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I'm sorry, but is anyone else ****ed off at what seems to be a culture of sniping at NC and ML's intentions for the club. We've already got a complaint about a new kit, which I am sure they thought would be an idea that the fans would love. We've had people complaining about the fact that The Echo got their fingers burnt because they were playing with fire, and also the fact that it may seem to us (outside the confines of knowing the financial status of them) that a few transfers were the cheap options.


We owe these guys our club. They are investing heavily, yet it seems all people can do is ***** and complain. Seriously guys, wind yer ****ing neck in and realise how lucky we have been. Not everyone is going to like EVERY decision. If you don't like a decision, suck it up, don't throw your toys out the pram. They are doing a bloody good job so far, and I really hope they don't come on here too much, because if they did they must think we're such ungrateful *****s.


Anyway, rant over.


Tend to agree with much of what you say. The trouble is like many football forum's we have our fair share of serial moaners, I've decided to put them on my ignore list.


The shirt issue is a classic case. The club are trying to do something special to celebrate the 125 year anniversary. Personally, I would prefer to see a striped shirt rather than the sash as has been suggested. However, if it is to be a sash then fine, I have no problem with that. Unfortunately, others will kick off over it.


But when you look at where Poopey are now and where we were a year ago, thank God for Markus Liebherr.


We all appreciate what ML & NC have and are trying to achieve but some of us are not just going to roll over and have our bellies tickled.


Debate is healthy. Comment, whether good or bad is feedback to the club. We are football customers, not sheep. We pay to watch Saints, it is not for free. We are entitled to a myriad of opinion whether good or bad.


Nothing wrong with your opening post though...;)

I'm sorry, but is anyone else ****ed off at what seems to be a culture of sniping at NC and ML's intentions for the club. We've already got a complaint about a new kit, which I am sure they thought would be an idea that the fans would love. We've had people complaining about the fact that The Echo got their fingers burnt because they were playing with fire, and also the fact that it may seem to us (outside the confines of knowing the financial status of them) that a few transfers were the cheap options.


We owe these guys our club. They are investing heavily, yet it seems all people can do is ***** and complain. Seriously guys, wind yer ****ing neck in and realise how lucky we have been. Not everyone is going to like EVERY decision. If you don't like a decision, suck it up, don't throw your toys out the pram. They are doing a bloody good job so far, and I really hope they don't come on here too much, because if they did they must think we're such ungrateful *****s.


Anyway, rant over.




I tend to agree with a lot of this also. Surely it is in the nature of web forums that all views tend to be expressed. Personally I am more than a little irritated by the negativity of the likes of Alpine and the constant whinging of Glasgow Saint and the utter ******** spouted by Nineteen Canteen,(in my humble opinion of course) but as long as they stick within the rules they deserve the right to express themselves even if people suspect their motives for doing so and disagree with what they say. I believe it's something to do with that fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression.

I'm sorry, but is anyone else ****ed off at what seems to be a culture of sniping at NC and ML's intentions for the club. We've already got a complaint about a new kit, which I am sure they thought would be an idea that the fans would love. We've had people complaining about the fact that The Echo got their fingers burnt because they were playing with fire, and also the fact that it may seem to us (outside the confines of knowing the financial status of them) that a few transfers were the cheap options.


We owe these guys our club. They are investing heavily, yet it seems all people can do is ***** and complain. Seriously guys, wind yer ****ing neck in and realise how lucky we have been. Not everyone is going to like EVERY decision. If you don't like a decision, suck it up, don't throw your toys out the pram. They are doing a bloody good job so far, and I really hope they don't come on here too much, because if they did they must think we're such ungrateful *****s.


Anyway, rant over.


Agree 100%. Without the aforementioned ML/NC , I don't know which league we'd be in and SMS would be an open-air concert arena. The club is very close to many hearts - even if some of the older players have long retired or, passed on to " the dressing room in the sky". It's OUR club, but we are customers, just like going to the cinema, or a supermarket. We don't own SMS, or control the money to run the club - but I'm glad we have owners who understand business and know how to handle money.

