where I have criticised the club, the city or the country. I am proud of my heritage.

Edited by Hamilton Saint
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Phil, I don't know you, but I think you may have spent a little bit too much time in the sun, or behind a computer screen to think there is a personal element to the posts. I'll give you a hint. These aren't real life relationships. Guided Missile isn't my real name and I type opinions on a public forum, as a minor hobby. That's it really. Feel free to construct some sort of personal element to this, if it helps you get through the day, miles away from home. Even totally overreact and call me a racist (ROFL). If I was you I'd would spend a bit more time building a real social network at home in Dubai, than venting your spleen against a poster named "Guided Missile". As would a few more of the expats on here. (Moose Boy, you know who I'm talking about) It might help their attitude...


GM, you made a post that could only have happened after somebody "annoyed you". It is your opinion and you are entitled to it as all posters are.


But in your rush to defend yourself you then added a post that implied that in YOUR eyes nobody should post on a Saints related forum who has left the City.


Have it as many ways as you like, but that is a Little Englander approach.


You replied with a dig but did not answer my question. Do you invalidate the opinions of a Saints fan, a Season Ticket Holder, born, bred and still living in say Salisbury?


According to your words he is not a Saints fan. you wonder WHY I take issue?


Then the social network jibes, again why so defensive? Why is it that you think people come on here for friendship? I think Benthelegend was the last poster on here trying to find friends.


This place is Interesting, Educational, Funny, a Link to home and for many people a break from the drudge of being lawyers, writing Environmental Inpact Assessments, Marking inane Student Essays or for some in their retirement a way of keeping their minds active.


The world is not a perfect Communist System where everyone is identical and holds the same opionion and has the same background, experience and upbringing.


Any poster on here who fails to see that these variances are what makes this so superior to other fan forums must be very sad indeed.


You didn't need to write the OP the way you did, it was clearly having a dig at certain posters and you didn't need to continue digging the hole you had made for yourself.


You have an issue with ex pats posting you could have used your intellect to do it in a way that fostered sensible debate. You decided to be a nasty Little Englander - a strange piece of work.

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Some observations about your posts on this thread.


And, by the way, I defy you to find a single post over the past 8 or 9 years where I have criticised the club, the city or the country. I am proud of my heritage.

I must admit, I always thought that it was an unfortunate quirk of genetics that made Canadians so boring. After reading that post, I now realise that simply living there causes it. I am having the terrible feeling that you actually do think that what a user named Guided Missile posts on an internet site is a personal attack...



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But in your rush to defend yourself you then added a post that implied that in YOUR eyes nobody should post on a Saints related forum who has left the City.

I got this far and realised that this statement must mean that English is not your first language.


I do look forward to your next post that completely misrepresents what I posted, although I'm still a bit busy trying to find the racist comments in my original post...

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I must admit, I always thought that it was an unfortunate quirk of genetics that made Canadians so boring. After reading that post, I now realise that simply living there causes it. I am having the terrible feeling that you actually do think that what a user named Guided Missile posts on an internet site is a personal attack...



Reading Comprehension wasn't a strength for you, was it?


And insult is a very poor debating strategy.


That has to be about the worst retort I've ever read.


I thought I was dealing with a somewhat intelligent individual willing to re-consider the wisdom (?) of his strident approach. I was wrong.


Canadians may be boring, but at least we're polite. I thought Brits were polite, too. That's what I remember, anyway. Another boring and irrelevant view I had, I suppose. Thanks for correcting me.

Edited by Hamilton Saint
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Yeah, right - the old, backtracking, didn't-mean-what-I-said-just-having-a-larf gambit.


Doesn't wash at all.

I now remember why I called you Moose Boy. I called Dan Williams, that ex-pat from New Jersey that was going to buy Blackburn Rovers and then us with someone elses money, a "ginger whinger". Gingeltiss than called me a racist, for calling Dan ginger and you joined in, loudly condemning me for the racist overtone of my insult. There followed a long thread about the colour of Gingletiss's hair, whilst you tutt tutted every few posts.


I think it is probably Dan Williams and you that started this aversion I have to reading posts by ex-pats, although I think Dan Williams and his alter ego Help Me Rhonda showed just how important it is to ignore what ex-pats post with regard to Southampton Football Club.



