Crab Lungs Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 I've been spending my lunch reading conspiracy theories and one which caught my particular eye was that Hitler had faked his own death and had in fact escaped Berlin as the Allied noose started to tighten. The earliest reports of Hitler going into hiding was in 1943, though many believe he did so between 1944-1945 and some time before Berlin fell. Many different theories abound to Hitler's whereabouts after the war, assuming he survived - but one of the most interesting was a purpose-built Berchtesgaden in Antartica. Allegedly the Nazi had been seizing and developing machines to build 'The Fuhrer' a new retreat and in 1944-45, Hitler moved to a state-of-art home in Antartica reminiscent of his previous Berchtesgaden to live out his days in exile and peace. It wasn't just about the Fuhrer though - the Nazi's allegedly built an 'empire under the earth' in the antartic which could house up to 2m people. Even more unbelievable, Hitler's escape from the British special forces saw them enlist the help of UFO's (Nazi flying discs) to down and defeat the forces chasing Hitler on run to his new home. Even more (tragically) unbelievable is the notion that the Nazi's had made some form of 'pact' or 'agreement' with the current, below surface inhabitants of Antartica :-o Another popular theory was that Hitler escaped to South America, possibly either Argentina or Brazil. One interesting idea was that he moved to a small Argentinian town called Bariloche, some 750km from Buenos Aires and once more, reminscent of his own Berchtesgaden back in Europe. The argentines themselves were, at that time, sympathetic to Nazi idelogy (I believe) but would they have gone to these lengths to have hidden an the world's most wanted man? Theory seems to favour that Hitler wanted to spend the rest of his days in a place that reminded him his favourite retreat... but is this plausible, really? The Soviets have never given up any of the supposed remains of Hitler for DNA and there are many people who believe the grainy images of his corpse were nothing but a body double - of which the Sovients found up to four in and around Hitler's death was supposed to have taken place. Anyway... that's the (far-fetched) history lesson over... any takers on either of the subjects/theories?
BARCELONASAINT Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Interestingly i have just finished reading a book that touches on the Germans during WW11 exploring ANTARTICA for traces of an earlier human civilization that the Germans believed were the "Arayan race" The Germans were a looney lot to say the least but probably no more than the Americans and the British. Personally i dont think Hitler is still around and having afternoon teas with Elvis, Princess Di and Michael Jackson;)
Dog Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 According to official documentation, his great grandmother and great grandfather on his mother's side were both Polish Jews.
Crab Lungs Posted 8 February, 2010 Author Posted 8 February, 2010 Interestingly i have just finished reading a book that touches on the Germans during WW11 exploring ANTARTICA for traces of an earlier human civilization that the Germans believed were the "Arayan race" The Germans were a looney lot to say the least but probably no more than the Americans and the British. Personally i dont think Hitler is still around and having afternoon teas with Elvis, Princess Di and Michael Jackson;) Of course, I think he'd becoming up his 121st birthday if he were around now :-o It's true, they were a completely mental bunch. Apparently the Fourth Reich live under Antartica now with the indigenous people of the Hanabu I also read a little bit about their (alleged) interests in creating a 'super solider' - part inspired by COD WAW, Dead Snow another Nazi zombie film and my own warped interests. Couldn't find much other than the 'Hartecks' virus on Nazi experiments, though the Soviets did attempt a few weird things with captured scientists during the war (bringing a dogs head back to life etc :-o) Of course, its most likely a load of all guff but fascinating to read when you've got a bit of time to kill..
Johnny Bognor Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Hitler Another theory is that he had, in fact, only got one ball. The other, was in the Albert Hall, apparently.
Baj Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 This thread reminds me, if you've not seen Boys from Brazil, watch it, great movie.
View From The Top Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Another theory is that he had, in fact, only got one ball. The other, was in the Albert Hall, apparently. Whilst his minister of propaganda had none at all, apparently.
jeff leopard Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 If you’ve not seen it already, I strongly recommend ‘Downfall’, all about the last couple of weeks of the war, set in ‘the’ bunker. It also tells the story of the battle of Berlin which hadn’t been told before in a film. The Berliners really got shafted from all sides, and I guess for years most people’s reaction would have been ‘I’m glad they did’.