Something that cannot be bought is the club's soul, and that remains in the hearts of every fan - whatever age they may be.


The shirt issue is typical of a family squabble and will hopefully be resolved and everyone who DOESN'T want one ..doesn't have to buy it.


I think it's become fashionable on this forum for people to moan about the state of the club, as you say DPS. There is one poster in particular who constantly bores everyone seemingly every other day...(and no, not me, before the 'cards' on here say that ;) )


I wouldn't worry about it, mate.


The owners of the club are almost certainly sensible enough to realise that, on every messageboard or comment page on the internet (football or otherwise), 1-10% of the posters will be embittered losers who just enjoy hating everything all the time. They just happen to shout the loudest and argue the longest, giving the impression that there's more of them than they actually are.


Likewise the other 1-10% at the other end of the spectrum who will brook no criticism of the club under any circumstances ever. The key is not to take the posts of either of these type of posters remotely seriously - I'm sure Liebherr and Cortese don't :)


"We owe these guys our club"


Perhaps changed to:


" We owe these guys because without them we would not have a club "!


And beyond that we have a bright and positive future - contrast that to our skatey friends down the road!


We have much to thank Markus and Nicola for..


Whilst I tend to agree with the overall feeling of the post DPS, that we do have everything to owe to ML & NC who lets not forget brought ML to the table in the 1st place. I can also remember in the not to distant (horrendous) past "the lets go Wilde era" (best forgotten really) but I remember certain people expressing concern at the time, but they were shouted down & called all sorts on the previous board. I don't have a problem with a different opinion, providing its expressed in the right way. And its right in my view to have good debate & if someone expresses an opinion that makes us all think about a certain subject in a different way(may still not agree with it). However good debate too often descends into p**sing contests on here. The trouble is that someone may have a genuine concern about something NC does, but are we saying we can't question what is being done? but just blindly follow? We should all be thankful to NC & ML, but never loose sight that they are the guardians of our club, and If someone sees or knows of a problem, I'd rather know about it & question it than stick my head in the sand & pray it all comes out all-right.

NC & ML have done no wrong so far, long may it continue!


I think it's about time we put this right once and for all.


We are SUPPORTERS we are FANS we are NOT CUSTOMERS! You may think that because you pay your money you have the 'right' to complain! But that isn’t even what a customer is you doughnuts! We are supporters and Lowe knew this, it's not as though you can stop 'buying' Saints and buy 'Poopey' instead. If you cut me open, I'm red and white! If you think you’re a 'customer' then Walk away, follow 'Lowe' to his next business opportunity. But don't mix me up with your 'customer' beliefs. I am part of a club, I am part of a 'football club' I 'Support' the Saints, and I am a fan of everything red and white.


ML has saved this 'club'. Not the 'business', and he doesn’t give a stuff about the 'customers', they will obviously come and go as they please. He cares about the 'Supporters' and the 'fans' of this little 'club'. The PLC is dead, Lowe has gone, a new era is on the horizon, support ML like you supported Ted Bates, because without Ted, there'd be no Saints (as we know it) and without ML, there'd be no Saints (as we know it)!


So stop your, customer this, customer that rubbish and SUPPORT the Saints!



I'm sorry, but is anyone else ****ed off at what seems to be a culture of sniping at NC and ML's intentions for the club. We've already got a complaint about a new kit, which I am sure they thought would be an idea that the fans would love. We've had people complaining about the fact that The Echo got their fingers burnt because they were playing with fire, and also the fact that it may seem to us (outside the confines of knowing the financial status of them) that a few transfers were the cheap options.


We owe these guys our club. They are investing heavily, yet it seems all people can do is ***** and complain. Seriously guys, wind yer ****ing neck in and realise how lucky we have been. Not everyone is going to like EVERY decision. If you don't like a decision, suck it up, don't throw your toys out the pram. They are doing a bloody good job so far, and I really hope they don't come on here too much, because if they did they must think we're such ungrateful *****s.