Oh.....and don't get me started on Mike Wilde....

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I now remember why I called you Moose Boy. I called Dan Williams, that ex-pat from New Jersey that was going to buy Blackburn Rovers and then us with someone elses money, a "ginger whinger". Gingeltiss than called me a racist, for calling Dan ginger and you joined in, loudly condemning me for the racist overtone of my insult. There followed a long thread about the colour of Gingletiss's hair, whilst you tutt tutted every few posts.


I think it is probably Dan Williams and you that started this aversion I have to reading posts by ex-pats, although I think Dan Williams and his alter ego Help Me Rhonda showed just how important it is to ignore what ex-pats post with regard to Southampton Football Club.



Oh.....and don't get me started on Mike Wilde....


You've got the wrong "target", pal. I'm nobody's Moose Boy - much as I like moose. And I have no idea what you're talking about. Wrong assumption again!

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I think it is probably Dan Williams and you that started this aversion I have to reading posts by ex-pats, although I think Dan Williams and his alter ego Help Me Rhonda showed just how important it is to ignore what ex-pats post with regard to Southampton Football Club.



Oh.....and don't get me started on Mike Wilde....



So if these two people lived in Southampton you would not ignore them?

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So if these two people lived in Southampton you would not ignore them?

Tony Lynam lives in Southampton, so not a hard and fast rule, but in my book, never trust an ex-pat in regards to Saints. If they were true fans, they would live close enough for a season ticket, but they value other things in the life more than Southampton Football Club. Usually it's either the weather or the money...

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Tony Lynam lives in Southampton, so not a hard and fast rule, but in my book, never trust an ex-pat in regards to Saints. If they were true fans, they would live close enough for a season ticket, but they value other things in the life more than Southampton Football Club. Usually it's either the weather or the money...


You really do make me cringe. Your pathetic attempts at trying to annoy people and make ridiculous comments make me feel sorry for you. Your life must feel so empty. Whatever turns you on.

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Tony Lynam lives in Southampton, so not a hard and fast rule, but in my book, never trust an ex-pat in regards to Saints. If they were true fans, they would live close enough for a season ticket, but they value other things in the life more than Southampton Football Club. Usually it's either the weather or the money...


And I should hope so too GM. What an utterly obsurd thing to say. As much as I love southampton fc I am moving to South Africa in a couple of years and I'm glad that I wouldn't let SFC stop me! Would be pretty pathetic imo to do let it do so.

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You've got the wrong "target", pal. I'm nobody's Moose Boy - much as I like moose. And I have no idea what you're talking about. Wrong assumption again!


It was me that he dubbed "Moose Boy" several years back. I had no idea what set him off then (although he clearly had some personal issues) and I have no idea what's behind this little unravelling. Given his strange track record on here, including his bizarre backtracking on this thread, I'm certainly not inclined to accept his 'explanation' for anything. I don't think he even knows himself.


But it's hilarious to see him digging like a man possessed in an attempt to extricate himself from a kaka pile of his own creation - especially as one of his 'excuses' is that he thinks it started when he insulted people with ginger hair while he was attacking someone from New Jersey, and then a moose chimed in.


I can't be angry any longer when I'm laughing so much.



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Where did you learn that "GM had a difficult period when he lived in the USA". I think you and the other ex-pats should re-read the OP and realise it was a pretty mild critique of a number of the posters on this site. The first response to it was to label me a racist. (Thanks Eric and Phil, you guys must be a bundle of fun) I love the US now and when I lived there. I just happened to avoid ex-pats like the plague and mixed with the locals. In my experience, ex-pats in the US were an odd and misplaced bunch...



I have to say that i agree with a majority of these points. I live in a part of Florida where the ex-pat community is over represented. The net result is a degree of alienation by association. I've for the first time in my life, experienced discrimination because of my accent. It's taken some time and effort to get beyond this.


I too find being friendly with the 'locals' far more enjoyable rather than spending time with expats who occupy their time discussing the latest news from Albert Sq. It's a cliche but sadly very true.


One thing though that does unite is 'Soccer'. Sadly Mancs and scousers are plentiful but even they hold a more universal understanding of the game and the significance of clubs such as ours. I've also enjoyed many a good 'lite beer' with an American willing to understand the rules of our beautiful game, and similarly an appreciation of theirs.


