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What's up with AP?

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If AP has resigned why would he have done the post match interview? I reckon he's disappointed with Cortese's comments of a couple of weeks ago, thinks they're unfair and unhelpful and have brought undue pressure and then some idiot presenter continues the theme just after Pardew's team has demolished Walsall 5-1. No wonder he sounded a bit p*ssed off.

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If AP has resigned why would he have done the post match interview? I reckon he's disappointed with Cortese's comments of a couple of weeks ago, thinks they're unfair and unhelpful and have brought undue pressure and then some idiot presenter continues the theme just after Pardew's team has demolished Walsall 5-1. No wonder he sounded a bit p*ssed off.


Although to be fair the performances have been better so maybe the pressure worked.

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Can't believe that i'm so worried about the managers position AFTER a 5-1 win!!


I really hope all this isn't true. Realistically, this season, I always felt if we finished around 8th or 10th, I'd be over the moon. Nothings really changed. If we end this season whilst bang in form it would be a disaster to get rid of Pards at the moment.

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Problem with all of this is that we are fickle as fans! We were as poor on Tues as we were good today and against Norwich! We all want success yesterday! Tues was symptomatic of why we are twenty odd points off the top two, too inconsistent! I love having a team to support and love the fact we seem to be building something here! I hope AP is given the time to get it right, but with big money involved, not sure he will be!


For me, Wembley win this season and champions next season and I will be happy!

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I don't believe it for one second but If I had to put down a list then I too would say that SFC is in the top 10 of attractive jobs in Britain if Cortese showed them his vision for the very near future.


It,s Cortese showing them the door after five minutes that might be the drawback.

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The frame of mind displayed by Pardew in the interview doesn't look right when he has to prepare the team for Tuesday. He was actually rude to the interviewer and in effect to the audience. On the other hand, they certainly did well enough today, whatever the manager's problem is. Unless Cortese already knows the reason, must be likely they will have a conversation about it. Question is, will we find out more?

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Cortese is completely correct to keep the pressure on AP. I'm sure he is on an attaractive salary and should therefore be expected to produce results. On top of that, Cortese has backed AP with the mullah to buy the players he wants.


Storm in a teacup. See you for the Huddersfield game Alan. And fully expect you and the team to win.

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I don't often post here but come on. Some of you go off on wild goose chases, following pointless tangents.

Some of you carry the same pessimistic outlook reminicent of old times. Let that die please and get behind Pardew and the team. COYR!!!

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He wouldnt have been my first choice as manager but since he joined us he really hasnt done anything wrong. The players that he has brought in have been all good buys. I would be happy to finish mid table this season plus the trip to Wembley and then next season the expectation for AP would be to get us automatic promotion.


My thoughts exactly, FWIW.

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AP would be mad to walk away just at a time when he is putting HIS side together at what could be a very bright future at SFC.


Cortese would be an absolute loon for showing AP the door right now.

So much good has been done by both parties,i would be fecking furious if a spanner was put in the works.

Stability, is the key.

We have not had that for an age,and look where that got us.

Bloody foolish for AP to go now,if it were too happen, for all concerned.



There's too much logic on here tonight! Agree again!

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Anyone think it could have just been an arguement in the dressing room after the match?


Rickie Lambert seemed very disappointed when he went off, as did Barnard and they both went straight to the changing room....


As did Jaidi. Having said that, I wouldn't read too much into it.

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Ok! Not big into conspiracy theories, but Warnock to QPR leaves a vacancy at???? NC ****es AP off by not letting him speak to Palarse. Spiritual home and all that? Don't know what to think. Living in the Reading/Wokingham area not many have a good word to say about AP and loyalty. Hope this is all about 2+2 = 5, but would not surprise me if AP not at Saints next Saturday. One of those gut reactions. Not ITK.


Palace are in admin, i am pretty sure administrators don't make a big thing about signing managers especially ones currently under contract at another club.