Anyway, rant over.


Gets my vote. I dont get it either.


I've said this before but I honesty think some members of this forum were far far happier when we were on the brink of collapse. Moaning about Lowe and the board became a passtime for some people and now things are on the up they have nothing left.

They just have to pick at the little things now.

If we beat Barcelona in the European cup final 5-1 they would be talking about the sloppy goal we conceded and it's not good enough because "I have a season ticket you know"

I am the olny one who just likes turning up to see a good game on a Saturday and hopefuly a win without being totally obsesed by all things SFC?

I think it's about time we put this right once and for all.


We are SUPPORTERS we are FANS we are NOT CUSTOMERS! You may think that because you pay your money you have the 'right' to complain! But that isn’t even what a customer is you doughnuts! We are supporters and Lowe knew this, it's not as though you can stop 'buying' Saints and buy 'Poopey' instead. If you cut me open, I'm red and white! If you think you’re a 'customer' then Walk away, follow 'Lowe' to his next business opportunity. But don't mix me up with your 'customer' beliefs. I am part of a club, I am part of a 'football club' I 'Support' the Saints, and I am a fan of everything red and white.


ML has saved this 'club'. Not the 'business', and he doesn’t give a stuff about the 'customers', they will obviously come and go as they please. He cares about the 'Supporters' and the 'fans' of this little 'club'. The PLC is dead, Lowe has gone, a new era is on the horizon, support ML like you supported Ted Bates, because without Ted, there'd be no Saints (as we know it) and without ML, there'd be no Saints (as we know it)!


So stop your, customer this, customer that rubbish and SUPPORT the Saints!




I have to say, A lot of people I know never understand why I dont feel bad about "wasting" 30 quid on a ticket when we lose. I dont feel like ive dropped 30 quid down the drain when we lose, just as i didnt at the pompey game.


Some people feel like they have been robbed when we lose or have an off day when we should have won. Its not about the money.... despite having a lack of it...... its about supporting the team through thick and thin. As JS describes we shouldnt behave like customers and expect a win just because weve paid the money or made the effort to follow a game. We choose to support saints. Trust in those that are actually responsible for the club.


Some people will complain about anything, me im grateful i still have a club to follow and it is being run by people that seem to take into account the fans and try to do things for them.


Just look when a fan won £250.000 and it went to the club and we brought bradley wright phillips, people complained about that...... oh wait bad example!!!!!!!!!!!


From the forum FAQ section........


Dealing with Troublesome Users


Can I block posts, emails and messages from specific users?


If there are particular members that bother you and you do not want to see their posts or receive Private Messages and Emails from them, then you can add these members to your 'Ignore List'. There are several ways to do this:


Through your User Control Panel: User CP, Settings & Options, Edit Ignore List. Then, type their name into the empty text box and click 'Okay'.


You will always get people who'll find something to moan about. The internet forum medium feeds on these things. Whereas before the internet generation, people would just shrug their shoulders, or discuss the little issue over a pint, now it's debated down to the last syllable. And whereas something might be mildly annoying to many people, to football fans, it is the end of the world [i exaggerate slightly]. Besides, you can please some of the people all of the time, and you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time. It's a well known saying, but it's true.


With some of these moaning posters 19C etc. I get this horrible vision of no life 40 something virgins sat in their vests at the computor all day. Empty cans of beer and pizza boxes littered round the place.

I think I'm going to be sick

I'm sorry, but is anyone else ****ed off at what seems to be a culture of sniping at NC and ML's intentions for the club. We've already got a complaint about a new kit, which I am sure they thought would be an idea that the fans would love. We've had people complaining about the fact that The Echo got their fingers burnt because they were playing with fire, and also the fact that it may seem to us (outside the confines of knowing the financial status of them) that a few transfers were the cheap options.