I rarely get homesick but when i remember the time shared with my Dad, having a pint and pie at the Dell/St Marys, a momentary lapse does occur. In a small way i can evoke these memories by perusing this forum. Somehow the color of your banter is a small reminder of those conversations in and around the concourse - something i really do miss!

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Perhaps we should all be branded in our ability to be Saints fans?


1 mile from SMS = Platinum Fan

2 miles from SMS = Gold



5,000 Miles = Untrustworthy, sunshine loving, money grabbing non-fan



Oooh Platinum fan for me, anyone outside that can bugger off!! I'm so much better than you!! that includes GM in Bursledon, real fans don't live any further away than Sholing....

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I wish to humbly apologise for calling GM a racist. I have checked the UN definition believing that the title covered intolerance of Cultural Differences and I was out of order and wrong.


He is according to Google On line Dictionaries, a bigot. My bad and I apologise.


And to hold a grudge against ex pats because one tyre kicker who lived overseas and was NEVER a Saints fan had it in for another tyre kicker who tried to buy BOURNEMOUTH still beggars belief.


He is of course an Uberfan. He is from the supreme race and anyone else is non-Aryan.


What a shame that Mike Channon wasn't also a proper Saint coming as he did from Salisbury Plain, and obviously Terry Paine from Winchester and MLT cannot be Legends as they were not from Southampton either.

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Most of the time I have no issue with the postings of the ex-pats and quite often they are a lot more lucid and erudite than those living within the myopia of the SO postcode. If the ball was on the other foot and I was required to move away from Hampshire then I too would find the forum invaluable to stay in touch with all things Saints. For avid Saints fans and regular match attendees it must be tough to be asked to move overseas and give up the one major hobby that can't be replicated elsewhere. Not sure I could do it but also if the offer was too good to refuse it would be equally ridiculous to turn it down for the sake of watching a game of football once a fortnight on average and equally ridiculous to be chastised for doing so.


All that said there are a small percentage of ex-pats who like to blow their own trumpet at every opportunity to talk about anything as long as it's not really Saints related. They rattle on about their ex-pat lifestyle either under some misguided apprehension we will be impressed or as some sort of cathartic exercise in lonely self-reasoning.


It is the small percentage of self obsessed ex pats who give the majority a bad name and as if to prove a point I didn't realise that we had that many. For the record I don't think I have ever noticed ex-pats in Canada or Austria use this forum as some form of 'look at me aren't I great blog' and only to discuss football and other related matters as those of us based here at home and anyway with the internet and technology in general aren't we living in a global village?


That cannot be said for some of the forum's resident and lonely self- absorbed bores in the Middle East and the West Coast of America who don't just confine their local activities to web forums but also like to hear the sound of their own voice on local radio. It takes all types but best not to let a justification seeking minority rule a relevant and entertaining majority that make this place a lot less insular and obsessively incestous as it is already.

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Just think.... if all Saints fans had never left the country, then England would still be World Champions! (Charles Miller has alot to answer for....)


If you don't know what I'm talking about, because it's not a current Saints issue and is something that should be confined to the history books only, then I would suggest that you google him (why does that always sound like something a deviant should do??? lol)

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Most of the time I have no issue with the postings of the ex-pats and quite often they are a lot more lucid and erudite than those living within the myopia of the SO postcode. If the ball was on the other foot and I was required to move away from Hampshire then I too would find the forum invaluable to stay in touch with all things Saints. For avid Saints fans and regular match attendees it must be tough to be asked to move overseas and give up the one major hobby that can't be replicated elsewhere. Not sure I could do it but also if the offer was too good to refuse it would be equally ridiculous to turn it down for the sake of watching a game of football once a fortnight on average and equally ridiculous to be chastised for doing so.


All that said there are a small percentage of ex-pats who like to blow their own trumpet at every opportunity to talk about anything as long as it's not really Saints related. They rattle on about their ex-pat lifestyle either under some misguided apprehension we will be impressed or as some sort of cathartic exercise in lonely self-reasoning.