RedAndWhite91 Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Another conspiracy is that Nazi developed rockets that could take people to the moon (after all, a lot of Nazi scientists went to work for NASA after the war) and in fact, there is a Nazi base on the moon in which many top Nazi officials fled to. Ooooooer.
spain saint Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 I have just finished reading a book about Space, which tracks four people from the WW2 up until present day. They included the german scientists capture by the Americans that worked on the first Apollo missions and beyond. Very interesting story!
Johnny Bognor Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Another conspiracy is that Nazi developed rockets that could take people to the moon (after all, a lot of Nazi scientists went to work for NASA after the war) and in fact, there is a Nazi base on the moon in which many top Nazi officials fled to. Ooooooer. Didn't Bob Hope once say, in response to the Russians launching Sputnik, that "Their Germans are better than our Germans"?
hamster Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Didn't Bob Hope once say, in response to the Russians launching Sputnik, that "Their Germans are better than our Germans"? Sounds about right. Was the story about the American 'space pen' a true one or just a FOAF tye story?
Foxstone Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 This thread reminds me, if you've not seen Boys from Brazil, watch it, great movie. As is The Odessa File
RedAndWhite91 Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 There is a town in Brazil called Candido Godol. The town is famous because it has so many twins, about 1 in 10 births result in twins. This is about 1000 times higher than the global average. The notorious Nazi scientist, Josef Mengele I think it is, is known to have fled to South America after the War, and some people have come up with a theory that he continued to experiment, although this time on the Brazilian women of the town. The hike in the rate in twins supposedly coincided with Mengele's arrival in the town, which had a lot of people of original German descent living there. To make things a little more weird, a lot of the twins have blond hair and blue eyes, not something you often associate with South America.
View From The Top Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Didn't Bob Hope once say, in response to the Russians launching Sputnik, that "Their Germans are better than our Germans"? There was a US Army team tasked with finding Nazi/German scientists at the end of WW2. They had to find them before the Soviets did.
Thorpe-le-Saint Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 (edited) Whilst his minister of propaganda had none at all, apparently. Wasn't the guy in charge of the S.S very similar? In all seriousness, if you want what can only be described as a definitive 'tomes' on Hitler, buy Ian Kershaw's BRILLIANT 'Nemisis' and 'Hubris' Edited 8 February, 2010 by Thorpe-le-Saint
CHAPEL END CHARLIE Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 (edited) While conspiracy theories are great fun lets be absolutely clear on this as the truth is important - no serious historian questions that Adolf Hitler committed suicide in Berlin by means of a self inflicted gunshot wound to the temple (a 7.65mm round from a Walther PPK) and simultaneously biting down on a cyanide capsule .This event took place within Hitler's private suite in the lower level of the Fuhrerbunker on the afternoon of the 30th April 1945 . While no one actually witnessed Hitler's death (his wife Eva Braun/Hitler was with him but also committed suicide at that time) several witnesses (including his private secretary Traudl Junge) were waiting nearby and have gone on the record confirming the details . The body(s) were subsequently placed in a bomb crater near the bunker exit within the grounds of the Reich Chancellery and partially cremated and buried , although Red Army shelling and a shortage of petrol prevented a satisfactory cremation . Hitlers personal driver (Erich Kempka) and his SS adjutant (Sturmbannfuhrer Otto Gunsche) among others carried out this procedure , their confessions quite literally beaten out of them on Stalin's orders by the notorious NKVD . The ultimate fate of Hitlers body is somewhat less certain , but it is generally accepted that the body was exhumed and autopsied in Potsdam by a special Red Army intelligence unit , identified by means of dental records , and then properly cremated . The ashes were (eventually) scattered in water . The well known skull fragment recently found in the Kremlin archive certainly does not belong to Hitler as a DNA test has proved it to be from a female . I recommend those interested read Hugh Trevor-Roper's semi official 'The last days of the Third Reich' or any of the many more recent studies on this subject . Edited 9 February, 2010 by CHAPEL END CHARLIE
View From The Top Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Beevor's Berlin is also a must read. Those Red Army folk spared no one once let loose.