We owe these guys our club. They are investing heavily, yet it seems all people can do is ***** and complain. Seriously guys, wind yer ****ing neck in and realise how lucky we have been. Not everyone is going to like EVERY decision. If you don't like a decision, suck it up, don't throw your toys out the pram. They are doing a bloody good job so far, and I really hope they don't come on here too much, because if they did they must think we're such ungrateful *****s.


Anyway, rant over.


Good thread DPS and to be honest I would prefer a culture of questioning some actions or motives of NC/ML as more beneficial than the current appetite this forum has to discuss all things Pompey.


They have their reasons for buying the club and in football terms we do look like a rare beast in that we could actually represent a successful investment and NC /ML recognised that fact. Yes we should thank them and continue to show thanks but they do not need to be as benevolent as some owners of other clubs and therefore as Weston Saint pointed out it does not mean we simply have to roll over and have our bellies tickled like a bunch of lap dogs.


They have on balance done much good but personally I have 3 concerns, 1 of which, buying 2 CB's and not a CM last month, is probably more a concern with Pardew. The other 2 issues I have is Cortese banning of the Echo over what appears to be a non-event (discussed at length elsewhere) and perhaps more importantly his recent poorly worded and timed press release regarding promotion being more important than cups and how disappointed he has been with our league performances. This did seem an apparent change in the patient strategy of earlier in the season as the play off place was now seemingly escalated as a priority one year ahead of plan.


Cortese's statement was in direct contrast to Pardew's assertion that he chose to concentrate efforts on the cups knowing promotion was not realistic. Also, given the fans reactions to reaching the JPT final it seems Pardew is more in tune with supporters than Cortese and in any event shouldn't we be concerned that manager and CEO are seemingly not using the same hymn sheet and it looks following the Solent fans forum earlier in the season Cortese has changed his hymn sheet and not told anyone or doesn't have much of a clue about this league.


Insisting that our league form gets back on track away to Norwich is IMO the equivalent of pushing Pardew out of a plane as it flies over the central Amazon and telling him to find his own way back but forgetting to give him a parachute.


I have a right to question his actions as he and ML have a right to build and protect their original investment and frankly it would be naive not to question why you would ban the press over such a minor incident and not explain it and to suddenly change a plan that we had all bought into forward by one season and undermine the excellent ground work we have done to date.


In days of old our resident conspiracy theorist, Trousers, would have had a field day with this, in the absence of understandable reasoning. We have to get out of the mindset that they saved the club ergo they can do no wrong and we must never question them. They are hard nosed and successful businessmen not gods. Thanks to the club and the goodwill they bought with it I think they will do very well during their time here but that doesn't mean they can simply treat us all like sheep or simply do what they like without explanation.


Good debate like I said but I won't be 'sucking up' anything but try to assess everything on its merits and comment accordingly.

From the forum FAQ section........


Dealing with Troublesome Users


Can I block posts, emails and messages from specific users?


If there are particular members that bother you and you do not want to see their posts or receive Private Messages and Emails from them, then you can add these members to your 'Ignore List'. There are several ways to do this:


Through your User Control Panel: User CP, Settings & Options, Edit Ignore List. Then, type their name into the empty text box and click 'Okay'.


There a couple of members who have posted on this thread which was I think aimed at them among others. They are both on my ignore list. the thing is I really want to know what the have posted. should I take them off my ignore list. Decisions, decisions!! :confused:

With some of these moaning posters 19C etc. I get this horrible vision of no life 40 something virgins sat in their vests at the computor all day. Empty cans of beer and pizza boxes littered round the place.

I think I'm going to be sick


I would move the mirror in that case. I won't post again until I have become acquainted with a ladies private place if that is relevant to intelligence and vests are an imperative in these days of spiralling energy costs, so I suggest you change yours from string to thermal.


Remember to clean up that sick you know what Kim and Aggie told you.

