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If Roopie starts begging thru the press...


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Guest Hacienda
nah man i physically cannot go to rother or most away games, for a start i do not drive and yes i do college on wednesdays and tuesdays.also i do not have a job to afford it wow your going to rother i go to every home game and i go to some away games as well so fuc right off i went to qpr and going to reading and others too. get bent

love it tho you can go to home games but dont i cant go to away games but i would if i could.not my fault you dont have a job ,maybe you should get one you might be able to afford to go more then.


What sort of fan are you when you're not even bothering to go to Rotherham or Doncaster. This club would be better off with out part time plastic fans like you.


Maybe you should ask mum to up your pocketmoney?

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Guest Hacienda
Do you prefer the hoof stuff then hughies?


Staying up with hoof or going down playing fancy dan.


What would you choose Nick?


I know of no fan who doesn't love the idea of young home grown players but it's been clear since pre-season that this experiment was being rushed and doomed.


We need a mix of youth and experience and that lack of mix is take us down.

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Staying up with hoof or going down playing fancy dan.


What would you choose Nick?


I know of no fan who doesn't love the idea of young home grown players but it's been clear since pre-season that this experiment was being rushed and doomed.


We need a mix of youth and experience and that lack of mix is take us down.

When were we relegated? i am prepared to wager with you that we wont go down. The winnings going to a charity of choice
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When were we relegated? i am prepared to wager with you that we wont go down. The winnings going to a charity of choice


I don't think we will go down either but i also don't think the team we have now and the manager we have now will be the ones we finish the season with. I have a feeling we will get to November/December in the mess and we could see some changes. Maybe Lowe will sell up once and for all at a realistic price due to not wanting his shares to be worthless if we go down?


Either way if we continue on our current course it will only lead to change of personnel.

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Guest Hacienda
When were we relegated? i am prepared to wager with you that we wont go down. The winnings going to a charity of choice


Good with me.


Shall we say £10?


I nominate the NSPCC as my choice.


You've still to answer the question though.

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Good with me.


Shall we say £10?


I nominate the NSPCC as my choice.


You've still to answer the question though.

What question? If I think that Blackpool will be in the relegation mix. I did think so a couple of weks ago but they have pulled out a couple of good results and may have a better sqaud this season
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Guest Hacienda
What question? If I think that Blackpool will be in the relegation mix. I did think so a couple of weks ago but they have pulled out a couple of good results and may have a better sqaud this season


Would you:



  1. rather us stay up playing hoofball?
  2. Go down playing football?

Which one is it?

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Would you:



  1. rather us stay up playing hoofball?
  2. Go down playing football?

Which one is it?

Sorry I didnt see that one. If one was a certainty then of course hoofball. It is a nonsense question because you could say the same to any club and the answer would be the one that saved you.If you said to be top 6 hoofing or safe playing football I would take the football.i want to be proud of the club.I'd hate to have Stoke or Watfords reputation.At present neither has been proved right or wrong. You have the better end of the bet as you will be happy when you pay up.
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As newly installed CEO of this business Mr Lowe's job was to cut costs and makes sure those people who hold the businesses debts were satisfied.


In this he has completed his job although this part of cost saving is very, very easy. The Americans love it and named it 'downsizing' a few years ago (although the Harvard Business School trained gentlemen who started the whole thing off has since come out and said it was a bad idea after all - oops!) but another big part of being CEO of this business is attracting more 'customers' and possible 'investors' by producing a product that everyone wants and is better than the other businesses you compete with. In this he has failed - the product is so poor that the business is the third worst performing in it's market and no new customers are on the books, in fact long-term existing customers are leaving.


I think this CEO is staring down the barrel of a loaded gun and as everything so far completed has been fully implemented by himself he has to take the sole blame.


He is the CEO of this business - no one else.


Oh and personally I do not like the man one iota but this doesn't really affect the above.


I 100% agree with what you say but you're assuming that SLH is run like a 'normal' business...

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it wasnt just them, the fans wanted the Wilde bunch which was a disaster as well.


But Lowe is the catalyst for all the problems at SFC, (Askham if you want to go back further)

I was glad the Wilde bunch came in at the time, but you're right they didn't improve things but the situation had stagnated under Lowe, he was a spent force.

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you lot are pathetic ,if we are in league 1 ill be going im not a bunch of goons like you lot.

your more interested in wilde and lowe get a ****ing life off the ****ing computer go to a game and support the team. pathetic old pr!cks


Calm down mate, I bought my season ticket as soon as they came on sale and I will be going to every home game, not to mention around 4-5 away games.

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I think it's sad if people are refusing to turn up because he is in charge. Half the people on this board probably think their boss is a w*nker. Would you resign because of it, or just grin and bare it because it's a nescessary evil?


Bad example. I certainly have quit jobs for that reason, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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Lowe has run this club down to almost the bare bones(youth)with his cost cutting, while needed has gone to far and left us with a good but inheirently weak team which struggles most of the time at best, and woefull at worst.