I would love to say everything is ok but for some reason have a nagging bad feeling in the back off my head.


I hope he is still here come tues.

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If, and it's a big if, the rumours are true then the Departure of Pardew would be more bizarre than some recent bizarre managerial departures such as:


Ferguson - Peterborough

Southgate - Middlesborough

Magilton - Ipswich

Hughes - Manchester City

Fill in the blank [ ] - QPR

Curbishley - Charlton (For lacking ambition!)

Laws - Sheff Weds

Pearson - Saints (For nearly relegating club) ;)

Wotte - Saints ( For showing he could honour his 1 year contract for all of a week or thereabouts and laugh all the way to the supermarket for his Amstel)


There are no doubt many more examples such as why did Leeds in the 70's relieve two of the games greatest ever managers of their jobs (Clough and Stein) after a time so short it nearly challenged Rosenoir's tenure at Torquay?


In all bar the two Saints examples I think it can be readily argued that the club in each case has dug a deeper hole for itself and even if Cortese was that stupid a new manager would want the customary and undefined ' it takes time to build a team' and before you know it promotion wouldn't happen next season let alone the ridiculous expectations on this season.


IMO Pardew, not Cortese's revised ambition, represents our best chance of getting out of this division next season as per the original plan. If Cortese has decided to change that plan mid season then the war chest he provided wasn't enough for us to sign the quality of players (Fonte and Puncheon aside) we needed, to turn recent draws into wins.


My guess is Pardew is annoyed with the local media and their negative questioning fuelled by a less than helpful press release by Cortese a few weeks ago. Therefore, after a 5-1 win that still has negative connatations to the mendia comments he has IMO every right to be miffed and we can only speculate how his conversation went with Cortese, if any. If he did speak to Cortese my guess again would be that Cortese would have said something like 'good win but means nothing if we don't win on Tuesday night'. Pure speculation and just my opinion of course but would fit in line with his comments regarding the Norwich game and the postings of some of our unrealistic fans.


Therefore, like us all occassionaly I think Pardew left work a tad annoyed feeling a bit hard done by, and rightly so IMO, but that doesn't mean he won't return to work tomorrow. However, what a better time to say 'eff it' having proved the doubters wrong and go out on a high and I suspect a few of us have done that as well in our time.

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If, and it's a big if, the rumours are true then the Departure of Pardew would be more bizarre than some recent bizarre managerial departures such as:


Ferguson - Peterborough

Southgate - Middlesborough

Magilton - Ipswich

Hughes - Manchester City

Fill in the blank [ ] - QPR

Curbishley - Charlton (For lacking ambition!)

Laws - Sheff Weds

Pearson - Saints (For nearly relegating club) ;)

Wotte - Saints ( For showing he could honour his 1 year contract for all of a week or thereabouts and laugh all the way to the supermarket for his Amstel)


There are no doubt many more examples such as why did Leeds in the 70's relieve two of the games greatest ever managers of their jobs (Clough and Stein) after a time so short it nearly challenged Rosenoir's tenure at Torquay?


In all bar the two Saints examples I think it can be readily argued that the club in each case has dug a deeper hole for itself and even if Cortese was that stupid a new manager would want the customary and undefined ' it takes time to build a team' and before you know it promotion wouldn't happen next season let alone the ridiculous expectations on this season.


IMO Pardew, not Cortese's revised ambition, represents our best chance of getting out of this division next season as per the original plan. If Cortese has decided to change that plan mid season then the war chest he provided wasn't enough for us to sign the quality of players (Fonte and Puncheon aside) we needed, to turn recent draws into wins.


My guess is Pardew is annoyed with the local media and their negative questioning fuelled by a less than helpful press release by Cortese a few weeks ago. Therefore, after a 5-1 win that still has negative connatations to the mendia comments he has IMO every right to be miffed and we can only speculate how his conversation went with Cortese, if any. If he did speak to Cortese my guess again would be that Cortese would have said something like 'good win but means nothing if we don't win on Tuesday night'. Pure speculation and just my opinion of course but would fit in line with his comments regarding the Norwich game and the postings of some of our unrealistic fans.