There a couple of members who have posted on this thread which was I think aimed at them among others. They are both on my ignore list. the thing is I really want to know what the have posted. should I take them off my ignore list. Decisions, decisions!! :confused:


Go on....... do it...... you know you want to.......


Pretty obvious it't the attention freak 19C and his Scottish cousin.


They're not so bad.


I had 19C on my ignore list for a short while, but I found that censoring certain posters detracted from the overall debate.


The more I know of 19C, the more I like him. I don't agree with him at times but it would be a dull world if we all agreed.


As for GS......... he's made me chuckle over my coffee on a Sunday morning, so he must be alright!

Pretty obvious it't the attention freak 19C and his Scottish cousin.


I don't have any Scottsh relatives. Why don't you go and start a thread about the low quality envelopes the ticket office are now using or whatever your latest non-issue is with them. Did you complain to David Luker there is no C in Dune.


Attention seeking? I haven't recently upgraded after months of being a 3 post a day person.


I have no problem with either the argumentalists nor the happy clappys. The opinions of both are valid. FWIW I'm technically a glass half full man, I think we're lucky to be in existance and always willing to give time to people to prove themselves, and I think that without Mr Liebherr we wouldn't have anything to be positive or negative about.


My problem comes from those that refuse to listen to the other sides points of view. It's all very well thinking we should be doing better, that's an opinion, but then moaning at the more positive people for giving time to the club is not on. Likewise with the happy, positive souls - moaning about the negative posters is still moaning. This board would be duller place if we were all happy as larry, or miserable as sin.


There, now I've moaned about both sides. My work here is done.

Now I'm paranoid.



Don't worry B5 it's not you.


However, I think I will take a look back at your previous posts and see if you are another miserable moaning ****. If you are then you're going on the list! :D

Don't worry B5 it's not you.


However, I think I will take a look back at your previous posts and see if you are another miserable moaning ****. If you are then you're going on the list! :D


I don't think I can cope with that kind of scrutiny........



If we beat Barcelona in the European cup final 5-1 they would be talking about the sloppy goal we conceded and it's not good enough because "I have a season ticket you know"



Only if the goal was scored after the 50th minute, surely? :rolleyes:

They're not so bad.


I had 19C on my ignore list for a short while, but I found that censoring certain posters detracted from the overall debate.


The more I know of 19C, the more I like him. I don't agree with him at times but it would be a dull world if we all agreed.


As for GS......... he's made me chuckle over my coffee on a Sunday morning, so he must be alright!


'These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall

This is the wonder of devotion - I see the torch we all must hold.

This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall'


Yep, upon us all a little rain must fall after all we've felt the coldness of our winter.

I'm sorry, but is anyone else ****ed off at what seems to be a culture of sniping at NC and ML's intentions for the club. We've already got a complaint about a new kit, which I am sure they thought would be an idea that the fans would love. We've had people complaining about the fact that The Echo got their fingers burnt because they were playing with fire, and also the fact that it may seem to us (outside the confines of knowing the financial status of them) that a few transfers were the cheap options.


We owe these guys our club. They are investing heavily, yet it seems all people can do is ***** and complain. Seriously guys, wind yer ****ing neck in and realise how lucky we have been. Not everyone is going to like EVERY decision. If you don't like a decision, suck it up, don't throw your toys out the pram. They are doing a bloody good job so far, and I really hope they don't come on here too much, because if they did they must think we're such ungrateful *****s.


Anyway, rant over.


I think it's about time we put this right once and for all.


We are SUPPORTERS we are FANS we are NOT CUSTOMERS! You may think that because you pay your money you have the 'right' to complain! But that isn’t even what a customer is you doughnuts! We are supporters and Lowe knew this, it's not as though you can stop 'buying' Saints and buy 'Poopey' instead. If you cut me open, I'm red and white! If you think you’re a 'customer' then Walk away, follow 'Lowe' to his next business opportunity. But don't mix me up with your 'customer' beliefs. I am part of a club, I am part of a 'football club' I 'Support' the Saints, and I am a fan of everything red and white.