P.S I have loved and supported SAINTS over 38 years,and yes i have a ST, but i cant no longer watch this team rupert has left us with as i can see RL selling all players of worth in JAN transfer window to keep his dream afloat (bye bye lallana,surman ect). So he can keep my bloody ST money, as i will no longer go while he and wilde are still there. :(

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Be it on your own head should we either:


a) Be relegated; or

b) Fall into administration.


You are no fan of this club.

B the second one will happen when A happens due to the whole team being sh*te, and yes built by Lowe!

Who said lightning does'nt strike twice (relegation under LOWE). ;)

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A young team needs the full backing and support of the fanbase at large, not an empty stadium.


And if they get the full backing of the fans but are still too young and inexperienced and end up getting relegated anyway, what then?


Ps how did the reserve teams get on over the past 3 years with relatively empty stadiums ;)

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No we are realists...Lowe and Wilde screwed this club, we are now in a position to show him all is not forgiven


By screwing the club that you probably profess to love, via some sort of boycott?


Great idea, brains. :rolleyes:


What those who are refusing to give the club their money because they don't like the chairman seem to have trouble understanding is that they are doing just as much damage as Lowe and Wilde ever did and if falling gate receipts lead us into adminstration, 07/08 and 08/09 will look like the glory years in comparison to what will happen....


It's absolutely bonkers. The club, our club, needs your money now more than ever. Put your prejudices and vendattas aside and help stop our club from falling off a very, very big cliff.

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It's absolutely bonkers. The club, our club, needs your money now more than ever. Put your prejudices and vendattas aside and help stop our club from falling off a very, very big cliff.


Nail. Head. Cleanly hit.


Alas, the rabid anti Lowes, the fringe, the class conscious brigade will not do that. They, and they alone, will take this club into oblivion.

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They must be shi877ing themselves over the gate revenue.


They probably had an idea from season ticket sales that we would not be up with last season, but there is no way they would have been budgeting around the 14,000-15,000 mark.


Would of been 17-18,000 a game and I think thats what they had told Barclay's.


RL just over did it on the contempometer he uses to gauge the fanbase after fielding the reserve team.

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By screwing the club that you probably profess to love, via some sort of boycott?


Great idea, brains. :rolleyes:


What those who are refusing to give the club their money because they don't like the chairman seem to have trouble understanding is that they are doing just as much damage as Lowe and Wilde ever did and if falling gate receipts lead us into adminstration, 07/08 and 08/09 will look like the glory years in comparison to what will happen....


It's absolutely bonkers. The club, our club, needs your money now more than ever. Put your prejudices and vendattas aside and help stop our club from falling off a very, very big cliff.


Its not a boycott, its worse than that, its apathy.


Wake up muppets all is not well on Fraggle Rock.

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Nail. Head. Cleanly hit.


Alas, the rabid anti Lowes, the fringe, the class conscious brigade will not do that. They, and they alone, will take this club into oblivion.


When an incapable General takes you into battle, you need to trust him. When he says the extra income will provide us with better kit and more experienced soldiers, we believe him. When the war begins and there is no extra kit a few overpaid mercenaries and the General sits and dithers, gets in more and more Captains to lead his team and we are led to the slaughter, our trust has gone.


A new General comes in, we back him, we want better, this time the experience and kit turns up and instead of being slaughtered, we almost win. But, the damage to our reserves have been done.


So, then when you combine the over zealous one with the lying cheating one, how do you expect the troops to follow?


Following Lowe now is throwing good money after bad. They are not here to save Saints, they are here to save themselves. And just how much is Lowe being paid to save his own money?


I followed before and that made me stupid, to follow again would make me an imbecile!


Lowe wanted the chance to save his money, don't think for one moment that that includes saving Saints. If we're as close to relegation as Lowe says we are, then he couldn't save us, like he said he could. He therefore, has lied again, quelle surprise!

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By screwing the club that you probably profess to love, via some sort of boycott?


Great idea, brains. :rolleyes:


What those who are refusing to give the club their money because they don't like the chairman seem to have trouble understanding is that they are doing just as much damage as Lowe and Wilde ever did and if falling gate receipts lead us into adminstration, 07/08 and 08/09 will look like the glory years in comparison to what will happen....


It's absolutely bonkers. The club, our club, needs your money now more than ever. Put your prejudices and vendattas aside and help stop our club from falling off a very, very big cliff.


my thoughts exactly to all the fake plastic fans

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Guest Hacienda
Be it on your own head should we either:


a) Be relegated; or

b) Fall into administration.


You are no fan of this club.


You refused to put any money into the club under the last regime so you are obviously no fan.

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Guest Hacienda
A young team needs the full backing and support of the fanbase at large, not an empty stadium.


But you said Lowe's body of men, 10,000 strong would be back?

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Nobody is obliged to go to a football match if they don't want to for whatever reason. They might be too poor, they might not like the sort of football we're playing, they might not like the chairman. It's their decision and they need feel no moral responsibility should the club go bust or be unable to keep the few good players we have.


What I don't like is the air that some (not all) give themselves that they are somehow doing it because they love the club so much. Less money on the gate means less money for paying debts and for paying players. You may have good reasons for staying away but please don't pretend it's helping the club.

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