Therefore, like us all occassionaly I think Pardew left work a tad annoyed feeling a bit hard done by, and rightly so IMO, but that doesn't mean he won't return to work tomorrow. However, what a better time to say 'eff it' having proved the doubters wrong and go out on a high and I suspect a few of us have done that as well in our time.


Wow. Completely agree with 19C. WTF?? Everyone has been smoking something funny tonight IMO, I saw the interview and didn't think anything of it at all. Granted, everyone has their own opinions but it's been like mass hysteria over the last 3 pages. GET A GRIP FFS!

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AP wearing Black Tie

AP leaving at 5:15

AP doesn't want to do the interview AS HE IS IN A HURRY?


Family bereavement? family dinner party? Night at the Opera?


If I wanted to leave in a hurry for an engagement I could not get out of, I'd be pretty hacked off at someone asking "not completely exciting" questions which meant I got hung up in the traffic on the Avenue.


I'd also be hacked off if my #2 wasn't able or allowed to do the interview.


We have NO idea what went on, and have 4 pages of nonsense.

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If, and it's a big if, the rumours are true then the Departure of Pardew would be more bizarre than some recent bizarre managerial departures such as:


Ferguson - Peterborough

Southgate - Middlesborough

Magilton - Ipswich

Hughes - Manchester City

Fill in the blank [ ] - QPR

Curbishley - Charlton (For lacking ambition!)

Laws - Sheff Weds

Pearson - Saints (For nearly relegating club) ;)

Wotte - Saints ( For showing he could honour his 1 year contract for all of a week or thereabouts and laugh all the way to the supermarket for his Amstel)


There are no doubt many more examples such as why did Leeds in the 70's relieve two of the games greatest ever managers of their jobs (Clough and Stein) after a time so short it nearly challenged Rosenoir's tenure at Torquay?


In all bar the two Saints examples I think it can be readily argued that the club in each case has dug a deeper hole for itself and even if Cortese was that stupid a new manager would want the customary and undefined ' it takes time to build a team' and before you know it promotion wouldn't happen next season let alone the ridiculous expectations on this season.


IMO Pardew, not Cortese's revised ambition, represents our best chance of getting out of this division next season as per the original plan. If Cortese has decided to change that plan mid season then the war chest he provided wasn't enough for us to sign the quality of players (Fonte and Puncheon aside) we needed, to turn recent draws into wins.


My guess is Pardew is annoyed with the local media and their negative questioning fuelled by a less than helpful press release by Cortese a few weeks ago. Therefore, after a 5-1 win that still has negative connatations to the mendia comments he has IMO every right to be miffed and we can only speculate how his conversation went with Cortese, if any. If he did speak to Cortese my guess again would be that Cortese would have said something like 'good win but means nothing if we don't win on Tuesday night'. Pure speculation and just my opinion of course but would fit in line with his comments regarding the Norwich game and the postings of some of our unrealistic fans.


Therefore, like us all occassionaly I think Pardew left work a tad annoyed feeling a bit hard done by, and rightly so IMO, but that doesn't mean he won't return to work tomorrow. However, what a better time to say 'eff it' having proved the doubters wrong and go out on a high and I suspect a few of us have done that as well in our time.



Great post & prob spot on .. lets hope so :)

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Getting rid of pardew now would be madness....and that's coming from somebody whos not really a fan of his but perhaps it has to do with pardew not being their first choice candidate as rumoured on here back in the summer???


I agree with you completely but where has this rumour originated from.



Perhaps Pardew does not get on with NC

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Have given a lot of thought to this thread and let me first say I do not know the reason for Pardew’s mood in interview or his leaving at 5:15pm but here is my opinion based on some past snippets I gained in the past few months.


