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RIP Michael Foot


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Weren´t the Greek government which presided over their deficit Conservative and the incoming Socialist government totally clueless about the scale of the problem?


Yes, that is correct, but from my limited knowlege on the Greek crisis, I believe the crisis was a consequence of decades of bargains struck between strong unions and weak governments regarding pensions. The country can't afford the pensions burden (having the lowest retirement age in Europe) and when this was made known, it triggered the crisis for them. So I think it has more to do with Union power more than anything else.


That is my understanding, but I am happy to be corrected on this.



(..and before Bungle gets on my case, Ashcroftopoulous didn't pay me to say that :-))

Edited by Johnny Bognor
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Yes, that is correct, but from my limited knowlege on the Greek crisis, I believe the crisis was a consequence of decades of bargains struck between strong unions and weak governments regarding pensions. The country can't afford the pensions burden (having the lowest retirement age in Europe) and when this was made known, it triggered the crisis for them. So I think it has more to do with Union power more than anything else.


That is my understanding, but I am happy to be corrected on this.



(..and before Bungle gets on my case, Ashcroftopoulous didn't pay me to say that :-))


So the Greek Conservative government didn´t preside over the crisis then? C´mon just admit the Conservatives were to blame, just once.

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So the Greek Conservative government didn´t preside over the crisis then? C´mon just admit the Conservatives were to blame, just once.


I am sure they were to blame in Greece as they failed to grapple with the problems created by the unions. It is clear that they needed their very own Thatcheropoulous to sort things out ;)


Hey, there are are good and bad governments of both sides of the political divide. I would never claim all conservative governments are good, whilst all labour ones are bad. As I said earlier in the thread, you heard no complaints from me in the early Bliar years.


My politics probably sit in the centre/centre right, where wealth creation would be the focus (for the benefit of all). The politics of the left are based on envy and that would never sit comfortably with me. I am a natural optimist and have a positive mental attitude. Therefore, of the 3 parties, the only representative is the Tory party. Not an ideal choice for me, as on the left you at least have Labour or Lib Dems to choose from. As it happens, I am not too fussed on Dave's lot to be honest. Too wishy washy media-led PR bull**** for my liking. Would prefer someone like Portillo running the show IMO.


Having said that, I recently saw a manifesto from Doug Richards (of Dragons Den fame) based on an "Entrepreneurs Manifesto", with the focus being on wealth creation for all. If this was a real party it woud get my vote hands down and the other 3 parties could go whistle as far as I am concerned.


Entrepreneurs manifesto / Declaration of rights



If anything, it takes the best of right wing politics and blends it with the best of left wing politics. Have a read as I think it is quite a refreshing read compared to the usual laft/right dogma.

Edited by Johnny Bognor
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