It is the small percentage of self obsessed ex pats who give the majority a bad name and as if to prove a point I didn't realise that we had that many. For the record I don't think I have ever noticed ex-pats in Canada or Austria use this forum as some form of 'look at me aren't I great blog' and only to discuss football and other related matters as those of us based here at home and anyway with the internet and technology in general aren't we living in a global village?


That cannot be said for some of the forum's resident and lonely self- absorbed bores in the Middle East and the West Coast of America who don't just confine their local activities to web forums but also like to hear the sound of their own voice on local radio. It takes all types but best not to let a justification seeking minority rule a relevant and entertaining majority that make this place a lot less insular and obsessively incestous as it is already.


Now that is a fair post, fair points and well put. Thanks and noted

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I am over 50 and have supported and watched saints regularly since the 1960's, am I therefore to understand that according to this thread and the fact I happen to live overseas for work purposes I and many like me are not currently classed "proper fans"


If that is so can someone explain to me why I try so hard to concide my trips back with matches that I can watch, why do I stay up till 1.30AM to get the saints results for midweek matches and why does my mood always reflect our latest result?


I say "Let him without sin cast the first stone"

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To Guided Missile (AKA J Misslebrook). I used to think that you had some interesting if not somewhat challenging points which were usually well made, however, I am now squarely of the opinion that you are just a wind-up merchant and a c u nt of one at that.


Welcome to my ignore list d!ck-Head.

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To Guided Missile (AKA J Misslebrook). I used to think that you had some interesting if not somewhat challenging points which were usually well made, however, I am now squarely of the opinion that you are just a wind-up merchant and a c u nt of one at that.


Welcome to my ignore list d!ck-Head.


ahh, those are the words i was looking for



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I think it's great that there are Saints fans all over the world and it always makes me excited if I see someone wearing a Saints shirt abroad! When I see kids in Asia and Africa wearing Man U and Chelsea shirts on the TV I wish I'd see just one Saints fan and I think it is our duty as Saints to spread the word. Probably best not to introduce saints to anyone with a history of depression though.


FWIW I think this is a pretty uneeded thread GM, and whilst you obviously have your own reasons for your opinions, which you are entitled to, I think posting them on here is unnecessary, and is obviously going to cause offence. All these posters prove by continuing to avidly follow Saints, whether through appreciation or criticism, is that this football club is an integral part of their life, whether they live in the UK or not.


Finally, whilst I am well aware that I did not need to read your post if I didn't want to, I think saying that other peoples' posts are unentertaining is at best hypocritical, at worst deliberately ignorant.

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IMHO GM is an interesting and informative poster 98% of the time, however now and then he says something

that appears to be just to wind people up and get a reaction.


As I have said in the past I always read what he has posted but I don't always agree with him. Signed an ex-pat. :D


BTW what is an ex-pat ? my name was never Pat so how do I qualify and am I really an ex-pat ? :confused:

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So where does it leave us OS supporters who have never actually set foot in Southampton ?


Been following Saints for many a year, spent ridiculas hours at night listening to games and spending more dollars then I care to count on getting goodies shipped half way across the world.


One day.. I will be there - and I will be the loudest bloody supporter you've ever heard...



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So where does it leave us OS supporters who have never actually set foot in Southampton ?


Been following Saints for many a year, spent ridiculas hours at night listening to games and spending more dollars then I care to count on getting goodies shipped half way across the world.


One day.. I will be there - and I will be the loudest bloody supporter you've ever heard...




What made you be a Saints fan? Family from Soton?

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What made you be a Saints fan? Family from Soton?


As a young lad I went from AFL ( Aussie Rules Footy ) to play 'soccer' as it gets called here. Started watching the premier league games as that's all we got here at the time to try and learn a bit more and instantly fell in love with the game. Couldn't actually believe how skillful it was.


A certain MLT took my interest with his skill and so I started following Saints more. Love an underdog and we certainly were at the time.


Took my interest a bit further , found more about the club and before I knew it I was hooked. To top it all off at the end of our season we were all given Mugs from premier teams.. as Chance had it I was given a Saints one as well ( Still have it ) - Fate surely :)



Now every year I hope for those numbers to come in on the lotto so I can spend some quality time cheering on Saints , getting to meet the local lads and the city.