Saint in Paradise Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Results 1 - 10 of about 443,000 for nazi in antarctica. (0.35 seconds) 1. The OMEGA File - NAZI BASES IN ANTARCTICA The OMEGA File NAZI BASES IN ANTARCTICA We will now examine the various claims of Nazi bases in Antarctica, which as we have said, may very well have been ... - Cached - Similar 2. Nazi UFOs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia His books claimed that flying saucers were Nazi secret weapons launched from an underground base in Antarctica, from which the Nazis hoped to conquer the ... - 6 hours ago - Cached - Similar 3. New Swabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The main purpose was to secure an area in Antarctica for a German whaling ... Map of Antarctica showing the location and size of New Swabia as claimed by ... colonies | History of Antarctica | Nazi Germany | States and territories ... - Cached - Similar Show more results from 4. Antarctica Nazi Base - Masked in Google Earth - Captain Bill 10 min - 22 Aug 2007 - Rated 4.3 out of 5.0 WWII - The Antarctica Flying Saucers German Base - Masked in Google Earth - You will see the exact location. According to some rumors, Antarctica ... - Related videos 5. Russia Admits NAZI UFO BASE IN ANTARCTICA,CONFIRMED BY GOOGLE ... 31 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 7 Feb 2008 However, I wouldn't doubt the rumors about Nazis in Antarctica; .... Assuming there is a nazi base in Antarctica, what gives? ... - Cached - Similar Nazis, Antarctica, Maria Orsic, Vril, Werner Von Braun, Melting ... - 13 May 2009 Did Admiral Byrd stumble across a NAZI UFO base in the Antartica ... - 30 Jun 2008 More results from » 6. Operation Highjump - Longhaul Nazi UFO's in Antarctica 18 Mar 2009 ... Conspiracy theorists specializing in supposed Aryan or Nazi occupations in Antarctica have extensively contemplated about this mission. ... - Cached - Similar 7. Above Top Secret Digital Dossier: Nazi Base In Antarctica - Jim Marrs In 1938, Nazi Germany sent an expedition to Antarctica with a mission to investigate sites for a possible base and to make formal claims in the name of the ... - Cached - Similar 8. IUFO: Marrs-Antarctica A Nazi Base - ORBIT: WORK COMPLETE 6 May 2001 ... But, while tales of a secret Nazi base in Antarctica may appear plausible to some, the idea that a warm water location at the South Pole has ... - Cached - Similar 9. THE NAZI-UFO CONNECTION S.S. "pure bred" scientists within the alleged Nazi base in Antarctica, code named the "New Berlin" according to Terziski, have been carrying out -- in ... - Cached - Similar 10. Project Camelot | Nazis in the Antarctic 22 Jan 2008 ... Therefore a thorough investigation of parallels between the book and existing Alien-Nazi-Antarctica research seems to be a good idea. ... - Cached - Similar Searches related to nazi in antarcticanazi flying saucers nazi ufos in antarctica nazi anti gravity nazi conspiracy theories nazi third reich nazis south pole
oxfordshire_saint Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 On a non-conspiracy theory subject, his plans for Berlin were quite interesting: I'd recommend to anyone to take a trip to Berlin and discover the history, it's a truly fascinating place (then take in the nightlife after!)
for_heaven's_Saint Posted 8 February, 2010 Posted 8 February, 2010 Sounds about right. Was the story about the American 'space pen' a true one or just a FOAF tye story? I believe QI dispelled this story as nonsense.
badgerx16 Posted 9 February, 2010 Posted 9 February, 2010 If you’ve not seen it already, I strongly recommend ‘Downfall’, all about the last couple of weeks of the war, set in ‘the’ bunker. It also tells the story of the battle of Berlin which hadn’t been told before in a film. The Berliners really got shafted from all sides, and I guess for years most people’s reaction would have been ‘I’m glad they did’. I thought it was about the end of a neighbouring football club At least, that's is what I've seen on YOUTUBE. ( More seriously, a truly brilliant film, and the scene where Frau Goebbles kills her children is absolutely chilling ).
Marsdinho Posted 9 February, 2010 Posted 9 February, 2010 There is a town in Brazil called Candido Godol. The town is famous because it has so many twins, about 1 in 10 births result in twins. This is about 1000 times higher than the global average. The notorious Nazi scientist, Josef Mengele I think it is, is known to have fled to South America after the War, and some people have come up with a theory that he continued to experiment, although this time on the Brazilian women of the town. The hike in the rate in twins supposedly coincided with Mengele's arrival in the town, which had a lot of people of original German descent living there. To make things a little more weird, a lot of the twins have blond hair and blue eyes, not something you often associate with South America. I thought this was proven not to be the case; instead the high amount of twins was attributed to a genetic anomaly in the region.
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