ML has saved this 'club'. Not the 'business', and he doesn’t give a stuff about the 'customers', they will obviously come and go as they please. He cares about the 'Supporters' and the 'fans' of this little 'club'. The PLC is dead, Lowe has gone, a new era is on the horizon, support ML like you supported Ted Bates, because without Ted, there'd be no Saints (as we know it) and without ML, there'd be no Saints (as we know it)!


So stop your, customer this, customer that rubbish and SUPPORT the Saints!




may i just say i like the thinking here......


I'm sure everyone is behind ML and NC and if we were to have a "Liebherr Out?" poll it would be fairly one sided. That doesn't mean we can't disagree with some of their policies, however. Nothing will ever be universally accepted by all the fans, there will always be moaning.

I tend to agree with a lot of this also. Surely it is in the nature of web forums that all views tend to be expressed. Personally I am more than a little irritated by the negativity of the likes of Alpine and the constant whinging of Glasgow Saint and the utter ******** spouted by Nineteen Canteen,(in my humble opinion of course) but as long as they stick within the rules they deserve the right to express themselves even if people suspect their motives for doing so and disagree with what they say. I believe it's something to do with that fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression.


There is a fundamental right of Freedom of Speech but a right that appears wasted on you. Do you not have an opinion on DPS's opening post? Do you think we should shut up and accept or criticise the actions/plans of NC/ML on which we feel strongly?


I'm not surporised you are personally irritated because I don't think you have ever responded to one my posts to initate a debate. You obviously read the forum in depth to form opinions on 3 posters and yet you don't have an opinion on the club or feel you need to defend it against those you strongly disagree with or is that a 'little irritated'.?


I would like to hear 'the motives the people suspect me of' and I guess so would Alpine and Glasgow as I think it is rare for the 3 of us to agree on anything. Your post confirms 2 things and I'm sure the 'people' can work it out.

I'm sorry, but is anyone else ****ed off at what seems to be a culture of sniping at NC and ML's intentions for the club. We've already got a complaint about a new kit, which I am sure they thought would be an idea that the fans would love. We've had people complaining about the fact that The Echo got their fingers burnt because they were playing with fire, and also the fact that it may seem to us (outside the confines of knowing the financial status of them) that a few transfers were the cheap options.


We owe these guys our club. They are investing heavily, yet it seems all people can do is ***** and complain. Seriously guys, wind yer ****ing neck in and realise how lucky we have been. Not everyone is going to like EVERY decision. If you don't like a decision, suck it up, don't throw your toys out the pram. They are doing a bloody good job so far, and I really hope they don't come on here too much, because if they did they must think we're such ungrateful *****s.


Anyway, rant over.


remember chaps resistence is futile off to the cooler with you , bolsheviks the lot of you

I would move the mirror in that case. I won't post again until I have become acquainted with a ladies private place if that is relevant to intelligence and vests are an imperative in these days of spiralling energy costs, so I suggest you change yours from string to thermal.


Remember to clean up that sick you know what Kim and Aggie told you.


That actually really made me laugh (and after a morning spent marking 25 A Level French essays on the techniques of Luc Besson, that is no bad thing! :-) )


people dont agree...oh no


I remember getting all sorts of flack for daring to suggest that our league form a few weeks back till now was not that great..all sorts of people claimed that I had no idea and that NC is not that daft to think like that..


then what happens..


Pardew himself admitted our league form needs to improve and then NC publically stated he wants better results


despite "moaning" etc..i was far closer to what the club wants than "just being happy to have a club to support"

people dont agree...oh no


I remember getting all sorts of flack for daring to suggest that our league form a few weeks back till now was not that great..all sorts of people claimed that I had no idea and that NC is not that daft to think like that..


then what happens..


Pardew himself admitted our league form needs to improve and then NC publically stated he wants better results


despite "moaning" etc..i was far closer to what the club wants than "just being happy to have a club to support"



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