Pardew might not have been Cortese’s first choice but he was the best available at the time he signed on.


I was told Cortese was very unhappy over the start to the season and nearly made a knee jerk reaction. I am not prepared to go into detail as the original source this came from may have had an ulterior motive.


The situation improved as we could all see from results and it looks like Cortese decided to back Pardew by releasing more money in the transfer window to take us to the next level (i.e. top six).


Immediate results in the league were not as good as most hoped (draws away from home having taken the lead) but Pardew’s stock was still high among the supporters because of our cup run.


Suddenly Cortese goes public that he expects top 6 this season and that the league is the priority. Pardew, who I never thought was expecting a top 6 this season, was convinced that winning in any competition was the way forward and who can blame him if he saw a Wembley cup final (which he achieved with aplomb) as a more realistic target.


Saturdays win at Norwich was a fantastic achievement but was followed up with a poor performance and result at Wycombe. There was a pattern forming that this side cannot perform on poor pitches and that is essential in this league. Were Pardew’s tactics being questioned by Cortese?


Pardew has made it clear recently that he is under a lot of pressure and I suspect he thinks his 18 month period to prove himself had shrunk to the end of the season at most.


We get another fantastic win yesterday and there is some negativity in the media questioning. I think that might have been the final straw. Pardew should not have to defend himself on a day like that and he may have felt there was someone else pulling the media strings. So he was curt and walked out early.


I expect Pardew to be back at work today preparing for Huddersfield. If we perform again like we did against Norwich & Walsall that will be Pardew’s ticket to the end of the season. If we have a good run in similar form he will take us to automatic promotion next season.


As for the rumour of Cortese to AC Milan, I know someone with close contact to those at the very top at AC Milan and last time I heard, there was absolutely no truth in the rumour last time it was raised and from what I was told then, I do not expect the situation to be any different today.

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Have given a lot of thought to this thread and let me first say I do not know the reason for Pardew’s mood in interview or his leaving at 5:15pm but here is my opinion based on some past snippets I gained in the past few months.


Pardew might not have been Cortese’s first choice but he was the best available at the time he signed on.


I was told Cortese was very unhappy over the start to the season and nearly made a knee jerk reaction. I am not prepared to go into detail as the original source this came from may have had an ulterior motive.


The situation improved as we could all see from results and it looks like Cortese decided to back Pardew by releasing more money in the transfer window to take us to the next level (i.e. top six).


Immediate results in the league were not as good as most hoped (draws away from home having taken the lead) but Pardew’s stock was still high among the supporters because of our cup run.


Suddenly Cortese goes public that he expects top 6 this season and that the league is the priority. Pardew, who I never thought was expecting a top 6 this season, was convinced that winning in any competition was the way forward and who can blame him if he saw a Wembley cup final (which he achieved with aplomb) as a more realistic target.


Saturdays win at Norwich was a fantastic achievement but was followed up with a poor performance and result at Wycombe. There was a pattern forming that this side cannot perform on poor pitches and that is essential in this league. Were Pardew’s tactics being questioned by Cortese?


Pardew has made it clear recently that he is under a lot of pressure and I suspect he thinks his 18 month period to prove himself had shrunk to the end of the season at most.


We get another fantastic win yesterday and there is some negativity in the media questioning. I think that might have been the final straw. Pardew should not have to defend himself on a day like that and he may have felt there was someone else pulling the media strings. So he was curt and walked out early.


I expect Pardew to be back at work today preparing for Huddersfield. If we perform again like we did against Norwich & Walsall that will be Pardew’s ticket to the end of the season. If we have a good run in similar form he will take us to automatic promotion next season.


As for the rumour of Cortese to AC Milan, I know someone with close contact to those at the very top at AC Milan and last time I heard, there was absolutely no truth in the rumour last time it was raised and from what I was told then, I do not expect the situation to be any different today.


Thank you I am always interested in your posts

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