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As a young lad I went from AFL ( Aussie Rules Footy ) to play 'soccer' as it gets called here. Started watching the premier league games as that's all we got here at the time to try and learn a bit more and instantly fell in love with the game. Couldn't actually believe how skillful it was.


A certain MLT took my interest with his skill and so I started following Saints more. Love an underdog and we certainly were at the time.


Took my interest a bit further , found more about the club and before I knew it I was hooked. To top it all off at the end of our season we were all given Mugs from premier teams.. as Chance had it I was given a Saints one as well ( Still have it ) - Fate surely :)



Now every year I hope for those numbers to come in on the lotto so I can spend some quality time cheering on Saints , getting to meet the local lads and the city.


Cheers to you and good luck!


I was back in Southampton last August. Saw two games - the League Cup game at home to Northampton (a happy experience), and the league game away at Swindon Town the following week (horrible!).


I picked up my own Saints mug at the St. Mary's Megastore - along with a couple of other Saints' souvenirs.


Hope you're able to get to Southampton yourself in the not-too-distant future.


You're obviously a "real" fan.



Edited by Hamilton Saint
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Cheers Mate - Saving my dollars and the Aussie dollar is reasonably strong so hopefully the dream comes true soon.


Nice one 'Bones. Hope you get over to Southampton sometime soon. There's plenty of people on here who will give you advice & will meet up with you to give you a good pre-game pub tour etc. Not everyone is an attention-seeking 'person' like the original poster of this thread.


Speaking of which. Thanks 'GM' for the laughs you've given the USA SFC fans web group. I expect you'll be pleased to know that you've been the center ('er' that is - we can't spell proper over here) of attention. It's not had quite as many posts as the debate on how we were all going to sort out watching the Pompey game - but not far off. You've had a good slagging (that is what you were expecting (and wanting) of course!).


Through the site we've managed to offer crash places to quite a few Southampton based Saints fans who have been over on vacation. It's all worked out pretty well for a lot of people. SFC shirts being brought over (totally voluntarily but it's kinda become the thing to do now) in exchange for a roof and a few beers. Guess you wouldn't get it - no probs mate.


Anyway - any ex-pats over for the Leeds, Swindon or Hartlepool games? Fancy a pint? If so - post up and we'll sort something out. Sadly I can't make the Wembley game but will be over for those. Would be good to swap experiences of how we all try and watch/listen to Saints from overseas.


As an aside Saints are 13/8 to beat Leeds. A cracking price. Don't mess about with correct scores etc. Back Saints on the nose. I can't wait to walk into a bricks 'n' mortar bookie and hand cash over the counter. That is definitely something that a lot of us (USA) ex-pats do miss. Hopefully I'll be walking back to said bookie after the game to pick up a nice wad :)

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Tony Lynam lives in Southampton, so not a hard and fast rule, but in my book, never trust an ex-pat in regards to Saints. If they were true fans, they would live close enough for a season ticket, but they value other things in the life more than Southampton Football Club. Usually it's either the weather or the money...


This is the most ridiculous comment I have ever read. This means that during your 11 years in the USA you weren't a fan? To only consider people who hold season tickets as true fans is a little bit blinkered in my opinion.


I understand what you mean about some expats being total nobs, but there are many decent ones too, who its nice to chat about football with. Especially in a none English speaking country, where all the folks are Man Utd 'fans'. Climate and money not an issue to make me come here either!


I just don't think you should be having a dig at all expats who you don't know, and personally think you have gone to far. I am glad of the opinions of expats and local saints alike. Saints player, and this forum are a way for me to stay in touch with my BELOVED saints. I thank all the decent folk who post on here that give me a link to whats happening at the club.

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Tony Lynam lives in Southampton, so not a hard and fast rule, but in my book, never trust an ex-pat in regards to Saints. If they were true fans, they would live close enough for a season ticket, but they value other things in the life more than Southampton Football Club. Usually it's either the weather or the money...


I don't know why anyone bothers to defend their choices to you. The above statement speaks absolute volumes about you.

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This thread has descended from odd and worthy of a raised eyebrow, to being downright offensive.


Just skimming, I have been singled out even though I have not really criticised the thread the way others have, and I have seen comments such as Canadians being "genetically boring".


Is there ANY modding of this site going on anymore ? I would have expect this thread to be locked.

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